mossmosis Ā· 5 months
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peruere and clervie
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mossmosis Ā· 6 months
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Full Name: Asteriya
Pronouns: She/Her
Fandom: Genshin Impact
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Asteriya is a goddess of her own world, a planet far from Teyvat. She is a very benevolent goddess who truly loves and adores her people, and she has done her very best to give them everything they could possibly need to thrive under her care. She has a counsel of trusted individuals who administer her rules, especially when she isn't available. She founded a rehabilitation zone for those who had done wrong or simply lost their way, and she provides shelter, food, and a valuable job while they get back on their feet and learn to be a good member of society again.
Riya regularly travels to other worlds. While she's there, her main goal is to exchange information with the locals, helping everyone in the process. She's more than happy to share the wealth of knowledge she's learned over the years of traveling, and if possible, she arranges trade routes between her home world and the new one. Unfortunately, not everyone is so welcoming of a stranger, so she often conducts her learning in secret, blending in as one of the locals. This is how she ends up in Teyvat, becoming trapped by the same god that trapped the Traveler.
She has a variety of powers as a goddess, though she doesn't often use them in Teyvat. She can create things out of a special material that she can manipulate as though it were clay, and she uses this to experiment and learn, copying techniques and figuring out how things work. She can also, of course, craft things from the gem-like substance to gift to her friends. Another of her abilities is changing her shape, something that comes in handy when she needs to mask her identity, though she primarily uses this ability to change the color of her hair.
Upon arriving in Teyvat, she wandered aimlessly around Mondstadt, absorbing the new culture until the Stormterror crisis led her to joining forces with the Traveler. Once it was time to move on, Riya chose to accompany them to Liyue, and then to Inazuma, helping to solve the crises along the way. As a goddess devoted to change and growing, she was horrified by the current state of affairs in Inazuma. Fortunately, they soon discovered a solution, and she accompanied the Traveler into the Plane of Euthymia the second time, to face the Shogun in battle. This is where she first met Ei.
After all was said and done and the Traveler was ready to move on to Sumeru, Riya had difficulty turning her back on Inazuma and Ei herself. As much as her desire to learn more urged her onwards, she chose to stay behind, at least for a little while. Having earned the trust of Ei and her familiar, Yae Miko, she insisted upon visiting Ei weekly, bringing her a different treat from the outside world each time. Eventually, she won her over, and the electro archon agreed to go out with her to see Inazuma's current state - and having a surprising amount of fun in the process. Slowly but surely, Riya coaxed her out more and more, determined to show Ei how wonderful the world could become if given the chance to flourish. She won Ei's friendship, and eventually, her heart.
In the meantime, Riya grew close to Yae Miko, as well as her lover, Asami, the current incarnation of Miko's soulmate. She shared the weird and wonderful things she had learned from other worlds with them, and gained insight on the best ways to soften Ei's eternally frozen heart. After some not-so-subtle hinting from Miko, Riya realized that she had been developing a crush on Asami, who was also falling for her, and asked her friend out on a date. This is how a polycule officially formed between Ei, Miko, Riya, and Asami. She would later be instrumental in helping Asami, the only mortal member of the polycule, to become immortal as well.
(Asami, also known as Ami, is my friend's oc! She's in love with both Yae Miko and Riya)
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mossmosis Ā· 6 months
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Full Name: Riley
Pronouns: She/They
Fandom: Genshin Impact
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When Riley awoke on that fateful day, they could barely breathe, pain radiating throughout her entire body. Weakly, she followed her instinct, crawling out of the wreckage of the spacecraft that had brought them here. Being alive was nothing short of a miracle, but it came at a high cost: her memory.
Unbeknownst to them, Riley was a refugee, fleeing from a world torn apart by war. She had been a good enough mechanic to put together the craft now lying in a crumbled heap, escaping after losing everything she had once held dear. After the crash, however, their memory of the war, of their loved ones, her very home - ceased to exist, lost in the fog. After a few hours of stumbling around this new world, she would find one crucial detail: her name. Riley. It was engraved on the small pocket knife they discovered in one of their pockets. She cried, tracing her fingertips across the word over and over, praying to deities they could no longer remember to regain any other scrap of knowledge. Unfortunately, nothing would come.
