mossycobblestcnes · 2 years
brodie furrowed his eyebrows. he thought it was kinda weird when some guy loudly said the beer in his hands wasn't his. he thought it was even weirder that he was holding it in the same way politicians hold beer when they take photo ops in pubs to appeal to racist middle aged white blokes. but brodie wasn't in the mood to judge anyone for being a bit weird. he was busy trying to have fun and take full advantage of the free booze. "mate, it's only nine. it's way too early to tidy up." brodie stopped to take a brief look around. there were a couple of empty red solo cups and beer bottles left abandoned but the house wasn't a complete mess yet. nobody had puked on floor or in a vase yet so brodie considered that a win. "you should try to relax. go get a a drink or ask somebody to pass you their cone. or just enjoy the vibes if that's more you thing." brodie wasn't going to judge somebody for being teetotal. not even some random guy with uptight vibes. he knew teetotalers who knew how to have a good time and could stay up until 6am completely sober and just enoying the vibes. he nudged damian then pointed at the beer."do you want me to down it so you can bin the bottle?",brodie asked. he had a red solo cup ready in his other hand. he wasn't going to drink out of a random bottle. he had standards.
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WHERE: A party at Pi Kappa Alpha WHEN: Night time?? 9ish OPEN TO ALL
“This isn’t mine,” Damian announced. Between his fingers was an empty beer bottle that he was holding onto awkwardly. “I’m just trying to stay on top of the mess,” he went on to further clarify. Pi Kappa Alpha was no stranger to hosting parties. Damian was no stranger to being inconvenienced by them. Loud noise, littering, general tomfoolery… You’d think he’d have gotten used to it by now. At times, he deluded himself into thinking he had grown accustomed to it as well. But as the night went on and the general disarray started to pile up, the inevitable unease would crawl up Damian’s spine and settle uncomfortably over his shoulders. “This wasn’t yours, was it? Hardly anything in it.” He shook the bottle. There was barely half an inch of liquid in it.
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mossycobblestcnes · 2 years
Though Alice knew the chances that he wasn’t Joe were pretty slim, she still felt her shoulders sag a little in relief when he confirmed it. Joe Cartwright. He wasn’t nearly as intimidating as she feared when she saw the word ‘senior’ on Coach Harrity’s email. He had a very kind face. A little laugh bubbled out of her at his admission about calling Kristine ‘Coach Harrity’ for so long. “Okay. Kristine,” she repeated with a single nod, trying to say it with more confidence than she felt. “I can do Kristine. Or, I can try to run with ‘Kristine’ here and now but who knows what’ll happen the first time I see her in person? There’s an equal chance I’ll freeze up and end up calling her ma’am all the time instead.” She nodded again as he explained the plan for the afternoon, straightening herself up a bit and furrowed her brow a little as she listened. Not only did she want to pay attention, but she wanted to appear as if she were paying a great deal of attention. First impressions and all. The tiny snort she let out at the pun was not part of the plan, but there was no way to hold it back either.
“Good. That all sounds really good. Thank you. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out. I promise I’m a quick learner,” she said, which was maybe half-a-fib in general but not so much in this area, since she’d been a lifeguard back home so she knew the basics. “Before this, I was a lifeguard at a local pond over the summer and then at this, like, fitness center that was sort of bougie during the school year. Little kids and old people. That kind of thing. I’m going to have to contend with the fact that the… pool of regulars here look a little different.” She smiled indulgently at her own pun. “That’s probably going to be my most significant learning curve.” Alice picked absently at the nailfold of her thumb, then curled her fingers to make herself stop. “Oh, good!” she said sincerely. “We have that in common. I mean — I’m sober, but definitely… a little nervous. First day jitters.” First week of college jitters. First week without her dad or her cat or her lilac-painted bedroom or her bin of vinyl that used to be her mom’s or the hydrangeas in the backyard or the dilapidated swing set her uncle put together for her when she was four. No familiar faces (except Shiloh’s, of course). No old haunts. Lots of new new new. It was a lot of change, and she felt a kernel of her true self buried underneath it all. “But, um. Lead the way. I’m ready to go whenever.”
