mpx-susanoo · 6 months
Susanoo faked a scowl, looking up from the bourbon glass in his hand to meet the goddess' eyes. The amber-coloured liquor had just begun to ease its twirl, dazzled in the little hand trick of the god.
"What made you think I am heartless, dear Hecate?"
He propped an elbow on the bar counter's surface, wanting to keep a serious face, but oh lord, Susanoo had never been good at staying serious for long. Even when just a few minutes before the goddess' comment, he had just made a heartfelt confession about how he missed his estranged wife sometimes.
"You know what? You're right, my dear," he broke his sombre look with a carefree chuckle, eyes went dark like the seabed as he questioned, jokingly. "The heartless often live the longest and thrive the hardest, don't you think?"
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mpx-susanoo · 6 months
❛ i thought you’d like some company. ❜
Susanoo's eyebrows reached the next height level, almost touching his messy hairline. Few could bring genuine surprise to his expression, for the god of seas and storm had seen and heard so much it left little to be explored.
But Kaya's simple statement did just that, making his eyes go wide and mouth agape. The calm sea seemed to be interested in what she said, as little waves climbed up higher onto the sandy beach to follow the conversation better.
It was still too early and too sunny to assume this situation was a dream. He blinked, once, twice, but not taking more than that to come up with the next thing to say.
"You've come here all the way from your boudoir, to spend time with me?" Susanoo snickered, incredulous at what had just come out of his mouth. He looked her into the eyes, as if searching for any signs of lying. "Seriously, what do you want from me this time, little Miss?"
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mpx-susanoo · 7 months
Inari watched Susanoo calmly, their chin propped up on their hand, amber eyes scrutinizing. Even with the sea god's display of temper, they remained unfazed. Inari merely picked up another cup and poured each of them another glass of sake. "Darling, all that fury, I would think you are in love with dear Amaterasu?" The fox deity took sip of their sake, amber eyes glowing with mischief. It was in them to make light in the face of rage and revenge. "Hmm, Greeks are quite delicious." Inari licked their lips waving their hands for Susanoo to sit down. "I don't mind mind them, I can see why Amaterasu was tempted." Inari hummed and drowned back down the sake. "And the only reason she has been looking is because of what happened with Tsukuyomi-sama," Inari spoke vaguely, eyeing Susanoo. "You indeed know what happened with that don't you?"
Susanoo paused to look askance at Inari, then pushed out a loud huff of open vexation at their remark. 
“That’s downright offensive, Inari,” he scolded, for once appearing to be an old disgruntled god with a big ego and huge pride, both were at times vulnerable. Susanoo did not speak further about that, letting the grumbling thunders outside do the rest of expressing his fury for the world to see. 
He flopped back down on the couch, nose still flared in anger, but the stormy look in his eyes slightly eased up. The scowl on his face soon shifted to sarcasm, what Inari commented about the Greek deities elicited a short-live sneer from him. “Pretty faces with shallow minds, except for Athena, she’s good. I cannot still see why Amaterasu was into those enough to get deeply tangled up with two. If she’s got something to prove with that, then it’s how damn fucked up her tastes in romance is.” 
He paused his rant to take in what Inari had to reveal to him next. And what was revealed to him got Susanoo’s eyes narrowed in doubt, confusion, and another imminent tide of anger. 
“What do you mean by that?” He put the inro that contained the other black pearl on the table in between them, directly asking for another exchange of information.
“What exactly happened to Tsukuyomi? You mean Amaterasu has something to do with his vision impairment?” 
❛ you’re cute. how about i buy you a drink ? ❜ Inari smiled teasingly at the older kami.
Susanoo was one second away from protesting, that he was The Susanoo and that meant 'cute' should be taken as an offence toward him, but a glimpse at his current vessel in the mirror pressed 'pause' to his mini tantrum. Fuck, I indeed look cute.
