movedcrimefightr ยท 2 years
10yo: โ€œI need a hat.โ€
Me: โ€œWell, weโ€™ll have to ask Uncle Wally to knit you one.โ€
10yo: โ€œBut does he have any black yarn? How can I maintain my tough-guy image with PEPPERMINT?โ€
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movedcrimefightr ยท 2 years
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When Selina had to get her own car because Talia obviously gets to go with Bruce. I forgot how much Talia called him darling over beloved.
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movedcrimefightr ยท 2 years
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@crimefightrโ€‹ said:ย *Gives her her kiss once Persephone is asleep*
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THE MIRTH OF THE holiday is written all over Dianaโ€™s face in red ink. Where once this was a day to remember her solitude, it is now a day to be celebrated with a family that she can call all her own. Including a baby who is sleeping peacefully in her crib, her cupid shaped lips suckling on her tiny thumb while her other small fingers grasp at the new blanket knitted by her loving father. Diana could stare at her all night. She has spent many moons just like that as it so happens, gaze glued to her and Bruceโ€™s miniature angel, diligently counting every breath she exhaled. So tempting to do so tonight, too, if not for Bruce pulling her away by her waist and sneaking her into their bedroom. His lips press against her mouth, and the kisses bestowed are soft but passionate, needy but skilled. Those ingredients that nearly make Dianaโ€™s knees buckle from the want of it all.ย Nearly.ย ย 
He tastes like sugar, because Diana tastes like sugar, having stolen many a sweet treat from the kitchen while their holiday festivities unraveled. Itโ€™s tempting to continue tasting herself on his tongue, but itโ€™s even more tempting to press her hand against his chest and exert more strength than she allows herself on a normal basis. She makes an exception for Christmas.ย 
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โ› Oh, I see how it is. You only give me a kiss once your number one girl is asleep? โœ
Her lips curl to release waves of laughter. Sheโ€™s teasing him, clearly, but ever committed to her game, she steps away, not letting him touch her.ย โ› I think Iโ€™m feeling like second best. Care to show me Iโ€™m wrong? โœ
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movedcrimefightr ยท 2 years
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All I wanted to do today was justโ€ฆbe with you.
ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING, 1x06 -ย โ€œTo Protect and Serveโ€
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movedcrimefightr ยท 2 years
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movedcrimefightr ยท 2 years
There is, as always. A note left with the empty cup by the computer. Not to tell Bruce to join him in bed, or to really remind him of anything that might slip the mind. Tho you could argue that was indeed the case. The note simply said; I love you, Bruce.
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Three little words. Not something Bruce is wanting to forget but his mind was a palace of important and innocuous facts. The more relevant bits sometimes fall away to the way side ; trampled over or dumped over more pressing and overwhelming stimuli.
Time was always against him. Another person could die. Another person was always dying. Circumstances, plenty, usually out of his control. The continuous overflow of coffee, however, was not.
Until it was, and he picks up the empty mug with visible ( and audible confusion ). Only the bottom of the container staring up at him with utter blankness. Empty.
And a piece of paper.
Sticking with slight ring marks in between the text.
He only remembers to check the time then. Confirm the dawn with the peaking of the light through the small spaces between curtains as he trudged his way through the manor and to their bedroom. Sliding silently under the covers and wrapping his arms around him.
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unprompted : @herrwagner .
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movedcrimefightr ยท 2 years
@bastxrds .
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Talia... I'm Sorry...
Batman Arkham Knight (2015)
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movedcrimefightr ยท 2 years
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movedcrimefightr ยท 2 years
moved over here @crimefightr if you want to follow.ย 
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movedcrimefightr ยท 2 years
fatedtruthsโ€‹ :
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โ€œ ONLY EIGHTY PERCENT ?ย  YOUโ€™RE PRACTICALLY A RISK TAKER NOW . โ€ see he can do math ,ย  ย โ€ฆย  it was pretty simple math but still that wasnโ€™t the point .ย  he wouldnโ€™t be surprised if bruce had simply just recognised the signs in him that he knew in himselfย  .ย  ย it takes one to know one ,ย  and all that .ย  ย ย โ€œ well thereโ€™s a bit of mutually assuredย destructionย here .ย  you try to pull me down and iโ€™ll drag you down with me . โ€
he didnโ€™t have a lot of friends .ย  ย he had tommy and the team and his sister but โ€ฆ well it was hardly a deep vault of people he could lean on and with bruce ,ย  well he thought that there was at least common ground .ย  ย rich playboys who really do love their toys .ย 
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โ€œ it was far to early then to let roy do that . โ€ย  ย  he wasnโ€™tย a kid but he had been hot headed ,ย  quick to act , and the police had been on high alert then .ย  no ,ย  it hadnโ€™t been roy .ย  ย  snickering ,ย  oliver nodded .ย ย โ€œ shoddy police work is halfย the problem in this city ,ย  and yours too im guessing . shoddy and corrupt . โ€
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BRUCE SMIRKED and almost laughed. Almost. Impressed at least that one of his oldest friends hasnโ€™t fallen into madness or complete stupidity like some of his other friends. At least. With his luck, there was some relief to Ollie being only slightly more of a mess than he remembered.ย 
โ€œ Interesting way to put it, old chum. โ€œย 
