#horo path to nowhere
mossmosis · 2 years
Me, before playing path to nowhere: I'm not even a responsible enough adult to look after myself. I can't take care of a kid.
Me, after playing path to nowhere: *collecting kids like I'm collecting coins in mario* I'm going to give you all the love I never got from my mom and you will like it
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veraberetta · 2 months
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rosemaze-reveries · 1 year
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not meant to be.
Dealing with rejection (giving + receiving)
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❥ Giving She averts her gaze as soon as she hears your confession. This is always an awkward position to be in, no matter how many of her Sinners have professed their love for her.
“I’m flattered...” She’s hesitant with her words, feeling for any reaction from the shackles. “...And I’ll always cherish you as my Sinner. But I can’t give you the love you’re looking for.” It’s kind of cheesy, but she means it.
❥ Receiving Fortunately, Chief is skilled at improv. Her brilliant idea is to pretend she confessed as part of an undercover mission.
“Nevermind, forget what I said. I lost my bearings for a second.” She waves you away and digs into her pocket, pulling out her comms device. “Sorry I put you on the spot.” She then dials Nightingale to ‘reveal her plan,’ but it crumbles into a cry for comfort instead.
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❥ Giving “You’re cute, I’ll give you that.” Zoya doesn’t mean to mock you, but it’s hard not to feel humiliated beneath her. She knocks a gentle fist against your shoulder and flashes you a well-meaning smile. “Hey, you’ll find someone worth your time. You deserve better than some Syndican thug anyway.”
❥ Receiving Most people obey Zoya without question, either out of fear or loyalty. She commends you for not giving in the same way. Her talk with you is brief but respectful, and she doesn’t hold anything against you.
The signs of her wounded heart only appear once you’re out of sight. It’s left her in a very nasty mood. She seeks out any chance she gets to destroy something—whether that’s by picking fights with rival gangs, or wrecking up whatever car/window/person is within reach.
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❥ Giving “...What.” The shock lingers on her face for all of ten seconds. She hadn’t seen this coming at all. “I don’t—I, um—is this a prank?” Her face is bright red, brows furious, gape incredulous. She concludes you must be messing with her, and yells at you for being weird.
❥ Receiving “Y-You actually believed that!?” She starts firing punches against your shoulder, hard enough to bruise. “I just wanted to see how you’d react and you went and took it seriously! Now get out of here and learn what a joke sounds like!!” But she ends up being the first to flee the room.
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❥ Giving As a beloved director known all over the world, Deren is no stranger to spontaneous love confessions. It’s a little different coming from you, though. As soon as she realizes what you’re trying to say, she takes a sharp breath and picks up your hand. “I’m glad you like my work. Really, I’m flattered.” She leaves no room for you to say anything else.
❥ Receiving “Mhm... good.” Deren never drops her lazy smile, and this time it’s more unreadable than ever. “You ever consider acting? You’ve just got something about you...” The way she seamlessly deflects from the topic catches you off-guard. You press into her some more, asking if she’s really okay after getting rejected like that. All she does is shrug and say, “Hm? Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
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❥ Receiving Eirene maintains an icy stare while waiting out your answer. When you finish, she crosses her arms and meets you square in the eye. “I’m sorry, I must’ve misheard you. Would you mind repeating yourself?” It might sound like she’s trying to coax a different response out of you. But she’d actually prefer you to stand your ground and counter her—it makes the thrill of the chase all the sweeter.
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ptnbunnie · 2 years
I’m sorry Horo
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introvertfox · 2 years
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meepy-ultra · 7 months
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zwan99 · 10 months
PtN New Main Story Chapter Trailer—「The Weak」
The text at the beginning reads: "The Finale | Syndicate"
Julien says "I just want to know... who arranged such a fate for us?"
Cr Jiu Jiu subs
Also, Donald and Matilda are confirmed as the new S and A rank sinners.
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And Horo's new skin.
