mpjiyeon-blog · 5 years
absolute opposites
Jiyeon liked to spend her free time out in nature, when she wasn’t at home cuddling her cat of course. Part of her just really liked being able to use her powers to help the plants grow and take care of them, and so today she was doing just that.
She was in the park, walking through the bushes and trees, her hands brushing the plants and leaving them healthier than before. When she reached a meadow, she saw a patch of sad-looking flowers and knew immediately she had to help! And so Jiyeon knelt down in the dirt, not minding that it would get her clothes dirty, and focused.
Slowly, little by little, the flowers retained their color and grew taller, facing towards the sun. Jiyeon smiled brightly as she worked, and even more brightly when she was done and admired the beautiful colors in front of her.
Just as she was getting up, she noticed someone watching her. He was lounging in the sun, and the expression with which he was watching her could only be described as surprise. Jiyeon tilted her head curiously, then walked over to him, her steps light on the grass. “Hi there~” she said happily, “were you watching me?” There was no accusation or offense in her voice, just genuine curiosity. “Sometimes the people who take care of the park miss a few places, so I try to take care of all the other plants here!”
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mpjiyeon-blog · 5 years
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congratulations on your debut mc kei!
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mpjiyeon-blog · 5 years
one day your gonna see a cute boy and he’s gonna become your boyfriend or husband he won’t just be another cute boy added to the list of guys that ignored you
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mpjiyeon-blog · 5 years
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mpjiyeon-blog · 5 years
how things have changed
Sometimes, Jiyeon wondered what had happened to Hoseok. They’d been coworkers for a while, and Jiyeon had been, well, harboring a giant crush on him. Even now, sometimes when she thought about him she could feel her heart beating faster and a blush make its way onto her cheeks, which was just silly! It had been weeks, maybe even more, since she’d last heard from him. Hopefully he was okay. Hopefully he was still on the island.
Her way to the library, where she intended to do some reading for a seminar, led her past the fire station. Usually, Jiyeon just walked past, maybe occasionally glanced inside to see what the people inside were up to. Occasionally they were working out, which caused her to blush and hurry on her way.
This time, though, she stopped, because that was a very familiar face and oh no, she could feel her heart rate going up to an alarming rate. It would appear that her crush was far from over. Hoseok was just there, fixing something on one of the trucks, talking to another guy, but Jiyeon was absolutely transfixed by him. Before she knew what was happening, she walked up to him, causing some of the firemen to look at her in confusion and curiosity.
“Hoseok?” she asked softly once she was close enough to him.
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mpjiyeon-blog · 5 years
pastry pals
The coffee shop was a little busy, but Jiyeon had still managed to find a table for two. Jisoo would arrive a little later, but Jiyeon knew what her friend liked to drink and ordered it, along with some pastries. There was nothing like having pastries with a good friend, after all!!
Jiyeon thought Jisoo was amazing and wonderful, and was completely oblivious to other people maybe considering her weird. As far as Jiyeon was concerned, Jisoo was just a nice person who helped animals and was a good friend and also pretty, so why wouldn’t she want to be friends with her?
When Jisoo arrived, so did the pastries and drinks, and Jiyeon waved happily from her seat. “Over here~” she called out to her friend, smiling brightly. “I ordered some yummy things for us! I didn’t have that much for lunch, so pastries it is~” She laughed. “How are you~”
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mpjiyeon-blog · 5 years
Yixing blinked in surprise. “Hades owns this shop? Excellent! He and I are friends. I’m sure he won’t be angry but if you like I can speak to him on your behalf. He will understand.” Hades wouldn’t stand for his employees being harassed and would take the necessary actions if need be. Despite the myths and legends about him Hades was a good person.
