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Todoroki thinks he and Izuku have been dating since the sports festival. He knows that they are not very demonstrative and there were no specific big declarations of love or official 'asking eachother out', but they didn't need that. It was obvious. There is no reason to question it and so he doesn't. He's very happy and secure in this relationship and feels very fulfilled
During 2nd year someone is talking in front of him about 'We all know Deku is in love with Bakugou. Its so obvious.'
Todoroki thinks about this for a little bit before announcing to Izuku (very casually, while they are doing homework) That its okay with him if Izuku wants to date Bakugou
Izuku: (is very moved by his best friends support and uses his encouragement to finally confess his feelings to Bakugou)
Todoroki: (now thinks he is in a poly thrupple with Izuku and Bakugou)
"but wouldnt he be able to tell once they leave school?"
NO because they are all roommates
"But wouldnt he notice Izuku doesnt kiss or have sex with todoroki but he does it with bakugou?"
NO because todoroki believes that the relationship is asexual on their side (but highly romantic and passionate) and hes cool with that.
"Wouldnt izuku notice?"
izuku has never known how normal people interact a single day in his life
"wouldnt bakugou get jealous?"
Bakugou ALSO thinks they are all poly
"why would he think that???"
because he ALSO thought todoroki and deku started dating during the sports festival
"oh so todoroki and bakugou have talked about it, thats why they are both so convinced!"
no. never. not once
"But wouldnt he notice that he sleeps alone?"
NO because todoroki is the perfect sleeping partner and he sleeps in the middle
"does Izuku ever find out?"
Yes, when hes like 25. A stranger mentions that hes well known for being in a poly thrupple and Izuku thinks they are insane. He goes home and realizes that apparently HE is the insane one and vows to never let on that he didn't know. 10 years after he started dating todoroki they finally have their first kiss. Todoroki is completely chill about it.
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Natsu: People tell me I have a unique way of lighting up a room.
Lucy: It's called arson and those people are called witnesses.
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best part of the trailer in my humble opinion
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Bakugou, trying and failing to teach Deku how to slice bread: You know what, why don't we try this? Why don't you just take that knife, put it to my throat and FINISH THE JOB?!😠
Deku: Sorry!
Bakugou: Do I look like Todoroki to you?
Deku: What?
Deku: No, not at all!
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sitting behind drums is no excuse
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feeling like a victorian men that just saw ankles for the first time
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( source )
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Hey Leute, tut mir leid das ich so Spät Poste, aber viel zu tun, heute das übliche Shoto und Izuku.
Viele Grüße
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i absolutely ADORE aziraphale and crowley as characters, and their relationship like. they're married they're divorced they're pining desperately they're in the awkward flirting stage they're best friends they have all the genders they have no genders they're older than the earth itself they're the most middle aged ever they go on dates they get drunk and talk nonsense together, they look at eachother like THAT "anthony janthony crowley and aziraphale zira fell" they wear glasses when they dont need to they're gay dads they're wine aunts they have no children they're complete opposites they're the exact same really they were in love before the first rain even fell they're poetic and star crossed they probably accidentally inspired every single romance book trope but they also. just like and care about eachother a whole bunch and im OBSESSED with it truly no one is doing it like them
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Sports festival
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Midoriya: I don't think your father approves of me
Todoroki: Don't worry about it. He doesn't approve of me either
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Prime knows what's up 🥰
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The fact that they are physically touching on every single season 2 picture we have
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Im going feral btw
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I want to badly for Good Omens 2 to open with Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy playing and a montage of Aziraphale and Crowley post apocalypse having a grand time at picnics and theatre shows and walks through the park and it’s all so cheesy and cute and then God is doing the monologue of how their lives are bliss and for the first time in 6000 years they got to enjoy one another’s company with no impending doom (or so they thought) and then it shows the Oncoming Issue For the Season™️.
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lmao I really loved how this group of ppl is stretching and checking if their suits are ok:
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and this group is also stretching and stuff:
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and this group is also checking their gear:
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and this group is like going somewhere:
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and then there’s a short movie of these two dorks, where Midoriya excitingly babbling into Todoroki’s face and him listening to this with the most serious professor’s face, then giving some tiny input that made Midoriya even happier lmao
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just look at Midoriya, so cute T_T
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screaming crying losing my shit
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