morticianikolaevna Ā· 4 years
Connor/RK800 x Reader
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This was requested by the lovely @jiswoogannon
Word Count: 2,324
Warnings: Blood, Gore, Cussing, Angst (as always lol), Fluff.
Authorā€™s Note: Thank you first of all, to @jiswoogannon for being so patient with me while i found time to write this, as well as for being fun and awesome to talk too! You are a gem and I love that we can just talk about life and stuff. Also, this was super fun to write, and just an FYI the first half of this takes place pre-deviant connor and pre-revolution! thatā€™s all you really need to know though. As always i hope you all enjoy!
ā€œOne large coffee and a dozen donuts, just like you asked.ā€ You said gleefully, setting down the items on your fatherā€™s desk. The old lieutenant let out a grateful sigh and patted your shoulder roughly, ā€œSee? I knew I had kids for something!ā€ You scoffed and sat on the edge of Connorā€™s desk as you looked at your father, feigning offense, ā€œYou mean you only had me, so I could be your delivery girl? Iā€™m highly offended.ā€ You joke. Hank rolled his eyes before standing up and kissing your temple quickly, ā€œYou know Iā€™m joking kiddo. You are my favorite daughter after all.ā€ ā€œSheā€™s your only daughter lieutenant,ā€ Connor interjected, ā€œBy default she has to be your favorite.ā€ You rolled your eyes and punched the androidā€™s shoulder lightly, ā€œGee, thanks Connor.ā€
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morticianikolaevna Ā· 5 years
Hey guys!!! It's offical, I'm a graduate of the United States Army Reserves! I'm starting my new career as a all wheeled mechanic. It was hard, basic training and mechanics school really kicked my ass. I lost 50 pounds at basic, got muscular, got certified in auto tech, and I'm finally done. I love you all, sorry I'm not so active anymore.
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morticianikolaevna Ā· 5 years
I'm weeks away from graduating basic. Is anyone even remotely excited, or proud of me?
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morticianikolaevna Ā· 5 years
Hey y'all, I logged out of snapchat and can't get back in. So, I won't be on it anymore. I'm also being shipped back off to finish the rest of basic training. Talk to y'all soon
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morticianikolaevna Ā· 5 years
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morticianikolaevna Ā· 5 years
My Girl [d.h]
moreĀ fics!
Pairing: Damien Haas x Reader
Word Count: 1,215
Request: @whippedforcnco I just want some soft Damien if possible. Iā€™ve had a really bad day and I just want Damien to cuddle me and sing to me šŸ˜«šŸ˜«
Summary: After a harsh afternoon, Damien comes to the rescue.
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morticianikolaevna Ā· 5 years
A Hug for One
Blake Langermann X Reader
"Blake has been through a lot, how about one where the reader gives him a hug?"
WARNING: MENTIONS OF GORE, INJURY AND CUSSING. This was sent into me a week ago by a lovely anon. Now, I don't know if they wanted the reader paired with Blake where they give him just a hug, or like the reader gets romantically involved with him somehow. So I went with the romantic pairing. Give me feedback, and send me in some requests!
We were totally exhausted. You and Blake had been on the run ever since the bird crashed, both of you have been running from these fucking crazy townfolk for hours.
After Blake had gotten some pretty nasty injuries, and you obtaining a pretty bad cut from a rusty old hunk of sheet metal, all you wanted was to sit down.
So, upon finding what looked like an okay shack that was intact and wasn't covered in viscera, you convinced Blake to sit down for a few minutes and get patched up.
Closing the door behind him quietly, you peaked out the opened window before shutting it gently. It was then that you realized, you could no longer stand anymore. The exhaustion had gotten the best of you, and you quickly became weary, and dizzy.
Leaning against a dresser in the room, you braced yourself to fall onto the floor in what was probably gonna look like a heap of flesh, and blood. Before you could even pass out though, a pair of arms secured you in place as your body swayed.
"Hey, Y/N it's all right. I got you, are you feeling alright?" Blake asked with concern.
He carried you over to the surprisingly clean, well made bed and sat you down. You looked up at Blake, and studied his dirt covered face. Still so handsome, even with all the blood and dirt caked to him like makeup on a barbie doll.
His glasses had gotten a small crack on his left side. Probably from where we had both gotten knocked out by some of Papa Knoth's people, sick bastard.
Blake inspected you with precision and when he saw the first wound, he wasted no time grabbing his canteen, and band aids to patch you up.
