She shielded her eyes from the blinding light. She found herself taking a step back. As the rock melted away, she turned and saw the red orbs manifesting. It was a dark glow as they elegantly danced around the two and the sword. As beautiful as it was, it didn’t take a genius to figure out that this was a dance of death.
The room was changing colour. She didn’t even need to be instructed to put up a shield around the both of them. Halfway through his sentence she had already shot up her strongest barrier. Neither of them had a clue what was happening, and she wasn’t about to take chances.
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“What the hell is this thing summoning?”
Was it its power? An entity? Either way, this was not good. She felt something crawling on her back as she stood her ground. This was the strongest she could muster in this place, but she didn’t have a clue what they were up against, if anything at all. Why couldn’t they have just left the damn thing in stone and just send it to the court again? That would have been much safer than this plan they came up with.
Once Beatrice put her barrier around them Will set up a similar shield covering the sword so nothing could happen to this evidence. 
There was soon a slight amount of dismay when his shield proved to be ineffective, the red orbs all easily passed through his barrier and all collected in the sword. The earlier shade of blue that filled the room was changed with a dark oppressive red once the ancient weapon was completely possessed by the strange phenomenon.
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“Shit! I don’t know what it is, but it’s completely taken over that sword,” at that moment Will gave up on his barrier that he put around the blade and focused his efforts on reinforcing the shield around the two. Now whatever this thing was had two barriers it would have to charge through!
The former inquisitor firmly planted his feet on the ground preparing for anything. The blood red sword continued to grow brighter and then the light began to slowly pulsate. The more time that passed the more he wondered if a defensive approach was really best.
While in the midst of doubtful thinking something changed. Suddenly, the light of the room went back to normal, and the sword looked as it did before the red orbs gathered within it, but immediately following was a massive explosion in that tea room. He instantly turned his head away and instinctively shielded his face from any oncoming debris, but their shields should at least stop debris or flames from entering their area. The force was strong, strong enough to push Will back a couple inches from where he stood. Luckily his barrier held up. 
When he was able to lift his head, there was no fire, but smoke occupied the area.
 Willard stood still patiently waiting for the smoke to clear before he made another move. However, he could tell instantly that something was amiss.
“Beatrice did you handle it okay...? Be cautious the sword is missing.” 
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Will didn’t even hear the other coming so he was slightly startled when she suddenly appeared, but tried to refrain from jumping. He understood this was to honor a dead friend’s memory, however, he couldn’t help but feel slightly distraught over Kirigiri actually using the ring. It seemed dangerous, and not only that he didn’t really feel like seeing any black cats right now after that execution. “I’m fine... You sure do enjoy that ring, huh?” he was conflicted, normally he would have no problem with being blunt and speaking his mind, but he didn’t want to tell Kirigiri not to wear that ring around him. He considered saying that it may hurt her since this was what she was doing to remember a close friend. He swallowed his complaints and showed a very small smile in attempts to reassure her.
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“Did the suit get repaired too, or is it still damaged?” It was too dark for him to tell and it was the first time he had seen anyone in the suit since the trial.
@motivesoftheheart | DPOE Starter Call 
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【 真相 】⋙ HER silver-toed boots and clawed digits grasped and clawed at the solid concrete material, following the taller detective closely. Having to acquire sharp senses despite being on rooftops ( even scaling the walls ) was a wonderful trait to have. While her behavior had certainly changed, but it was due to the sudden acquirement of powerful abilities. It made her more flexible, hardy and much more agile. Black cat ears twitched, listening to the sounds around her. Idle chitchat from many, and other sources of sounds came from the pattering of feet on the ground. Kirigiri forced herself from her temporary territory, flipping in the air to land on her two feet before approaching Will cautiously. ❝ Will? Are…you faring well? You seem distraught from what I have analyzed. ❞  ⋘
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“Don’t compare me to every adult you know. I am a different being, incapable of judging you. It’s not up for me to decide if you are good or bad... To be blunt the most convenient thing would be to condemn you here and now, but here I am trying to give you redemption.” He returned his the child’s gaze when speaking to him. “Speak your mind all you want I’m not gonna stop you, I’m just telling you what I’m observing from this.”
“No, all your actions aren’t your fault... But they still are your sins.  These sins not yours alone. Everyone who shaped you also carry the sins you have committed. You were molded into who you were by an error of humanity. However, after death you have the chance to change your ways, but you aren’t interested in that are you?”
Will could tell Chara had a lot of anger harbored toward humanity. He wanted specific reasons as to why this child was to the point he denounced his humanity. The man could only ask questions and hope the other cooperates. Will has dealt with much more difficult challenges than this child, so he was far from getting frustrated. 
