ur1simp · 1 month
Any Marty McFly x Reader ideas? I may make the Calvin Klein scene...but I wanna hear from you guys! What should I do?! :))
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ur1simp · 1 month
Seven 11
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sorry About my break..I've been busy with stuff and I've been working on writing..
Y/N was at Seven 11, getting chips and f/D (favorite drink). She saw a boy who was about 5'4, brown hair, jeans, Nike shoes, jean jacket and a red vest. She shrugged and paid for everything.
She grabbed her backpack and put the chips in. She soon got on her skateboard and skated away. She entered the school, girls staring at the door...not at you...but to the boy you JUST saw at seven eleven.
Wait, that's the new kid! He better not take your place in being he popular kid. Y/N walked over to Jennifer, Jennifer smiled as the new kid did a smile smirk.
Great, now he has your best friend under a spell..great...just great.
You put everything into your locker and grabbed a couple books, his locker wasn't near yours but near your class. Girls shoved you out of the way to get to him, to which you spilled your drink everywhere.
"ugh! Watch it!"
Y/N shouted as the girls ignored her. She walked into the class to see the same boy next to her, well his desk next to hers taken by him. Girls were staring, even your best friend..
"hey, uhm, sorry about the shirt. Guess once girls see a loveable, strong, and handsome boy they would do anything to get near him. Am I right?"
The boy said, he smile-smirked and chuckled at his own "joke".
"listen, I don't know who you are. But I know you're following me. Stop!"
Y/N yelled, she gripped her books tighter, the corners of her books digging into her skin.
"woah, okay, okay chill.."
The boy said. He looked around and would smirk at girls. Girls would giggle, squeal, look away, and blush.
"well, class, today we have a new student. Welcome Mr.McFly! This is our new student named Martin McFly!"
The teacher clapped, and all the girls of course clapped. y/n being the cool girl just coughed.
It was lunch..finally. Jennifer sat by you, she instantly kept her eyes on Marty.
"are you okay?"
Y/N asked. She ate the chips she had bought at the store.
"I'm okay, I think I may ask that boy out...Marty McFly.."
Jennifer sighed and smiled
"he's cute!"
Jennifer squealed
Marty glanced over at them and he winked..but to who? It had to of been to Jennifer...deffinetly not Y/N...right?
Y/N felt a bit of heat sneak up on her face. She looked at Jennifer, who happily ate her food.
"you're weird, you know that?"
Y/N joked as Jennifer shrugged and continued to eat.
Finally schools over. I grab my skateboard and skate out of there. I go turn into my garage and I saw the same boy, Marty. Great now he's my neighbor?
I ignore him and ran to my room. I shut the door, I looked outside and watched him go inside.
Sure that sounds weird, but I can't help to think that...he is cute..
Oh no, I'm a crushing on him?!
This will NOT become a full on series, I'll probably make another part tho!!
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ur1simp · 3 months
yes, it's gonna be a Best friends to lovers thing. I'm gonna take votes for a scene from ANY of the back to the future movies! Any that I'd list you could vote on! If there are any that I didn't list that you would want me to recreate id gladly do so! I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS THIS IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT ONLY CREDITS TO THE PRODUCTION OF BTTF
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ur1simp · 3 months
terrible news.
i feel terrible. But I cannot make the whole "Blast the the Past" story. Im very stressed out and this has been on my mind ever since I started writing. My work isn't saving on my draft section so I'm pretty mad about that..I could try writing like...some scenes (you guys may know what scenes I may do..) I'm sorry to ssy this, i feel terrible bc some people were probably looking forward to this. I feel bad...
So, to make it up I can write a couple things! Anyone got requests, please write it down. I will take any scenes from all three of the movies. Once again, I'm very sorry..:(
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ur1simp · 4 months
LAST EPISODE SADLY Marty McFly x FemReader
This was really fun to make, I'm writing this quickly so I can finally finish the first part of the first scene in my BTTP series! Sorry I feel bad but Im just tooooooo excited!!! EEK!! :DDD
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(don't ask why I chose that song...)
1st person POV:
Finally, summer. I can relax in bed all day.
The bell has rang, and all I hear in the hallway is chattering.