The amount of time that passed was uncertain, but eventually, Riley was discovered by a group of hilichurls. Unsure where she was, she attempted to communicate, only to be attacked. One hand instinctively reached to their hip, grasping for a weapon that was no longer there, before clumsily blocking a blow with their arm instead. In her severely weakened state, she was no match whatsoever for these monsters, but fortunately, she wasn't alone.
In a flash, someone else was by their side, blocking a hit aimed towards her face with a beautiful polearm. He fought magnificently, clearing out the monsters before any of them could harm her again. Almost reluctantly, he asked if she was okay, and all she could do was shake her head, trying not to cry.
This is how she met Xiao. Reluctant to leave the injured mortal to get into more danger, he escorted them back to Wangshu Inn, treating their wounds in silence before offering to take them home. She confessed that she had no idea where 'home' was, the story pouring out of her while Xiao listened quietly. In the end, he got them a room in the Inn, explaining that they could stay there until they figured something else out.
Over the next few weeks, Riley recovered from her wounds, but not from the amnesia. Xiao continued checking on them, though he rarely spoke, and the two soon fell into a surprisingly comfortable routine of having dinner together before he left for his nightly patrols. They slowly became friends, almost against his will, and would eventually fall in love. He's extremely hesitant to allow anyone close, but he cannot fight his heart's desire, and fortunately for them both, Riley is immune to his Karma due to not being from Teyvat.
Riley is energetic yet surprisingly soft, especially when Xiao is around. Losing their memory is both a blessing and a curse - she remembers nothing about herself, but she also cannot remember the horrors of war that have left their body scarred. They enjoy making and fixing things, as they once did in their past life.
After begging Xiao to teach her, she masters the bow and arrow, and uses it to defend herself and him. As a descender, she has access to all of the elements in the same way that the Traveler does, though their favorite is Dendro. There's something about working with the essence of life after enduring so much death that is slowly healing part of her soul. They have nightmares frequently, waking up shaking and crying from things they can no longer remember. Fortunately, Xiao is always there when they call for him, and he allows them to cling to him until they calm down.
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mossmosis Ā· 6 months
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Full Name: Willow
Pronouns: She/Her
Fandom: Genshin Impact
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Willow was born in Sumeru with a thirst for knowledge and a love of animals. Her parents had to keep a close eye on her at all times because she would wander off to investigate anything vaguely animal-like that caught her eye. It's only natural that once she grew up, she would enter the Akademiya to research her life-long passion.
She met Tighnari while studying in the Amurta Darshan, and was almost immediately drawn to him. Though she was initially too shy to approach him, when she noticed that everyone else was talking to him and asking for his advice, she eventually summoned the courage to do so as well. He was very kind and helpful, and after a while, she slowly began to befriend him. They began to work together on much of their classwork, helping one another in their strong suits - Tighnari knowing nearly everything there is to know about plants and Willow knowing more animal facts than she knows what to do with.
During her time at the Akademiya, she chose to study Avidya Leopards, which were a relatively unknown species due to most researchers' fear of the predators. Willow began by going to well-known locations for the leopards to be, leaving them a gift of food. After keeping this up for several weeks, she began to drop the food off and retreat a safe distance before stopping to observe them instead of leaving entirely. The leopards grew more and more tolerant of her as time went on, eventually surprising her one day when she arrived with their food, as one of the big cats approached her. She froze in panic, dropping the plate of food at her feet, but the leopard ignored it, instead sniffing curiously at her before rubbing against her like an overgrown housecat. Ever since that day, that group of leopards treated her like one of their own, and it wasn't long before word spread about her, and other leopards she didn't know began to warily approach her as well. She not only gained the perfect research opportunity, and has published a large number of papers about the leopards, but she's gained lifelong friends. To this day, the leopards still approach her whenever she's out in the forest. The first time Tighnari happened to be accompanying her when this happened, the sudden arrival of leopards sent him up the nearest tree with his tail fluffed out twice as big as normal, and she still lovingly teases him about it.
