moriddyn · 3 days
A hobby, hm… You know which hobby immediately comes to mind, and another after that. But both of those, how would one give insights or advice regarding it? In exchange for a recipe, at that.
You almost miss the change in demeanor, almost- if it were not so drastic, it would have been lost amidst your thoughts on the exchange. It shouldn’t come as a surprise, it was a masquerade, after all. Even you were pretending to be someone else.
“Hm… would you accept a transcription of one of my favorite pieces to play?” It would be difficult to do it on the spot, but you hope that you would be able to at least write the lyrics.
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It's ok, they're terrible in the kitchen, too. 
Rather than say, they decide to pull out a small notebook, and begin go jot down the recipe. They add a couple of important anecdotes, too. You know, like, don't use your hands to hold an apple over the fire. Or find a source of heat that isn't going to threaten your life in the process. The little things.
Reviewing the information, their own answer to the question comes to them. "If I'm providing a recipe...is there advice or insight you can give in turn? It doesn't have to be cooking. Dancing, gardening..."
"...a hobby that you Like." they request. "I would like to learn more." Their voice has lost the bright, upbeat demeanor that had been present throughout the conversation, but the expression shows that they still find this of great interest.
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moriddyn · 4 days
To better prepare ourselves for the future. To prepare oneself to build a better future. The promises they made that would lay heavily upon them the more they spoke of it aloud, so the words they leave unsaid are all the more prominent to him.
But in a moment, the gravity of such thoughts is lost. They were students at a school sponsored ball, and levity easily returns. 
It is not as though he was unaccustomed to teasing, but there was a difference between someone he considered akin to a sister, and, well… someone who was not. Giving compliments while he was already flustered- that was not quite fair, was it?
“Ah- well- I will do my best to live up to your expectations,” he musters, trying to hide the embarrassment that rises. He was normally more eloquent, he felt, but perhaps unaccustomed to outright compliments without a self-serving motive.
Normally, that would be fine- the second was far more common than the first.
Though, such reservations are quickly set aside upon mention of his homeland- his embarrassment replaced by a soft pride. “Yes, Etruria is my homeland… It’s a beautiful country. Though I miss it,” More than miss- he had been within its borders but not home for so many years, “I’m studying here in order to help once I return. I… would describe what it looks like, but I’m afraid I won’t do it justice.”
Fuck It We Ball
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moriddyn · 6 days
Elffin jumps, unprepared for the loud announcement of his own name. He is fairly certain he doesn’t recognize the young man before him, though the only thing keeping him from saying so for certain being that the recognition in the other’s voice was unmistakable.
“In order, yes- here,” he holds out his own brooch for the taking, waiting for the exchange to happen rather than potentially fumbling on his end, “and I am fairly certain that champagne will be all they offer here…”
Eventually, curiosity and the desire to be polite overcomes the potential awkwardness of a mistaken encounter. “I’m sorry, have we met before?” 
[ Champagne ] - Imported from the western shores of the Adrestrian Empire, the school purchases 70 bottles of this stuff well in advanced for this day alone. The bartenders are under strict orders not to offer any student more than one glass.
Elffin may be a student, but he looked old enough to be one of the professors- especially since a good amount of them were rather young. So, he is offered a glass with little resistance, and looks to the other person at the bar- though, from the looks of his age, he may not be looking for alcohol. 
Or maybe he was. Elffin would turn a blind eye, if so. Though, there was something about him- and it was not simply that he had not dressed for the occasion. But there was no logic in judging on merely a feeling, though he had the urge to learn more. “Hello… Are you enjoying the ball?”
No, Al was looking for alcohol.
He was, but the... kinda froofy glass he's been presented is way different than the ale he's had in the past. Why's it in such a little glass? Curiously and sort of incredulously, he peers at it, nearly jumping when he's addressed. And by a voice he recognizes, too! First Roy, then Chad, and now...
"Whoa, Elffin!" He exclaims, a little louder than would be polite, head whipping quick enough that it's a wonder he doesn't get whiplash. "I didn't know you were here, too! Man, did they up and dump all of Elibe here or something?"
Half a beat before he realizes, having twice now been reminded of the one thing at this event that has his interest so far.
