morphin-brittany-blog ¡ 9 years
Brittany’s gaze shifted down to where Santana held the ring between her fingers, and it was her turn to chuckle as her eyes glossed over with unshed tears. It seemed ridiculous to be crying over something so inherently happy, but she couldn’t help herself. Her feelings were swelling in her chest, begging for her to cry out in triumph, and it was overwhelming. Brittany fell for Santana a little more each day, and regardless of what they came to face in the future - painful and terrifying, dark and dreary - they would always have each other; Santana made everything feel brighter. Even now, Brittany’s entire body seemed to relax with the simple gesture, and though she held Santana gingerly in her hands, Brittany’s arms felt limp, like boiled noodles. It wasn’t exactly a yes, but it was more than enough to feel as if she were on cloud nine during the moment. 
“We’ll figure it out,” she repeated through a glowing smile, her voice breathy and sweet. Once again, she felt herself having to restrain from leaning over and kissing her - a feat growing more and more difficult with each development in their relationship. With the ring between Santana’s fingers, however, it felt like a small price to pay. So instead, Brittany took a steadying breath and grinned brighter still. “This one’s for us,” she squeezed an arm gently. “And until we can share...” her eyes trailed down to Santana’s exposed neck line. “We’ll get you a chain. That way, it’ll always be close to your heart. And It can’t be dirty then.” Brittany sucked her bottom lip into her mouth, and if anyone had been looking at them just then, the smitten expression written across her face would have surely given them away.  
Slowly rising to her feet, Brittany offered a helping hand to Santana. Knowing every single detail and implication that came with her acceptance of the ring wasn’t important. Santana was right; they could figure that part out later, but for now, they should be celebrating with their families. Her eyes drifted back to the school nearby, and her grin suddenly dripped with mischievousness. “You know,” she started, a playful glimmer in her eye. “If they think we’re doing it anyway, one last time isn’t such a bad idea.” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. 
Anything Can Happen || Brittana
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morphin-brittany-blog ¡ 9 years
Probably, but it’d still be his fault. 
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So you think he could change back? Just like that?  If that’s true then the other rangers will never let him into command. Isn’t there anything we can do to help him stay good, or are we doomed? Finn and I are already talking to them about it, but they feel really hurt and betrayed. It’s hard to get that back sometimes. I won’t give up though. It’s a working progress. 
Private → Syrittany
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morphin-brittany-blog ¡ 9 years
It’s a good think you have your own communicator then. 
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It’s because I’m so awesome and adorable. It’s way easier to be my friend instead. Definitely! It’s just like being a power ranger. Friends that do shots together, stick together. Exactly. Unless you steal a pretty crystal from a cave wall. You know it’s over when it starts to shine. Are you going to open it together? I mean, she’s both of your mom’s. Maybe you should. Well, I really hope you get in. It’d be even more exciting if we could all go to New York. Until then, he’s a grumpy goomba. 
Convo → Syrittany
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morphin-brittany-blog ¡ 9 years
But I did and he didn’t! Doesn’t that mean anything?
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I know how dangerous it was. That’s why I didn’t let him in, but it was dangerous for him too. I’m not weak. We knew he was the green warrior, and he knew who I was too. But he still risked it just to bring me my dog back. I don’t think we should let him take the twins or Ryder to the park any time soon, but maybe we should listen to what he has to say. It could help.  
Private → Brittana
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morphin-brittany-blog ¡ 9 years
Text || Briam
Liam: I've never been to a bonfire, but I've always wanted to go to one.
Liam: Oh. You're not talking about an actual bon fire, are you Brittany? Because if that's what they actually are... I really don't want to have one now.
Britt: Really? They're super fun! You can have toasted marshmallows and... wait, that's not what I wanted to talk about.
Britt: If you say you didn't do it, then I'll believe you. I just don't want to fight anymore. I want to know the truth. Did you hurt Marley's mom?
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morphin-brittany-blog ¡ 9 years
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She’s too good for that. Even magical spells couldn’t keep her down. 
Convo →  Fritters
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morphin-brittany-blog ¡ 9 years
Oh. I guess that makes sense. I don’t want to think about any of that stuff yet. I just want to wait until, like, the day before we leave to pack.  I’ll do it then for sure.
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Okay, good, because we still have a whole month to be together. 
Convo → Quitt
No, I’m not. I’m just cleaning out my room so I know what I’m bringing and what I’m leaving at home.
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Brittany, I’m not going anywhere. Don’t you worry.
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morphin-brittany-blog ¡ 9 years
That’s totally true, but I’m not your boyfriend, Rach. You don’t have to make me feel better. 
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If rustic is another word for boring then I’d describe that as entirely accurate. At least I can still have a Plank if it’s brown. When do we start? 
Convo → Pieberry
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morphin-brittany-blog ¡ 9 years
Text || Brittana
S: Dork.
B: 100% True. But you love me. :P
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morphin-brittany-blog ¡ 9 years
Breathe in. Breathe out. That was the mental mantra that Brittany had begun to repeat over and over again while she waited for Santana to make the next move. Despite all her best efforts, she had still struggled to find the appropriate words. Nothing she had said was as intended, and it only seemed to worsen the longer she spoke. So she quieted, sitting unmoving in her chair as her eyes fixated on the aqua gem in her lap. Rejection. She felt like she had blown it.  
What was she thinking? Had she actually managed to propose in some sort of jumbled entanglement of ramblings? Of course Santana was going to say no. While she wasn't a flight risk by any means, Brittany knew her well enough to know by now to know that these kinds of life-changing commitments scared the crap out of her girlfriend...  If she were near a table right now, her face would be pressed firmly against it.  
