mortandricky4 · 1 month
Sir... sir, I'm sorry, WHO ARE YOU? This place was reserved for Mr. Lindvall...
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mortandricky4 · 1 month
Saw trailer and... yeah. "Would you like a glass of broken glass?"
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What I'm afraid DUTP might do : Hey guys, remember JESSE LINDVALL? Yeah, so sad he died, lol
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mortandricky4 · 2 months
What I'm afraid DUTP might do : Hey guys, remember JESSE LINDVALL? Yeah, so sad he died, lol
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mortandricky4 · 10 months
Hello! Would you happen to have any recommendations for realistic anatomy books on humans (for art purposes)? A lot of the online anatomy references are very exaggerated and the models have only 'ideal' body types and don't depict any others (E.g. Online male anatomy references are extremely buff for no reason). Thank you for the help :)
I do have a small collection of anatomy-for-artists books, but honestly, those are also populated predominantly with people who look like living Greek sculptures. So, I asked around a bit for both book and online sources. Here are a few things:
Height Weight Chart -- A library that people have contributed multitudes of their own photos to. Some people took turnaround photos in form-fitting clothes. Some are just one-off snapshots of people in street clothes. But, both of those things can be useful in their own way, and there certainly are a lot of body types here. (Thanks for the link, Fable).
------------------------------------------------------ AdorkaStock -- Features a whole free pose gallery containing a really excellent array of varied bodies. The photos generally focus more on form than costume, and if anything, the extremely sculpted bodies you tend to see in other stock libraries are de-emphasized here.
Satine Zillah -- An expansive library of downloadable photo packs. Most of them feature athletic or thin body types, many are heavy on costuming, but there are some that focus on more variety if you take time to scroll through (elderly bodies, plus-size bodies, people with dwarfism, etc.)
Morpho -- I know a lot of people swear by these books by Michel Lauricella. Morpho: Fat and Skin Folds in particular seems to cover some ground that a lot of other anatomy/pose lessons just skip right over. Looks like it's available as an ebook too.
I hope that helps some! I'm sure there are other resources out there, though. If anyone has some solid recommendations, please leave them in the comments!
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mortandricky4 · 1 year
It's a vest.
It's a part of an armor.
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It's a lumbal support.
Dude spends eternity working desk, he needs it.
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mortandricky4 · 1 year
Фурфур и его ФУРФУРАЖЕЧКА:
Furfur and his FURFURAGE CAP:
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mortandricky4 · 1 year
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Hello old friend, I sent you out there years ago and you went and spread a lot of good karma, I just need your favour again, help me find some work 🧡
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mortandricky4 · 1 year
"Crowley is suspicious! Don't trust him! His hair is bad!"
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Of all the demons, Furfur has the most right to criticize Crowley's hairstyle. I mean, look at his!
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mortandricky4 · 1 year
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I wonder, whose pictures are in those frames on the left?
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mortandricky4 · 2 years
Free camera view of the interview scene from the first chapter.
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I kid you not. He drinks beer.
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mortandricky4 · 2 years
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Samuel Barnett as Renfield in Penny Dreadful Ep.3.08
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mortandricky4 · 2 years
🖤❤I have nothing for today but this ❤🖤
*corny joke about vampire ball or smth*
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Bats illuminated by lightning
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mortandricky4 · 2 years
Remember the song Gothetta have been singing in s2ep18?
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I thought about how to continue it.
English/Russian (adapted) version bellow.
If your father is a vampire And your mother is a shark You can munch prey under water, But it's only after dark!
If your father is a vampire, And your mother is a ghost, You can munch prey anywhere, But you have to 'boo' at first.
If your mother is a zombie, Then your father's zombie too, If he bit her at some point, Then he must have turned into!
Doesn't matter, if your mother is a Zombie, ghost or shark If your father is a vampire You are sucking blood, you punk!
Коль акула твоя мама, Папа - носферату, Можешь под водой кусать, Но после заката!
Если папа твой вампир, Мама - привидение, Можешь ты хоть где кусать - Вой для устрашения!
Если мама твоя зомби, То и папа зомби стал. От укуса превратился, Тут не важно, кто кусал. Нет значения,кто мама: Призрак,зомби,зверь морской, Если папа носферату, То сосёшь ты кровь, друг мой.
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mortandricky4 · 2 years
In the s2 ep26 " Campfire" Stoker and Oskar had a tent stake battle.
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And they weren’t just poking each other - it was a real fencing duel, where both knew what they were doing.
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Oscar disarmed the opponent a second before they were separated.
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I wonder who he learned from...
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mortandricky4 · 2 years
I'm starting a topic for "School for Vampires" called "Almanac of canon", where I will be posting things I noticed in series, as well as my assumptions.
! Spoiler alert !
First of all:
Ludwig Wolgenbald was Klaus Tratzum's music teacher, and then moved to America to play country music.
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In the 19th episode of the 2nd season "The Legend" Oxblood introduces the children to the story of his friend, the musician Ludwig, who was brought to the castle by an unfortunate love for a mortal. It happened 500 years ago, Count Alarich von Horrificus is a little over 420 years old (series 8 season 1 "Teacher's Day"), which means that the troubadour was in school before he was born and could well serve as a teacher when Alarich, and Klaus naturally, began training. Klaus is a great organist, but he could not become one without a teacher.
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At the end of the story, the professor mentions that Ludwig performs at night in Nashville. This city is located in the US state of Tennessee and is famous for the "Grand Ole Opry House" opera theater, where a radio broadcast is regularly conducted and festivals dedicated to country music are held.
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At some point in his immortality, Wolgenbald traded his lute for a banjo.
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