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alice's firm nodd reminded him of abby. he hoped she was getting on okay at queen's but he knew she was doing fine and didn't need him fussing over her. she was fearless or at least better at pretending to be than joe was at eighteen. he got out of kristine's creaky office chair before answering alice's question."if you think repeating kristine until it doesn't sound like a real name anymore will help then knock yourself out. it sounds like a good plan." ,he replied. he added a thumbs up for good measure just in case alice thought he sounded sarcastic. he didn't think he sounded sarcastic (his problem was sounding overly earnest) but he knew he couldn't fully control the way he was perceived no matter how hard he tried.
he wanted to laugh at alice's comment but he suppressed his chuckle, letting out a small huff instead. he was worried that she'd think he was laughing at her instead of with her. he knew that it was easy to get the wrong impression when you were nervous. "i don't think she'd be psyched about being called ma'am but she'll probably find it kinda funny. not like in a mean way ; in an endeared kind of way , you know?" he hoped she knew what he meant and endeared was the right word to get his point across. he tried to use as little words as possible even though he didn't succeed. sure, he learned a ton of words in the last four years but dropping the word amygdala in a conversation wouldn't help him be understood. he needed to find words that worked for specific situations.
he nodded slightly when alice said she was a quick learner. that would make his job easier. not that it really felt like a job. he was happy to show around. he loved any excuse to meet new people and be useful. plus, it felt like he was adopting a rookie. "no way, that's so cool and you're more prepared than i was when i was a newbie." he stated but he didn't elaborate. she didn't need to know that he had no lifeguard experience before coming to essex but had wilderness and standard first aid training from scouts. alice definitely didn't need to know that in junior year of high school he tried to convince himself that his motivation for getting a bronze cross award was completely unrelated to the embarrassing crush he had on the instructor. "trust me,it's easier working here than at a pool with kids. i was a lifeguard at the rec centre in my hometown the summer of sophomore year. i was constantly on the verge of a heart attack and regretted not working at the curling rink instead." his words were in complete contrast to the found smile on his face. it was a stressful job but stopping twelve year olds from playing who can hold their breath underwater the longest was better than walking on egg shells with his parents and being afraid of questions he couldn't give the right answers to.
joe frowned deeply and twirled the pen he'd forgotten to put down. he wished there was something he could do to get rid of her nerves but he was out of luck. she had to overcome them herself. there wasn't a pool noodle to help with first day jitters."hey, it's gonna be okay. everybody gets first day jitters but you've got nothing to worry about. today's meant to be an easy intro and you'll get used to how things work around here in no time." he was reminded of the similar speech he gave abby recently. she just scoffed and told him to stop pretending to be ted lasso but he could tell deep down she appreciated his advice. he threw the pen onto an empty part of kristine's desk then clapped his hands together. "cool, let's go. anything in particular you want to start with? the admin stuff is in here but it might be a bit overwhelming. we could start with a general walk around the poolside then the equipment shed but it's entirely up to you." he wavered slightly, worried that he was being too vague. but he didn't want to give a structured tour in case that was overwhelming and made him seem like a hardass wannabe mentor.
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mossycobblestcnes · 2 years
joe wished kristine gave him a more exact time for when he had to give the new lifeguard a tour of the big green. he wasn't going to kick a fuss because he got why giving the freshman a three hour time frame to come to kris's office was more convenient for her but he personally preferred knowing the exact time and place he needed to be somewhere so he could write it in his google calendar and show up ten minutes early. he decided to make the best out of a slightly inconvenient situation by showing up ten minutes before the earliest time alice campbell could come to kristine’s office with his laptop and a latte (with two creeams and two sugars as a little treat) in hand.
