mostlydamned · 5 months
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He remembered the directions very clearly to keep him alive. But he just looked so frail and weak, why bother keeping alive something so worthless? Tav reached for his head as the pain of the thoughts seared through his head. He gave his Urge what it wanted: blood and death. But it was never enough and something was always pushing for more.
He shook the pain off before looking at her with a small smile, "Are you sure? It usually works out pretty well for me." His words were soft yet confident. Sure, anxiety was something he fought with like everyone else, it just came so easy for him to be charming. "Should I say something about your eyes next? Because I could get lost in them Ms. Maximoff." Not to mention using the rizz usually defused situations.
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Wanda needed an extra hand with this mission, most of her friends were busy with their affairs. She had decided to hire Tav to assist her on this mission to recover some magical artifacts from a wizard. This wizard was definitely giving more of a problem than what either party had bargained for. He had almost gotten away with the stolen artifacts had not intercepted him and began a duel with him. That duel didn't help Tav reel in his dark urges, and he ended up killing the wizard. She sighed as she pulled the cigarette out to release a drag from her ruby lips. His compliment about her lips did catch her off guard a bit, but she regained her composure, giving him a stern look. "Don't think that sweet-talking me will get you out of this."
☽◯☾┄─ @mostlydamned || ᵗᵃᵛ (ᶜᵒⁿᵗ.)
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mostlydamned · 8 months
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Tav eventually multiclasses into Warlock, becoming a proper Sorlock. He forms a pact with the Hexblade, which grants him a shadow weapon that can change form and armor proficiency, as well as warlock spells. He is not an expert with the weapon, but he can use his magic to make himself more proficient.
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mostlydamned · 8 months
Adrian did not intend to kill that night. He was more than happy to just enjoy the night, watch the humans play, and have fun. No one would look twice at him as he dressed up in some of his..older clothes. He might have been centuries old, but he didn't dress like it most days. The long capes, cloaks, and other adornments would not allow him to fit in amongst the general population.
He had been awake for a number of decades, so his skin had some color to it as well as his platinum blonde hair, still falling down his back and shoulders. He would be seen as someone incredibly attractive and beautiful by even the highest standards. A lot of it was due to his vampiric heritage, but his mother was also incredibly beautiful as well. Before the humans murdered her.
But now, another blonde woman was following him, thinking him unaware and an easy target. Thinking him as nothing more than human. She would be so very surprised and most likely so very dead.
"Because I am a dhamphir." He took a few strides toward her, a quick display of his own fangs, "And you are nothing more than a whelp. I have killed vampires hundreds of years older than you. I have grown so tired of killing my kind."
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mostlydamned · 8 months
"I can blame anyone who tries to flirt with me without willing to follow through." It was a little harsh as she slapped the woman's hands away as she took a bar rag to clean up the flustered girl's mess. She expected the fluster, just not the mess.
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The moment she touched the woman, something felt wrong. Not broken. Not bad. Just...nothing. She immediately went on the defensive, pulling away quickly after cleaning the mess up. "She is a Void. How interesting. If only we could experiment and toy with her."
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❛❛ I  mean,   can  you  blame  a  girl,   drinks  here  are  totally  expensive  . . .  ❜❜     she  didn’t  even  attempt  to  try  and  hide  her  intentions,  looking  away  innocently.    ❛❛ At  least  it’s  nice  t’  know  that  I’m  cute——  ❜❜     she was in the middle of sipping at her drink before the other half of her sentence caught against her ears,   spoken so bluntly that it had caught her off guard ——  sputtering,   choking  on  the  alcohol  and  quickly grabbing  a  handful  of  napkins  to  clean  up  the  mess.
             ❛❛ H – Haa  . . . I—  ❜❜     there was clear panic within her vocals,  her voice even rising an octave.
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mostlydamned · 8 months
Maya's tongue moved to the side of her cheek as she just glared at the woman. "If she annoys you that much, just put a spell on her drink Child."