His expression softened at her innocence. Ah to be so young and naive again. It had been a long time since he’d met one so untainted by the world. “I’ll admit, without a third eye it is quite difficult to see the hearts of men and women.” He tapped the spot on his forehead in reference, his third eye currently closed. “But there are things you can notice about people. Behaviors, habits, the way they speak and move, their eyes. It takes many years and a lot of practice but there are ways. Even so, I am a believer in guilty until proving innocent but in this case the man was told to stop and he did not. That was enough reason for me to step in. Do you disagree?” There was no accusation in his question, only curiosity.
“You’re friends with him?” Jiyeon blinked in surprise, but smiled. “He’s a very nice boss! But I just worry that I might burden him with things like this... I mean, this is my problem, so I don’t want to drag him into it, if that makes sense?” Sometimes, she felt like she was already being a bit of a burden, given her general daydreamy-ness, but she tried very hard!
Jiyeon tilted her head, looking at Yixing’s forehead for a bit longer than would probably be considered polite, but she was very curious. He could see into the hearts of people? That sounded amazing. “I don’t disagree... I’m just glad you did it in a nice way. I once knew someone who would hurt people if they upset me, and... I appreciated the help, but... I don’t want anyone getting hurt.” Jiyeon very much believed in the good in everyone.
No Days Off
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mpjiyeon-blog · 5 years
Freya believed her grin couldn’t get any wider at that point, after she heard Jiyeon affirmed who she was and seemed to be proud of it. The goddess had never pressured her demi-children to be someone special, as long as they were content with their life, Freya wouldn’t ask for anything more. So, knowing that her daughter actually put effort in studying about her and other Norse deities, even learning Norwegian, Freya was beyond happiness. 
“Don’t worry, it’s all okay,” she said in Norwegian as Jiyeon apologized, “I’m very happy though.” She smiled fondly watching her daughter rushing to put away the ladder then come back just as quickly. To Jiyeon’s question, she nodded without any hesitation, “Of course, I’ll buy it!” 
Freya was curious of how her whole family was depicted, and if there was any ounce of inaccuracy in that book. But, what intrigued her mind the most at that moment wasn’t the book itself. “So, can I ask you a small question?” she resumed talking while Jiyeon was scanning the tag on the book, “You said that you’ve known a lot about Freya, your mother, right? What do you think about her?” 
Jiyeon’s brows furrowed a little bit when the woman began speaking Norwegian. She was currently learning it, but she still didn’t feel super confident speaking it. Besides, this woman sounded like she was perfectly fluent! What if Jiyeon accidentally embarrassed herself by saying something that made no sense, or saying something really weird?
She was still going to try, though, she just hoped that she wasn’t messing this up. “I’m glad I didn’t... annoy you.” Jiyeon smiled, then headed behind the counter. The woman gave her the book and Jiyeon beeped it, then told her how much it cost in slightly accented Norwegian.
It took her a moment or two to fully understand what the woman was saying to her, and another few moments to figure out how to answer her in Norwegian. “I don’t know a lot about her... only myths, and maybe they’re not all true?” Jiyeon bit her lip. “I’m sorry, I think this is easier for me in Korean... my Norwegian isn’t all that great yet, sadly. But, um, from what I’ve heard, Freya sounds very nice, and I’d really like to meet her! I’ve never had a mom, so... I mean, I love my dad a lot and I love my grandparents but sometimes I just wonder what it would be like to have a mom, you know?” She blushed a bit. “A-anyway...”
❃ Dear Baby Breath ❃
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mpjiyeon-blog · 5 years
Taeyong glanced over at the other cat and imagined Haru’s reaction. Honestly he really should socialize Haru more but he just never really had the time or motivation to schedule time for it but he could at least make an effort now. “Maybe I will bring Haru over for a bit. He could use some company that isn’t me for once.”
He opened his own book to the same page as Jiyeon so that he could follow along with her. Her disdain for biology and math was something he could definitely sympathize with. “Tell me about it. They’re interesting but I have zero aptitude for science and math. They don’t have anything to do with my major either but I still have to take them. Doing my Norwegian homework is really just another way to procrastinate studying for my Biology exam.”