"Oh, wait, do you have one of these brooch things?" He pulls the brooch in question from his shirt, holding it out—forgetting for a moment that Elffin might not be able to see it. Then, he points to his champagne. "And also, do you know if they have anything less prissy than this stuff?"
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moriddyn · 14 days
Ball Housekeeping
Final housekeeping post! Sorry dash
Outside of Masquerade:
Al Ball Mini ( @championsblade ) - continuing with a mini!
Fuck It We Ball ( @encantresse ) - continuing!
Thread 54 (Mask 32 / @boundlesschaos ) - continuing!
Thread 7 (Mask 10) - continuing!
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moriddyn · 14 days
May Activity
Points Earned: 1
Check: Authority +1
Skill Changes:
Authority B -> Authority B (1)
Dropped Threads:
Don't Shoot (Rolf)
Dancer (Ethereal Ball 2024) Silver Laurels (Ethereal Ball 2024)
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moriddyn · 22 days
[ Gossip ] "there he stands, the bard! the weaver of tales, the bearer of ballads most noble!" odin proclaims, greeting the man warmly with a hearty clap upon his shoulder, his laughter ringing out with boisterous mirth.
"well met, elffin!" an approving nod. i see you've dressed exquisitely for the occasion, clad in robes of resplendent blue! a fitting choice." odin raises the flute of champagne in hand, giving it a grand flourish before indulging in a sip. "now, tell me, o' Elffin the Enthrallist," his voice lowers. "what soul-stirring stories have you encountered this eventide? in exchange for your captivating chronicles, i offer this." odin retrieves a white feather from his brooch, waving it theatrically before presenting it to the other. "a token of our fortuitous encounter this night!"
What a boisterous greeting. It was not as though Elffin held anything against enthusiasm, but he does jump when he is suddenly addressed, especially so loudly. It does not help that he was approached from behind. He spins wildly, before realizing who it was.
“Professor Odin! You scared me.” He glances down at his outfit and smiles, holding out the edge of his scarf to the professor. “Oh, yes! I had meant for my attire to match with my mask, though it seems it was unnecessary, given the illusion. But I am glad you found it suitable… I was worried it was too simple.”
Elffin laughs, fishing out another bell to trade with the other man, before taking on a similar conspiratorial whisper. “For the sake of the stories you seek, I think I will speak of those I met within the illusion. To begin, within the mists...”
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moriddyn · 22 days
“There’s no need to apologize,” Elffin startled at her reaction, the gentle… not sympathy, but empathy. Understanding. Was his view of the world warped? He had accepted the dangers as simply a consequence of his position. It was what he was supposed to do- keep people at an arm’s length. “You were not responsible for what happened.”
He matches her tact in swallowing questions. The answers were secondary to returning her kindness, and so instead he responds, “I am sorry to hear that.”
Oh, but he had just… 
With the tacit agreement to move on, he forcibly relaxes his shoulders to address her more light-hearted statement.
“Well, if you say you have, then I will have to rely on you!” He tries to imagine her breaking a stranger's arm and… finds it fairly easy to imagine, honestly. He even hears a crack. Appearances could be deceiving, after all- and he had heard somewhere it was more about the technique than pure strength… though he knew neither. “Though I hope for the both of us it never comes to that again.”
“Deal!” There was nothing to lose and a lot to gain from such an invitation. Still, he flusters a little at her teasing, bringing one hand to the back of his neck. With a nervous laugh, he continues, “Well, even if I am not shy, I do worry that my tutelage would disappoint you.”
Fuck It We Ball
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moriddyn · 23 days
[Tea ] - Just what it says on the tin! The only teas offered are Mint, Bergamot, Sweet-Apple Blend, Albinean Berry Blend, and Southern Fruit Blend, wrapped in small tea bags. Clever students bring their own tea.
She approaches him silently as a wraith, teacup in hand. She isn't sure the flavor is to his taste, since she had chosen a flavor based on her own preferences. Still, there's nothing like something sweet to improve the mood after a long day of being on your feet.
"Here..." Sophia says quietly, finally announcing her presence. She hands over the tea cup on a saucer, black feather set off to the side. "You look..."