After graduation, she and Tighnari both took a job in Gandharva Ville as Forest Watchers. They grew much closer after this, working and living in harmony, and it wasn't long before they began to develop feelings for one another. Willow ended up being the first to confess, gifting Tighnari a carefully-selected exotic flower known to symbolize love. His eyes lit up as he accepted it, and she listened patiently as he obliviously rambled about the plant, eventually cutting him off when he reached the part about the meaning of the plant. "I know. That's why I gave it to you," she said carefully, and the look of utter shock on his face is one she'll never forget - nor will she forget their first kiss shortly afterwards, awkward and clumsy but so very sweet.
Cyno and Tighnari met while the latter was still attending the Akademiya, and slowly grew to become friends, eventually leading to Willow meeting him as well. She was understandably nervous, coming face to face with the General Mahamatra, but Cyno attempted to ease her anxiety with a joke. She laughed, and every time he saw her after that, he would tell her another one, for she was one of the very few people who appreciated his jokes. After being friends for some time, the couple invited Cyno to date them, as they'd both developed a crush on him. He was initially hesitant, almost suspecting this to be a prank, but he agreed nonetheless. The three now live happily together, although Cyno is often away for his work.
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mossmosis Ā· 6 months
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Full Name: Kataleya
Pronouns: She/Her
Fandom: Genshin Impact
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Kataleya was born in Fontaine to a Fontainian mother and an Inazuman father. She was their second child, with an older brother, Cedric. They were a happy family when she was young, but unfortunately, their happiness was not to last. When she was fifteen, her mother died from a severe illness. Heartbroken, her father could no longer bear to live in Fontaine, and moved the three of them to Inazuma to be closer to his family. They then became trapped there after the Sakoku Decree took place.
Kata and her family fought with the Resistance during Inazuma's civil war, defending their ancestral homeland and its people from the Vision Hunt Decree. This, too, would prove disastrous for the little family. Her father lost his life protecting his children, holding off the shogunate army so they could escape. After the loss of their father, her brother Cedric would accept a Delusion from the Fatui in order to protect his little sister, draining his life force in the process. Kata wouldn't find out until it was too late and the damage was already done. She begged him to stop using it, but he lied when he promised her he would - he couldn't risk losing her, too.
She has a cryo vision with the ability to heal. This, too, she gained in a painful way - her brother took a hit for her during a fight, resulting in a mortal wound. As she cradled his bleeding body in the middle of the battlefield, desperately trying to keep him alive, she was bestowed a vision in her hour of need. As a result of the miracle, she not only kept him alive, but healed him as good as new - the wound that should have killed him not so much as leaving a scar. No one else would die fighting for the Resistance as long as she was present.
Unfortunately, there was one thing that she couldn't healā€¦ time itself. They won the war, but she lost the one thing she had left shortly afterwards, as her rapidly-aging brother passed away as a result of using the Delusion.
Distraught and desperate for a way out, she did the very thing her father had done years ago - she buried her family and fled the country as soon as the Sakoku Decree was lifted, returning to Fontaine lost and alone.
She did some odd jobs to keep herself alive for a short time before stumbling across Lyney and Lynette's magic show. She was immediately smitten with the magician, and drew the two of them in her sketchbook during the performance. After the show, she approached Lyney with her art, asking if they needed someone to do marketing for them. He hired her on the spot - much to the displeasure of Lynette, who wasn't consulted. She made art of the magicians, designing posters and fliers advertising for them, and their shows became more popular than ever before. She soon worked her way up, helping with prop design, and eventually she would become their prop manager, working tirelessly from the sidelines to ensure everything runs smoothly and safely.
In the meantime, she slowly won Lynette over with her bright personality and the way she cared for both the magicians and the set - as well as the abundance of tea and snacks she provided. She would also win over Freminet in a similar fashion, often joining him in the audience while the twins practiced their magic.