“Your heart has been wounded and the scars run incredibly deep unable to heal. Many would call you a lost cause, but people saying things like that is part of what made you into who you are, am I wrong?”
Since he was unable to view Chara’s past he could only ask questions for them confirm or deny. This would slowly, but surely lead the angel to the answers he was wanting. If Chara wanted Will to leave he would soon, but only after he got what he needed.
 “You can’t just get rid of me. I don’t intend to leave just by your word alone, I need answers. If you want a way out of here then you’ll sit here and talk with me.”
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“You’re giving me a headache…. Tell me then, what do you think you are? Human, demon, witch, or maybe vampire? Don’t try and fool yourself.” Will waited patiently for the child’s response. They have shown many qualities that resembled the foulest of demons Will had vanquished in his career. However, Will just thought this was a hurt child, tired of the reality they suffered through. Of course there was always suffering, and there was no way God could answer every prayer, but it’s expected for human’s to keep struggling through their hardships. They are supposed to know that they would be rewarded if they kept believing.
 This truly was a child, a child that expected to get his way the moment he asked a higher being for help. It’s a sad fact that prayers aren’t always answered, and it isn’t until someone meets with death that most of their prayers are listened to, but those requests would be bestowed on the faithful. Never a child who gives up when they don’t get things their way. 
Chara approached Will with no signs of fear. As he expected of this child. No, Will could not kill him, but he certainly could banish him to the deepest depths of hell, or unmask the illusion of this child who acts as a demon. Still he found doing those things unnecessary. “Creepy, ugly, brat…? Nah, I’m not gonna use those words. Like you said it’s pathetic for a grown man to harass a child, but you definitely aren’t the cute child you could be, and your actions of course are not praiseworthy. Cut the shit and end this tantrum.”
Will scolded the child without using words to insult them like they asked him to. After all giving in to an angry child won’t solve anything. “I won’t kill you either… Right now we are sitting on Mount Purgatory in between Heaven and Hell. It’s up to you where you go in the end, or maybe you just stay here. I’m trying to reason with you here, because no child should have to live here or be condemned to Hell.”
@wandcring  || Moved from here
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“You only came because you thought I looked lonely? I don’t require such pity. If you didn’t want to come then you should have refused.” He knew Reimu found this pointless, but he wasn’t sure why, after all exercise leads to a more healthy and happy life style, and with being in this park he needed something to cheer him up. Seeing Reimu bored made him sigh. Willard was about to argue that three laps was equivalent to one run for him, but was arguing about this with Reimu really important?
“Fine, but I want to finish these two laps, and I’m letting you sit here on your ass while I go, so get on my back.” He knew she wouldn’t keep going, but he also didn’t want to ditch her since he had made plans with her already today. He knelt over so the smaller shrine maiden could easily climb on his back.
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回 ░ : She sighed, sitting up ( at least she wasn’t laying down. ) after a while of listening to the older male ramble on, managing to catch the bottle thrown at her before it hit her face. “I’m not tired Will, just bored.” She really wasn’t tired, not at all. Lazy, was defiantly the word one should be thinking of here. Lazy and well, honestly Reimu didn’t see the point of all this. “I only agreed because you looked lonely. And yes, you only said one run, not three. Honestly, this is such a bothersome way to spend my day.” She could be doing a lot of other things right now after all.
@motivesoftheheart || continued from here
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“You’re giving me a headache.... Tell me then, what do you think you are? Human, demon, witch, or maybe vampire? Don’t try and fool yourself.” Will waited patiently for the child’s response. They have shown many qualities that resembled the foulest of demons Will had vanquished in his career. However, Will just thought this was a hurt child, tired of the reality they suffered through. Of course there was always suffering, and there was no way God could answer every prayer, but it’s expected for human’s to keep struggling through their hardships. They are supposed to know that they would be rewarded if they kept believing.
 This truly was a child, a child that expected to get his way the moment he asked a higher being for help. It’s a sad fact that prayers aren’t always answered, and it isn’t until someone meets with death that most of their prayers are listened to, but those requests would be bestowed on the faithful. Never a child who gives up when they don’t get things their way. 
Chara approached Will with no signs of fear. As he expected of this child. No, Will could not kill him, but he certainly could banish him to the deepest depths of hell, or unmask the illusion of this child who acts as a demon. Still he found doing those things unnecessary. “Creepy, ugly, brat...? Nah, I’m not gonna use those words. Like you said it’s pathetic for a grown man to harass a child, but you definitely aren’t the cute child you could be, and your actions of course are not praiseworthy. Cut the shit and end this tantrum.”