he'd given up on trying to analyse a journal article on the psychology of education an hour ago and was hunched over the equipment list when he heard a knock at the door. joe sat up straight and took the chewed pen top out of his mouth as he turned to see who was knocking. "yup, guilty as charged." he answered, leaning over to place the clipboard on kristine desk. "you can call coach harrity kristine if you want. that's what the rest of us do and i think she prefers it to coach harrity." he explained. "but i called her coach harrity for like five months straight when i first started working here so that's cool too." he added. he didn't want to sound like a condescending dick and he knew how hard it was to stop seeing profs and coaches like teachers when you first started college. "yeah, i'll show you the ropes. i'll probably just give you a tour today and a quick overview of the rota and equipment list spreadsheets. don't want to throw you in at the deep end." he shot alice a self-aware smile as he said the last sentence. he was well aware it was a lame thing to say but he hoped it would put her at ease. "that's really cool." he nodded. joe  already knew all that info about her because kristine had told him it in the email she sent him but he wasn't going to say that to alice. bless her she seemed so nervous. "i'm joe cartwright. old lifeguard. senior. and i also love a ramble from time to time. but mainly when i'm nervous or drunk."
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closed starter: @mossycobblestcnes / joe when: mid-morning, perhaps a few days after the frat party?? where: athletic center
Alice roamed the halls of The Big Green (which everyone seemed to be calling the athletic complex), following the directions given to her via email, until she made it to what must’ve been a row of offices for various coaches and staff. One door was cracked open, with KRISTINE HARRITY on the nameplate outside. She took a deep breath, calming her nerves, and then walked up to the office. Knocking on the door frame, she then stuck her head in. “Oh! Hi, you’re — Are you Joe?” she asked, pointing a finger at the boy surrounded by kickboards and pull buoys, then quickly dropped it when she wondered if that was a rude thing to do. She was pretty sure an equipment check was also on the docket for today or tomorrow.  Alice would feel bad if he already started it without her. “Coach Harrity said you’d be able to show me the ropes?” She’d actually said ‘Call me Kristine’ in her email, but Alice was hesitant to do so right off the bat. “ And help me navigate this place,” she added on a little sheepishly, then stopped short. “I’m Alice Campbell, by the way. New lifeguard. Freshman. Rambling, for some reason… Sorry, I should probably give you a chance to talk too.”
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mossycobblestcnes · 2 years
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mossycobblestcnes · 2 years
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mossycobblestcnes · 2 years
ohhh my god i need enrichment soooo baddddd....... someone PLEASE throw something strange and new into my enclosure!!!!!
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mossycobblestcnes · 2 years
why is miss piggy the greatest celebrity of all time. legitimately
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mossycobblestcnes · 2 years
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#fashion guru gediz
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mossycobblestcnes · 2 years
“She was the essence of the theatre itself, stirring the imagination, promising such intensity and heightening of the experience, such richness, and then failing to appear in person, giving instead a smoke screen of compulsive talk about trivialities.”
— Anaïs Nin | The Diary of Anaïs Nin, vol. I, December 30, 1931
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mossycobblestcnes · 2 years
brodie had absolutely no reason to be upstairs. he didn't need a piss, he hadn't found anybody who wanted to have a quickie in a cupboard and he wasn't bored. but he was curious to see what was up there. there was something inherently enticing and exciting about unknown places. plus, he wanted to know how big the rooms were for when he successfully rushed. he found out somebody else had the same bad idea as him when his aimless stumbling was interrupted by his roommate rummaging through a frat bros' clothes. "liam, i wouldn't try on a random bloke's clothes if i were you. never know what's on them." ,he commented with a chuckle. "but if you really want to try something on i reckon the green thing would suit you better. you've got more grinch vibes than jock vibes."