But the worst part wasn’t that she had asked it, no. It was that she couldn't even find it in her to be embarrassed or apologetic about it. Accidental or not, she was kind of proud of the romantic gesture she had given Santana, and despite all her ramblings, her reasonings behind it were sound. She could tell by the brief silence between them that it was true; that she had made an impact. Still, it wasn’t enough. Brittany could only hope that next time she popped the question, Santana could say yes. She felt a little guilty for wishing that that time was now. 
As she waited for Santana to say something, anything, it seemed that she had finally run out of words. She didn't budge though. She was a firm believer that running was never the answer, so instead, she awkwardly ran her fingers through her hair while fiddling with the silk of her gown.  And when she couldn't take it anymore, her eyes slowly flickered up to meet Santana's once more. As expected, there were no indications of standing or moving on from the celebration at all. All she found was an array of thoughts mulling around behind a sea of dark chocolate and brood. So she gave her time, staying seated while Santana attempted to piece everything that had happened together. But when a tear slipped down her cheek, Brittany grew concerned. 
"Don't cry," She said just barely above a whisper. Reaching up, she gently swiped at the tear with her thumb. When it came to Santana and tears, she didn’t care how intimate the action might have looked - she wanted to make the hurt stop, and for a moment, Brittany wondered, if Santana hadn’t misunderstood her and thought that she was only asking because they could die at any given moment. That wasn't true, and she had intended on saying so, but Santana's choked sob cut her off. "Did I say something wrong?" She questioned, alarm ringing in her voice. “You don’t have to say anything,” She tried backtracking. “It’s okay.” 
Seconds ticked by, and Brittany's anxiety seemed to grow with each and every one of her girlfriend's tears, but when Santana reached for the ring, time seemed to stop. Her breath hitched in her throat as the unicorns in her belly began to stampede all over again. She carefully watched as Santana felt the design, and before she could digest what was going on, Brittany was blinking back her own tears as they began to fall at the mere possibilities of the gesture. She didn't have long to dwell on it, however, because she soon found herself wrapped tightly in Santana's arms and relief flooded through her. "I love you too," She told her warmly.
Holding the smaller girl tightly against her, Brittany took a deep breath. It was a futile attempt to calm her beating heart, but it was all she could do to stop herself from kissing the life out of her best friend right there in front of everyone. She was certain that would draw attention to them. Even so, happiness spread throughout her like wildfire, and she was sure that her smile could illuminate even the darkest of rooms. Pulling back, Brittany didn't dare break contact. "What does this mean?" She all but giggled with giddiness.
Anything Can Happen || Brittana
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morphin-brittany-blog ¡ 9 years
Okay... Then what do we have that says Liam did? Because I asked him if he started any fires lately, and he hasn’t responded yet, but when he does, he’ll tell the truth now. Just like he did when he brought little Sam home and started crying on my porch. 
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Is that what this is about? Because I know what you did. I was there, and I felt it every day. But you never killed anyone, Santana. Even when you were hurting Sam to get to me, you didn’t melt through his heart like you could have. You stopped. Because deep down, underneath all that black magic darkening your heart, you were still Santana. You were still a good person. You were just trapped inside with hardly any control. But Syria and Finn know Liam better than any of us. Just like I know you better than any of them. I knew what you were capable of, but I also knew that your heart was stronger than all of it. So if they say Liam didn’t do it, he didn’t do it. You don’t have to believe us yet, but we’re going to prove it. And then we can punish the person who did. 
Private → Brittana
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morphin-brittany-blog ¡ 9 years
Text || Brittana
S: You're grinning like a fool right now, aren't you?
B: Maybe a little. :*
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morphin-brittany-blog ¡ 9 years
Like what? You’re not moving to New York already are you? 
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Who’s going to save the power rangers? People just started liking us again. 
Convo → Quitt
I’m trying to relax, Britt. There is just a lot of stuff that I need done. 
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morphin-brittany-blog ¡ 9 years
Science doesn’t lie. 
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Thank you. We can put our yards together so no one gets afraid of santa clause. They’re gonna love it. We can tell them it’s for the power rangers. 
Convo → Pieberry
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morphin-brittany-blog ¡ 9 years
I don’t know, Rach. Sam’s pretty smart. One time, we hid Cool Ranch Doritos to see which Sam could find them first, and guess what? It wasn’t your boyfriend. 
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I hate tying him up. Puppies are supposed to run, and play, and chase frisbees. They’re supposed to be free. And it sucks that the green warrior took that away from him. Can we build a fence instead? We can buy glitter paint and paint it rainbow. Your dad’s will totally let us do it then. 
Convo → Pieberry
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morphin-brittany-blog ¡ 9 years
Liam’s on our side now. That’s what matters. But until Syria proves he didn’t kill Mrs. Rose, we’re gonna have to learn to deal with it. We’re still a team, and if we forget that now, Devone wins. 
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He brought Sam back home, and he wasn’t even scared. I think he kind of misses him, actually. It’s cute, but I can’t invite him over here until we know, for sure, Devone’s mind melt is truly over. They’re scared too, Finn. Santana’s been there. She knows what it’s like to have Devone in your head and controlling everything you do. Hurting everyone you love. We can’t blame them for being cautious. It’s okay, Finn. You don’t have to apologize for any of that. It’s hard being in our spots, but you were just doing what they’re doing now.  The important thing is that Liam has us. Let them be the protectors. We get to be detectives and that’s way cooler. 
Convo → Fritters
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morphin-brittany-blog ¡ 9 years
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I guess that makes sense. But if I had a crush on Dr. O., I wouldn’t admit it either. What if Ms. H. poisons our cookies? 
Convo →  Fritters
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