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There is an audible groan at both Z and the woman sitting at the bar. "Listen, just because you're cute and flirt with me, doesn't mean you'll get free drinks." She pauses a moment as she leans forward on the bar, "But if you eat me out in the bathroom, maybe I can be convinced."
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the  words  were  instantly  recognised  by  the  archivist,    ( for  those  of  a  feather  tended  to  flock  together  . . .  well,  from  her  statement  alone  it  was  clear  she  might  have  had  nightmares  . . .  )   she  shifted,   smile  on  her  lips  and  features  cupped  within  her  own  hands.    ❛❛ Well,  daydreams  are  much  better  then,  it  means  I’m  a  distraction  in  your  day  to  day  life  as  well.  ❜❜     a  wiggle  of  her  eye  brows  alongside  mischievous  grin.
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mostlydamned · 8 months
Maya looked down at the drink in front of the girl, it was maybe half empty, and she was saying shit like that. It was going to be a long night. "Listen girlie, you would not do well in my dreams."
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"Now my daydreams...those you could do well in."
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❛❛ I  look  familiar?   Well  of  course  I  do,   I’m  the  girl  of  your  dreams.  ❜❜     please  ignore  her.
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mostlydamned · 8 months
Marya looked at Luna with a worried and confused look. She would have known if Pietro had died before she was born. That wasn't something they could have hidden from her. They wouldn't. Their whole family would have been in on the secret. She knew he had died before. She knew the history of Pietro's deaths, but this one hit her somehow hit her different.
She had been to timelines where her father had been dead and never came back. She didn't stay in those places very long, but she knew it could happen.
But not here. He couldn't be dead. Marya still existed. She didn't get the wrong timeline as much as she told Luna that it was a chance. Marya was in her own timeline; it didn't branch off. Unless her visiting at the wrong time broke things. She knew there was a chance of that. The Butterfly Effect wasn't just some ancient movie that didn't make any sense.
"But the Protocols," she whispered softly. She didn't know there was a point in his life when he hadn't been updated. Sure, sometimes there were ways of messing it up or something. But it didn't make sense!
And the pacing starts again, "How? When? Why?" No, no, no, she couldn't have messed up that bad. She had only seen Luna. No one else. "I can try and save him," she said, stopping suddenly with clenched fists. "I will save him."
It had been a minute since she had seen her 'sister'. Their first meeting could have gone better. Which Marya couldn't blame her. It was tough to see the would-be daughter of her father and the woman he was dating at the time. And the fact that Luna was still in the 'hating Kate' phase, Marya's face was just more to pile on. But when Marya saw the girl, she knew her 'sister' was sad. She knew her too well not to see it. Something had happened. Something terrible. She racked her mind to know what it was, coming up blank for any significant loss or worse that had happened to Luna or even Pietro. But she knew of nothing. She took the sow approach, strolling up to Luna with a small smile and wave. No rushing in with a hug or superspeed. "Hey Sis, you ok?"
Luna was such a mix of emotions and all she wanted was TO BE LEFT ALONE. She was angry and sad. And she wanted to work out those emotions by herself. Sometimes she sat in the back of her Aunts shop, sometimes she assisted Kate with mindless tasks on Krakoa. She wasn’t truly happy with Kate - but the sadness was real and Luna appreciated that. And Kate was good at watching out for her right now.
What she didn’t need was to be further confused. It wasn’t THIS GIRLS fault. Who asked to be born? Not Luna anyways. But now what was she to think? Oh great, somewhere out there there was a universe where her dad was happy? But guess what! That universe wasn’t here.
Kate still loved her dad. She could see that. But it was tainted now. It was still strong. It wasn’t the same. And even though there was talk of her dad being reborn, she only saw rising concern, anxiety, and frustration within Kate. Wherever this girl was from, it wasn’t Lunas future.
It wasn’t her fault.
She hoped the pain in her head wasn’t the start of a headache.
“It’s not—“ Luna closed her eyes, shook her head. She wasn’t ready to argue about the sister point. Not now. “I’ll be fine.” Silence. A pregnant pause. “Dads dead.” Why prolong matters?