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open. where: pi kappa alpha  when: frat party
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liam loved a good party. hell, good american banger was half the reason he came all this way in the first place. the irish could drink, but he was craving a change of scenery. that, and he was already banned from half the joints in dublin. — as one should, liam arrived to the party both late and drunk and was instantly fascinated by the degeneracy of it all. this was his people. stupid and out of their mind. he didn’t really know what to do with himself so he went upstairs past the luckier bastards already half-fuckin’ on the stairs and entered a room that seemed interesting and smelt of feet and bad decisions. he started digging through this persons shit like he was at good will, mixing and matching. “oi – “ he stopped a random passerby, tripping in his step. “what are we thinkin? t-the red varsity jacket or – the green fluffy thing?” 
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mossycobblestcnes · 2 years
joe hadn't planned on going to the frat party. he thought his frat days were behind him. there was an exciting world of off campus bars to discover. he had plans to 'sneak into' the over 25s bar in town. however, he ended up being dragged to the party on campus because one of his housemates pouted at him. he couldn't say no to that and the speech about how his housemate wanted him to have fun and needed him to be there. turns out his housemate didn't need him to be there. he lost him in the crowd hours ago. that didn't come as a huge surprise. joe was prepared for that and up for mingling. he ended up bonding with a sophomore communions major called kayla. kayla was super sweet. the only two issues with kayla was that her boyfriend was an asshole and she left her purse. joe was on a mission to find her and give it back. he had checked everywhere downstairs and was on to the second floor. maybe she went to go piss or she found somebody to help her get over her dick of a boyfriend. joe was determined to knock on every door on the second floor until he found her. "shit! sorry! my bad, bud." he apologised , taking a few steps back when lucas answered the door. "there was some chick from arkansas or maybe it was alabama and she left her purse." joe explained , lifting the little black handbag. "but how are things with you, bro? seems like you're having a rough night. but you don't have to tell me anything. i can leave you be if you want. i've got a purse to give back."
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when: late, frat party where: frat house, 2nd floor open to all.
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lucas was not in the party mood today. melody (the npc gf) posted a bunch of thirst traps earlier that evening and it caused an argument that got entirely out of hand. he told the guys not to bother him, and to keep people off the second floor as much as possible, but so far he’s had ten people come knocking and three of his brothers bringing him a beer. – when another knock came out of nowhere, he assumed it was billy coming back and rushed in frustration. he needed to put up a sign up or something. “i said fuck off bro, i don’t wanna –” but it wasn’t billy, and he felt like shit instantly. “sorry, thought you were someone else. what’s up?” 
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mossycobblestcnes · 2 years
shane watched as the newcomer entered the room, she looked a little lost and didn’t have any bags in her hands so she had to assume that she was yet another neighbor and not the mysterious final roommate who hasn’t showed her face yet. but then she started speaking and apparently shane was never going to meet this girl. “i’m guess that means your sister is ariel,” shane said, relaxing a bit into the couch. “no, i haven’t seen her yet. keep waiting for her to show up, met the other two roommates but not her.” if her sister was here, where the hell was the final roommate? god, what if she was some weird ass person? her sister seemed normal enough. noa. interesting. “it’s shane. sorry, you wouldn’t believe how many people have walked in here thinking it was a different room number, as if it’s not literally on the door.” 
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"yep, she is." noa answered with a nod. she assumed that meant 202 checked to see her roommates names before moving in. she appreciated that. she liked when people were well prepared before doing something, especially things that were important."she's probably off somewhere getting into mayhem already or having a smoke." she suggested with a fond eye roll. it was mostly a joke but it wouldn't surprise her if ari managed to get into trouble already. "what are your other two roommates like?" noa asked, walking towards the couch so she wasn't hovering by the door. she was pretty sure she wasn't going to meet ari's roommates. she wanted to have her own life that wasn't entirely interwoven with ari's social circle and she was probably going to be busy organising sorority events. but she was nosier than she wanted to be and how the girl on the couch described her roommates would tell noa more about her. noa grimaced. "yikes, i'd die of embarrassment if i did that but i guess it's a good excuse to introduce yourself to people."