"Y/N!" I heard my boyfriend yell.
"oh Hi Mar-" I got cutoff from his hug.
He had this big smile on his face, it was so adorable! His hair brushing against my cheek.
"Y/N! Schools over! We can have a long summer to ourselves!" Marty smiled and put me down on my feet as I walked to my locker.
"yes!" I smiled as I put my books in my bag.
"wow...we finished school can you believe it?!" Marty shouted.
"i can't believe it!" I smiled at my boyfriends cute face.
All around us were friends saying goodbye to eachother, couples kissing and leaving, students crying while cleaning their lockers, etc.
"got everything?"
Marty's voice made me snap out of it.
"yep!" I smiled and he wraps his arm around my shoulder.
I have no idea what has happened to jennifer..she hasn't been to school since she said Marty wasn't cute, I wasn't really mad at her. Well...oh...HUH-
I saw Jennifer hanging out with the school Jock. She was kissing him. I glared at her, and she glared back.
"hey, um, babe let's continue walking okay..?" Marty stated, I nodded and continued walking.
Marty smiled, he was going to skate home but as usual he couldn't leave Y/N. He smiled.
"So, what are your plans? What are you going to do now since schools done with..?" Marty asked.
Y/N told him her plans.
(some people don't want to go to college after school. So yeah :3 )
"wow, alright." Marty said, Impressed.
"yeah..what about you?" I asked.
"well, I'm going to get a band. One day, I'll get a band.." Marty smiled.
"wow, alright McFly." I said with a smile.
"McFly...Y/N McFly..how does that sound? That has a ring to it." Marty said.
I had so much fun writing this! Im not going to have a posting schedule for my BTTP series because I'm really busy so I just post when im open 🥲 ilysm! ❤️❤️
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ur1simp · 4 months
Other songs I may add
i may add some songs that are not from the 80s here is the list tell me in the comments of there should be some songs in there that I didn't add.
Yo guys should I also make Tears for fears povs? Let me know, I may make like 1 but in one post.
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ur1simp · 4 months
hold up-
okay has any writer had that moment where they finally got motivated to write something but then when they start with one sentence you just give up?
That's how I am. Can anyone else relate?💀
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ur1simp · 4 months
(blast to the past duhhh)
here are some extra ones I may add just for fun and In case I think that the chapter is boring.
Yes i love tears for fears. I literally have pics of them all over my room and I have all their albums. Haha...ha...EH UM
And yeah! I will try to see if I could make some "fan art" of the series like one of those Wattpad ones I recommend those btw I read most of those books for some ideas on the series! I don't have a Wattpad account sadly so most of my time on Wattpad is limited I had to wait once 3 months...idk how but yeah. I got a tumblur account bc it's a lil more popular than Wattpad??
Idk I hope you have an amazing blast to the past with Marty! Your character isn't really going to be based off of me, well idk, I try to make it relate to everyone as much as possible! Ilysm, have an amazing day! ❤️
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ur1simp · 4 months
What I have so far on "The Blast to the Past" series
(Sorry for the main character energy here🥲)
Here's the "trailer"
Y/N Brown and Marty Mcfly. Two teenagers, best friends since they were 8. One day it was an average day, being late as usual, but this is different..
(uh sorry idk how to work that...haha....ha.....)
The two best friends go back in time and bump into each others parents! What will happen to them? What will change their future? Find out..
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ur1simp · 4 months
Ep.9 (I believe I'm right lol) Marty Mcfly x FemReader
Monday, yay...but it's going to be your first week dating Marty!!
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Jennifer is back, she came back a little earlier then expected. You were walking with her in the hallway until you felt hands wrap around your waste. Marty.
"Marty...!" You squealed.
"hey doll-" Marty said as he saw Jennifer.
"uh what's happening?" Jennifer said as she looked at you.
"um Jennifer, while you were gone...I kissed Y/N. It's not her fault!" Marty said as he looked at you and gave you peck on your neck.
"Well, shes my best friend! I pick what's best for her! There for, I don't want her to date you!" Jennifer yelled at Marty.
"she can date whoever she wants! Your not her mom!" Marty says defending you.