Answered ask with Luna ;; @mostlydamned
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mostlydamned · 8 months
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mostlydamned · 9 months
love is stored in the fictional couple i’ve gotten overly invested in
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mostlydamned · 9 months
"But why?" Sure she seemed like she knew exactly what she was doing with the company, but it wouldn't be his first choice for sure. And the way she talked about the club, it made him wonder why she would give it up. He wouldn't give up questing and being an adventurer for a normal job. Something he had made clear with Chae. He was only there as long as it didn't consume him.
He nodded and put the order in with the waiter who came by for their order. While he wasn't a fan of rum all the time, he still took her suggestion. He preferred the clear stuff if he was going to drink heavily. But he was only planning on having a few drinks anyway.
"So, boss," he said with a slight emphasis on the word, "Tell me about yourself. And I mean more than what I see when you're working. Things like your favorite flowers. What you find attractive in a partner. What color do you like best? Those sort of things."
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She knew he was trying to be cute, which was why it was more prompt to tell him no with an equally deadpanned face. Perhaps that didn't translate well either. Oops. Chae worried she might have fucked this up already. Sometimes jokes went over her head, and she was seen as someone who took things a little seriously.
They were both different entities, but Chae appreciated Tav's openness to share the things she liked. She rarely shared them with anyone, because she had very few friends she knew intimately. And for Tav to be in that circle this early on, that was no easy feat. For the first time in her life, she felt seen. Not as the boss of a company, but for the person she was. The real Chae.
And if this date turned out well, she hoped the dates continued. It was nice to step away from her work every once in a while, and actually pick up where she last left off when it came to her non-working life. A life where she could let loose, and enjoy it like her cousins have done so.
"I took over the company," she shrugged. The company was her parents' work, and being the only heiress, she had a legacy to protect. Whatever that meant. Growing up with a silver spoon was a privilege that she and her cousins have been afforded to, but that didn't mean that everything was handed to them on a silver platter. She had to prove her worth, before her parents relinquished ownership of their business. The change was huge, and the learning curve was steep when she first started. She remembered feeling so alone as she climbed to the top.
Chae couldn't help but smile, but him zoning out and stopping mid-sentence was a little concerning. Maybe it was just a single instance. "Yeah, you should try out cuba libre." It was a common recommendation for anyone who was a first-timer at the bar. Though, Chae liked her scotch on the rocks, only rarely shared with Julien.
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mostlydamned · 9 months
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JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER as Henry Creel (One/Vecna) in STRANGER THINGS (2016- )
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mostlydamned · 9 months
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Just going to make this a general plotting/starter call for the blog. I will come to you and we can figure out which muse(s) we want to write and do things with.
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mostlydamned · 9 months
Tav leaned in just a bit with a slight smile, "Oh really? Go ahead. Name some of them, and I will tell you if I want to see them." She was going to find out quickly that he would challenge her at every pass as long as they knew each other. That was just who he was. "Yes, real magic," he said, showing a small demonstration of lightning in his hand that turned to fire and then ice. "I'm afraid I am not a mutant," unless having a dragon ancestor was considered a mutation. "I take it that you are?"
Tav briefly compared their heights, "I'm short, which makes you even shorter. That is just how math works." He gave her a slight grin, "I've only seen the one trick so far, so that is what you are. Well, unless you count having skill issues as a trick."
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"Your cuteness only works on someone who isn't on the same level cute as you. And I could very well skip over to the counter and tell the workers there you were crawling around in the machine." Not that he would. He would just like to remind her he could. "Oh, you as strong as Captain America now? Or are you pushing into Hulk territory," he said, making an angry face as he started to flex. Which wasn't much, he was, for sure, not very strong.
"I was in the area for a thing later, and I love checking out local arcades and cute girls." That last part was made up, but it just so happened to work in the situation. "I could be convinced into getting something. My name is Tav by the way."