She looks cute 🥹
Cr. PathtoSnake
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ptn-archivist · 6 months
— indestructible legion
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"the legion hasn't fallen yet. we must survive to find zoya and restore our former glory."
"yes, we can..."
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blue-starr12 · 1 year
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My team of sinners !! ^_^
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lanibijou · 10 months
So coming up for cn is Donald, Matilda, and a Horo 2-star skin!
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Ima be real with you I'm bout to turn into Mrs Steal Yo Girl with Matilda- like what need will he have for an adjutant when he's gonna be locked in the MBCC soon I'm just saying 🤷🏽‍♀️
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April fools
Substituting Horo's milk stash with either water that has white food colouring or buttermilk. Or changing the expiration dates to like a whole month ago.
Stealing Hella's pipe and making it obvious that it was stolen and make her chase to a dead end.
Everyone in the MBCC gets silly little plastic duckies hidden everywhere in their stuff for them to find.
Pranking Rime by replacing all his snacks and stuff with hay bcs that's what deers eat or drawing a lil silly thing on his face
It would be difficult to prank any of the ptn mommies but it would be funny to try.
Ohhh, messing with Irons medical supplies would be funny. Like. Nonessential stuff to be switched up.
Ill probably be back if I get some other ideas
Two contents in one day? Shocking! So I'm finally doing this a whole month later because.... well, motivation is weird. Anyway.
Enjoy your ptn pranks! They're a lil short but hopefully you like it anyway... I was looking for something easier to try and get back into writing, heh.
I switched the last two, to group things a little bit better by fandom... and I have no idea what you could even try to do with the Mommies, so I just did the specified pranks.
Prank #1: Substituting Horo's milk stash with either water that has white food colouring or buttermilk. Or changing the expiration dates to like a whole month ago.
Horo is. Not gonna be happy. At all.
If you switch them, she takes a sip innocently and then gets the most comedic look of shock on her face. If it's water she might recognize the prank and just swallow it, but if you switch it with buttermilk, she's likely just gonna immediately spit it out because what the hell is that
If you change the expiration dates she might not notice immediately, depending on when you do it... I feel like she checks them religiously when they first arrive, but after that, not as much. Truthfully, this prank will not work very well, because she either doesn't notice or throws out perfectly good milk. Listen. Listen. As someone who drinks a lot of milk. You learn to pick up on changes in it instantly. I promise you, if that is all she drinks, she will notice the second it starts going bad. If she's actively drinking it and notices the expiration date is that far back, she's likely to suspect the prank.
Anyway prepare for vengeance either way, especially if you swap it out. She's going to be a little ball of fury for a little bit, but after she calms down, she's going to plan a good prank for revenge, so... pray she doesn't find out it was you.
Prank #2: Stealing Hella's pipe and making it obvious that it was stolen and make her chase to a dead end.
Something something little ball of rage... sounds familiar. Maybe don't prank Horo and Hella on the same day?
She pretty immediately swears to make whoever stole her pipe pay dearly, and is intent on getting it back. Very little will deter her from this task. Don't even ask her to go on a mission until she gets it back.
Ninety-Nine helps her hunt for it, because of course she does. Which makes it even more nerve-wracking if you were to be caught.... good luck.
Someone will inevitably offer to replace her weapon, and she'll reply, as always, that she doesn't want or need anything else. Her pipe was perfect, and she will get it back.
The longer it takes to hunt it down, the more frustrated she gets. Hella does not have the most patience, after all... She's probably cussing like mad and threatening to use her pipe to kill whoever stole it once she finds them.
If she learns it was you, she won't follow through on those threats... but she will be dramatic about it, and will very obviously pout and ignore you for a day or two until she naturally gets bored of it. If you want her back to normal faster, bribes of money and candy will work... even if she insists they don't at first.
Prank #3: Everyone in the MBCC gets silly little plastic duckies hidden everywhere in their stuff for them to find.
Now this is gonna be fun!