Several months of ceaseless flirting later, Lyney would finally make a move and ask her out, in part because Lynette talked him into it after growing tired of hearing him talk about Kata all the time. They made the perfect pair, but there was one slight problemā€¦ Kataleya didn't know that Lyney was part of the Fatui. The truth came out during the trial after the disastrous performance, shocking her to her core. It took him quite some time (and several comedic attempts at apologizing) to earn her trust back, but eventually, she was convinced that not all of the Fatui were bad people. She's still wary of Arlecchino and the other Harbingers, but she trusts Lyney and his siblings with her life.
She is often the only person that sees Lyney without the cheerful mask he's constantly wearing, as he refuses to show even his siblings the darker side of him, believing he must be strong for them. Now that he's promised to never lie to Kata again, howeverā€¦ all it takes is a little gentle coaxing before the truth comes spilling out, often with tears following. At first, he felt incredibly ashamed by this, but eventually he began accepting her comfort, letting her see him vulnerable because he knew she wouldn't leave or judge him. They have an incredibly deep level of trust for one another.
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mossmosis Ā· 6 months
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Full Name: Cassiopeia
Pronouns: She/Her
Fandom: Touchstarved
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Cassiopeia is my first Touchstarved oc. She is the cursed main character, with the Alchemist background. She hasnā€™t been fully developed yet, as Iā€™m waiting on the release of the full game to learn more about the world and backgrounds.
Despite her life thus far, Cassiopeia has never fully lost her tendency to look on the positive side of things. Itā€™s all she has, and she stubbornly clings to the belief that hope can be found in the bleakest of circumstances, if only to prevent herself from giving up entirely. This hope is what leads her to Eridia, seeking a solution to her curse, because she longs more than anything for a normal life.
Living as the mageā€™s apprentice has been a rather lonely existence for her, as she was kept away from most people. It was a precaution, really, to avoid any incidents with her curse. She can be a little shy and awkward around new people, mostly because she doesnā€™t have the best social skills, and she tends to instinctively keep quiet around crowds.
Due in part to her upbringing, she has two obsessions - the stars, and books. From the time she was little, stars were her one true love, and sheā€™s spent more nights than she can count lying on her back and staring up at the sky. The stars have always brought her a special kind of comfort - theyā€™re always there, even when she cannot see them, always in the same familiar patterns. Over the years, she learned their names, their constellations, their stories, every bit of knowledge she could find about the world above. When she feels particularly lost and alone, she can often be found looking up, seeking the comfort of the celestial bodies she has grown so fond of. They are her closest friends, and though theyā€™ve never spoken a word to her, she has often poured out her heart to them when alone on a starry night.
She adores reading, and will devour any book you give her access to. Reading allows her to temporarily escape to another world, one where she isnā€™t cursed, one where she can touch and be touched without people descending into madness. If you asked her favorite genre, she would tell you it was fantasy, or perhaps historical fiction, from a time before Fogfall. In reality, however, her true favorite is romance. She longs for a connection with other people, to be loved despite her curse, despite being a freak of nature. She knows it is not possible in reality, not for her, but she cannot resist the allure of reading about people luckier than she is finding their true love and getting the happily ever after that she is forbidden.
She truly believed that the mage, her ā€˜mother,ā€™ would help her find a cure to her curse, would find a way to help her, but alasā€¦ it was not to be. Once she discovered that the person who had been raising her, teaching her everything she knows, the one person she trusted above all others - had been using her as a test subjectā€¦ Well, she was heartbroken, to put it simply. She quietly packed everything she possessed and struck out on her own, seeking help in the one place left that she could think to go - the Senobium.
Her love interest is Mhin. She was instantly drawn to them, and while her head doesnā€™t fully trust them yet, her heart would trust them with her life. She doesnā€™t quite understand her feelings, her desire to get closer to them, but she wants to help them both find a cure for their curses. Their loneliness strikes a chord within her heart, and she becomes determined to earn their trust, to show them that the world isnā€™t all as bad as they think. Theyā€™re very similar in some ways, yet opposites in others, so they complement one another quite well. She is the stubborn optimist where they are the equally stubborn pessimist, her aesthetic is dark where theirs is light. She sees the best in people when they only see the worst, yet both are equally terrified of getting too close to someone and getting hurt.