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Her cheeks puffed for a second as she inhaled, an annoyed look on her features - for about a second, and she certainly wasn’t genuinely irritated. But it was fun to play along. “Pfft. I have NUMEROUS skills you could only wish to have or see.” She couldn’t quite think of what that list of skills was currently, but boy when she thought of things he was sure in for something! “Magic, for real?” Her eyes brightened at his words. Kitty hadn’t really seen Wanda do something similar but maybe it was along the same lines? Like, what kind of magic did he mean? She’d never actually met like… a wizard. Was he a wizard? Sorcerer? What was the correct term? “Like, proper magic… are you a mutant, too?”
Oh wait. Okay, now she did get playfully annoyed. One hand on her hip (the other holding her prize) she straightened up. “I’ll have you know that I absolutely could. You think I’m a one-trick pony?” Another pause. “And I’m not that short. Maybe, you’re just like… a tall guy. I’m pretty sure I’m average height.”
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It was hard to stay even playfully irritated with someone that called her cute though, especially in such a manner. The brunette gave a laugh as he turned her words back on her. “That cute, huh? Thanks. Hey, I try. My cuteness is disarming. I mean… you planning on telling anyone about my little trick and cheats? I don’t think so.” A bat of her eyelashes and another laugh, “My cuteness limit is reached for today, I think. But managing to hold over four stuffed animals at once will surely only prove to you just how strong and impressive I am, no?”
Kitty relaxed a little again, smile quite firmly in place. “I know that I stopped here for this little cat. Were you here for something in particular?” And never one to be shy, she added, “I have my prize, wanna go grab a drink? I was heading for something anyways, I wouldn’t mind company.”
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mostlydamned · 9 months
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Not me eyeing a sorlock build for Tav. Nope. Never. Well not until I get fireball at least.
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mostlydamned · 9 months
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"So what you're saying is that you're having a skill issue?" He literally just walked in and saw her halfway in the machine and failed at least 4 times before he helped her. "And yet it took me six seconds and one try to get the one you wanted. I think I just have more skills."
He waved off the hand before giving her a small shrug, "Magic." He had just caught her using some sort of power herself, why would he bother to hide it? And it wasn't like it was his biggest secret. His draconic bloodline was usually what he hid the most.
"Pretty sure if someone just put something on the top shelf, they could stop you." Tav really had little room to talk. He was much shorter than most everyone else. It was nice being taller than someone for a change. "I think you would have been caught well before you got it."
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"Such a terrible risk. But if I hand them back to you, will you just become too cute? Even without any, you are probably the cutest thing in here."
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"Hey, it is NOT a skill issue, there's just so many freaking toys and I don't want to get caught. I mean, you caught me, but we're moving past that. What if some member of staff saw me? I'm trying to keep a lookout too." How dare he doubt her skills? Almost as though she had tried and failed several times.
She arched a brow, watching in bemusement then amazement at his little 'trick'. "How did you manage?" Okay, but clear shot! She took her chance to grab that rare little stuffed animal, pulling it back towards her. Success. Only took her... Longer than she wanted to count. At least she hadn't wasted money like some suckers.
"You can't set up a defence for someone like me," she returned, glancing from her stuffed animal to send him a playful grin. "No barriers can stop me. But people like to try. I'd have got this in the end you know." Still, she shrugged, and added, "But thanks. That was pretty impressive."
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"So, gonna keep the stuffed animals and remain cute or want me to put 'em back? I can't guarantee that cuteness remains once the animals leave your arms. It's a risk you may have to take."
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mostlydamned · 9 months
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"Then I'll use a fly spell." He was anything if not determined. His little joke was not quite landing the way he wanted, but it wouldn't get him down. He could bounce back easily enough. "But I would rather not. This place is really nice after all, I would like to keep coming here. Maybe figure out how much I like jazz music." With him being young and having amnesia from most of his life, Tav really had no idea what his precise likes were.
But apparently, older women in power with pretty eyes went on that list.
"I've only seen you really in suits at your job now. It is something really different. Even just how you're dressed now surprised me. Though in a good way." He hadn't ever worked in a bar or restaurant before, so he didn't really know how things worked or what the structure would be like. "So why the big change? something about..."
