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"Ah, thank you.", Newt managed a little smile, incredibly grateful. Talking did get hard sometimes still, though he noticed it got worse when he had to talk for long periods of times. No one ever really seemed to care though, trying to force him to talk when he couldn't-
"Yea.. That'd.. that'd be lovely.", he nodded lightly. He knew a lot of things were completely gone, things he'd never recover. But if there were even just some things he could remember, or at least make him feel more comfortable, he'd be content.
He also didn't want to disappoint Mara, to make her feel worse than she already must be feeling. He's seen the pain of his brother and friends, and he didn't want to see the same pain on Mara. "Oh?", he watched her hurrying off, struggling a little to keep up with her signing. He was glad he wasn't struggling with languages as much as other things.
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"I'd like to see.", he said softly, stepping up to Mara. He wasn't sure he had gotten her signs right while she's been distracted, but whatever it was, he would like to see. Even if it didn't spark any immediate memories, at least it'd be something he could try to remember.
Newt nodded lightly, watching Mara’s signing. It was relieving to know that he hadn’t imagined things, and that maybe the things he kind of remembered but no one else knew were actually real. Just not in this… world? He didn’t really remember, but he was fairly certain that Mara wasn’t from here. Both because he had never heard of a person made of fire, and because he had some vague memories of an explanation as to how they had been able to meet.
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“I can imagine.”, Newt mumbled, nodding lightly. It had been incredibly hard. Not only had he been confused and disoriented, he had also struggled to communicate with pretty much anyone. He was glad he’d been discharged finally, and could escape everyone and everything. Even with his memories missing, hazy, and jumbled, he still found a great comfort in being on his own in his own home.
Still, he seemed rather withdrawn. He didn’t really remember Mara, and he didn’t really recognize her either, but he felt… well, he knew he was supposed to know her, if only due to this whole interaction, but there was definitely something nagging at him, telling him there were plenty of memories he was missing.
[ Well, ah. You don’t have to imagine, I suppose. And I will understand you if you ever want to switch back to sign language, so you don’t need to fear such an occurrence again. ] Mara hesitates, fingers resting on the end of her grey scarf to play with the tassels. It’s not unusual to be met with a lack of memory. It’s not strange, she reminds herself. She can do this. Hell, she went through memory loss herself so she should know better than anyone how to help.
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There’s no need to be afraid of him.
Her flame ebbs and flows in luminosity as Mara breathes in and out, calming her fluttering core. Her gaze flicks back up to Newt’s, cautious and gentle.
[ Would you want me to tell you about the two of us? I wouldn’t want to overwhelm you, but I’m happy to provide answers if you have questions. ] That’s a good response, right? Gods above, she just wants to get this right. Newt is too important to lose.
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Suddenly an idea pops into her head, and she hurries over to her bag while signing rapidly. [ Wait, ah, I have a journal! One that you’ve written in. Here, let me show you some passages. ] A moment later, she has the presence of mind to look sheepish. [ That is, only if you’d like to see it. ]
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Newt nodded lightly, watching Mara’s signing. It was relieving to know that he hadn’t imagined things, and that maybe the things he kind of remembered but no one else knew were actually real. Just not in this... world? He didn’t really remember, but he was fairly certain that Mara wasn’t from here. Both because he had never heard of a person made of fire, and because he had some vague memories of an explanation as to how they had been able to meet.
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“I can imagine.”, Newt mumbled, nodding lightly. It had been incredibly hard. Not only had he been confused and disoriented, he had also struggled to communicate with pretty much anyone. He was glad he’d been discharged finally, and could escape everyone and everything. Even with his memories missing, hazy, and jumbled, he still found a great comfort in being on his own in his own home.
Still, he seemed rather withdrawn. He didn’t really remember Mara, and he didn’t really recognize her either, but he felt... well, he knew he was supposed to know her, if only due to this whole interaction, but there was definitely something nagging at him, telling him there were plenty of memories he was missing.
@mostviciouscreature cont. from here:
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“I’ve, uhm. Lost a lot.”, Newt replied softly. He wasn’t sure how he could… understand Mara so well. But he knew he had lost a lot, but some things seemed simply too ingrained in him to be forgotten. He still had a knack for creatures, and how to deal with them, even though he had forgotten about them.
“They said- they said it might come back. I’m not- sure, though. It’s… it’s very.. hazy…”, Newt mumbled, nervously fiddling with his fingers. He couldn’t see Mara in the eyes, but he kept glancing up enough to see her sign at least. “A lot of things are- they’re jumbled? It’s.. I mix up things. They- the mediwitches, they think I’m.. I’m saying nonsense, sometimes. But- but it must be memories, right? I mean- why would I come up with a war between two races specifically?…”.
So many things he remembered didn’t seem to make sense, especially as he’s lost context for nearly everything. They said he was making things up, that he was too confused to know reality from fantasy, but… but he felt so strongly about things being true.