Cassiopeia - also known as Cass or Cassie by those close to her, a list which has recently become empty - is tall and thin when she arrives in Eridia, her pale skin rarely exposed to the sun and long black hair kept in a messy braid. Once she settles in properly, though, she begins to look much better, and less like the fleeing refugee she was - she becomes a much healthier weight once she can stop rationing her food, and wears clothes nicer than the rags she wore when she first showed up. Her wardrobe consists of a lot of dark blue, complementing her blue eyes, and she enjoys wearing anything with a starry aesthetic. She wears black gloves instead of bandages to cover up her hands, and wears a dark blue cloak, both for comfort and for ease of hiding when necessary.
Sheā€™s also grown much stronger during her time in Eridia, mostly because she begins to train for it. She never really had to worry about the Soulless before, living in her secluded tower like a princess from her fairy tales, but now she does, and she hates the helpless feeling they give her. She gets advice from Leander on how to strengthen her muscles, and begs Mhin to teach her to fight. She finally convinces them, both because they didnā€™t want to have to keep saving her, and because she said if they didnā€™t, sheā€™d go and ask Ais instead. I could see her preferring a bow and arrow, taking Soulless down from afar with carefully aimed shots, though Iā€™m not sure how practical that would be - chances are, she ends up with a dagger similar to Mhinā€™s, and keeps it carefully sheathed on her hip at all times.
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mossmosis Ā· 6 months
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Full Name: Olivia
Pronouns: She/Her
Fandom: Path to Nowhere
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Olivia, or Liv as she prefers to be called, is my oc for Path to Nowhere. She is the Chief of the Minos Bureau of Crisis Control (MBCC), but where she differs from the Chief in the story is her heart. She does everything she possibly can for her Sinners, and protects them at all costs. Many of them have become honorary children to her, and she refuses to keep the distance the FAC insists upon between herself and her ā€˜prisoners.ā€™ She is their leader, but she will not be their master.
As soon as possible, considering all of the chaos happening in the world, she has the MBCC remodeled to make it more Sinner-friendly, giving them their own comfortable rooms and enhancing the other areas they have access to. She also implements new rules: the Sinners have the freedom to roam the MBCC instead of being confined to their cells at various times during the day, and those with good behavior are allowed to come and go as they please, so long as they do not cause trouble in the outside world.
She does everything she can to ensure their lives are not impaired more than necessary by being brought in to the MBCC, and has occasionally had her Sinners return home with a friend who willingly turns themself in. Her shackles are a safety net, in her eyes - she never uses them to control her Sinners unless strictly necessary. However, placing them under her control allows her to protect them from the FAC, who are often more than happy to detain, kill, or experiment on Sinners they deem dangerous. Only Liv can protect them from that fate, and she takes that responsibility extremely seriously.
She has a good relationship with almost all of her Sinners, and goes out of her way to foster these relationships. She does her best to spend time with each Sinner at least once every week, though her obligations as Chief often get in the way. She learns everything she can about them and works to make them happy and comfortable in their new home, and often brings them little presents she thinks theyā€™ll like. She has a calendar in her office where she marks all of their birthdates, and she throws a party of some variety for each of them, ranging from simply spending the evening together doing things they enjoy to a full, MBCC-wide celebration, depending on what the Sinner would prefer.
Liv is dating Cinnabar, and the two have a very sweet relationship. Theyā€™re both protectors, dedicated to ensuring the safety of others no matter the cost, so itā€™s important for them to take care of each other and ensure that neither of them accidentally overworks themself. Theyā€™re often found together, whether in the Bureau or the field, because they simply enjoy one anotherā€™s company. They are at their best when theyā€™re together, because they bring out the best in each other. For Liv, Cinnabar is one of her lights in the dark, one of the joys that make her life worth living, and one of the reasons she keeps fighting when it would be easier to give up.
