moveslike-levine-blog · 12 years
I'll count him but Superman is better.
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Nick doesn’t count Optimus Prime as a superhero, therefore his opinion is invalid.
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moveslike-levine-blog · 12 years
There's not. Oh well... I guess I'll use do it the way I know how
I seriously can’t figure this family page thing out
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moveslike-levine-blog · 12 years
I don't understand HTML so I don't know what to edit in the code
I seriously can’t figure this family page thing out
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moveslike-levine-blog · 12 years
I seriously can't figure this family page thing out
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moveslike-levine-blog · 12 years
Maybe one day, anon :)
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Confessed by- Anon
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moveslike-levine-blog · 12 years
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Confessed by- Anon
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moveslike-levine-blog · 12 years
I can however get him drunk so you can hurt him haha. I have a little brother so I understand where you're coming from 100%
Today I showed everyone my boob.
I will not injure your brother, James.
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moveslike-levine-blog · 12 years
Well of course you agree. You can't disagree with the king.
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We would be the best King and Queen ever haha
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moveslike-levine-blog · 12 years
going to bed. replies in the AM
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moveslike-levine-blog · 12 years
We would be the best King and Queen ever haha
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That’s King Adam to you haha
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moveslike-levine-blog · 12 years
I will not injure your brother, James.
Today I showed everyone my boob.
That sucks. I’m actually at a club with your brother at the moment.
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moveslike-levine-blog · 12 years
This is so nice!
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Confessed by- Anon
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moveslike-levine-blog · 12 years
That sucks. I'm actually at a club with your brother at the moment.
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Today I showed everyone my boob.
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What’s up, Franco?
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moveslike-levine-blog · 12 years
I just wanna put it out there that in a week and a half I will be in Nashville at the Maroon 5 concert and I have FLOOR SEATS! I will be so close to Adam Levine!!!!!!
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moveslike-levine-blog · 12 years
That's King Adam to you haha
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You mean I can let you win because I am such a nice guy. Yeah, that sounds great haha
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moveslike-levine-blog · 12 years
And it gets even worse when I;m there with her. haha
Uh oh. You know what happens when you go to Vegas, Shenae.
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moveslike-levine-blog · 12 years
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What's up, Franco?
Today I showed everyone my boob.
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