"You know I would never say no to you, honeybunch," he beamed at Inari with an endearing smile he saved for just a few, with she being the only one by far on this entire island. Their camaraderie also earned her his fairness, and so he made an offer that he hadn't given anyone since the separation with his dear wife. "And if that drink is great, I'll sing you a song, whatever you want to hear, my dear."
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mpx-susanoo · 7 months
[...] "My dear Susanoo, you should know that my students fear me she joked, squeezing his hand in salutations. More seriously, it was a lovely day, Noctua did not have to prick anyone." Hearing her name, the little owl softly hooted, perching herself on the side mirror. "Believe it or not but I have never surfed before" the goddess answered. "But I am willing and interested, I just hope that your beloved sea will be gentle with me, I would love to keep her company." It made her happy to see him so excited. Of course, she knew how much he adored the sea as he knew her love for museums and libraries. They were vastly different but had still been able to find common grounds, always ready to visit the other's interests. There was a deep respect between them, none of them trying to impose their tastes to the other. Athena peeked at the pedestrians and shops' windows as Susanoo drove them to the beach, once more enjoying to see so much life around the island. "This sounds like a lovely idea. We will have whatever you want, dear friend" she simply answered as the beach was coming into view. 
“You still are a much better instructor than I am, Athena-san,” he replied with a relaxed smile, his eyes glancing at the rearview mirror to acknowledge the goddess’ owl upon hearing her hoot. Keeping the smile alive, he added. “And I bet dear Noctua is a helpful assistant to you, my totsuka swords can never.” 
His eyebrows arched up in great surprise at Athena’s confession of not trying surfing before. “You’ve never done it, really?” It did not mean he doubted her honesty, the god of seas and storm had just learned a new fact that not all immortals had experienced everything viable on earth during their existence. 
To her willingness and enthusiasm, he beamed. “That’s the spirit! The sea appreciates and welcomes anyone who comes to her with good intentions, you and her will get along just fine!” His confirmation was not just to ease her mind, for Susanoo had never tried to sugarcoat his words nor he was good at comforting people. As the combination of two natural forces, he could not help being himself, and luckily, Athena understood and accepted that without demanding any efforts or adjustments from him. He respected her mind and she appreciated him the way he was, a perfect recipe for a balanced, healthy friendship. 
Soon, the view of the beach emerged into their sight, and Susanoo could not hide his excited grin as he asked his friend. “Look at the sea, Athena-ssan. Isn’t she gorgeous?”
As the sun was setting on the horizon, both the sky and the beach were coated in magnificent shades of red and orange. Once they got out of his minivan, the salty breezes gently rushed in to welcome them, the waves sang their merry welcoming melodies, and from far away, there was laughter of people having the time of their lives on the sandy beach. 
After pulling out two surfing boards from the back and resting them against the side of the minivan, Susanoo gestured Athena to the row of colourful bathing houses along the beach.
“You can change in there, or you can change at the back of this van, it’s one-sided mirror so no one can see inside,” Susanoo smiled playfully, his hands already working on taking off his jacket and his T-shirt. “And promise you I won’t peek!”
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mpx-susanoo · 7 months
When Giselle approached him with a bunch of questions, Susanoo’s marine instinct told him that those were not exactly what she had wanted to ask. 
Well, not just the marine instinct of a god of seas, but also through the solid clues that were shoved into his eyes and ears without a warning, totally against his will. 
For the sake of context, Susanoo had recently become a regular at the Black Forest bakery - he only got his craving for their exceptionally well-done mochis to blame - and since then had some civil conversations with Eirwen. Nothing much was worth noticing, except that he had learned Giselle was Eirwen’s business sponsor, that Giselle was the daughter of Psyche, who was once the owner of the bakery, and also the significant other of his beloved brother. And that their recent chats seemed to be haunted by Tsukuyomi’s name.
Eirwen appeared to be eagerly engaged in anything Tsukuyomi-related. And now Giselle suddenly seemed to be interested in talking to him about his pride over his siblings. 