"I'm fine, Blake. I just got really exhausted and super disoriented standing for a second. I think I may have tetanus from that stupid fucking metal barrel we climbed into to hide." You spoke while he cleaned, and stitched you up.
He was quiet just for a mere second before he took a glance up, and stopped what he was doing at the moment. He had gotten you cleaned up well though, enought to hold you over.
"You know Y/N, I promised when I started bringing you on trips like this, I vowed to protect you. Now look, I made you get hurt, I didn't do my job. And now, we will probably never escape here. These people aren't right, they want us dead." Blake said with a look of fear in his eyes.
He gazed out the window for a long period, no words were exchanged at this moment. You tried to process what he had said before that, but it was not coming to you.
You looked towards him, and observed carefully. Despite only seeing the back of his head, you could tell he was holding back tears by the way he shook. His head was slumped in his hands, shoulders tensed.
You got up, and carefully walked over to him. Hearing the sniffles Blake was making destroyed you. So, you did the first thing that came to mind, something that always brought him comfort.
You turned him to face you gently, not saying a word. He looked at you, face red and puffy and eyes bloodshot. It killed you seeing him like this.
You pulled him closer, and basically absorbed him into your frame. You placed a hand in his soft hair and started carding your fingers through it. He sniffled and cried harder into your shoulder. His arms held a tight wrap around you, for dear life almost.
"Oh Blakey, it's alright. I'm alright, nothing will happen to us, not tonight. We're gonna escape and start a life together, show all these bastards they fucked with the wrong people. We're gonna be okay, I promise. I love you, Blake Langermann." You spoke softly into his ear.
He seemed to relax after hearing you speak so calmly, and gently. Keeping his head buried but arms tight, he sniffled one last time and softly whispered, his shaking hands finally settling on your waist.
"I love you too Y/N, till the end. And way after that."
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morticianikolaevna Ā· 5 years
What are your headcanons about me?
Just curious.Ā 
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morticianikolaevna Ā· 5 years
The fact that I am not singing ABBA on a Greek Island wearing a Boho Chic orange skirt, platform heels, and a floppy hat while the world falls in love with me is criminal.
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morticianikolaevna Ā· 5 years
DAY 15
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morticianikolaevna Ā· 5 years
The Chase
Ā Miles Upshur X Reader
The reader and Miles are being chased by Chris Walker, the big guy roaming the halls of Mount Massive. After being chased for some time, Miles drags the reader into a place to hide so Walker can pass.Ā 
You and Miles raced down the halls of the asylum, Chris Walker on your heels the whole time. You both were looking for doors or any kind of exits you could both escape but, nothing. You instead had been on the run for what felt like hours, but it was really only 20 minutes.Ā 
Miles had pushed you in front of him when the chase began. He felt the sense to protect you, he did bring you here after all. You were roommates at his apartment in D.C. and you had become best friends. You had fallen for Miles, honestly. His dashing good looks set you off every time you saw him.Ā 
What you didn't know is that Miles, low and behold had returned your feelings. The journalist often found himself writing about you in his trusted notebook, the way your hair fell, and how your eyes illuminated his soul on the bad days. He asked you to come along with him to Mount Massive, he was gonna tell you how he felt on the way back, but you instead fell asleep in his warm jeep.Ā 
And now, here you are. Running from a man that is 207 CM. You were so scared, so afraid of losing Miles at this moment. How you'd have to watch him get torn apart by this asshole, all you wanted was his arms around you, cuddling in his jeep while Jay and the Americans played in the back softly. To be curled under his warm comforter with him until the morning hours of a Saturday. That's all you wanted. But so far, you had gotten a broken nose and arm.Ā 
"Y/N, through here!!!" Miles shouted, grabbing your arm and throwing you into a nearby locker. When you both got in and slammed the door, you were chest to chest, Miles' arms around you tight.Ā 
Oh boy, you were red as a fucking lobster right now.Ā 
You could hear Chris grunt and heave outside as he searched around for you both. You started shaking yet again, digging your nails into your own hand.Ā 
"Little pigsā€¦..Where are you little pigs?" Chris was saying to himself. He came over to the very set of lockers you were hiding in and opened one up.Ā 
You just hid your face in Miles' clothed chest and shook. All you could do was shake. Miles felt how you trembled beneath him and tightened his grip on you. He thought this was really it.Ā 
Chris ripped open the middle one with a chuckle, still muttering to himself about how he would find you. You clung closer to Miles, hoping for some kind of relief.Ā 
"Hey, it's alright, I promise. I'll protect you, and this might be a bad time butā€¦" Miles whispered, taking a breath.Ā 
