morrisdaniel-blog · 9 years
“Hitting someone will not fucking protect Lexi!” Daniel shouted, and anger took over. He could not just stand aside, as Jordan always taught him, he wanted to hunt down that monster and see him dying... At the next second Dan did hit something, a wall, and he heard a strange crack, coming from his fist. “Fuck” 
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Jordan took notice of his hands and how the knuckles were already turning white. “You sure you want to hunt and not just hit someone, that always worked better for me anyway.”
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morrisdaniel-blog · 9 years
“That just wasn’t fair. Give me second” Dan got up to take his water bottle. 
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“Better luck next time pal or… round 2?”
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morrisdaniel-blog · 9 years
“Not something, but someone. I am done with this shit. One of those fucking bloodsuckers attacked Lexi, and I am done. We cannot protect just sitting in the town, we must hunt them down” Hi ignored Jordan’s hello, his fists were trembling from anger. 
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“Well hello to yo to Daniel. Alright but its a bit early, might just get some deer at this time. So, what makes you wanna kill something?”
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morrisdaniel-blog · 9 years
“I want to go hunting” 
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“Well look who it is.”
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morrisdaniel-blog · 9 years
“Who are you to tell me what suits me and what does not?”
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“Don’t pout, it doesn’t suit you.”
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morrisdaniel-blog · 9 years
Daniel was listening to her words, and with each one of them he wanted to kill that monster even more. He was not from here then, so he had arrived here to hurt someone, and he hurt Lexi, and that will not be forgiven. He will never leave this town alive, only as ashes. It did not matter that part of Dan did not want to go hunting, that part was silenced by pain in his friends eyes. They both were the dark, sad stories, but there was difference between them, Dan always had this happy face on, after all, he was an actor in perfect play where his parents are alive and supernatural powers do not exist. He should have attended theater club during high-school. 
“He will be punished for he had done to you, do not worry. In one way or another he will get what he deserves.” Dan paused a bit, trying to silence his growing anger, then he spoke again “Erase that image, Lex, forget it. He will not hurt you again. You know what, you need to get away from here. let’s go somewhere, I have a car, let’s grab some beers and just drive somewhere away from this whole madness, to lake, for instance” Dan even smiled. He wanted to get Lex out. She did not need to be around while people were judging her with nasty looks, while the whole town was talking about the attack. She needed to have some peaceful moments. 
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Lexi exhaled in relief. He believed her. So then why couldn’t she escape the feeling that there was something in this town she had no clue about? All her life she’d lived in shadows, hiding in the dark corners of her home waiting for the long nights to pass and the shouting and smashing of beer bottles to stop. She thought that when her father had gone she’d be able to at least start coming out of the shadows, but it felt as if her whole life that’s where she’d be. Her mind flashed back to the day she’d found her father. Happy with a family that had no bruises, no burdens, no bourbon. A home without dark corners. If he could be happy like that, after all he’d done, why wasn’t she in the same place in her life? Why had she been the one to be attacked, to be working at a dingy bar for a mother that wasn’t even fucking there for her when she was nearly killed? Lexi knew she wasn’t crazy, far from it. She remembered all of that night, but maybe that’s what caused the most damage. The fact that she couldn’t shrug it off, and even if she could, the whole damn town was still going to remind her of it in the papers, in the stares, and in the investigations. 
When Dan hugged her, she sighed and wrapped her arms around him. They were an unlikely friendship, but at least it was more valid than some other ones in town. Lex wouldn’t cry on his shoulder, even if he told her it was okay. She could tear up, a tear or two may escape her lashes every once in awhile, like now. But she always did her crying alone, if there was any. “I remember what he looks like…barely, but I do. I’ve never seen him around before though. And it was dark, everything feels blurry when it comes to his face.” she said, pulling away and grabbing her mug. “I remember his eyes. And his teeth…and he was tall, with dark hair.” she said. “Veins. Just under his eyes. That’s all.” she said.
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morrisdaniel-blog · 9 years
He knew that liquor will not help. Nothing helped. He was no child anymore, he did not stand besides his parents’ grave, waiting for them to wake up or magically appear. he grew up and realized that mortals never wake up after their hearts had stopped. It did not mean that Daniel would give up on trying to change the whole situation. But the best he could have done this far was trying to forget, and he even failed that one. Like there was a huge black hole inside him, that took away all the happiness. Or maybe it was he who took it away from others? 