“Because keep proving yourself to those who do not care to make even the minimal effort to understand you sound like something a fool would do, don’t you think?” He explained still, after swallowing another tasty bite of his newly bought mochi. 
“I still hate my siblings, don’t get me wrong. It’s a hate triangle, and I do not think that will change soon.” Susanoo added, mischief was hinted in his smile as he looked Giselle in the eyes. “Is that what you really want to know?”  
❛ who are you trying to impress? a lost love? an absent parent? or was it someone that you worshipped? ❜
Susanoo slowly titled his head looking at the demigoddess, his emotion was unfathomable. For the first time in a quite a long while, he actually thought about his answer, about whether he should play along and replied flippantly, or betray his reputation of an unruly god and be serious for once.
"I'm impressing no one, and I'm wordshipping no one. I've been done with both for millennia ago." He ended up choosing the latter option, the statement came out conveniently as a reminder to himself rather than just a response to the question. Like the sea surface in a windless day, he smiled at the demigoddess. "Are you happy with that answer, Miss?"
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mpx-susanoo · 7 months
Amaterasu closes her eyes as if for a moment she could forget about Susanoo or his words. Unlike Tsukuyomi who was careful with his words, their younger brother was always sharp, as tumultuous as the seas he commanded. With an effort, Amaterasu let a small smile cross her face. "In the spirit of the holidays, I will ignore your cruelty, brother. This is why I am quite fond of Christmas, and Valentine's day---it's all about celebrating about people you love." She sighs. "My feast day was meant for me to bless Japan. To bring prosperity to the lands, and well yes, it was about me for the longest time. I won't deny that. " She shook her head as she fixed the bags in her hands. "Yes, the tradition is to get gifts for family, and yes I have. Even you too." She wrinkles her nose at him as if in a playful gesture. "Well, I will too, if you tell me what you want from me, baby brother."
Susanoo kept his stare alive while Amaterasu temporarily shielded herself away from eye contact. If they could spend a mere second to recall, the divine siblings would realize they had just mirrored each other - closing their naked eyes so that they would not draw their swords and blow up the whole store with their mutual hatred. 
All seas on Earth turned into deserts would be the day when Susanoo acknowledged that he got anything resembling this obnoxious elder sister. For a god of seas and storms, it was unusual to witness in him a growing desire to spit actual fire, but he was feeling it, all thanks to Amaterasu’s reply and her mere existence. 
“For a goddess whose ego, selfishness, and insecurity are all larger than the sun she rules, you surprised me with how lavish you are with your love, Ama-ssan.”  
Since he could not spit fire, Susanoo returned to mockery and blatant disrespect, even his cheerful smile and merry intonation were soaked in sarcasm. But that was the farthest he would push at Amaterasu’s buttons for today. Or he thought so. 
At her question about his wants for holiday gifts, Susanoo’s eyebrows twitched, his dark eyes narrowed, and one of his canines was shown as his lips tugged up into a short-lived smirk.
“I want the most expensive ever piece sold by Böljande,” he stated, his smile grew innocent, yet the gleams in his eyes hinted at challenge and violence. “And I want to see your power in its full glory. Do you think you can get those for me this holiday season, big sister?”
❛ i've been thinking about you for years. ❜
Amaterasu was silent. Her usual smiling face was somber, even as she huddled under thick winter coat and hat. It seemed winter on the island was extra forceful this year. Given that she was a sun goddess, winter always made her sleepy and Amaterasu remembered those eons in that cave running from all her responsibilities and family. Family that included the god before her, that stormy look in his eyes making her think of waves crashing angrily on cliffs.
Amaterasu sighs and a puff of breath escapes her lips. In her arms were the beginnings of Christmas shopping gifts as well as groceries for that evening. "And that's how you survived yes?" She asks now, head tilting in askance. "Your burning hate for me?"