Chief Liv's MBCC
As soon as possible, considering all of the chaos happening in the world, she has the MBCC remodeled to make it more Sinner-friendly. First, the cells are completely overhauled, one section at a time - though the bars remain embedded in the walls and the doors are made to be relatively Sinner-proof, the inside of the rooms, as she insists they be called, are made much more comfortable. The Sinners all receive a soft bed, their own wardrobe, an empty bookshelf to be filled with whatever they desire, a comfortable chair, a desk (along with at least two notebooks and plenty of pens, pencils, etc.), and a large, locking chest for their belongings, along with a small bathroom equipped with all of the essentials. Most importantly, a lock is also installed on the inside of the door, and Liv makes it very clear that the guards are not to enter without permission from either her or the resident Sinner, and are not to take any of their belongings without instructions to do so. She encourages them to decorate their rooms as they see fit, and helps them acquire anything they request.
She also remodels much of the Bureau itself, especially the area for the Sinners, making it a much more comfortable area for them. One of the first renovations is the library, where she arranges a comfortable area for a weekly storytime where she or one of the Sinners reads a book to the others while everyone relaxes and enjoys some snacks together. Literacy classes are also held, and the Sinners who cannot read or write well are invited to attend.
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mossmosis Ā· 6 months
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Full Name: Atlas Elliott Knight
Pronouns: He/They
Fandom: None
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Elliott is my beloved bookish nerd, as one might expect from the owner of a library. He always loved books from the very first moment he learned to read, and would constantly beg his parents to take him to the local library, unaware that one day it would be his. The libraryā€™s owner took notice of the young boy and the way he practically worshiped the books, and though he was forced to move away when he was a teenager, she could think of no one better to leave the store to in her will. He now lives in the apartment above the little library and lovingly cares for the old books and building himself - soon renamed to Solace Library.
He is asexual and panromantic, and has devoted himself to making his library as welcoming and LGBTQ friendly as possible. Solace has become a common hangout spot for teens and young adults, especially those who feel like outcasts in other places. They feel safe there, safe with Elliott; many of them regard him as an older brother figure, a protector who will not judge them.
His main hobbies are reading and writing, though if you talk to Elliott about himself, heā€™s rather likely to accidentally shift the topic to his pride and joy, the library and those who frequent it. He doesnā€™t get out much, and can be a touch shy; while he can and will excitedly talk your ear off about the book heā€™s reading, or the one youā€™ve just picked out, he isnā€™t one to approach others in public and often holds his tongue when a restaurant gets his order wrong. He also enjoys the occasional walk in nature, especially on a crisp autumn day, though if you want him to spend an extended amount of time outdoors it will have to be after the sun sets and the stars come out. He is a night owl, after all, and has fallen asleep more times than he can count lying outside and staring at the night sky. When itā€™s cold and rainy, however, there is nothing he loves more than curling up in a pile of soft blankets and pillows with a good book.
Elliott is a walking beanpole, tall and lanky with messy brown hair and soft brown eyes behind his glasses. He dresses for comfort, often wearing an oversized sweater, though heā€™ll settle for a t-shirt during the summer months. He fully embraces the light academia bookstore aesthetic, and loves every second of it. He also has his ears pierced, and tends to wear small stud earrings, and he quite enjoys painting his nails in an array of different colors, though he often paints them black.
Heā€™s also a huge fan of book merch, and shamelessly collects it, especially if itā€™s made by small businesses. The walls hold a myriad of art, prints heā€™s bought from the most popular series he has in the library, proudly displayed with the series and character names, as well as the artistā€™s name and shop information, printed neatly below them. He also frequently wears pins - always either a rainbow or asexual flag, as a subtle way of making people feel safe, but he also owns and frequently wears a large variety of fandom pins, along with the occasional necklace or bracelet.
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mossmosis Ā· 6 months
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Full Name: Emily Collins
Pronouns: She/Her
Fandom: None
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Emily is quite the free spirit, vibrant and bubbly and a little bit chaotic. She is Ajaā€™s younger cousin, though they often feel more like sisters, and have a very close relationship. Although the two resemble each other, their personalities are quite distinct; Aja is often more calm and relaxed, while Emily tends to be much more energetic - especially in their younger days, when she got them into trouble quite frequently. She loves exploring and meeting new people, and often disappears for a week or more with little warning to go and visit somewhere new before returning with stories and souvenirs. Along with typical souvenirs such as postcards, she collects two things if possible from everywhere she visits: a small rock, and the most unique local fashion (often jewelry) she can find.