“We can have a movie night sometime! Then you can bring Haru over too~ and if they get along, maybe we can have them hang out when we’re busy? So they don’t get bored and lonely.” Jiyeon did sometimes worry that Puffy would get sad, given how much time she spent at university and work. Maybe this way she could give her cat a new friend and a better time?
“I can help you with biology! Physics and maths are what I struggle with most... but biology is okay, because with biology the nice thing is that you just have to learn things by heart! Like, the other two require you to actually understand them, but memorizing is the most important part of learning biology,” she explained with a smile. “It’s a shame that you have to do biology even though you don’t study it... I mean, I study astrobiology so of course I have to do the others too, but...”
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mpjiyeon-blog · 5 years
Krystal had spent the evening with Sveinn, on his couch sipping wine and just chatting. It was becoming something she would do after a particularly long or rough day at the hospital, rather than going home alone or to a bar to drink. She’d lounge on his couch and drink wine with him and just decompress without being alone with her cat.
She’d just stepped out to head home, Saoirse would probably beg her for her late-night snack and cuddles when she got home. What she wasn’t expecting was the girl she’d run into as Sveinn closed the door behind her. Her head snapped towards the voice, her blood pressure spiking at the sudden presence. The girl’s speedy introduction left Krystal stuttering and awkward, but endeared nonetheless.
“O-Oh well, yeah I’m a friend of Sveinn’s… N-No I’m Celtic, actually… Airmid.” She felt silly stuttering at this girl but, she didn’t exactly know what to do in this situation. She was almost tempted to knock on Sveinn’s door to save her from interacting with this obvious ray of sunshine. It wasn’t anything against her, she seemed sweet, Krystal just doesn’t handle sudden human interaction well.
“I-I’m Krystal. I’ve been around a few months now so you’ve probably seen me around before. I work at the hospital so…”
The stuttering didn’t bother Jiyeon at all; she barely even noticed it, too excited by the prospect of befriending her brother’s friend. She and Sveinn hadn’t really known about each other for a long time, so sometimes Jiyeon worried that maybe they were too much like strangers, but meeting friends of his would surely help that! She was curious to know what kind of people he hung out with (not that she was the best judge of character), and this woman already seemed super nice (and pretty)!
“Airmid? That sounds super pretty! I don’t think I know much about her?” Jiyeon tilted her head, mentally going through the names of every deity she knew about. “Airmid, Airmid... nope, I’ve heard her name, but I don’t know much else! What’s she the goddess of?”
In her overly excited state, Jiyeon tended to ramble. It could be a little strange that sometimes she seemed mature, but then a switch flipped and she was this vibrating ball of energy that just had to say everything that was on her mind. Not that many people knew her mature side, of course, that was a rare thing to see.
“Krystal also sounds so pretty!” She briefly wondered if all children of Airmid just instantly had pretty names and looked pretty, too. “Oh, at the hospital? That sounds cool! I actually briefly thought about studying medicine at one point, but I’m better with plants than people so I went for astrobiology instead,” she said, nodding sagely. “It’s so nice to meet you though! How did you meet Sveinn?”
a bit of sunshine
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mpjiyeon-blog · 5 years
The suit life of Zack and Cody sentence starters.  
“Hey,  sweet thang”
“Yay, me”
“Oh, this is a DISASTER”   
“Whatcha doin?”
“Hey, we have something in common we both like staring at you”
“Stop making ‘name’ think you’re fabulous, I want  him to think *I’M* fabulous”
“Ew, loser. You can have him”
“ No I don’t know what the fat content is! Just stick it in the mustard, stick it in your mouth, and walk away!”
“When did you suddenly become so interested in school?”
“You said you wanted someone smart”
“That may be the most wonderful thing any boy… man has ever said to me”
“Sure, he is incompetent, you can barely understand a word he says, his best friend is a chicken… where was I?”
“Because compared to where I live, everyone has a ratty little place!”