Ruffled? Upset? Like he'd rather be elsewhere?
"No one... will be upset... if you take a break... for a bit."
In the masquerade, out of the masquerade- the only difference between the two was that in one, Elffin played the part of another, and in the other, he had to act the part. One does not get stronger save through hardship, and one does not gain experience without participation.
It was just one night. He was so tired.
The ballroom was a blur of color and noise, though he could not tell if the former were merely because he was tired, or if he needed to find a seat as soon as possible. He jumps when he hears a voice, even if it were as soft as they could come.
“Oh, thank you.” He takes the tea, holds it between his two hands as he takes a deep breath. “I know, it’s simply…”
I thought I could make it. He smiles, taking out a bell to give to her in exchange. Better to sit down before he pushes his limits too far. “Be sure to rest as well.”
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moriddyn · 26 days
“I suppose it shouldn’t be…” Elffin smiles, trying to deceive himself into believing what he says. If it were a chore, his future in them would be unpleasant- but only if he made it so. “Yes, you’re very right. Especially since this is a school event… I shouldn’t worry too much about it.”
He sighs, and his smile fades into something more genuine. Something about her reminded him of another friend of his- offer to dance and all. “It must just be the nerves, then. I haven’t attended any formal events like this since the last assassination attempt, after all. But other than that, I can understand why balls seem so… magical.”
It was a little difficult to appreciate the splendor when he spent so much energy worrying over a knife in the back.
Quickly moving on, he perks up at the mention of a dance. “With such an overt invitation, I believe I will! I’m afraid I haven’t learned Fodlan’s dances as of yet, so I may require some instruction. I do know Etrurian ballroom dances, if you’d like to dance to one…”
With a small laugh, he continues. “Even if someone had caught my eye, I don’t think I’d have the courage to invite them to the ball so quickly.”
Fuck It We Ball
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moriddyn · 26 days
[Coffee]: She’s had this beverage before. She could not tolerate it black like some of the older people from her tribe did, but luckily a few sugar cubes and cream are accessible here at the table. As she approaches the table, she finds yet another familiar face. Only this one, she could not quite recall the name of.
“Hello," Sue greets first, "would you like a cup?”
There was a face he hadn’t seen in a while. Elffin remembers her- an ally for when he traveled alongside Master Roy. They hadn’t spoke much, so he is surprised when she takes the initiative to greet him.
“Hello, Sue.” He glances at the beverage she offers, recognizing it as something he had once had a taste for- but he had found the bitterness unpleasant without any adjustments. There seems to be some cream and sugar, but he hesitates to touch it. Still, he nods. “I wouldn’t mind one.”
“Oh, and…” He unclasps a small bell and offers it to her. “Welcome to Fodlan, if I’m not mistaken.”
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moriddyn · 29 days
continued from here
Elffin had long been taught to separate himself from others with titles- and then retaught to use them as a form of respect. Who should be called what and when were essential tools against any noble who would wish to disparage his upbringing. As a bard, it only added another layer- was he a prince who should demand respect, or a musician who should only grant it?
Even to commoners, he would grant them- they were people all the same. Whether it was that they deserved respect or that he must push them away for the danger they posed to him, and the danger he posed to them- he wasn’t sure. 
Which was to say, what does one do when they grant the wrong one? 
“Oh, yes.” He, too, unclasps a bell to hand over to her. “Thank you… L- Dorothea.”
He pauses. There were few people who he would speak without titles, fewer in a public space. Was this safe?
Before the pause grows too long, and his thoughts grow too loud, he continues, trying to seem as though he did not briefly catastrophize the mistaken title.
“I’m afraid I hadn’t thought so far ahead. I must eventually speak with more guests, and I suppose it would be remiss to attend a ball without dancing at least once… but other than that, I’m not quite sure.”
Fuck It We Ball
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moriddyn · 29 days
continued from here
“Then all the better to sample them again- it will be another new experience.” Rustic or not, Elffin had known the good in both. If he headed to a town festival, that is what he would expect- and when he arrived at a masquerade, the expectations were naturally different. At the very least, he was pleased that he was not mistaken. It would have been embarrassing otherwise. 