Sheā€™s a very creative person, and has her own little business selling the things she makes to help finance her explorations. She enjoys painting, and will often create a painting or five whenever she visits a new place, though her eye tends to be drawn towards nature instead of tourist attractions - sheā€™ll skip the Eiffel Tower and paint the lovely little cafe she ate in instead, full of bustling life as people go about their day. She often teases Aja for being the history nerd of the family, while she herself is fascinated by the living - the people who exist here and now, doing their mundane tasks in their own extraordinary ways. Sheā€™s often stopped people who look particularly interesting to her and asked if she could paint them, usually at least taking a few pictures for future reference while exchanging contact information so she can share it when sheā€™s done. In addition to painting, she also makes jewelry to sell, often focusing on the unique factors of each piece instead of trying to make them look flawless and perfect.
She loves nature, and incorporates it into a lot of her designs, often adding little flowers to most things she makes. She has her own garden for growing fruits and vegetables, and she has a small beehive that she maintains as well, selling jars of all-natural honey along with her art.
She still technically lives with her parents, but only while sheā€™s home - she saved up enough money to buy and remodel a large van, turning it into a mobile living space for her on her journeys. She also has a furry ā€˜child,ā€™ a small black cat that she found badly injured as a kitten. After he was released from the vet, unfortunately losing one leg in the process, she brought him home and named him Onyx, and he has been well-loved ever since and happily accompanies her on her trips. Onyx is a surprisingly gentle and friendly soul, considering his background, and most attribute that to Emilyā€™s infinite love and care.
Emily has wavy blonde hair and the same ocean blue eyes as her cousin. Unfortunately, she inherited the same skin as well - she loves the freckles, but hates having to constantly apply sunscreen before being outside for too long, lest she end up looking like a lobster. Itā€™s rather inconvenient for someone who enjoys the outdoors as much as she does, but such is life. Sheā€™s an average height and weight, and tends to wear clothes and accessories as vibrant and unique as she is.
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mossmosis Ā· 6 months
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Full Name: Aja Lynn Hayes
Pronouns: She/Her
Fandom: None
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Aja is my first ever OC, and for many years now, has been my self-insert character for every fandom Iā€™ve ever been in. Recently, thanks to my friends, she has finally taken shape into a person of her own, and this is the version I share with you: Aja herself, not the hollow shell bearing her name and a few unchanging characteristics. While she is still, more or less, the better version of me, sheā€™s so much more than that now.
Personality-wise, Aja is a very sweet and caring individual, and is something of an ambivert - she definitely enjoys her peace and quiet and alone time, but she needs to spend time with her friends to be at her happiest. She cares deeply about everyone - too deeply, perhaps, for she has been known to accidentally pry a little too much or push a little too hard while attempting to help, and she can be sensitive to rejection. Sheā€™s incredibly stubborn when it comes to the people and things she loves, so itā€™s not easy to get rid of her once sheā€™s become fond of you, and sheā€™s almost infinitely forgiving, even when she probably shouldnā€™t be. Sheā€™s a pretty good judge of character and tries to see the good in people, but it takes a while to fully earn her trust because of her fear of being hurt.
I admit it, she has something of a savior complex, and sheā€™s drawn almost magnetically to those who need a friend. As much as sheā€™ll insist to herself that itā€™s just because she wants to help people, it runs deeper than that; sheā€™s always felt rather lonely, like an outsider even among friends, likely because I believe she has autism. When she was younger, she was often the one in a trio of friends who was left to pair up with someone else when time came to pick partners, simply because she wasā€¦ well, a little odd. Though she has much better friends now, such things have left quite the scar on her heart, and she unconsciously overcompensates with her drive to help others - after all, if they need her, they canā€™t leave her.