“I- I remember your signing. It was,, something I did, too. When- I couldn’t talk. No one understood, though.”, he mumbled softly.
She blinks. [ Jumbled? ] Her flame dims further at the mention of the War, a chill filling the air as all warmth instinctively pulls protectively close to her chest. Gods above, he did remember things. It just… needed sorting. Relief floods her limbs and Mara steps forward, perhaps recklessly. 
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[ But, you’re right. There was a War, just… not with your people. It was with mine, in my… ah. Home. ] There’s a chance. A chance that she usually never has, and she’s going to take it. Hell, she always takes it when people forget her. She’ll befriend them time and time again just to try on the off-chance they remember. 
It takes a moment longer for his words to fully process in her mind. He… was signing at first. He remembered her sign language first and foremost. It made her heart swell and ache, knowing that her language was something he might have trusted to be safe, to get him real help. [ I’m sorry they couldn’t understand you. It’s… frustrating, trust me. ]
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mostviciouscreature · 2 years
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I have just had the thought of feral magic Newt
Which might sound very weird but hear me out.
The magic they learn in Hogwarts? Basic. Boring. Wands can be useful, but they can also be incredibly bothersome. Especially for someone who often has his hands full, his mind somewhere else, or gets the damn stick stolen. And also, verbal magic? Again, not always the best for someone who’s dealing with wild scared and/or angry animals. Sneaking into smuggling rings. Needing to be quiet.
Newt’s been traveling the world for years. He’s met people who probably have never heard of a magic school. He’s learned tips and tricks from natives all over. And that should include magic.
Imagine a Newt who’s body is covered in an array of not only scars, but also tattoos. Markings with magical origin. Imagine a Newt not using wands or words, but only hand movements. Only the power within him. Only using what is around him.
Hands and arms erupting into flames, not touching him but as hot and burning as any other fire.
Fingers turning into claws, teeth growing sharp and long, hairs on their ends as he snarls and growls.
Runes etched into his skin glowing bright, blinding in their light.
Sharp hand and arm movements resulting in cuts and slashes at whatever he aimed for.
Cutting his hand and turning his hand into acid, melting iron and steel
Altering his breath -poisonous, numbing, sleeping, aphrodisiac.
Summoning forth real lightning from the heavens
yknow just. feral magic boi
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mostviciouscreature · 2 years
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[ Rules ]                                 [ About ]                                [ Verses ]
Hello! I’m not really in the HP/FB fandom, but I really love Newt and would love to try and roleplay him! I’ve been roleplaying for 10 years now, on tumblr since 2016. I’ve written a few fanfics posted on AO3 (but also to be found on the first page of my blog here)
                                  // Not Selective // Open for all //                                      // Multi-Ship // Multi-Verse //                                           // Selectively NSFW //
                                             This is a Sideblog!                                 !! Follows from @emptynarration​​ !!
                                                  Mobile links: [ Rules ]                                   [ About ]                                [ Verses ]
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mostviciouscreature · 2 years
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128K notes · View notes
mostviciouscreature · 2 years
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mostviciouscreature · 3 years
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A month of no roleplay and I’m still here
what am i doing with my life truly
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mostviciouscreature · 3 years
I forgot I have bills to pay aka I need to pay my medical insurance and I’m. poor.
If anyone would like to help me out I’d greatly appreciate it!! (The insurance is about 300€ if you care to know)
I have Writing commissions
I have Art commissions
I have chibi pngtuber style art commissions
I have a paypal you can gift me money to-
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mostviciouscreature · 3 years
☯ Have you ever tried to bring peace to a situation?
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Nope! I stay out of fandoms and any sort of discourse or whatever, so I've never really gotten into a situation where I would even have the change to bring peace lkjlkjlk
I don't think I'd be the best at that anyways, but who knows
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mostviciouscreature · 3 years
the salty af munday meme
Because, like it or not, we’re not all balls of sunshine all the time. We can be pure salt when we want to be.
☠ What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you?
♥ What’s the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
♢ Has anyone ever tried to steal your blog? Your headcanons? Icons? All that jazz
♚ How many people don’t like you?
⚜ How many people do you not like?
✮ Have you managed to stay away from drama?
☄ Have you ever been in the middle of drama?
☯ Have you ever tried to bring peace to a situation?
☼ How long do you stay mad?
☀ What’s your rp pet peeve?
☁ Have you ever forgiven a partner when you shouldn’t have?
☂ Have you ever been forgiven when you knew you shouldn’t have been?
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
☣ Have you ever rp’d with someone you knew for a fact was abusive but tried to give them a chance/to make up your own opinion on the roleplayer? Did they change or did you understand what people were talking about?
♨ Have you ever made a public call out post?
❀ What has made you completely lose your chill?
✿ What do you think about public call out posts?
✂ A fandom that you feel isn’t open and accepting?