Not that he would. There had to be a safety behind the mask. A level of respect that Bruce would never dare to break even if the temptation was there.ย 
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He nodded. At least he had the fortunate chance of being too much of a mess to be presumed to be anything but the playboy philandering fool he appeared to be in the public, save for the occasional outburst against the ill reputes of city governance.ย 
โ€œ Itโ€™s been a long and hard fall since my parentโ€™s glory days. Some things are just not the same since we were kids. โ€œย 
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movedcrimefightr ยท 2 years
moved over here @crimefightr if you want to follow.ย 
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movedcrimefightr ยท 2 years
moved over here @crimefightr if you want to follow.ย 
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movedcrimefightr ยท 2 years
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RARE WAS the opportunity that the Bat was comfortable enough to bring anyone home. Ally or not. But the circumstances were a little different. Too unfamiliar for Bruce to really describe in his own words. And he only found the best answer was to keep her under his eye at least. Until he had more of a sense of who she was and what she was saying.ย 
At least sheโ€™d only be a threat to him and not to the whole city, if things were to worsen.ย 
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โ€œ I doubt you know of men like me. โ€œ He argued, already walking towards the computer desk, hardly invested in whatever presumption she had already come up with about himself. Pulling up files and data he may have on what she had mentioned. Outside of the obvious in history books and classics. There were classified missions with that name but he doubted thatโ€™s what she meant based on how she talked about it. Gods and Wars. That was just the human condition at this point. Two inevitable part of their existence ; similar to pain and suffering.ย 
He turns then when he sees what could be misconstrued as a thread if he wasnโ€™t any more suspicious. A story passed along. A prophecy if one believed in that sort of thing. He pulled up the window and expanded on it; zoomed in on the message and the source. Heโ€™ll have to check the library.ย 
His head turns at the remark, having almost forgotten she was there. Brow arching at the suggestion before his lips break out into an almost smile. Almost. Chair spun back around, fingers gliding over some keys some more, figuring out some other leads.ย 
โ€œ You can calm yourself, Princess. I have no intention of either. Youโ€™re just here so I can keep an eye on you. โ€œ
HE HAS BROUGHT DIANA to a place that strikes doubt in her heart. Entering into his cave is what she imagines stumbling into the Underworld would be like. Gloom festers in every corner, and doom is promised by way of the darkness. She almost expects to witness lost souls wandering through, fiddling with coins to deliver to Charon on the River Styx. In the few weeks since sheโ€™s known him, Bruce has struck her as a haunted man, and how could he not be, when he dwells in a shrine of his own despair? As he leads her deeper into the abyss, her fingers stretch across the hilt of her sword, a motion she attempts not at all to hide from his gaze.ย 
โ› Iโ€™ve been warned about men like you. Those who hide in the shadows. โœ Distrust; the word is a stranger at her table. But perhaps Bruce is worthy of her christening such a feeling. Is he not exactly the type of man her mother was heartsick to think of her encountering? A man lost in an affair with his own demons, a man with cruel fists, a man whose intentions are obscure. Bruce is that man, indeed. Yet, Diana is not fearful of him, nor does she feel inclined to rid herself of his presence. Perhaps she finds him fascinating. Even if he does reside in a cave that would inspire envy in the frozen heart of Hades. But itโ€™s more than simple curiosity that persuades her to remain in an alliance with him. Heโ€™s the key to Ares. Yes, she feels certain he can bring her to the God of War. And when he does, she can stop the madness of this world. Maybe, then, Bruce will know peace.ย 
For now, she ambles through the cave, her fingers swiping across every surface, every corner. Touching every button. Much like a child is she in her curiosity to understand this place. After a moment, laughter loosens from her lips at the absurdity of it all. Because this man, this mortal man, dwells in a lair! A cave!ย ย 
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โ› I hope you have not brought me here to try to kill me or seduce me. Either attempt would end very embarrassingly. For you. โœ
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movedcrimefightr ยท 2 years
moved over here @crimefightr if you want to follow.ย 
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movedcrimefightr ยท 2 years
moved over here @crimefightr if you want to follow.ย 
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movedcrimefightr ยท 2 years
@glory-hasnoplacehereโ€‹ย  cont.ย 
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DIFFUSE THE SITUATION? Laughable given the mess the Bat had walked into. Should he survive, the defense already has a good chance at pleading for the lowest sentence. The law is the law, his ass. These people โ”€ monsters dressed as heroes โ”€ they never see the big picture. Never see how short lived justice could be if you take it through the teeth and with bloody knuckles too fast.ย 
A dead murderer is just that.ย 
No one else to hurt. No one else to absolve. No one else to save.ย 
โ€œ Iโ€™ve had enough of creatures like you. No different from the scum you expunge from my streets. Think youโ€™re better? Youโ€™re just as bloody as they are. โ€œ He snarled as he slammed him against the wall and left him there. Turning then to make sure if the man had any chance of surviving this without bleeding out.ย 
Already requesting immediate medical attention while he studied the damage to the body up close. Chances were this man was a goner before heโ€™d even gotten here. Always already too late.ย 
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movedcrimefightr ยท 2 years
not-safe-for-wayne @shelassosย  .
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