mostbrave-blog · 9 years
dragon age inquisition sentence starter
“ Bad things should happen to bad people. “  ” Rich tits always try for more than they deserve “ “ Whatever the truth is, that belief gives you power. ” “ Can’t you see why I want nothing to do with that life? “ “ I have seen the throne of the gods, and it was empty. ” “ I will not suffer even an unknowing rival. You must die! “ “ Tell me… where is your Maker now? Call him, call down his wrath upon me! You cannot. For he does not exist! “ " Common ground is the start of all negotiations. ” “ Though darkness closes, I am shielded by flame. “ " It spoke of judgement instead of acceptance. It should encourage the good in everyone, rather than rebuke us for our sins. No one should be turned away from our doors. No one is without worth. Whoever you are, whatever your mistakes, you are loved. Unconditionally. “ " If we’re going to change it, why not change the whole thing? “ " I’ve known mages. Some of them were better people than me. And yet I’m free and they’re not. It’s not right. “ " Sometimes you have to figure out for yourself what the pledge to protect others really means. “ " You are who you choose to follow. “ " Took me years to understand what he meant. “ " But wars are won by men. “ " You inspire them. “ " Build on that foundation, and you will have an army that makes nations tremble. “ " We all need to believe there are such men in the world. “ " I needed to believe I could be one of them. “ " We could make the world better. “ " It’s just easier to shut our eyes. “ " It’s not right… to want to do good, to be good, and have that turned against you. “ " At this moment, you are the only threat I see. “ " How seldom does reality match the ideal. “ ” We must do so with open hearts and open hands. “ “ I see what must be done, and I do it! I see no point in running around in circles like a dog chasing its tail. “ " At some point, power becomes its own master. “ " They will stand in the fire and complain that it is hot. “  " I want to help. “ " I used to be like you. I’m not anymore. You shouldn’t be either. “ " They forgot about him. “ " I came through to help… and I couldn’t. “ " Isn’t it wonderful? “ " Living a lie… it festers inside you, like poison. You have to fight for what’s in your heart. “ " It’s my duty to stand with you. “ ” I’m here to set things right. Also? To look dashing. That part’s less difficult. “ " We’re a lot more fragile than we’d like to believe. “ " Life isn’t about personal freedom. “ " People don’t always tell the truth when you’re polite. “ " We pick the ones willing to make the hard decisions… and live with the consequences. “ " Every great war has its heroes. I’m just curious what kind you’ll be. “ " No real god need prove himself. Anyone who tries is mad or lying. “ " I would not trade it for anything. “ " I hope there’s a damn good punchline coming. “ " The truly great ones can keep their distance. They don’t get attached to their people. “ " I always wind up babysitting my informants and worrying about their families. “ ”  Heroes are everywhere. I’ve seen that.” “ That’s beyond heroes. We’re going to need a miracle. “ " For those who value survival, sentimentality is not an option. ” “ I’m never truly out of my element. “
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mostbrave-blog · 9 years
sorry i’ve been so absent guys, honestly kind of forgot this blog existed. like for a possible starter?
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mostbrave-blog · 9 years
it's always sunny in philadelphia |  rp meme
"___, make a move. just tell her you wanna bang her."
"grain alcohol, baby! whenever there's a potential riot, i'm getting blasted on grain alcohol."
"dude, do you have a boner right now?"
"name's artemis. i have a bleached asshole."
"and you know what happens with tokyo drifting? it leads to bickering. which, of course, leads to karate."
"the acid's makin' me feel like i gotta take a dump."
"dude, i swear to god, if you try and give me a noogie, i will yank your underwear over your head so hard your asshole will rip in half."
"any amount of cheese before a date is too much cheese."
[ written on a note ] "taked baby. meet at later bar, night or day sometime."
"yeah, well, you've never once seen me wash my testicles either, but that doesn't mean i don't do it every friday."
"___, i'm gonna stop you right there. first of all, your breath smells like an old lady fart passing through an onion. secondly, i know you're trying to manipulate me, and it's not going to work."
"oh, i get it. cute. you leave this pen here and people are supposed to think, 'wait, that looks like a dick'."
"well, i don't know how many years on this earth i got left. i'm gonna get real weird with it."
"here's a confession: i'm in love with a man. what? i'm in love with a man. a man called god. does that make me gay? am i gay for god? you betcha!"
[ singing ] "i got the lord. i got the lord. i got the good lord, he's goin' down on me."
"i'm not asking you to do much. just turn a blind eye while i rob this place stupid."
"i'm gonna pinch their dicks with this lobster."
"wanna go get sweaty in the bathroom?"
"what is this word, spa? i feel like you're starting to a say a word and you're not finishing it. are you trying to say spaghetti? are you taking me for a spaghetti day?"
"later, boners."
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mostbrave-blog · 9 years
what are some good UD blogs to follow?