“I would very much like to, yes.” He takes the one with the cherries, and, careful with the icing, splits in half, offering one to the Faerghan prince. “Then we shall start with this one. Does it have a name?”
There was something nostalgic about the action, even if he had never really done this before. Splitting sweets on the edge of a ballroom, as the music rose and the dancers swayed. Something childish, but charming.
No Please I Insist
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moriddyn · 1 month
The only person he ran from was himself, but to admit that would be discourtesy of the highest regard. So he only laughs along, finding his footing in this unfamiliar terrain. “If only, then I would have a better excuse to offer than simply my eagerness to find these gardens.”
Paltry lies, polite ones, in order to keep the conversation going. He can’t help but feel that they are clumsy in light of what others could offer. But he must make the attempt if he has any intention of improving. 
“I’d be delighted,” he pauses, trying to recall if there were a title he should match to her name, “Lady Dorothea. I am Elffin.”
He indulges in a bit of comfortable silence as the two of them start to walk through the gardens. Even while not paying much attention, he can tell how much care was put into its arrangements- or rather, rearrangements. 
Though, in this silence he can hear the ringing of not one, but two bells, reminding him of the little game the staff of the ball had devised. “Say, does the monastery play these games at the ball every year? I think it’s charming, though I haven’t been here for long.”
[ Garden ] - Need to get away from the thick of the party for a moment? Step outside of the dance hall, where Garreg Mach's own vaunted gardens await, gracefully decorated to take on new life for the duration of the evening.
Elffin may be here to relearn what it was to be nobility, but that did not stop him from feeling overwhelmed by the mere thought of the responsibilities, even if there were no one imposing them upon him but himself. But still he hurries his way out of the ballroom after one thought too many about how he would need to host these for the rest of his life, stumbling over the doorway as he does.
He isn’t using his cane, and he isn’t watching where he is going, so it is inevitable that he runs into another in his rush. “Ah- Saints- My apologies.” 
He fumbles for his cane, as he stands, before offering his hand out to the poor woman who was victim to his absentmindedness. “Are you alright?”
in all fairness, dorothea hadn't been paying attention either. like the handful of others scattered around the grounds, she'd been busy admiring the eye-catching decor strung across the gardens. her head turns only when another bumps into her, the act sending her teetering ever so slightly before her ultimate recovery.
a glance upward reveals a face she does not recognize; a stranger as far as she knows. as apologetic as he is, she offers a reassuring nod in turn and accepts the outstretched hand. "oh, i'm fine. it'll take more than that to shake me up."
seeing the cane, the songstress quickly sidesteps him, deftly adjusting her trailing skirt to avoid any accidental jostling. bright eyes linger a while longer, noting approvingly that he appears to be dressed fashionably — more effort than some of the other guests she has seen.
"i see you're in a hurry," she teases, following with a good natured laugh to show all is well. "running away from something, are we? or maybe someone?"
it's a quite moment of repose. surely there's no harm in indulging in another's company to pass the time? the ball is, after all, a most opportune time to meet new people.
"would you care to join me for a walk?" a smile. "i'm dorothea. and you are-?"
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moriddyn · 1 month
He is meant to be more accustomed to the bright lights and colorful attire, but he is already overwhelmed. Maybe he should find somewhere less crowded...
But that would be escaping responsibility, wouldn't it? He can only hope his cane would be unneeded tonight.
If only everyone had a small bell akin to his... Though perhaps that would become rather noisy.
Black Feather: Sophia
White Feather: Odin
String of Pearls: Zihark
Small Bell: Dorothea
Teardrop Crystal: Sue
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moriddyn · 1 month
feel free to edit or elaborate as you please .   ( add  ‘ reverse ‘  to your message if you’d like to see how my muse would perform the action ) . otherwise , send in one of these for my muse’s reaction to   …
[ lit ]  your muse lighting a cigarette , spliff , etc. for mine . 
[ order ]  your muse ordering for mine at a restaurant or bar .
[ guide ]  your muse putting a hand on mine’s back to lead them .
[ pay ]  your muse paying for mine at a store , bar , restaurant , etc . ( you can specify where or for what . )
[ open ]  your muse opening a door for mine .
[ dry ]  your muse drying mine off with a towel after a shower , bath , swimming , etc . 