One well-placed fireball and most of the people would be dead. The rest would be horrified of watching their friends and loved ones burn to death. That's all it would take.
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A few blinks as he looked out into the crowd for a moment, "Glad we picked a slower night. Wouldn't want our conversations getting drowned out." His thoughts were back to normal while talking about the crowd he wanted to set ablaze a moment ago. "So, are there any good house cocktails I should try?"
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"No," she snapped back in kind. He seemed so determined and confident of how this date would be. Chae found that dangerously optimistic. But while that was a fact, she was also hoping this would turn out nicely. She hadn't been out in a while, and Tav had a way with her, and even going lengths to make sure they were at her comfort spot. That was a bare minimum though, if anything. She had standards after all.
Once they were in, she scanned quickly for Rang, but he wasn't there. He must have taken a different job tonight. They'd soon moved to their reserved booth, where she immediately leaned back on her seat. Visibly relaxed. The place was a bit different now, with a few newer faces. And the previous owner would have retired by now. Which meant the place was being managed by her childhood friend.
"Hard to imagine?" Chae raised a curious question. Yes, besides managing the sound system if there were no bands to perform, she did other jobs like waitressing, and bartending. It was apparent that Tav wasn't often in places like this. But she supposed she would humor him anyway. "I did other things including waitressing. I was the DJ when there weren't big shows." It wasn't long when they were served some appetizers, along with drinks. The jazz bar had a limited menu when it came to food, but had a larger selection of drinks. The owner had developed a small menu then, only expanding it on nights with big acts. One of her favourites was the calamari lime with aoli.
Of course, along with the starters was a menu from which they would peruse and decide what to order. She was a regular after all, but because there wasn't a big show tonight, the menu was rather limited to burgers at most.
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mostlydamned · 9 months
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He would try and get her to admit it before the night was out. At least that he was attractive. He didn't need anything more than that from her at first. Her certainly wanted more, but he was willing to wait. He was in no rush with Chae, even if it seemed like that with how he talked and complimented her the first time they met, but that was just who he was.
He expected a rebuttal to his statement about quitting. He wasn't a career man for her. And obviously, he wasn't a yes-man. Sure, the money and the extra resources were nice, but he could make due by taking on more dangerous and better-paying quests. He was also getting more powerful in his magic as he went along.
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"So does that mean you'll carry me in if we go out here again? Seems like a pretty annoying thing to do. Then again, I would assume we would go elsewhere for our second date." He had already decided this date would go well, and they would have a second one. Again, he was confident in what he thought she wanted.
A few quick key presses, and they were in. The music was just the right level for conversation and company enjoyment. They probably played more upbeat and louder big band pieces at some point, but that wasn't the mood tonight as they made their way to their booth. This was like his pizzeria, she was a regular. Even more so she used to work here. Big change to her current job, "So what did you do here exactly? Hard to imagine you as a waitress."
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Chae always went to jazz bar alone. She knew the owner well, and the owner's son Rang who had been one of her closest friends since they were kids. It was weird that she was being asked on a date, at her favourite spot. Not unwelcome, and it was rather thoughtful of Tav. She never liked crowded places after all, so she had to give him credit for his consideration. She hadn't counted on even actually agreeing to date either. What did Miharu used to say? "I plead the fifth." She was not denying nor confirming anything at this time.
Yet here they were.
Something inside her felt different. She's never been this nervous-- she actually felt butterflies! She shook the thoughts away, because there was no way she was actually crushing on her new employee just like that.
By gods he was too smooth.
He'd gotten out of the car before she could come up with a response. He'd would leave the company if it meant he could date her? Yeah, right. Tav wasn't the first guy who tried to ask her out, but he was the first guy that was way below her rank who actually had the courage to ask her out. She, who was the boss of the company.
Or what?
"This would be the last time you'll set foot at this place," Chae threatened. It was an empty threat, the first that she'd uttered. Chae always went with her threats, but Tav? They were mere words for him. And she knew that he knew this too.
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