Visiting. Visiting was supposed to be a nice thing, fun thing, thing, that makes you feel better, but it never was. Maybe it was because he was drunk, maybe he was just too tired, too sad, why he told the truth. “My parents. Already 16 years” he looked somewhere on the floor, not really seeing anything. “I have never been there with someone” another uncontrolled sentence. Like all the things he always had hid so pedantically, now he was throwing them out, ruining the order which had crushed him for such a long time.  
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Lost Adolescence || Daniel&Erik
“They come and go, yeah, but drowning yourself in liquor isn’t going to bring them back now is it?” Erik pointed out, licking his lips. He looked around at the city surrounding and was about to point out the way to the park but the sentence he heard stiffened his body. “Yeah, actually. Who were you visiting?” Grandparents, maybe, Erik figured. “How about I come along with you this time. Maybe it won’t be so bad, right?”
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morrisdaniel-blog · 9 years
When he will find that vampire, he will kill him and watch him burn. If not so long ago Daniel was not sure, can he actually kill someone, then knowing, seeing, how much Lexi was hurt, he could think of nothing else. No justice will be served, he knew that, at least, not if he will not involve. His friend, who used to be so sharp, so happy, even if broken, even if hurt, now.. her whole life, ripped apart, her eyes were haunted, how could Daniel not kill this vampire? His heart broke in thousand pieces seeing Lexi like this. He did not say anything, but his eyes showed that he was dead serious about killing that maniac. “I believe you, Lex, I know you are telling the truth, and it does not matter if someone does not believe in you. I believe in you, “ the worst thing that could happen would be if Lexi would not believe herself and start to think, that she is crazy. Dan had heard stories, especially about hunters, who got to know their true nature only when they turned 20 or later. Dan was brought up in the shadow of supernatural, so he could not understand it, but he knew, how dangerous doubts can be, how dangerous your own mind can be.
“Who was he then, Lex, how do you think?” he asked, and stepped closer to girl, and hugged her again. “Cry, if you need, Lex. You don’t need to be strong now to protect yourself, I can do that. Your survival was destiny,” his hands were like an armor, he wanted to shelter her from reality, give her place to forget about horrible night.
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Lexi walked over and looked at him. “You’re not doing anything, Danny. I still have to talk to the police and uhm…” she shook her head. “You didn’t do anything wrong.” she said, lightly putting her fingers on his chin and meeting his eyes. “Don’t apologize, okay?” Dropping her hand, she sighed and smiled a bit at his promise to be with her now. “So you believe me?” she asked, searching his eyes out for some kind of validation. “He wasn’t human, Dan. And he killed two other people. Ho-how the hell was I the only one that made it? I don’t…” Lexi shook her head again as she spoke. She didn’t believe it when she found out she was the only survivor of that night, or rather, that she wasn’t the only one hurt. Lexi turned away from him and quickly wiped her eyes. Jesus christ, it seemed like all she did those days was tear up. She was a mess.
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morrisdaniel-blog · 9 years
Daniel heard enough to realize, what had happened. Vampire. A bloodsucker, who should die, and, if Dan would have been there, not in his stupid football game, he might have done it. It was his duty after all. Bloodsuckers took his parents and almost took his friend. But he could not tell her. He could just look at his friend, who had suffered so much, but she should not have, if only... why no one was there to protect her? Was this town empty and blind? 
“I will rip his heart out” Dan silently said, his right hand shaking in anger, and he meant it. “I will never forgive myself that I was not there with you, I am so sorry, Lex” he could not do anything to help her now, just be with her, support her, help her go trough all theses things, but he could not fix her, no one could fix the damage done by the night creatures. “But I will be with you now.” his voice softened. “It sounds strange, all this, but i trust you, you know. What the institutions are saying?” He waned o comfort her,make her calm, make her feel safe again, but how could he?
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The sweep of relief that overcame Lexi was indescribable. Danny was the protective sort. And he didn’t hesitated with her. It was the opposite of what everyone seemed to be giving her since she woke up in the hospital. No eye contact, they walked around her like she was a vase on a shaky table. She knew Daniel was gone that weekend, at least knowing he didn’t know soothed her. She knew he would have been there with her if he could have.
She smiled a bit at his apology. “It’s okay.” she said. “I would have but I just got out of the hospital today, I didn’t exactly have time.” she explained. Lexi looked at him, hesitant to tell him what she’d been through. “Come in.” she said, pulling away and shutting the door. “I uhm, I got jumped by this guy the night of the bonfire..” she said, beginning to lead the way to the kitchen. “He…he bit me. When they found me I was nearly out of all the blood in my body.” she swallowed the lump in her throat and poured coffee. “I’m not the only one that gets what that sounds like, right?” she asked, setting the mug down and supporting herself with the counter before looking at him.