"ugh, fine! I met a cuter boy." Jennifer said.
What has gotten into her! She used to be some fluff ball and now shes...shes changed. It's..heartbreaking.
Marty looked at you and he took you by the hand and left the school. He had his skateboard in his armpit while holding hand with you.
"Marty, I'm sorry I have no idea-"
Marty kissed you.
"it's not your fault."
He looked like he was going to cry.
"are you okay?"
Marty looked around and shook his head and brought you behind a tree, where soon enough he started crying at.
"I'm not cute." Marty said
That's right...jennifer said that she found a cuter boyfriend? She's changed.
(Ugh I'm starting to not like her. Oop, well shes your bff)
"Marty, I love you for how you are. Cute or not, I love you!"
"I love you too."
You both shared a kiss..
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ur1simp · 4 months
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ur1simp · 4 months
Michael J Fox x reader Middle School
Hello, I'm writing the Episodes for the week! I'm writing them so I can copy and paste it, so it would be easier! Enjoy this one!
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You heard Michael run up to you. You both were in 8th grade, and you both were best friends! Your parents loved him, and his parents loved you!
"Oh hey Mikey! How you doing?" You said grabbed his shoulders as he was out of breath.
"The school is having pizza for lunch!" He said with a smile.
"Well what are we eating for?! Let's get in the line!" You said, pulling him to the front of the line.
The smell of Pizza, Onion rings, pretzels, and you both can't wait to get some Pepsi! You both grab all that you can put in the tray! It was Friday and that means, good lunch!
"oh Y/N! Grab 4 ice creams..quickly!" Michael says looking at the ice cream.
"I got you!" You said, opening the lid and grabbing 4 ice creams, technically 2 for the two of you.
You both paid, and sat down in the back next to each other. Michael started to lick his ice cream quickly and got a 'Brain Freeze' he gasped and then grabbed his head.
"Ah! What wrong Mikey?!" You said as you looked at him.
"Brain Freeze!" He yelled and shoved his face into the crook of your neck.
"Oh, ouch." You say and squeezed your left eye shut.
Michael got a grip on himself and then ate all his lunch, you did the same.
"okay, well I'll see you tomorrow? Right?" Michael says, you both didn't have any classes after this and you both didn't live near eachother.
"Yep! I'll see you!" You say.
Michael smiles and kisses your cheek and you do the same, it's something you both do, and go to your next class.
(I hope you ENJOYYYYYED I'm rick right now sadly, hopefully I get better. Ilysm byeeee!!❤️❤️ I'm still writing the other episodes!!🤫🧏‍♀️)
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ur1simp · 4 months
Marty Mcfly x FemReader
(This is for the females, it talks about how I feel like Marty would act and how he would comfort you if your on your period. If your not comfortable with the topic do not read!! Thank you. ILY!!)
Ugh, school. I hate school so much and it's so close to the end of the year. 1 more week..finally.
"honey! Wake up!" My mom yelled.
I try to get up but feel my stomach twist. Oh no, not now! I ran to the bathroom and locked it. I turned on the shower, and go in. I went into my room and grabbed some comfy clothes.
I put them on along with some of my feminine products I use (you can use whatever you want that helps you with your period.)
I change my sheets and get in bed. I don't want to move at all. I close my eyes, then I hear a knock.
"come in." I say, loud enough.
I close my eyes and then hear the door open. My boyfriend came and laid in bed with me in front of me.
"hey babe, you know you have 30 minutes to get ready." He says.
"mm." I mumbled before opening my eyes.
"I cant. I can't go to school."
"huh, why not?"
"I'm on my..period."
"oh, does your mom know?"
"here, I'll miss school today."
5 hours later:
Me and my boyfriend are in bed cuddling, were both asleep. I'm so glad I have a boyfriend who understands me so well. I only threw up 2 times by how bad my cramps are. I took some medicine and that helped a bit.
"I love you, love."
"I love you too marty."
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ur1simp · 4 months
𔓘Marty x Reader𔓘
(hello! Sorry I haven't been posting much, I'm still writing the week from like...3 weeks ago sorry for that. Um, I hope you enjoy this! Get ready to have some...mixed emotions? Idk ILY GOODBYE! I'm also having really bad cramps. I may make a Marty x Reader story for girls who are on their . Just because Im on mine and I'm in pain.)