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mossycobblestcnes · 2 years
❣️🖋 🍳 (joe)
🖋 -do they have any hobbies?
mainly jogging, going to the gym, swimming, politely asking strangers in the park if he pet their dog, trying very hard to be quiet during hockey games and lastly he will be taught how to knit by alice i'm manifesting this into existence
❣️- what's their love language?
for expressing love to other people it's acts of services/gift giving. he's willing to do anything to show people that he cares and will give everyone he likes leak and potato soup. for himself it's words of affirmation. he just wants somebody to tell him they love him and he's doing a good job.
🍳 - how well can they cook?
he's not a terrible cook but there is a limited range of things he can cook. this is very much a "teach a white man to make spag bol and he will only make spag bol for the rest of his life" situation. but he does make the limited range of things he loves to cook well and would be willing to learn to try new recipes.
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mossycobblestcnes · 2 years
Brodie: 💘 - What do they find attractive about their partner(s)?
he's currently single and isn't looking for a serious long term relationship. he's in his here for a good time not a long time era. he doesn't really have a type either. if he thinks somebody is hot it's for reasons specific and individual to them. but he does like when somebody looks like they can kill him and can keep him on his toes. he also looks for a good sense of humour in a partner and a hot or endearing laugh. it's good essential but he likes when somebody has a unique, quirky and individual sense of style.
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mossycobblestcnes · 2 years
brodie: 🌧 describe a time your character did something even though they were scared
brodie doesn't get scared easily. he kind of thinks he's invincible and is too impulsive to properly assess how dangerous something before doing it. he would still do something that scared him and was risky if he thought it would be fun or a good story. he broke his ankle using his mattress as a ramp to skateboard down the stairs when he was twleve but he'd probably do it again. one of the few timess he's been scared was in the run up to his exams in year 12. he didn't care that much about school but he wanted to get into uni just to see more of the world and he didn't want to let down his parents because he cares about them a fuckton.
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mossycobblestcnes · 2 years
noa: 🗣️ - How do they handle public speaking?
noa is an excellent public speaker. it was a skill she learned from spending her childhood competing in beauty pageants. she figured out that tone and body language were more important than what you say during public speaking but she also wanted her words to matter. she has a methodical approach to public speaking. she writes a colour coded outline then cue cards but she's also gotten better at improvising.there was a massive incident when she was eight and broke down in tears on stage when she forgot the exact wording of the answer she was going to give. but now she's realised that it's not the end of the world when she doesn't stick exactly to a script but she prefers it.
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mossycobblestcnes · 2 years
noa loved unpacking. it was reassuring to know that nothing had been lost on the drive and once she had everything unpacked and sorted into it's new home she would feel prepared to the start the new year. unfortunately, her plan to calmly unpack was disrupted when she found a tacky necklace that definitely didn't belong to her amongst her belongings. classic ari, somehow managing to disrupt her plans when they weren't even living in the same building this year. with a sigh noa put the necklace in her jacket pocket and headed to the dorms.
she headed into the common room with a mix of apprehension and purpose. she would cringe to death if she stumbled into a random dorm instead of ari's. she loosened her shoulders in relief when the stranger on the couch introduced herself by the dorm number instead of her name (bit weird but at least it eased noa's anxiety). "hey! have you met a girl with curly blonde hair , creepy blue eyes and an alt aesthetic yet? one of my sister's necklaces got mixed up with my stuff so I thought I'd come and give her it. by the way, i'm noa. it's nice to meet you, 202. what's your actual name?"
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open starter for the roomies or other dormmates who may be passing by when: morning, move in day where: room 202′s common room
shane hasn’t even started unpacking yet, she just threw her suitcases on one of the beds and decided she would do it later. instead she was lounging on the uncomfortable ass couch as she waiting for her other roommates to show up. this was her least favorite part of living in the dorms, what if she got a bunch of lame asses? seeing someone pass by the open door to room 202, she sat up a little. “202? what’s up?”
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