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mpx-susanoo · 8 months
❛ who are you trying to impress? a lost love? an absent parent? or was it someone that you worshipped? ❜
Susanoo slowly titled his head looking at the demigoddess, his emotion was unfathomable. For the first time in a quite a long while, he actually thought about his answer, about whether he should play along and replied flippantly, or betray his reputation of an unruly god and be serious for once.
"I'm impressing no one, and I'm wordshipping no one. I've been done with both for millennia ago." He ended up choosing the latter option, the statement came out conveniently as a reminder to himself rather than just a response to the question. Like the sea surface in a windless day, he smiled at the demigoddess. "Are you happy with that answer, Miss?"
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mpx-susanoo · 8 months
❛ is that a challenge? ❜
"No, no, building sandcastles should be all fun and no challenge~"
Susanoo singsonged. He stood there on the beach, with both his bare hands and feet were covered in wet sand, next to yet another sandcastle he had just built. While for most, it may still be too early to enjoy such summer-vibe activities, but no matter the season, it was always the best time in the year for Susanoo to have some fun near the sea, even when he was all alone.
In this crispy morning though, the Japanese found that he had a guest, who seemed to be curious about why he had to build ten sandcastles in a row along the beach. He spent a few seconds looking at the young lady, something that the younger generation would call vibe-checking. Then he smiled, relaxed and undisturbed.
"Would you like to join?"
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mpx-susanoo · 8 months
Amaterasu shrugs at Susanoo's attempt to insult her. Instead she throws a fond smile at the bags of presents that she had managed to purchase for the day. "It's more of a mortal holiday than anything," She corrected, her earlier antagonistic stance giving way to curiosity now. "And all it represents." She gives a soft sigh as she maneuvers the shopping bags better in her arms. "We have no such holidays back home. Our feast days..." She paused, as if trying to remember if her brother had a feast day. Surely there was. All deities had one. But she would be lying if she said she didn't think only of her own feat day back in the day.
"Oh, Amaterasu-sama, look at you! Being caring and soft and enthusiastic, how cute!"
Susanoo cooed with his smile wide and his eyes even mimicked a crescent shape. If one did not know better, they would be easily convinced that Susanoo had just heard some really, really good news. He then took a step closer toward Amaterasu, shielding her from the view of other shoppers, his smile was all gone.
"Are you too comfortable and happy here that you forget who you are?" He kept his voice low so that his words were only audible to her, yet in his gaze, disappointment was screaming loud. "You forget that there are still thousands of your worshippers back at home? We've got no such holidays like this, because every day was a feast day, especially for you, Amaterasu!"
The storm and sea god then pulled back, his face still dampened with his newly found upset for her. But there was still a holiday going around, and he was not in the mood to flood this store. Not yet.
"You had better not forget Tsukuyomi," he reminded her, his smirk was sarcastic, but the venom in it was still mild. "Moody twin brother needs a gift and some care from his generous twin sister, don't you think so?"
❛ i've been thinking about you for years. ❜
Amaterasu was silent. Her usual smiling face was somber, even as she huddled under thick winter coat and hat. It seemed winter on the island was extra forceful this year. Given that she was a sun goddess, winter always made her sleepy and Amaterasu remembered those eons in that cave running from all her responsibilities and family. Family that included the god before her, that stormy look in his eyes making her think of waves crashing angrily on cliffs.
Amaterasu sighs and a puff of breath escapes her lips. In her arms were the beginnings of Christmas shopping gifts as well as groceries for that evening. "And that's how you survived yes?" She asks now, head tilting in askance. "Your burning hate for me?"
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mpx-susanoo · 8 months
[...] A soft sigh left Inari's lips as they reached for another cup of their sake. "I have heard of that little affair at the library." Inari shook their head at Susanoo. "Quite an entrance kami-sama. I suppose you should be grateful neither of them have the full might of their divinity." And there it was, a slight opening for Susanoo to draw his own conclusions. Amber eyes met his and Inari patiently waited for him to connect the dots. " Have you met Ama-chan's new husband? Quite pleasant to the eyes isn't he? But if I tell you that he is not the first Greek deity that caught Amaterasu's attention after Tsukuyomi-dono, would that surprise you?"