Will scolded the child without using words to insult them like they asked him to. After all giving in to an angry child won’t solve anything. “I won’t kill you either... Right now we are sitting on Mount Purgatory in between Heaven and Hell. It’s up to you where you go in the end, or maybe you just stay here. I’m trying to reason with you here, because no child should have to live here or be condemned to Hell.”
@wandcring  || Moved from here
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"Will, don't be ridiculous..." She had agreed to go on ONE jog around the park with him, and now, despite not looking particularly tired, was laying down. Good luck getting her to get up again Will.
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“You agreed to go on one run with me around the park... This was only the warm-up lap... Come on Reimu get up. We only have two more laps to go.” Will sighed. He wasn’t even close to tired. After all, a warm-up isn’t supposed to be something that wears people out, it’s supposed to prepare them for harder challenges. Reimu looked pretty out of shape (or rather she was just lazy) in his eyes since she couldn’t even complete this much before giving in.
“Did you not bring water? You gotta be more prepared damn it,” The man walked over to the shrine maiden who was laying on the ground and tossed his water bottle to her. “You gonna get up or what? At least finish one real lap and then I’ll let you rest.”
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Will didn’t see why any malice would be necessary. All the other was trying to do was help a friend. It must have been a pretty strong bond too, if he was willing to go so far for Adrien. Could he really hate someone that was just trying to protect someone else’s life? It may have costed all their lives if they succeeded, but he couldn’t fight against fate.
“I see, well do you need a hand? I’d be happy to help any way I can.” Will looked around and waited for Twelve to give him some directions. He knew the smaller male was still probably hurting, so he hoped to improve not only Twelve’s mood, but the whole parks.
✘ will !
@sindrandis taken from (x)
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“True, but we won’t get anything just sitting here feeling sorry for ourselves… We’ll certainly get our happy ending, I can assure you.” Earlier Will was quite neutral on the situation he was forced into and didn’t want to do anything reckless, but his outlook quickly changed after that execution he witnessed, he had friends to protect and he wouldn’t allow the same to happen to them sitting down.
“We should do something to honor the memory of all the victims so far shouldn’t we? Got any ideas kid? I’m Will by the way, I don’t think we’ve met without me questioning you.”
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` ah yeah ! ` it was great that people didn’t have any malice even after he tried to cover for his friend. thank god. he wasn’t sure if h- e’d be able to take everyone hating his guts while he was in the pro- cess of getting over adriens oh-so brutal execution.    ` well.. i am setting off a bunch of fireworks tonight and i hear there might be some sort of bonfire. so i hope that’ll light up this depress- ing mood. it’s not good to just sit around and mourn all day, yeah ? `
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“Sure, there are some fools who find power, wealth, and things like that appealing, but a demon exploiting those weaknesses is revolting. What do you say to that? This could all be a misunderstanding… but you refuse to come with me to the courts of heaven in attempts to clear your name. If you really feel nothing you are doing is wrong you would spill your heart in front of the Grand Court.”
Will stared at the other hoping he would reconsider and end this peacefully. He even grows tired of this usual song and dance himself, but it’s part of the job, and if he had to use force it could be justified.
“I’m an angel, unlike you damn demons I am honest and straightforward… That’s all I can say to assure you I am a man of my word. This is pretty much a gentleman’s agreement. All you have to do is take me down and I would let you go and carry on your disgusting game… The SSVD  could capture you right here, but I would like to have a fair fight… No death, no deceit, a fight to determine who gets their way… and how can I trust you to have a fair fight with me?”
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As he saw the demon prepare to leave Willard conjured his black sword out of thin air wrapped his hand around the hilt, swung it out with a flourish, and pointed the tip straight at the other. “If you are arrogant enough to think you can by pass a class-five magic barrier made by fifty other SSVD priests to wall us in, be my guest and leave.” This was his strategy, almost all the time any witch or demon attack the barriers his subordinates make rather than him, and his opponents tire themselves out.
“You’re wanted dead or alive but y’know my patience runs thin with these kinds of things, so don’t piss me off and I can just bring you back safely… How about this, if you can defeat me I’ll let you go, but if you just escape like a coward next time we meet I won’t be so lenient.” 
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      ❝  Things cannot come true forever—- 
                                        wishes cruelly vanish.   ❞
                      Personal blogs please do not REBLOG this.
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@sindrandis taken from (x)
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“True, but we won’t get anything just sitting here feeling sorry for ourselves... We’ll certainly get our happy ending, I can assure you.” Earlier Will was quite neutral on the situation he was forced into and didn’t want to do anything reckless, but his outlook quickly changed after that execution he witnessed, he had friends to protect and he wouldn’t allow the same to happen to them sitting down.