"Y/N, I-I'm in love with you. I have been since we met at school, and then you became my roommate, then I fell even more. I didn't want to ruin our friendship so I didn't say anything until now. I'm so sorry I brought you here please forgive meā€¦"Ā 
You heard a grunt, and then a slam. He was on the second one, and you and Miles were crammed into the last one. You both held onto each other tight and you, of course looked into Miles' brown eyes with a look of disbelief.Ā 
Instead of saying anything, you simply pressed yourself closer into his warm chest. This is the way you were going to die and you just accepted that at this point. Kinda romantic, if you really thought about it.Ā 
Miles' grip on you got tighter, and his breathing picked up as Chris Walker neared the last locker, grunting pretty hard. He for some reason, spun on his heel and walked away, and out the door he went.Ā 
With a sigh of relief, the door to the strong locker had withheld the weight of both of you, and opened with what seemed like a moan of pain. Both you and Miles tumbled out, and landed in somewhat of an awkward position.Ā 
"Fuck, Y/N are you alright? Thank god." He said with a sigh of relief.Ā 
He helped you to your feet, and you jumped on him with a big bear hug. His hands were quick to support the lower section of your back, whilst buring his face into your shoulder.Ā 
"It's okay, he's gone. We're gonna get out of here, and head to the nearest hospital and coffee shop, I promise." He beckoned to his fingers, and ran what he had left gently over the huge bruise forming on your face.Ā 
Not to mention the several broken ribs you suffered from. From all the shaking you were currently suffering from, that's all you could feel. Miles grabbed your hand, and led you out of the room after you calmed down.Ā 
*A big time skip*Ā 
Miles took a sip of the beautiful bean water before him, the roof of his mouth on fire. He glanced up at you as you ate slowly. After what you saw, you really didn't have the thing for food but you were starving.Ā 
You remembered what Miles said to you in the lockers, and you looked up to the dark haired man.Ā 
"Miles, I love you. Thank you for protecting me, and getting me out of that nightmare. I didn't say anything back because I was scared, but I've always loved you Milesā€¦.." You trailed off.Ā 
You felt a fingerless hand grab your chin and warm, rather rough but soft lips kiss you. This was really like something straight out of a novel, and you were all for it.Ā 
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morticianikolaevna Ā· 5 years
Hey guys, I'm here for a few minutes to give you an update.
For a while now, I've been in basic training, and it's really kicking my butt. I don't have much time on my phone, but I love and miss you all. I haven't forgot you guys, hopefully we'll have more time to chat later.
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morticianikolaevna Ā· 5 years
cowboys never die. they just ride off into the sunset
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morticianikolaevna Ā· 5 years
Hi! Me again. So for that request, um sorry if mu English isn't the best I'm from South Korea ans just learned english. šŸ’™ I was wondering if maybe you could write an femaleXReader who meets James (from season 4 of the game) and she is badly hurt so James takes care of her. But then, maybe a time skip to a year later and they are married and have a daughter named Nessarose or Juliette? Thanks! Sorry if its too much! šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™
Donā€™t worry about your English, I got the jist of what you wanted! Funnily enough, Iā€™ve never written a Reader fanfic before, but hopefully Iā€™ve done well with this!
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā A Whisper On Your Lips (Female!Reader x James)
It was too close. You thought it wouldā€™ve been an easy score, the agony of hunger driving you to try and catch food from the river you discovered. With night time coming soon, you didnā€™t want to go through another night hungry and alone, but after catching only one pitiful fish, you were ambushed by other survivors who too were simply looking for something to eat. The fight made noise, and the noise brought the walkers.
Leaving your catch behind, you sprinted off, dodging the decayed hands that were swinging at you and barely getting away from the bullets that skid across the ground, leaving small grooves in the baked dirt. Sadly, your luck wouldnā€™t hold out forever, and that rang true when a stray bullet shot through your upper arm, tearing through the flesh and skin before burying itself into the bark of a poor tree. The agony was like wildfire. Burning, white hot pain that caused you to cry out in pain, but you couldnā€™t stop running. It was not safe yet to stop.
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morticianikolaevna Ā· 5 years
ADW Imagine Mobile Master List
Hello! Feel free to peruse my imagine master list.Ā 
if you want to be included in my tag list when I upload each imagine, request it here! Also use that link if you have anything you want to tell me about anything you read. :)Ā 
Love y'all. šŸ˜˜
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morticianikolaevna Ā· 5 years
proud voice actor boi in the new gts ep!
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morticianikolaevna Ā· 5 years
the smoshblr right now
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