✉ A fandom that you feel is open and accepting?
✦ Thoughts on duplicates following you?
✧ Do you agree with reblog karma or is it forced interaction?
❥ Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you?
❦ Has someone been jealous of you?
❧ Have you ever been jealous of anyone?
✖ How has Tumblr RP changed since you started?
♒ Thoughts on the fandom you’re currently rping in?
❣ How salty are you feeling right now?
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mostviciouscreature · 3 years
Pls imagine Newt occasionally stopping by Mara just to give her a lil' souvenir of wherever he's been recently and give her a kiss and whoops he's gone again to meet another day!
(I just really like the thought of him popping up randomly just to give Mara a present and kiss lkjlkj)
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God that sounds adorable. Mara would probably brighten more than she has in days whenever he might stop by, and she 100% keeps the trinkets with her either on a shelf or in her pack. She'd probably catch him before he'd be able to completely slip away, sending him off with some sweets or a decent meal, though. He isn't getting away that easily!
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mostviciouscreature · 3 years
Friendly reminder not to go see the new Fantastic Beasts movie in theater or on a streaming service!! All your doing is supporting a Terf if you do so, and saying that you think a stupid movie matters more than actual trans people and their rights :))  (and before any of you fuckers open your mouth I’m pretty sure shes actively involved in politics and basically runs a smear campaign against trans people on twitter)
fuck JKR
If you DO want to see it at LEAST consider donating an equal or higher amount to a trans or queer charity or just pirate it
Have a nice day
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mostviciouscreature · 3 years
I have no right to tell you what you can and can't enjoy and neither does anyone else.
By watching Fantastic Beasts and buying merch you are directly supporting J.K. Rowling. Your hard earned money is lining her bigoted pockets. She uses these resources and her influence to actively harm others.
This woman waited for the trailer to drop to post an absolutely repugnant tweet about trans people, knowing it would be seen by tons of people she wants to hurt while the media ignores it because the trailer is a hotter topic.
J. K. Rowling is evil. If you want to enjoy her creations, do it in a way that doesn't benefit her. Sail the seas. Fuck her.
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mostviciouscreature · 3 years
How to write (longer) Roleplays
So I made an 11 page Google Doc for one of my friends, who struggled with writing longer roleplay replies (yknow, anything longer than 1-5 sentences on average).
I love to fixate on things, so I had a lot of fun making the Doc, and with my many years of roleplay-experience, I felt qualified to give some help :)
Here is the Google Doc !
It has various roleplays that I’ve done as examples inside of it as examples of how it looks like, what a starter/reply contains, and how to improve a short reply into a longer one!
And here are some snippets of what the Doc contains:
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Picture IDs below the
Keep reading
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mostviciouscreature · 3 years
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“I’ve, uhm. Lost a lot.”, Newt replied softly. He wasn’t sure how he could... understand Mara so well. But he knew he had lost a lot, but some things seemed simply too ingrained in him to be forgotten. He still had a knack for creatures, and how to deal with them, even though he had forgotten about them.
“They said- they said it might come back. I’m not- sure, though. It’s... it’s very.. hazy...”, Newt mumbled, nervously fiddling with his fingers. He couldn’t see Mara in the eyes, but he kept glancing up enough to see her sign at least. “A lot of things are- they’re jumbled? It’s.. I mix up things. They- the mediwitches, they think I’m.. I’m saying nonsense, sometimes. But- but it must be memories, right? I mean- why would I come up with a war between two races specifically?...”.
So many things he remembered didn’t seem to make sense, especially as he’s lost context for nearly everything. They said he was making things up, that he was too confused to know reality from fantasy, but... but he felt so strongly about things being true.
“I- I remember your signing. It was,, something I did, too. When- I couldn’t talk. No one understood, though.”, he mumbled softly.
Newt not remembering Mara at all.... good things
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[ Newt, why are you looking at me like that? Are you alright? ]
That blank, unfamiliar glaze in his eyes… she’s seen it before. On many a friend, over the years, lost to resets and timelines. Gods above, please don’t be so. Her heart can’t take it.
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mostviciouscreature · 3 years
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Newt tries, he really does, to see any familiarity in this... person. They were a person, right? He could tell that she knew him, but he felt completely lost. “Uhm.”, he averts his gaze again, the nervous tick around strangers he hadn’t shown around Mara for a long time once more back.
“I’m sorry- I. I can’t seem to recall who you are.”, he admitted softly. He felt bad for it, because clearly Mara knew him, and he was supposed to know her if her presence here was any sign.
Newt not remembering Mara at all.... good things
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[ Newt, why are you looking at me like that? Are you alright? ]
That blank, unfamiliar glaze in his eyes... she’s seen it before. On many a friend, over the years, lost to resets and timelines. Gods above, please don't be so. Her heart can't take it.
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mostviciouscreature · 3 years
RPers, please reblog this if you’re okay with ICONLESS threads!
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