The reactions range from thrilled affection to fury. Many of the Sinners 'adopt' the little duckies, and carry them around with them or craft a little makeshift nest for the duckies in their rooms.
Many ducks get names, and several Sinners immediately get customizing with paint and markers. Likewise, Hecate suddenly becomes extremely popular, after she logically begins to paint the duckies she found in her room to match the Chief and other Sinners. By the end of the day, she has a list of orders, a small mountain of duckies overflowing the basket beside her, and an assortment of things she's been given as payment, from money to trinkets to art supplies. She'll spend the next week painting the little ducks in a myriad of different ways, and she seems quite content.
Unfortunately some ducks are, inevitably, viciously destroyed the moment they're found... looking at you, Wendy. Poor thing thinks they're corruptors, most likely....
A lot of them don't really care, they just chuckle a little when finding more, and either put the duckies in one spot in their room or give them to other Sinners. Most of these Sinners keep at least one, though, because they are adorable.
Several of them turn it into a competition. I'm assuming that, in addition to hiding the duckies in the Sinner's rooms/belongings, maybe some were scattered throughout the Bureau.... well, now the hunt is on, and there's a massive competition to see who can get the most. The main competitors are Hella and EMP, but OwO actually wins. She claims it's due to luck, but at least a little has to do with charming other Sinners out of their duckies... and also being able to hunt freely while Hella and EMP try to hinder one another. She keeps them all in her lion's head.
Wolverine doesn't quite know what to do with them, but Pippy loves them. Cute little badger loves playing with them, and ends up with many duckie toys.
Nightingale ends up with a little duckie painted in her likeness (or at least, with her uniform) given to her by Hecate, and, in a somewhat uncharacteristic show of her more relaxed, fun side, glues a magnet to the bottom of it and sticks it to her shoulder, occasionally consulting the "Assistant Adjutant" duck for advice.
All in all a very good time is had by all, and this likely becomes something of a ritual for April Fool's Day. People used to go on Easter egg hunts... the Sinners go on April Duckie hunts!
Prank #4: Ohhh, messing with Irons medical supplies would be funny. Like. Nonessential stuff to be switched up.
Do you want to die?
For the love of god make sure Anne is around. She's probably the only one who can save you.
Iron detests her mania research being interfered with. She is very busy, and most definitely does not approve of this.
If she notices when she has time to spare, she will stop work and painstakingly reorganize her supplies. If not, though... she goes through with whatever procedure she needs to do, grumbling the entire time about the mess. And then she will fix it.
You'd better hope that she doesn't find out you did it, because if so, you're going to have to pay her back for this. If she finds out quickly enough, you'll be the one putting everything back in place, likely with a very grumpy Iron 'babysitting' and instructing you on where everything goes.... or, if you're unlucky, a simple instruction to return everything to its rightful place before leaving you on your own. Fortunately most things are labeled, but unfortunately, she is very particular and will inspect your work when you're done. If she finds out after she's fixed things herself, she'll insist upon you being her assistant in the future, which could entail anything from helping her move unconscious/paralyzed patients to doing strenuous tests as her sample test subject. Good luck!
Prank 5: Pranking Rime by replacing all his snacks and stuff with hay bcs that's what deers eat or drawing a lil silly thing on his face
He's extremely grumpy and will pretend this is the worst thing that has ever happened to him, but he actually finds it hilarious.
Seriously, though, he loves his snacks, and goes to great lengths to ensure that he never runs out of them. Waking up one day to find his entire stash not only gone, but meticulously replaced with similarly-shaped bits of hay and leaves? Yeah. Not happy.
He immediately swears vengeance on whoever has done this. And immediately blames Sage, probably, both because he's the prime suspect and because Rime just... enjoys the excuse to fight with him. Eventually Sage will convince him that he had no idea where the stash even was, and that he'd have stolen snacks long before now if he had, and Rime moves to other suspects.
He practically does a full detective investigation to find out where his precious, precious treats have gone.
