morganwrites12672 · 2 days
"I hate a cold bed
And I hate waking up to an empty bed. I hate going to bed alone. I hate that this stupid new apartment doesn't smell like her. I hate not getting to kiss her whenever I wake up every morning. I hate not getting to hold her while I fall asleep. I hate that she isn't here to slip into my morning showers. I hate that I can't just kiss her whenever I want. I'm losing my fucking mind without he.r
I was fine at first, I missed her sure. But it wasn't as bad. However, now? It feels like a fucking train hits me Everytime I realize she's hours away.
I'm sad."
you know who this is from !!!
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morganwrites12672 · 7 days
Hello! My names Morgan and on this blog I write. I also have a blog where I roleplay (@morgans-roleplay-blog ). And, I reblog things on @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs
Requests are currently: OPEN
List of characters I write for and other requesting details:
Throne of Glass: Rowan Whitethorn, Dorian Havilliard, and Chaol Westfall.
MCU: Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland)
Supernatural: (no spoilers, I just finished S7) Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester
911: Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz
The Inheritance Games: Jameson Hawthorne, Grayson Hawthorne, and Nash Hawthorne
The Naturals: Dean Redding and Michael Townsend
The Rookie: Tim Bradford
Also, if a character from the series/book is not listed, but the title is, you can still request for that character. It just might take me longer. And, here are fandoms that I also wrote for, but only sometimes. You can still request for them, but it may take a while.
Divergent, The Hunger Games, Stranger Things, Wednesday, and Shadow and Bone.
I do not write for any topics of Rape, SA, Incest, pedophilia, or stalking.
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morganwrites12672 · 11 days
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the loml 😍🥹
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morganwrites12672 · 12 days
theme is giving folklore but make it a horror film
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morganwrites12672 · 12 days
and u
i love you more
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morganwrites12672 · 12 days
wait "family don't end with blood" tho
it's giving... like. idk but I love it.
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morganwrites12672 · 13 days
wait shut up new theme i love it
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omg thx
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morganwrites12672 · 13 days
New Username
Previously @toomanyfandomsimfanvergent
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morganwrites12672 · 15 days
No Such Thing As Too Much Champagne
Dorian Havilliard x Reader
Summary: You get a little tipsy at the ball and Dorian helps you back to your room (after a dance of course).
A bright smile plasters your face as you place the now empty flute of champagne on a servers tray before grabbing a fresh one. It was a lively ball. Despite the fact that it was late into the night, very few people had went home. Most stayed, dancing and drinking to their hearts content. You were one of them.
Taking a sip of the champagne, you glance around the ball. The dance floor was quite bare. Most people were at the edge, drinking and conversing. Your feet ached from the many dances you'd accepted tonight. Maybe you should have turned down a few Dukes.
You locked eyes with the crown Prince and the chatter and noise from the ball falls into the background. A bright smile graces your lips. You finish the flute of champagne and place it on a passing servers tray. Dorian had always made time for you, despite the demands of court and the many ladies desperate for his hand in marriage. He gives you one of his signature smirks as he makes his way over to you. He takes your hand and kisses it as he approaches you.
"No ones taken you home yet tonight?" He asks with small chuckle. "I don't know how. Especially whenever you look like that." His words make your cheeks heat. He always thought you looked the best blushing. His eyes raked down your body. From the gorgeous folds of your dress, to the way the corset hugged your figure.
"No one that I want to take me home has offered," You replied as your arms wrapped around his neck. He quickly placed his arms around your waist. The buzz from the champagne had went straight to your head. Your words were far bolder than usual.
He raised an eyebrow as you two let the beat of the music carry you through the dance. "And, if I may ask, who do you want to take you home?" He asked in a teasing tone. He could tell you had probably drank too much champagne. It was obvious from how flushed your cheeks were, and from how bright your smile was.
You rested your head on his shoulder. You were sure all of the court would be talking about this in the morning. The way his hands rested on your waist, the way your bodies were practically pressed together, far to close for two people who were just 'friends'. Your relationship with Dorian was certainly complicated. You two always claimed you were just friends. The way you two both looked at each other whenever you thought no one was paying attention, well it was far from how friends looked at each other.
"You." As the word left your lips, you heard Dorian groan. You moved your head from his shoulder and looked at his face. His tongue darted out to lick his lips as he quickly glanced around the ballroom. He didn't miss how half the court was staring. He sighed.
"You've had too much champagne," He says. A frown clouded your expression. Dorian had always been flirty, not ignoring your attempts. You let a bit of distance grow between the two of you, no longer pressed against his chest as the two of you danced.
"No such thing as too much champagne," You replied. Dorian led you off the dance floor. You both ignored the suspicious looks from members of the court as he led you out of the ballroom. Where was he taking you? You were about to ask whenever he suddenly stopped walking.
"You're drunk. I'm going to take you to your chambers," He said, allowing you to take his arm as he led you down the hallway. The frown on your face didn't disappear. You had thought Dorian liked you as more than friends. It seems like he didn't.
You pouted slightly as Dorian opened the door to your bedroom. He led you inside before shutting it. The room was empty, your hand maidens had taken the night off for the ball. Even if the other ladies weren't as kind, you had always felt bad making them stay. It was easier to allow them to enjoy the parties.
"Don't pout. I'm not denying that I want you. I do. Gods, you have no clue just how much I want you," He said, staring into your eyes. You felt butterflies form in your stomach. "But you've had too much to drink. We can have this conversation whenever you're sober." And with that, Dorian left your chambers.
