coronabreak lockdown day 5 17/03
I finished cleaning my room! I started some of my schoolwork, because the only thing I already did was making some exercises for English, we had to fill them in in our books and send a picture to the teacher. We also had to make an awkward video of us speaking haha. This evening they announced that from 18/03 in the afternoon on, we can’t meet other people except people you live with. We have to stay at home, only exceptions are getting food (max 30 mins inside, a max of a certain amount of people in the store, etc), getting medicines and going to the doctor. Tomorrow is the first “live lesson”.
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coronabreak lockdown day 4
Today is kind of better. We don’t know yet what to do, but we received a lot of schoolwork. I actually went for a run in the morning and started cleaning my room. 
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coronabreak lockdown day 3 15/03
One of my best friends, an exchange student from Chile, is being sent back. She was supposed to stay until July. We’re all broken. It’s all fucked up. I don’t think that anyone knows how to handle this. We lost our friend because a stupid virus broke out worldwide. Today, I signed up to help take care of children whose parents can’t in these times. I guess we all have to help each other out.  The real start of the ‘vacation’ only starts tomorrow, but yet it’s already fucked up. This morning I already made an online task for school, but the real stuff is yet to begin.
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coronabreak lockdown day 2 14/03
Gang up with the fam! Not much to do, went to some of my family and I’m already bored lol. 
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coronabreak lockdown day 1 13/03
Went out to the city with friends. Last time we got to go and party. Never stopped before 12 o’clock, so that was a new one. It was fun and there were a lot of people. Police had to come with lots and lots of people to clear out the street and send people home. There even was a person who was taken away because he was resisting that much. 
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