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A saw blue flash outside my window. I was home alone at the time, I looked outside to see...a goofy old car? Weird. I probably shouldn't go outside to look but, eh? Who's here to stop me? I went to go grab my flashlight, and my boots. I put those on and went outside.
"hello? Anyone here?" I asked aiming the light at the car.
"H-Hi! I uh I'm sorry for crashing my..del- my..." the boy looks around and sees a Tesla. "My...Tesla!"
"are you okay? That's not a tesla. By the way, where did you come from? I saw a blue flash and Im now looking at a teenager who looks like he came from the 80s." I said as the boy gets out of the car, slowly.
"oh uh it's a...dress-up!" He says
"a cosplay?" I burst out laughing.
"hm? Look, can I have some money or something so I can stay somewhere?" He says with a serious face.
I hand him $20 dollars and he take it and runs off.
"wow, really can't trust people now. He just ran off." I say and walk inside.
The next day, I woke up to hearing tapping on my window. I look to see that same boy from last night.
"what?" I say when I opened the window.
"Geez, waking up on the wrong side of the bed?" The boy says.
"what do people who watch people? 'peeping Tom'? How long were you watching me? Nevermind, ignore that. What do you want?" I back away from the window as I see the boy jump in.
"nothin, just wanted to come in." He gave me a smile-smirk and raised his eyebrows.
"what's your name? You look like a slacker." I asked and gave a fact.
"haha, very funny. Um no Im Marty Mcfly." Marty said.
"I'm Y/N L/N."
He laughed.
"okay Mrs.McFly."
"ayo- what?"
"I'm joking!"
I actually had a fun time with Marty, he said he would like to come again for the rest of the week. How could I say no? He asked me if I wanted to date on the 4th day. I said yes, even though we hardly knew each other.
I got a call on the 7th day:
"Hello, Y/N? Can you meet me outside your window?"
I saw him outside the window. I came down.
"hey!" He said while smile-smirking.
"look, I want you to know is I love you. No matter how far I am from you. You will always live in my heart. I have to go..now."
Next moment I know is he pulled me into a kiss.
"see you later future Girl." Marty said as he hoped inside his car and back up, went into reverse, and went up to 88mph and disappeared.
"marty...?...Marty? Marty!" I yell.
It's been 70 years, I'll never forget him. I'm 87 years old. There has been Flying cars, cellphones, ai, and blue tooth headphones. I'm still telling my story, I'll never forget my first teenage Love and my only love. I adopted a girl when I was 27 and she had started a family with her husband. I never heard from Marty Again..I hope he's doing okay.
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ur1simp · 5 months
Micheal J Fox x Reader !!HIGHSCHOOL!!
this is a high school POV! Enjoy :)
(I'm going to use I,me, and myself but remember THIS IS YOUR MOVIE!!)
A week..finally I get to spend some time with my best friend, Michael. Michael was a transferred student, and he didn't have anyone to talk to until he met me!
"okay class, everyone be quiet!" The art teacher said slamming books on her desk. "We have a new student, Mr.Fox over here would like to have a partner for this peoject. Any volunteers?"
I felt bad, nobody wanted to be his friend or partner. I joined the action, I was alone too so he could be with me!
"over here!" I said, waving my hand. I was in the back of the class so it was really easy to see where I was, I hope.
"ah, over there. Y/N L/N will be your partner!" The teacher said pushing Michael towards me a little.
He came over abd sat in front of me. He looked nervous, all eyes were on him poor boy.
"Hey, ignore them! Let's get this project done with! Alright?" I said with a smile on my face. I secretly put paint on my finger.
"Yeah, your right-" Michael got caught off guard because I had put paint on his face. "Ha! Hey!" He laughed, yelled?
~💅End of FlashBack✨~
Anyway, he's been my friend since the 6th grade! I can trust him!
"Hey N/N!~" Michael said wrapping an arm around my shoulder as he sang my name.
"Hello Sir." I said back with a smirk.
"Ha! Ha...oh look! Prom!" He stopped and dragged you to the wall to look at the prom poster.