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morrisdaniel-blog · 9 years
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morrisdaniel-blog · 9 years
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Dan headcanons&moodboards 1/? // being overall protective when it comes to his closest people
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morrisdaniel-blog · 9 years
He had not been there when she needed him.
Dan had returned to the city this morning, and people were talking about some kinda of an attack, and when he heard her name… he almost went mad. Only some people were important here, and he so easily left them out of his sight… what if.. what is something had happened? Something bad? He had not wasted time to get to know what exactly happened, he had just rushed to Lexi’s place.
“I am so sorry I was not here. You should have called me. What happened?” he looked her in the eyes, still holding her shoulders, fearing, that if he will let go, something bad will happen.
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Lexi let him hug her, and sighed, hugging him back and shutting her eyes. She’d been feeling so exhausted and alone these days. She didn’t even realize how much she needed that hug. She hugged him tightly and spoke:
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“Buy I’m okay, Danny.”
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morrisdaniel-blog · 9 years
“Lexi. Lexi, you are alive!” seeing her, standing there, in one piece, alive,able to speak,.. there were no tears in his eyes, because he never cried, but sudden wave of happiness took over him, and he hugged Lexi, holding her too tight. 
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Lexi was surprised by the sudden knock, jumping but then relaxing just the slightest bit when she recognized the voice. Walking over, she took a breath before opening the door. “Hey.” she said.
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morrisdaniel-blog · 9 years
“Lexi, open the door!” minute more and he would just kick the doors out.
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morrisdaniel-blog · 9 years
So that is how grown ups acted? Fucked things up and then felt guilty and decided, to wash away their guilt, try fixing someone else? Daniel did not need to be fixed, but he could not walk on his own, so a bit of lecture and crap talk about how life really is he needed to survive. No one knew. Everyone thought that his step parents are his real parents. Nice, fluffy family. He played football, had good grades, girls liked him. He did not look like a guy with problems.Because people did not know about what lied in graveyard, they did not know that when he turned 13 he started to train to kill the monster who once killed Dan’s parents. “No. Everyone. Sooner or later they either die on you or just leave you. That is life”  People left, they could not be trusted, and some people just would not understand. He could not share his concerns with Lexi, because he could not tell it all to her, and he did not want to tell only one side of the story. “Saturdays are never easy, you know. Have you ever went to graveyard alone, when it is empty?” Daniel just let his words to flow, without checking up on what he was saying. 
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Erik knew that the boy recognised him and he felt a little shame when his fault was pointed out. There was nothing to do but accept it or he’d never be able to let it go. Not even the countless hours drinking had let him forget Lana. She had been too good to him. “Yeah…” he reluctantly confirmed and shook his head, guiding the teen outside. “Not everyone, kid. Not everyone.” he made sure toe express because he didn’t want him growing up with such a bad mindset. If he couldn’t trust anyone it would put him in difficult situations that Erik didn’t want to observe. The words hit him hard and he had to swallow the lump in his throat before he could speak again. “Then what’s shaped you into the teen with a fake ID sitting at a bar on a sunny Saturday? Growing up isn’t about drinking away your life.”
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morrisdaniel-blog · 9 years
“Ok, now I am confused. Fine, let’s stay with that. But you don’t look like a person who someone would like to hurt either, so what troubles you?”
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“You just seem like someone no one would want to hurt.”
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morrisdaniel-blog · 9 years
This guy. The one  Lana used to date, and then he disappeared, left to grown up life or something like that, hunter did not remember, he was too taken by his endless training sessions.  Daniel wanted to say something sarcastic, but nothing came to his mind. He was not yet that trained in hating people even though he tried. Not knowing, what to do next, Daniel followed annoying guy. 
“Yeah, pretty sure you used to date and then you left? Like all people. People do leave, fuc*ing assholes.” He would not be able to walk straight, if not support from Erik. “Nothing has changed. I grew up”
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“Well, if you like going to zoos that could be arranged. Here come on, let’s go outside,” he said, slipping off of his chair and placing his hands on the other’s shoulders, steadying him. “We are going to sober you up and get you some friends. Pretty sure I used to see you in the garden next to Lana’s house, right? You weren’t like this a few years ago, what happened anyway?” Erik asked, intrigued by the change in the other’s attitude, the amount of times Erik had seen him at the bar in the past week was worrying. 
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