morningskinny-blog1 · 8 years
3•24•17 day plan
It is currently 2:22AM and I can’t fall asleep so I’m going to be productive with my time and take a nice relaxing bath but first I’m going to start to work on a project which I haven’t started on and its due Wednesday! Also will quick starting now I am not going to procrastinate and I’m going to get my homework done right away after school so I can get more sleep and have more energy. Okay but now back to my plan. So for my project I have to answer some question and put that in to a document and PowerPoint so I’m just gonna answer them on paper and then get a nice relaxing bubble bath!!! Then I’m probably going to scroll through tumblr for a bit and then pass out and once I wake up I am going to do my morning work out and then take my dog out on a walk and probably draw and paint for a bit and then do my main workout which I will describe that in my next post and then probably hang out with a friend and just relax! Also work on my project some more and then do my nighttime workout and go to bed! Also PS tomorrow I am fasting and its my first time fasting so wish me luck!
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morningskinny-blog1 · 8 years
This is so beautiful!💛
January Motivation
Monday morning, you wake up before your alarm, 6:07, just like always. Not tired, because you are organized and put together and went to bed at 10. You hurry downstairs, your sweatpants that were too tight a few weeks ago slipping down. There is a grapefruit on the table, waiting for you, and you eat half and arrange the kitchen to make it look like you ate more. You take your steaming cup of green tea upstairs, passing your mom as she heads downstairs. Challenge number one, breakfast, has been accomplished, 52 sour grapefruit calories, without anyone watching. You get dressed, fabulous outfit already prepared, and decide to do a messy bun today. The golden strands in your hair catch in the light streaming through the window. Next, makeup, but you don’t really need it, your skin is perfect and smooth, but you add shimmery eyeshadow, mascara, and highlight on your razor cheekbones. Your bag is packed and you are ready early for school, and when the carpool picks you up they compliment your new boots, the caramel knee high boots that make your tiny calfs look like they are swimming. School is easy today, you are prepared for your history test, your english essay had been done for a week, and all of your homework is done. At lunch you sit with a bunch of your friends, and you buy your lunch today. You buy a piece of school pizza and a water, and talk animatedly with your friends about everything under the sun, so when the bell rings only your best friend realizes that your pizza is untouched. You pretend to be unhappy that you forgot to eat, but really you are elated. Lunch, 0 calories, and you aren’t even hungry. The rest of school passes like a breeze and you walk home in the cold to burn of your grapefruit and then some, chatting with your friend on facetime the whole way. Once you arrive home, it’s straight to homework, no time for a snack. An hour later you finish your assignments, and get ahead on studying for that physics test next week. You straighten up your room and scroll through Tumblr. Now its time to eat, early, without your family because you have to eat before you go to dance. Your mom has left salad, pasta, and a veggie burger for you, and you put the pasta and burger in the garbage disposal and eat the salad without dressing. You aren’t hungry, you are in control and full. You leave for dance, dressed in tan tights and spandex shorts, your thigh gap peeking through. A sweaty two hours later, you arrive home, practice your flute, shower, and are in bed by 9:30. You watch Skins and check your Tumblr, updating your followers on your negative calorie day of success. You go to bed hungry, and happy.
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morningskinny-blog1 · 8 years
I am a vegetarian but in April I'm going vegan!!!
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morningskinny-blog1 · 8 years
This is going to help me be motivated though out my journey to losing weight!
The Mary Kate Diet Challenge
Calorie Intake:

0-200 = 10 points
201-350 = 8 points
351-500 = 5 points

501-600 = 3 points

601-750 = 1 point

750-950 = 0 points

950+ = -8 points

1+ = 10 points

45 minutes = 8 points

30 minutes = 5 points

15 minutes = 2 points

0 minutes = 0 points
Water Intake:

9 glasses = 10 points

8 glasses = 9 points

7 glasses = 8 points

6 glasses = 7 points

5 glasses = 6 points

4 glasses = 4 points

3 glasses = 3 points

2 glasses = 2 points

1 glass = 1 point

0 glasses = 0 points

*1 glass equals 8oz.
Hours Slept:

8 hours or more = 10 points

7 hours = 8 points

6 hours = 7 points

5 hours = 5 points

4 hours = 4 points

3 hours = 2 points

2 hours or less = 0 points

Posting about diet on tumblr = 3 points

No binge that day = 2 points

Posting thinspo = 2 points

Tracked all calories consumed = 2 points

Washed face = 2 points

Did homework = 1 point

*Bonuses should be tailored to fit you specifically! You can use mine, take some of them off, add your own, whatever! Tips
1. Reward yourself when you go a whole week with 30+ points! (Not with food! With size small clothes you’ll wear when you’re thin, new makeup, manicures, ect!)
2. Customize it! You by no means need to follow my version of this diet! I changed the Exercise category completely from the source material! The diet should fit you. That’s how you make it work. 
3. Take it seriously. I know it seems like a game, but it’s really giving you a new lifestyle. It’s the building blocks!
4. Go easy on the bonuses! This is, at its core, still a diet. You shouldn’t have too many of your points coming from bonuses! If you use a lot of bonuses, up your point quota to 40 points a day!
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morningskinny-blog1 · 8 years
Always remember this because these count!
Don't forget about NSVs
NSVs are important. They’re called NON SCALE VICTORIES. if you notice tat your legs look a bit smaller, or those jeans fit a little more loose, but the weight on the scale hasn’t changed, babes, that’s a non scale victory for you. They keep you going. Don’t forget about them. ❤️
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morningskinny-blog1 · 8 years
I'm starting this today and I'm so excited!
Day 1: FAST Day 2: 200 cals Day 3: 250 cals Day 4: 300 cals Day 5: 350 cals Day 6: 400 cals Day 7: 450 cals Day 8: 500 cals Day 9: MONO* Day 10: 500 cals
**momo dieting means only eating one type of food, for example apples, for the entire day. Some people choose fatty foods, some choose healthy. It doesn’t really matter as long as you drink lots of water**
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morningskinny-blog1 · 8 years
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Today is the start to my new life... 2017 will be my year. I want to lose 20+ pounds so that is what I'm going to do I may not be easy but once I'm there it will so that is why I will stay motivated through out my journey
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