If/when he finds out it was you, he'll be quite annoyed, but... so long as the snacks are returned, he will forgive. Eventually. He'll definitely think up a task or three for you to do to make it up to him, though... or, worse yet, he'll forgive you far too quickly and you'll spend the next week paranoid about what he's planning before he inevitably catches you off guard anyway with some ridiculously-detailed prank of his own design. You'll probably end up trapped and/or portaled somewhere, given enough of a fright that he feels you've paid for your thieving ways.
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rosemaze-reveries · 2 years
When you accidentally fall asleep on their shoulder
reader is mostly ambiguous but there’s 1 instance of being called “chief” in chelsea’s section!
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Horo 🪓
“Mm, what?” She peeks over when she feels a weight press against her shoulder. Realizing you’re asleep, her first instinct is to shout and try to shrug you off. “Hey—! Go smother your snot on something else!” But some guilt sets in as soon as she sees your brows crinkle and you reach up to gently massage your head. Offers you a bottle of milk as an apology later.
Chelsea 💎
This is exactly the kind of scenario she loves to be caught in. With the clink of her bracelets she swings an arm around you, mauve pink lips pulled into a perfect smile. “Aw, Chief, I knew you’d come around sooner or later.” She moves your head to rest against her chest, and starts playing with whatever part of you is within reach—whether it’s your hair or the strap of your top.
Pacassi ☢️
Doesn’t move a muscle. This position is uncomfortable for her but she’d rather die than disturb you. Instead, she observes your sleeping face. Her thoughts start with how lovely and peaceful you look, but then her eyes travel to your lips... and she promptly gets embarrassed and averts her gaze. That’s when it sets in just how close you are to her. She freezes up once again, but this time it’s because of the butterflies.
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maybelsart · 1 year
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Birthday girl!
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anerol152 · 2 years
I am once again going through crimebrands descriptions and man ouch.
Also I love how everyone is either traumatically sad or a hint to character lore; and then you have Demolia.
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Demolia is vibing. Just in a nice place, with a drink, nothing but good vibes. Love that for her.
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meepy-ultra · 2 years
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Path to nowhere doodles done over the past month or so
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soulsballad · 10 months
@deathfavor: care, sender takes care of receiver when they're sick. ( Horo & Earl LAST ONE I PROMISE )
the mission went horribly. absolutely, entirely horrible. when she woke up this morning she felt the ache in her throat and congestion in her head, but she's a warrior, and warriors don't put their blades down for something as pathetic as a sore throat and head. and so she pushed on, and it ended with her almost collapsing in front of corruptors. she was just lucky she wasn't alone, otherwise she would be dead.
the minute the team returns to their base horo is swiftly wandering off, squeezing her way through fellow legion members to escape what she knows is coming. one of them would snag her; but which one would get to her first?
earl. of course, he was quick. and commander zoya would have probably waited until horo got out of the way of other members. earl enjoyed his big brother role, that's why when he's grabbed her by the arm and tugging her towards the medical tent she was already rambling an excuse as to why she 'almost passed out'. but he's having none of it, no doubt because of how dangerous it could have been. the look he gives her confirms that, so she shuts up and just decides to sulk as he sits her down and a medic comes over to check her over.
she's got early symptoms of some sort of flu, she's told to stay put and rest for a while. of course, naturally, when the medic turns and leaves horo is right back up on her feet, reaching for her sword. but earl's metallic hand swoops in and grabs hers. " hey! " her voice is hoarse and scratchy, contradicting what she says next. " come on earl, i'm fine! i'm- " she's shoved back down onto the bed, and before she can protest and move to stand again, her brother pulls up a chair beside her and sits, resulting in her giving him a rather cheeky side-eye.
silence easily falls around them and horo knows what is happening. he'd keep her company, or he'd tie her to the bed to make sure she did as told. giving a soft roll of her eyes, the sinner shifts onto her side, facing the man and blowing him raspberries. you suck. love you.
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