She is the eternal mom friend. Maybe not your first choice if you want to have some reckless fun (after all, she can be a little overly cautious,) but the first person you run to for help. She is the member of the group who brings a large bag to outings, full of things they might need - a small first aid kit, a sewing kit, chargers, snacks, water, medicine, umbrella. If you need it, she likely has it, and will share it with you without hesitation.
Her favorite color is blue, and sheā€™s in love with the night sky, just as I am, and she incorporates stars into many of her favorite outfits. Sheā€™s rather tall, with freckles peppered across nearly all of her body, and she once awoke after falling asleep on the couch at a friendā€™s house to find their little sibling had connected the dots on her exposed skin with markers. Her curly red hair is often left down, but she will pull it up in a messy bun or ponytail from time to time when sheā€™s overheating or working on something, especially during summer. She loves reading and writing, and also occasionally paints as well, especially for gifts. Sheā€™s an amateur photographer too, and can often be found trying to get that perfect shot of pretty scenery or prettier petsā€¦ or occasionally people, when given permission.
Aja has been my go-to oc for all of my older fandoms, and as such, she has slightly different variations for those that I'll list below for your convenience. Also worth noting, she has brown hair for all of the following, as the red hair was another unique trait that developed recently.
The Arcana: She is the apprentice without a solid storyline, alternatively dating nearly all of the love interests - Julian, Portia, Asra, and Muriel. One day I hope to return to the fandom with as much passion as I once had, and I will create new ocs for each of them.
Last Legacy: Aja was my main character, as always, and fell in love with our favorite dorky necromancer, Felix. She's exceptionally good at making potions, especially for healing. There are two alternate versions that involve her accidentally entering the world with her best friend, and one in which she somehow stumbles across the multiverse into another last legacy universe, meeting and befriending two additional MCs. It's a little complicated, but very fun for roleplay purposes!
Teen Wolf: She is Stiles' twin sister. This incarnation of Aja has dated a few different people over time - first Isaac, then Liam, and currently she's dating Allison after I discovered I was bisexual. She's a werewolf, though the timeline of her getting bitten is currently a bit ambiguous until I rewatch the show and figure out her timeline.
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mossmosis Ā· 6 months
Meet my OCs!
Welcome! This is the official masterlist of my original characters. I would love to hear your thoughts on them, and my askbox is always open if you want to send me questions or requests! Please be nice, though, hate helps no one.
Fandomless Original Characters:
Pronounced Ay-jah
My original self-insert oc who developed as a character of her own
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Aja's cousin. A playful wildcard who never really grew up
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Adorkable asexual librarian, owner of Solace Library
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Path to Nowhere
- Chief Liv
The MBCC Chief who would die for her Sinners
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Genshin Impact
- Kataleya
The traumatized sweetheart dating the traumatized magician Lyney
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The amnesiac descender in love with Xiao
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Biology geek dating fellow geeks Tighnari and Cyno
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A wayward goddess who changed Ei's mind and heart
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The cursed MC in love with Mhin
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mossmosis Ā· 11 months
Tennant is my Jesus so that's def accurate šŸ›šŸ›šŸ›
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the girls are in their Jesus era I see
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mossmosis Ā· 1 year
What a day to be gay. I'm so happy.
I got both Deren and Zoya šŸ›šŸ›šŸ›
Deren's voice lines are amazing, and I love my new girlfailure wife šŸ˜ I can't wait to do her interrogation aaaa
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mossmosis Ā· 2 years
My current mood. And I cant even pull again on her banner because I'm saving up for upcoming limited sinner banner šŸ˜”šŸ˜”
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mossmosis Ā· 2 years
Just finished chapter 8 and Hamel's interrogation and all I have to say is Holy shit my feelings šŸ„¹šŸ˜­
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mossmosis Ā· 2 years
Me, before playing path to nowhere: I'm not even a responsible enough adult to look after myself. I can't take care of a kid.
Me, after playing path to nowhere: *collecting kids like I'm collecting coins in mario* I'm going to give you all the love I never got from my mom and you will like it
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