You were left standing in the middle of the room, cheeks blushing. From the alcohol, and from knowing Dorian liked you as more than friends. You actually had a chance with him. A pretty good one, or so it seemed.
Requests are open! I hope you enjoyed this fic!
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morganwrites12672 · 15 days
daily reminder that it's a VERY bad idea to text your ex
definitely not directed at @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles and @ashleyisonlinebitches
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morganwrites12672 · 15 days
daily reminder that it's a VERY bad idea to text your ex
definitely not directed at @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles and @ashleyisonlinebitches
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morganwrites12672 · 15 days
daily reminder that it's a VERY bad idea to text your ex
definitely not directed at @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles and @ashleyisonlinebitches
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morganwrites12672 · 16 days
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 50000 likes!
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morganwrites12672 · 24 days
would you be interested in joining our ant colony? you seem like a great addition and we’d love to have you!
. . . . . Why not
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morganwrites12672 · 24 days
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morganwrites12672 · 24 days
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morganwrites12672 · 1 month
Platonic Hawthorne Brothers x Hawthorne!Reader
Summary: "I was wondering if I could get a Hawthorne!reader doesn't like Avery when she shows up for the reading of the will, reader doesn't get anything from her grandfather, and her brothers comfort her because she has nothing" (request)
A/N: Thank you so much for the request @thatgrrlpoet ! I'm sorry it took so long for me to write.
Y/n didn't like Avery from the beginning. The girl seemed like trouble to her. She had never heard the name, she also didn't remember her face. A subtle frown tugged on her lips as she practically glared at the girl. Why would a random stranger be in her grandfather's will? It didn't make sense.
Her nerves were a mess as she waited for the will to be read. All of the Hawthorne's had finally showed up. Even if Nash had been late, and if Jameson was already drunk. She really needed to speak with him about his drinking habits. It was becoming constant. She would worry about that later, maybe talk to one of her other brothers first.
She quickly was snapped out of her thoughts as Mr. Ortega started reading the will. She had been distracted by Zara and Skye arguing. And maybe she had decided to stop paying as much attention as she should to todays events. She looked back to Me. Ortega anxiously.
"To my grandchildren, Nash Westbrook Hawthorne, Grayson Davenport Hawthorne, Jameson Winchester Hawthorne, Y/n Y/m/n Hawthorne, And Alexander Blackwood Hawthorne, I leave...." he paused for a moment before continuing. "Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars..." Y/n stopped listening after that.
What did he mean? Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a piece was nothing compared to the over forty billion dollar fortune. And he hadn't said anything about the estates. She glanced back to Avery. What had this girl done?
"The remainder of my assets," Mr Ortega continued, "including all properties, monetary assets, and worldly possessions not otherwise specified, I leave to Avery Kylie Grambs."
The room exploded in a chorus of angry voices. Zara and Skye were upset that they received nothing, and Grayson looked like he might just kill Avery. His gaze was deadly as he stared at the girl, jaw clenched. Jameson was too drunk for many emotions, he but he looked very curious. And then their was Nash...
Nash looked surprised, but not like he cared very much. He never had about the families issues. Not after how horrible he had been treated by their grandfather. He realized it was toxic and got out.
Y/n left the room, going to an empty hallway. She leaned her head back, taking a deep breath. Nash appeared. He had his coat, and looked like he was probably on his way out. He gave her a comforting smile.
"It'll be okay kid," He said softly, leaning against the wall opposite of her. "I don't know how this happened... but I'm sure you'll figure it out. Good luck. And don't beat yourself up over it," he said as he gave her a hug and made his exit.
She mumbled several curse words before making her way back to her room. Whenever she arrived there, she could see Grayson waiting for her. To think, just yesterday the entire Hawthorne family thought either Grayson or Y/n would inherit the fortune. They had always been the most heir apparent Hawthorne's.
"I'm going to figure out how she did it," Grayson said coldly. He looked determined. He had to figure out how this mystery girl had manipulated his grandfather. There was no way some random stranger would get the entire fortune. Not whenever Tobias Hawthorne had spent years trying to mold his grandchildren into the perfect heirs.
"I'm sure you will," Y/n grumbled, sitting at her desk. She swiveled around in the chair, facing Grayson. She looked up at the ceiling, frustrated.
"It was supposed to be either me or you! Not some girl I've never even heard of!" Grayson said, his voice had lost some of its edge though.
Y/n shrugged, moving to sit on the bed next to Grayson. She patted his shoulder. She might be upset, but Grayson seemed even more upset. She had always thought he had the better chance so she wasn't as certain it would have been her. But for it to be a random girl? That was completely unexpected.
"I'm sure we will figure it out," She said with a soft sigh. Grayson nodded, standing to exit her room. He stopped in her doorway, looking back at her.
"I'll be back in the morning. I'll see what I can find tonight," He said before leaving and closing the door behind him.
Y/n had barely had time to change into some sweatpants, before Xander flew into her room. She shouted a curse as he bursted into her room. He gave her a smile, holding up a plate of scones.
"I know you're upset.... so you can have a blueberry one," He said with a smile as he plopped down on her bed. He crossed his legs and sat the plage of scones down. "And, I didn't even use the secret passage because it pisses you off."
She couldn't help the smile that brightened her face as she grabbed a blueberry scone. Xander grabbed a lemon one.
She would figure this out, with the help of her brothers or course. Nothing would ever be too difficult for a Hawthorne to figure out. Not with the way that their grandfather had guided, and trained, their minds to work.
Thank you so much for this request! I loved getting to write it.
My requests are currently open!
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