Susanoo watched Inari as they examined the pearls on the palm, knowing quite surely that it would be another fruitful trade between them. Among the three golden children, Susanoo was confident to say he was the least obsessive over authority and gave absolutely no care about protecting his so-called image. After all, his reputation had never been ear-pleasing from the start, so even if what he wanted demanded some shamelessness, Susanoo would not hesitate. 
A hearty laugh left his chest as Inari mentioned the library fight between him and his elder siblings, or among them three, to be more exact. 
“What else could I do? I can’t hide in a cave with my sulkiness, or keep my mouth closed because I’m so afraid of choking on my ego. They expect me to be loud and obnoxious, so I gave them what they asked for,” he took another sip of sake from his cup, his smile grew dark in brewing anger. “But they, my holier-than-thou sister and brother, was a total disgrace to their own names. It’s even more shameful to win over crooked divinity than being defeated by a monster, Inari-san.”
Susanoo’s piercing dark gaze was fixed on Inari’s amber eyes when they resumed speaking, the sake forgotten on the table. His eyebrows knitted closely to each other at the mention of Amaterasu’s new husband, a mild confusion swiped over his face. Then, dark furrows carved in between his eyes at the knowing that his elder sister was involved with yet another one, after Tsukuyomi, and before her current husband. 
“Amaterasu tarnished her divinity over her desire, not for one, but two Greeks!?” Susanoo growled in his burst of anger and astonishment, his eyes widened as he found it too difficult to believe. 
Millennia living outside Takamagahara gave Susanoo a couple of friendships with the Greek deities, and from them, he learned quite a lot, the good, the bad, and especially, the ugly familial scandals. Now that he learned Amaterasu was once, and now still, involved in that web of disasters, Susanoo could not stop himself from throwing the cup across the room, making it smash and shatter into pieces. He once again stared into Inari’s eyes, seeking the bottom of the truth. Outside, a storm was coming. 
“Who was that damn Greek? WHO?”
❛ you’re cute. how about i buy you a drink ? ❜ Inari smiled teasingly at the older kami.
Susanoo was one second away from protesting, that he was The Susanoo and that meant 'cute' should be taken as an offence toward him, but a glimpse at his current vessel in the mirror pressed 'pause' to his mini tantrum. Fuck, I indeed look cute.
"You know I would never say no to you, honeybunch," he beamed at Inari with an endearing smile he saved for just a few, with she being the only one by far on this entire island. Their camaraderie also earned her his fairness, and so he made an offer that he hadn't given anyone since the separation with his dear wife. "And if that drink is great, I'll sing you a song, whatever you want to hear, my dear."