"Yeah. What about it?" I asked him.
"It looks fun! Want to come?" He asked me as he took my shoulder, Geez does he not carry his books...?
"Yeah, sure, that sounds fun! Best friend with best friend!" I smiled.
"Yeah! Anyway, when is it-" he asked as his eyes widen.
"Tomorrow?! On a Saturday?!" He yelled.
"Yeah, what wrong?" I asked him as I walked over to my locker, which was by the poster.
"it's on a Saturday, our break from school! I don't want to go near the school campus! Even on the weekends." He said, following me.
He leaned against the locker next to mine, I put on my backpack, to see the poof, out of no where he had a backpack..huh!?
"well, N/N, if you want to know something I can't dance." He said.
"ask your friends?" I suggested to him.
"No, they don't know I'm going. Im not going to go say that I'm going even when they have girlfriends and I'm single.." Michael said, you both were heading to your house.
"oh, well how about I teach you when we get to my house. Okay?" I turned to him and smiled.
"Yeah, sure. That would be better." He smiled.
We threw our backpacks on my bed, I turned on some of our favorite songs.
"Okay Michael, are you-" I was caught off guard when I saw Michael was eating a chocolate bar.
"what, can I not eat something?" He smirked as he took a bite.
"Michael, your making me hungry." You said as he looked at his chocolate bar and gave you a piece.
"There you go!" He smiled, he was wrapping the other half and put it in his backpack.
"Thanks!" I smiled as I ate the piece, he stood up and wiped his hands.
"Your welcome, let's start shall we?" He said, raising a hand towards you.
"okay first show me what you think you can do."
He put his hands on my shoulders...woah way wrong.
"here, I'll adjust." I said.
I fixed his left hand to go on my waist, and his right hand in my left hand. He smiled slightly. I then put my right hand on his shoulder.
"okay, now what?" He asks as he looks at my lips..
"Now, we step to our right."
I stepped to my right and he stepped to his right, I laughed.
"other right!" I corrected myself.
We had a good time..Now Prom night..
We both snuck into prom without buying tickets through the back window. We laughed. He ran to the dance floor. And we started dancing, it was the slow dance.
He looked around then at me. He leaned in...and so did i...our lips crashed..i kissed him back.. this went on for the rest of the song..just a long... passionate kiss.
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ur1simp · 5 months
time traveling to the Titanic bc I am taking a break from the series!! :)
Y/N and Marty were both dating, they both were doing a 'Titanic' project.
"Hm, Y/N..would it be fun if we asked doc to travel to the Titanic?" Marty said
"Marty, that didn't really make sense, but sure!.."
"huh, what's wrong?" Marty asked as he laid his head on her shoulder to get your attention.
"Nothing, it's just...uh.. didn't it sink?"
"oh yeah..anyway, that would still be fun!"
"dying?! Marty are you okay-"
"Hun, I'm perfectly fine, both mentally and physically. Your making me sound like I have no clue on what I'm talking about." Marty said quickly.
After talking doc into letting you both time travel to go on the Titanic and write about it. He allowed that, and gave you guys costumes!
"I think this will be fun!" Marty said as he looked at himself in the mirror, he was wearing a suit and didn't do ANYTHING to his hair.. seriously.
"yeah, DYING, sounds fun!" You said, you were wearing a white dress with your half way (you may change it :3)
"Y/N, were not going to die. Now let's hit the hay." Marty said as he saw hay...where did that come from... anyway he hits it.
You both were told what you guys should do and what not to do while traveling. Next moment you both now is, your here in 1912!
"wow, wait, should we sneak in?!" You say and Marty gives you a side eye.
"Babe, your worried about that, we need to hide the time machine..." Marty said as his voice trailed off.
"uh what do we do with the machine? We can't bring it with us!"
"Um...did Doc come with-"
"here." Doc popped out of no where.
"uh where did you-"
"doesn't matter, remember I made it a 'flying car' also? I'll fly it, and before any of you guys get in trouble I'll drop it to the side of the boat and you jump in. Okay?"
You and Marty both nod before Marty runs off and you follow. Somehow, you guys didn't get caught. And you guys were in the ship..wow. 3rd class sadly.
