mothmansboyfriend · 2 days
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Heya, I need help paying some things off and also buying some toiletries and medicine seeing as my undiagnosed illness seems to be growing worse. I'm unable to work due to how ill i get, and while I am on track to get it sorted, it's a struggle beyond that with everything else going on irl. I've sold a lot of my belongings, some with sentimental value, to help make ends meet; but I'm still in a tight spot. Any help would be appreciated, the goal wasnt met the last time so I'll leave it at 350 to cover everything. 0/350
PP: X Kofi: X Cshapp: $Batbbit
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mothmansboyfriend · 2 days
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mothmansboyfriend · 2 days
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thinking about this candy. i bought a 12 bar package of them on a whim with my normal groceries and have been eating a package every once few days. they're good, but perhaps a bit too rich to eat too fast. i tried spacing out eating a single package (two bars) over the course of about 5 minutes, but even at that speed the creaminess is almost too overwhelming on my tastebuds. im not yet sure if i like this sensation and taste. but i do like the flavor. and the texture of the wafers and chocolate is very appealing to me.
also, whenever i reflect on the name i think to myself "i wish i had a nutty buddy :(" as i eat the candy. i think it's a sex joke, but im not quite sure what i mean. regardless, i think it every time i have one, without fail.
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mothmansboyfriend · 8 days
"bUt i tHiNk mAKeUp is fUn" that's nice. i would like to be allowed to exist without it without being socioeconomically punished for that choice but what's important to focus on here is that you're just having the funnest time ever
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mothmansboyfriend · 15 days
everyone get unemployed. i will provide for us.
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mothmansboyfriend · 15 days
You tell your cowgirl gf you want to bring toys into the bedroom and she brings out a handsaw, a vaguely rake-like implement, and two semispheroidal objects with handles
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mothmansboyfriend · 15 days
scary things happening in weather world rn
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mothmansboyfriend · 15 days
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sorry man im all booked
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mothmansboyfriend · 16 days
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mothmansboyfriend · 16 days
I hate this city man why is there just a tortoise here
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mothmansboyfriend · 16 days
I know what a “free library” is but that being their name is so funny. Like yeah… as opposed to?
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mothmansboyfriend · 21 days
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mothmansboyfriend · 21 days
One of my favorite tiktok niches that was created by people so bored they’re barely alive is that there’s a whole diet soda community where they believe everything you do greatly effects the way diet soda tastes and there are very specific methods of serving it to make sure you get the right flavor as if it’s an expensive steak or something. but the best part is they believe how long you leave it in the fridge is the most important part in all of it, which they call, “marinating”
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mothmansboyfriend · 21 days
also wait since we're all here we should all donate to this gofundme. it's for 20 people, mostly kids, in gaza for necessary supplies and to eventually leave if they hit their goal. even if the goal isn't reached it's still useful for food etc. good place to donate!!
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mothmansboyfriend · 21 days
I work there and three of the sauces are thick enough that they don’t really sog out the nuggets as long as we follow how much is supposed to go on them. The garlic Parmesan is fucking abhorrent though it’s literally just a seasoned butter sauce and since all these sauces are kept directly above the HOT HOT HOTTTT fry station the GP is sitting there evaporating what little water it contains and it just gets oiler and oiler until THAT starts to burn off too and the seasonings get all congealed towards the end. And the other three slowly become more acidic bc they’re already full of vinegar and yknow water evaporation like before. Its rough.
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these things look fucking disgusting. they look like you'd take one bite and your entire stomach starts doing acrobatics. who wants to eat a fhcking soggy nugget? you get dip sauce with your nuggets so the breading stays crunchy and firm . why the fuvk would i want a soggy gross nugget that's been sitting in that sauce for 6+ hours over the course of the day. i have to imagine they're literally losing money with how much advertisement they've been pushing out for this. also fuck you tumblr for saving this edited filtered screenshot to my gallery
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mothmansboyfriend · 21 days
It often both delights and horrifies me that As Seen On TV Ads are nostalgic in some way for the majority of Americans born in the 90s-00s. They tricked us into yearning for consumerism!!!
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mothmansboyfriend · 21 days
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