“We can be BFFWLSAGSAL! ‘Best Friends Forever Who Love Spending and Go Shopping A Lot’ “
“Right. Jelly babies, cherry soda and cheese products in a can. All the ingredients of romance!”
“Pate - low fat, crackers - low sodium and chocolate cake - low nothing. Room freshener - forest pine.  All the ingredients of romance!”
“You have nothing to fear from a man who only seeks to adore you” 
“Oh, that is sweet. And if you try to go too far, I have a black belt in karate and can snap your arm like a twig”
“I’ll keep on making scary monster sounds when you’re sleeping” 
“that makeup you’re wearing makes you look all sad”
“Oh, no… now you’re probably going to tell me why and I’m gonna have to pretend to care..”
“The more you connect with them the less your stuff they’ll break”
“No running in my LOBBY”  
“Can you believe this guy? I guess you hate apple pie too, huh, fella? And puppies. And your own mama” 
“Well, the best part is I’ve got this clock and this wonderful wheelbarrow”
“Who you callin’ ugly Mr. Avacado-head?”
“Boy, humans are ugly”
“I just had a dream that taught me two things; No matter how small you are, if you’re fighting for something you believe in, you could win”
“Counting my armpit hair. One… done” 
“You forget to cherish her”
“You know, I wish you people would realize that I’m a thoughtful and intelligent person” 
“We’re gonna go lay down in front of the bulldozers”
“You mean… the prindle?”
“You’re making me nervous with all this… technical talk!”
“Oh! I’m sorry. Why don’t we just *relax* and turn on the *radio*? Would you like AHM OR FIM?”
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mpjiyeon-blog · 5 years
a bit of sunshine
“Oh?” Jiyeon blinked in surprise when a girl left Sveinn’s apartment just as she was coming home from the bookstore. She hadn’t seen this girl around the Norse apartments before, so... who was she? Was she a friend of her brother? Other people might’ve come to more explicit conclusions, but that thought didn’t even cross Jiyeon’s mind.
“Are you a friend of Sveinn’s? I’m his sister~ or, well, half sister. Daughter of Freya, anyway. My name’s Jiyeon, I haven’t seen you here before!” Although... the other woman did seem familiar somehow. “I feel like I’ve seen you around the island, though? But not here, so... you’re not Norse, right?”
Her smile was wide and bright as always, making it clear that this was not a hostile situation at all. No, she wanted to make friends with this girl!
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mpjiyeon-blog · 5 years
”Bad times are just times that are bad.”
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mpjiyeon-blog · 5 years
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the cutest princess ♡
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mpjiyeon-blog · 5 years
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archive mb for @wimpers
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mpjiyeon-blog · 5 years
continued from here
It was weird to Jiyeon that she had a neighbor she didn’t know anything about or talk to very much. That had to be changed! She’d seen this man around a lot, and she really wanted to get to know him, but both of them were busy at opposite times, it seemed.
Today, however, she’d finally caught him! And she gave him a big, happy smile. “I agree!! I think it’s sad that so many people think badly about wrinkles; they’re completely normal!!” She studied biology, she would know. Although... could aliens have wrinkles?
That was a thought for another time. For now, Jiyeon tilted her head curiously and asked, “You live here too, right? I’ve seen you around! My name’s Kim Jiyeon, I’m a daughter of Freya.”
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mpjiyeon-blog · 5 years
cooking tips
continued from here
Jiyeon hadn’t expected a follow-up question, but hey! She was here to help every single customer, and this one seemed like he could potentially become a good friend! Though cooking wasn’t what Jiyeon was best at, she had some tips and advice and experience, and she hoped she could use those to help him!
“Hmmm the food wouldn’t taste good if someone messed the recipes up, unless they accidentally mess them up in a good way? But other than that, nothing would happen~ at least, I don’t think so. There’s nothing in there that’s poisonous or anything, so... oh, but if you burn the oil, that’s very bad. As long as nothing gets set on fire it should be okay~”
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