[ instruct ]  your muse giving mine instructions / telling them what to do . 
[ groom ]  your muse adjusting mine’s appearance , such as straightening a tie , fixing their hair , or buttoning their shirt for them , etc . 
[ direct ]  your muse taking mine by the chin and telling them to look yours in the eye .
[ disagree ]  your muse sternly telling mine  ‘ no ‘ .
[ rest ]  your muse resting their arm over mine’s shoulder / s .
[ clean ]  your muse cleaning a smudge of something off mine’s cheek , forehead , etc .   feel free to specify what and how . 
[ answer ]  your muse answering a question meant for mine . 
[ coat ]   your muse holds mine’s coat out for them while they put it on .
[ pilot ]  your muse taking mine by the arm , hand , shoulder , etc . to lead them . 
[ stare ]  your muse staring mine down . 
[ placement ]  your muse telling mine to sit down .
[ teach ]  your muse taking control of mine’s hand , arm , hips , etc . to make sure they do something correctly .  
[ patience ]  your muse telling mine to be patient .
[ tears ]  your muse wiping away mine’s tears .
[ swat ]  your muse swatting mine’s hand away from something they’re not supposed to touch .  
[ jewelry  ]  your muse clasping a piece of jewelry for mine , such as a necklace , or earrings . 
[ enough ]  your muse commanding mine to stop talking . 
[ retrieve ]  your muse requesting or ordering mine to retrieve them something .
[ invite ]  your muse inviting mine to sit on their lap .
[ lean ]  your muse inviting mine to lean into their side while they’re sitting or laying together . 
[ calm ]   your muse telling mine to  ‘ just breathe ‘ .
[ scold ]  your muse scolding mine for something .
[ comfort ]  your muse pulling mine into a reassuring hug .
[ approval ]  your muse complimenting mine on a choice they’ve made .
[ beckon ]  your muse beckoning mine to them without speaking . 
[ laces ]  your muse lacing , tying , or zipping something for mine , such as shoes , a dress , or a jacket , etc .
[ stay ]  your muse telling mine to stay in the car . 
[ defend ]  your muse defending mine’s reputation , dignity , or safety for them . 
[ feed ]  your muse feeding mine something , feel free to specify what .
[ volume ]  your muse demanding mine speak louder .
[ read ]  your muse reading something to mine .
[ refill ]  your muse refilling mine’s glass for them . 
[ possessive ]  your muse resting their hand on mine’s leg or the small of their back while they’re sitting beside each other . 
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moriddyn · 1 month
Leanne is confident, he noticed, and so Elffin finds little reason to be on edge regarding their performance. Perhaps his music was not magical, but hers was, apparently, and that shall have to do. He smiles gently as he takes her hand, moving towards the stage. She had an otherworldly aura around her, one that made him surprisingly accepting of her claims. 
Maybe it was the way she held herself- or maybe it was those feathery props (appendages?) upon her back. He still struggled to figure if they were real- they moved in the wind, but he hadn’t found any sort of mechanism to move them physically upon her.
Perhaps that was also the magic…
Upon the stage, however, all of those doubts disappeared- or rather, put aside for the show. He takes out his lyre and tests a few notes, waiting for her to settle into a position on stage before beginning a light melody.
It was simple and repetitive, a good start for how unprepared the two of them were- when she was ready, she could begin singing easily, and he could adjust accordingly.
The audience waits, expectant.
The Birds Are Singing
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moriddyn · 1 month
“Oh, yes. Thank you.” Elffin takes the offered folder, carefully opening it and looking through its contents. The art, as he had only been able to glance at prior, was beautifully crafted, each stroke painted with care. The detail, now clearer to him, spoke to the level of craftsmanship within. The written word, too, referenced some ruleset that he didn’t understand. 
“They are beautifully painted…” He spends another moment lingering on the art, before handing them back to their owner. “Thank you, again. I don’t play the game, either, but the art was worth seeing at least once.” 
With some curiosity- from what he had seen, some of the cards seemed of high quality- he looked to the owner of the cards. He did hear of a few that did not play the game- merely collected the sets, instead. Were they one of them? “Do you plan on collecting them, then?”
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