Titania is enjoying her very own paddling pool. Bless her.
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Some of our little connies (green cheek conures) enjoying the water on this hot day.
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Education is the key to change.
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We now work alongside 2 schools taking in students on work placement : Easingwold Comprehensive School Thirsk School and Sixth Form College- 'Be More Thirsk' ;
Askham Bryan College ; Wildlife, Conservation and Animal Management Departments
We have also just heard back from 3 universities that are world leaders in conservation, veterinary science and wildlife management, that they now have added us onto their books as an institution for graduate placements etc.
Very excited to add Bangor University - Conservation and Wildlife , Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital - part of the The Royal Veterinary College (RVC) and the University of Liverpool - institute of IVES
Together we can change the future for ALL parrots great and small.
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Just want to say a massive THANK YOU to all the people who have sent the parrots Harrison’s, wormers, walnuts, and donations recently. I am eternally grateful to you. It makes a massive difference.
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Just want to say a massive THANK YOU to all the people who have sent the parrots Harrison’s, wormers, walnuts, and donations recently. I am eternally grateful to you. It makes a massive difference.
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We are in the news! Look North filmed the Open Day and have broadcast it today. It is so lovely to be able to showcase what we do and why we do it. BBC Yorkshire BBC North East and Cumbria
I’m case you missed it, here it is.
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And that’s a wrap…
FABULOUS Open Day yesterday. We raised approx £1700 which is amazing! Thank you so much to everyone who came, all the volunteers, stall holders, donators, and of course the stars of the show, the parrots! Here are a few of the photos from the day.
Watch out for TV coverage on Look North this week!
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Getting a lot of media coverage.
York Mix tomorrow morning at 7.30am
Radio York Friday morning
Social media coverage coming from York Mix
Look North coming soon….
DON’T forget to visit us this Sunday too!
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SO much to celebrate today:
1. Little Polly II found sunshine. For the first time in her life she has felt the sun on her back and had the freedom to choose to be there.
2. I met some beautiful people who really cared about what we do.
3. WE HAVE BEEN REGISTERED AS A CHARITY! We’ve done it!!! We’ve proved we are worthy of charity status even though we do NOT rehome to the public and we do NOT open to the public, but are for the public benefit, they have agreed we are a charity! Wahoo! Only one other sanctuary has been granted charity status under those parameters.
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I want to share with you the story of this fragile soul. She arrived yesterday as her ‘dad’ had died 2 days earlier after a very short illness . She is 25 years old. Her life expectancy is between 15-20 years. She is so very frail but oh so lovely. Although she hasn’t been out of a cage for 10 years, and is too weak to fly, she’s kind and friendly and just wants to snuggle under my chin when I take her out of the cage, and she chats incomprehensibly. She is a red-bellied parrot. I’m so worried for her. I fell in love with her the second I saw her. Parrots mourn like humans, they are emotional like humans as well as intelligent (more so than most humans). They live in close social groups with their life long friends - like humans. Yet she’s a parrot at the end of her life, mourning her friend, sat in a strange cage in a strange room. My heart is breaking.
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Ophelia is in the zone putting on her best show. It’s a 10 from Len. (Neither of them know I’m there 😘🥰)
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In the world of parrots I have a few ambitions that I’ll strive to do before I die. One of these is to create a network of care across the country (maybe even further afield) so that no parrot is ever left abandoned, uncared for or unwanted. That means we have started creating a web of rescues and sanctuaries that meet the highest criteria. We are so lucky to be working collaboratively with these - we respect each other, we care for each other and we are there for each other, just as we are with the parrots. The Haven Parrot Rescue, Avian angels parrot rescue UK National Bird of Prey Centre, Parrot Trust Scotland
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Lenny wants to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony . God love him.
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Thought I’d give you a tour of the greys- after lots of requests and promises of donations if I do! Here they are.
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Birdie & Jerry on a mission.
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Some of our lovely little connies outside enjoying just being connies.
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T minus 10 seconds. Parrots are a go. Roger that. Wilco and out. ✈️🦜
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