"okay, how about I get top and you get bottom?" Marty says as you give him a gasp.
"wow, really? No, your sleeping on the floor."
TIME SKIP TO THE 3RD DAY: the Titanic gets hit..
Both you and Marty were in the room complaining about the beds and yes, you got top, and how hard it is.
"ow. Ouch. Yeowch. Ah. GOSH ITS UNCOMFORTABLE! How can we even sleep?!" Marty says as he fixes his hair. He was wearijg black jeans, and a white shirt with a black hat.
"eh?" You were wearing a blue night gown.
There was a knock on the door. You opened it up to find a police officer.
"Um, what's that boys name over there?" The man said
"uh, M-Michael...Jackson!"
"Mr.Jackson?" The guy repeated, he nodded.
He pushed you back and you fell onto the bottom bunk. The grabbed Marty's arm and yabked him out, slamming the door on the way out..
Next moment you now is people are telling and screaming. What's happening?
(my phone's about to die-)
You ran up on the dock and saw kids kicking ice...ice..oh no. Marty!
People were running around and you ran down the the bottom. There was water to your ankles.
"Y/N!" Marty yelled, you couldn't hear him, his voice sounded far.
You found him in a room locked to a pole on handcuffs.
"Marty! Where are the keys?!" You yell and he was crying and shaking his head.
You ran around, found the keys. The water was HIGH and I mean HIGH.
(I just realized I forgot about some parts from the movie..PLZ FORGIVE MEEEE😭😭)
You unlocked Marty's cuffs and he dropped himself on you. You threw the keys and you put your hand on Marty's head, he calmed down.
"we need to get out-' Marty says before he sees that the gate was locked. You threw the keys SOMEWHERE. You saw a crewmate.
"over here! Help!" You yelled. You were all wet. Marty was banging on the gate. Where was doc?!
"huh?" The man saw you both and screamed and dropped the keys.
(yes I changed it up.)
"Ah! Get it Y/N!" Marty yelled.
You tried grabbing it and you got it! You unlocked the gate! You both ran and then. The ship tilts. You both try to make it to the other side of the railing. You made it! But Marty was hanging by your hand.
"Come on Marty!" You yell.
"Y/N! I'm slipping!"
You use your other hand and dry it off and now, your using both hands you help him.
"Y/N! It's no use!"
"Don't say that!"
You pulled him to the railing and he made it. He pulled you into a hug, then he kissed you. You were speechless.
"Uh Marty. Wait..lifeboat!" You pointed to a lifeboat.
Marty looked at the water, a door. He put an arm around you and jumped in, with you, you had no choice.
"here." Marty helps you up, he tried following. He can't fit.
"It's okay, you rest. I'll be here." Marty said, gripping your hand..
2 CHOICES!! SCROLL!! He makes it
"Marty, we will take turns okay?" You said.
"5 minutes, then we swap."
You both end up switching, people went to go save you both! Doc came and honked his horn and you both jumped into the car.
"cold?" Doc said
Marty hugged you and shook his head
"nah, it was warm."
The three laughed.
He didn't..make it.
Marty kissed your hand.
"Marty...I love you."
"don't say that, don't say your goodbyes." Marty's said as he looked at you dead in the eyes.
You rest.
You laid down, staring into the sky. Singing your favorite song. Then, lights hit your face. You slowly turn, seeing dead people. A man is yelling asking if tgeres anyone out there you try to yell but you couldn't.
You slowly try to get up and turn to Marty, he is so cold, his eyes are closed.
"Marty...marty...marty?" You whispered shaking his hand. Trying to wake him up.
"mar...ty." you look at him, you can't move. His hand is frozen onto yours. You try to take it off. Eventually, his hand was pulled away from yours, you kissed his hand and looked at his face. You kissed his cold lips and watched as his body sank into the ocean.
"Here...Here...here!" You slowly gain your voice, streams frozen on your face..
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ur1simp · 5 months
so uh sorry for not posting a lot. I'm still writing everything and planning! I'm thinking after the series I'm currently working on I'm may make a series of the first movie with you as Martys bff and then slowly go to lovers?? Again, sorry for not posting!
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