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ws originally gonna b an asshole nd say ‘whats UD’ but then i was leik tht wont give me hte chance to promo all these rad ppl so ….. w/e
tbqh i dont understand y som1 would follow my blog nd not follow tumblr users @ilsight nd @jokemcster , as well as @nadirisen @ardereal @tcprotectme and @eunoiaes ( supremememes tbh )
some very good beths are @sacrificedherself @protectivekin and @setpath . @jawbraker @yeahpriicks and @didhemakeit r loVEly jessicas. @joshinyous is bae, nd from my following list there’s also: @womaniziing @nctdeadyet @persuaslve @triedtodosomething @understandmyhand @shootintex @likesbaths @forthrights @b00mbutterflyeffect @camebackforme @idogotmoves @sevenlimbs @mostbrave @strivenkindness @designerjackct @lamejokez @iheardhxr @pcrsuasive @lcttcrman @enduriisms @feelworse @letmechcose @stabbedhim  
oh did i mention @ilsight and @jokemcster 
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mostbrave-blog · 9 years
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Okay, so wow, 250+ followers. I’m a little overwhelmed, but in the most amazing way possible? I’m going to be honest, I wasn’t expecting much when I created Josh in September. It was more “throw caution to the wind because you love this character” type of situation, because I had lost my love for role playing and was beginning to despise the community as a whole. I mean, I guess you could say I kinda lost my spark and knack for it by that point.  I spent most the evening setting up his account and wondering if anyone would even bother following, let alone interact with him. The next morning? Oh boy, the next morning I ate my words because you all welcomed my Josh with open arms and I already had a bunch of threads going. It was one of the best feelings as a role player to have, to belong, you know? The Until Dawn and indie RP community made me excited to role play again, made me realize this community isn’t so bad when you find the right place and character. So, thank you guys for everything. Really. I thought I may not interact with all of you but know that I see you on my dash and quietly fan-girl over your portrayals, whether they are from UNTIL DAWN, another fandom, an OC or a multi-muse I adore following. I know I’ve forgotten some people, I can feel it in my bones, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you and your character any less. Know I see you, I read/skim through your threads and adore everything you do. That being said, THESE ARE IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER.
@setpath @ofsacriifice @protectedthem @protectivekin @untildawnbethanywashington
@rxckclimber @butterfly-sam @thebathingbird @ofstayingstill @gotvased @anythingtounsee @mostbrave
@b00mbutterflyeffect @nonscindo @badasscochise @badasstex @badasswithglasses @didntpayattentioninclimbingclass @methcdical
@forthrights @ashthescarredycat @karmapranked @livexndlearn @axhiisms @inquisitive-ash
@didhemakeit @yeahpriicks @itwasjustaprank @hisbrckenprincess @camebackforme @sevenlimbs @xgoldheartcoldhandsx @irrxverent
@missingdiigits @wolfwhispered
@iwasrightxthere @mattyb-untildawn @lcttcrman @warsraging (<< multi-muse with a wonderful Matt).
▍4.0 BITCH
@fourpointobitch @bxtchslaps @enduriisms @persuaslve
@blackandredequaldead @secularhcze​ @mcthermurder @sweaterquccn @youngersiister @redcxates @xmonstro @xendure @jacxbwashingtxn @bcdelia @scarcasticx @talentforlying @thcboss @kaiaisms @abiectiio @fleur-exotique @wendigosdaughter @naturcl @more-than-one @fircandgold
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mostbrave-blog · 9 years
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mostbrave-blog · 9 years
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The best of hugs come from the best of friends
Honestly Josh, if only. Art blog: questionartbox
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mostbrave-blog · 9 years
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Mike isn’t going to ruin this any time soon. He stays out of sight, with such a grin on his face ( it’s exactly the sort of one you’d want to slap off, given the opportunity ) until he thinks it’s the perfect moment to jump out of the dark and scare the hell out of her.
Which he does think, actually. Right now.
Mike leaps out from behind a tree when she’s close by, shouting as he does so. It doesn’t take long for him to start laughing.
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          Sam let’s out a noise that in absolutely no way           preserves her dignity at Mike’s shout. She is           completely tensed and practically leaps when           he pops out. However, upon recognizing that           the terrifying creature was Mike, she nearly           clocked him.
“ Mike, you’re such an asshole ! ”
          She punches his shoulder, but there is still           a smile forming on her face. She shakes her           head, now full-on grinning.
“ I’m so gonna’ get you back for that ”
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mostbrave-blog · 9 years
so i was an idiot and accidentally deleted my last starter call, so here’s a new one - starter call !!
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mostbrave-blog · 9 years
sugar buddy: your totally platonic rich friend who gives u expensive gifts 
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mostbrave-blog · 9 years
so I have a new personal blog - check out @ohjoshoff​
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mostbrave-blog · 9 years
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sam is always on a mission when it comes to animals
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mostbrave-blog · 9 years
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“ Oh, come on, Sam. I got you good and you know it! “
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                “ That doesn’t stop you from being an asshole ”
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mostbrave-blog · 9 years
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mostbrave-blog · 9 years
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                     ❝   you think i’m cute ? the secrets are all being revealed !   ❞ he steps closer to the ledge & continues to grin up at her, ( the tease ) waiting for a moment before admitting his OWN defeat. ❝   well, samantha, it wasn’t the magic word i was looking for but —– i suppose i could help you down. you know, since you asked so nicely.   ❞ he lifts her off the ledge in one swift movement, smiling at her in smug satisfaction.
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                     “ Do you ever shut up ? ”
         When her feet hit the ground Sam immediately          punches him in the shoulder. Serves him right.          Even so, Sam is still smiling slightly, lips          turned upward. She looks at him for a single,          long moment before turning her gaze down          to her foot.
                    “ You know, if your place wasn’t on a damned mountain I never                     would’ve hurt my ankle” she looked up at him again, smile                     growing playful “ I could sue, ya’ know ”
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mostbrave-blog · 9 years
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mostbrave-blog · 9 years
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               Sam’s laughing before she’s throwing a formed snowball right into her twin’s face. “Gotcha–!” she exclaims in her southern bell-like voice before ducking behind a tree. Her red lips curve upwards into a radiant smile as she’s forming another snowball, feeling the wetness through her black leather gloves.
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“ I’m gonna destroy you, Sam ! ”
       Sara hardly gets away from the snowball hurled        at her, but not without a good half of it smashing        into her shoulder with a satisfying ‘thump’. Soon        she’s tucking herself behind a rock across from        her sister, molding a ball of her own.
“ You better watch yourself, I know all your tricks ”
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