“We should do something to honor the memory of all the victims so far shouldn’t we? Got any ideas kid? I’m Will by the way, I don’t think we’ve met without me questioning you.”
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send one for my muse’s reaction
⸗   friends can kiss, you know… ⸗   close your eyes for a second, okay? ⸗   i’m tired of just being friends. ⸗   when will you take my feelings for you seriously? ⸗   sorry, i shouldn’t have said anything. ⸗   no thanks, i’m not interested in them. ⸗   i like someone else… ⸗   do you, uh, have a crush on anybody…? ⸗   please tell me you don’t seriously like them. ⸗   do you want to get a pet together? we could be, like, parents. ⸗   wait, there’s something on your mouth. oh, it’s me. ⸗   are we friends or not? ⸗   i think i’m falling in love with you. ⸗   don’t just leave me like this, please! ⸗   can we go somewhere more…private? ⸗   so, your place or mine? ⸗   let’s get a drink; just like old times. ⸗   how about moving in together? it’ll be fun! ⸗   i don’t like them, i like you! ⸗   wanna go to a strip club? ⸗   stop being a dick and trust me. ⸗   how can you be so cruel? ⸗   stop, you’re hurting me! ⸗   why are you doing this? i thought we were friends… ⸗   i was in love with you! ⸗   do you wanna dance? ⸗   i’ve been nothing but nice to you, dickweed. ⸗   i’m better than that, i swear. ⸗   just give me a second chance… or three. maybe four. ⸗   stop being hot. you’re making it hard to hate you. ⸗   i want to kiss you so hard right now. ⸗   nut up or shut up.
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“It’s not like you can make anything better,” Will responded with a nod as he stared down at the humble offering. Any kami shouldn’t be picky about something like this, if they were that would just make them as selfish as humans. Still having something like this in their prison was comforting to Will. After gazing at the shrine for a brief period of time he locked his golden eyes with Reimu’s.
“I think this will be helpful to a lot of people in the park, but that aside how are you feeling?”
@motivesoftheheart ➡️ Interlude Starter Call 
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回 ░ : “Here we are.” Out north past the Haunted Mansion, in un-worked and wild forest, outside the park yet still within its walls, stood the small shrine. It wasn’t much, no bigger than a bird house, probably due to the fact it was little more than a bird cage. Yet it had been worked on already, flowers, incense, candles, and a modest offering already in display; the area around being slowly worked at to be something more suitable for a kami.
“It better than nothing, no? I worked on it most of last night.. Feel free to use it as you wish.”
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Just tell me, Will, how can you be so hot even while being beaten? 
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“Will, I’m here for you too you know..” She’s doing her best to stay composed, honestly she is trying.
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“Thank you Reimu, but don’t try and hold back your emotions to comfort me. You saw the same thing I did... It would be selfish of me to have you stay strong and comfort me while you are hurting yourself.” He could see right away she was trying to stay strong, but he felt that would cause more harm than good. 
“Don’t hold back your feelings for my sake, please... It isn’t worth the hassle.”
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                              ADRIEN HAS BEEN FOUND GUILTY!                                          commencing execution…
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VERY light animal abuse towards end. cats.
mention of a lost / murdered unborn child.
panic attack.
light choking.
consumption & destruction of flesh.
mildly descriptive eye horror.
adrien’s having a really shitty day lmao.
Keep reading
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“That monster is gonna fucking pay. My life no longer has enough value for me to hold back... I can’t stand for this heartless massacre!” The execution was extremely grotesque in fact sickening to the man. No one deserved this punishment. This wasn’t a real court system only a farce set up like a TV drama to give the mastermind his kicks.
 The screams of the child in pain finally caused the mans normal stoic expression to falter. “FOR GOD’s SAKE DON’T MAKE HIM SUFFER!” he erupted finally breaking under the environment he was in. He tried to keep himself in check so he couldn’t satisfy the game master, but this was the point he could not stop the outburst of his emotions.
 Even if Willard could have looked away from this horrid display he needed to see this. He needed to remember every detail of the child’s suffering. Will didn’t want to forget so he wouldn’t be soft on the mastermind when they finally met face to face. 
Once the execution was finally over he sat in shock for several seconds unable to produce a sound. He slowly recollected himself then looked towards the exit of the trial spot. “I need to leave this room.”
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Now I may as well walk 𝓈𝓁𝑜𝓌𝓁𝓎 down this path where colors b l e n d,
                              As however fast or s l o w I go,
                             I’m bound to reach the 𝐸 𝒩 𝒟.
ᴿᵉᶤᵐᵘ ᴴᵃᵏᵘʳᵉᶤ ☯ ᵀᵒᵘʰᵒᵘ ᴾʳᵒʲᵉᶜᵗ
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