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mpx-susanoo · 8 months
&. 𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐬 (𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬?) 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  various  dialogue  prompts  to  send  to  your  worst  enemy  (affectionate).  feel  free  to  change  how  you  seem  fit.  )
❛ oh great, it's you again. ❜
❛ you? kill me? that's funny. ❜
❛ for being someone you hate, i'm sure on your mind a lot. ❜
❛ you're the last person i wanted to see, actually. ❜
❛ do us both a favor. stay away from me. ❜
❛ you really are an asshole, you know that? ❜
❛ i'm the asshole? what does that make you then? ❜
❛ sometimes i think you must hate me. ❜
❛ i thought you said you never wanted to see me again. ❜
❛ if you want me to go, then you have to tell me to leave. ❜
❛ well, someone's cranky today. ❜
❛ well, someone needs to shut the fuck up. ❜
❛ just stay out of my way. ❜
❛ of all the idiots in the world, i'm stuck with you. ❜
❛ what is it you want this time? ❜
❛ sometimes i wonder if you're in love with me. ❜
❛ do you honestly think this is easy for me? ❜
❛ why would i ever want to be friends with you? ❜
❛ can we please just talk? ❜
❛ there is nothing for us to talk about. ❜
❛ you can yell at me later. just let me help you. ❜
❛ touch me, and you're dead. ❜
❛ oh, so now you care? ❜
❛ there is something deeply wrong with you. ❜
❛ i know i'm the last person you probably want to see, but... ❜
❛ you don't think we could be friends, do you? ❜
❛ i'm tired of fighting against you. ❜
❛ don't pretend you give a shit about me. ❜
❛ you're an idiot, but... i trust you. ❜
❛ oh, don't be cute. ❜
❛ wait, did you just say that i'm cute? ❜
❛ we're not good for each other. ❜
❛ if i say yes, will you shut up? ❜
❛ don't you have to be stupid somewhere else? ❜
❛ maybe we should kiss just to break the tension. ❜
❛ i'm sorry i can't turn off my feelings as easily as you. ❜
❛ maybe there's a universe out there where we're friends. ❜
❛ how can you be so smart yet so dumb at the same time? ❜
❛ don't think this changes anything between us. ❜
❛ you look ridiculous in that outfit, by the way. ❜
❛ if you die, i'll kill you. ❜
❛ is that a challenge? ❜
❛ ah, so you're not heartless after all. ❜
❛ i don't think i've ever seen you smile. ❜
❛ you never cared about me, so why now? ❜
❛ why didn't you kill me when you had the chance? ❜
❛ i don't even remember why we started fighting. ❜
❛ i don't have time for distractions right now. ❜
❛ you're not as bad as everyone says you are. ❜
❛ enemies make the best lovers, you know. ❜
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mpx-susanoo · 8 months
A continuation from the sns post made a short while ago with @mpxinvidia
Typically being himself, Susanoo lost track of time while he played in the snow at the beach. 
He had a fun time learning skiing with Skadi’ instruction, and there were quite a few curious residents coming out to watch the phenomenon the goddess had created. When Skadi needed to leave for her next schedule, he chose to stay to build his mini army of snowmen.
When Susanoo finally cared to look around after finishing his tenth snow soldier, the sun had long gone, and there was no one but himself left on the beach. Susanoo opened his phone to check the time, and that was when he remembered the appointment he had that very evening.
Well, it was not exactly an appointment, more like a promise made over sns comments with Invidia - a lovely demigod Susanoo did not remember having a face-to-face conversation with before. 
Yet, he had heard things, about Invidia and the places he was working at. No judgments were made toward the young man, only growing curiosity about what had built up his reputation around town. Plus, Invidia had promised to sing a song for him, saving that until the moment he joined the audience. 
And so the god found himself driving straight from the beach to Honeypot, having no qualms about entering the place with dampened hair and wet boots. His black puffer and waterproof sweatpants helped Susanoo easily blend into the crowd, whose eyes were watching closely the male singer on the restaurant’s small stage. He immediately recognized that was Invidia, so busy hypnotizing people with his honeyed voice and otherworldly beauty.
After making his order (“Anything non-seafood that can warm me up” ), Susanoo took a seat at a vacant table closer to the corner, behind two rows of fully occupied tables, where extra effort may be required to see him clearly from up there on the stage.
He sat, gazing at Invidia from his seat, waiting in silence and anticipation to see if the demigod would be able to see him from the audience.
snow on the beach
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mpx-susanoo · 8 months
snow on the beach
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mpx-susanoo · 8 months
Susanoo almost forgot that he had invited Athena to an outing on that Friday evening. Luckily, that was why while he absolutely hated it, Susanoo had developed a habit of setting reminders for dates that he deemed important.
He pulled over in front of the philosophy department building, basic picnic gear and two surfing boards sitting at the back of his minivan, surprisingly in time to catch the last flow of students flocking out from their evening classes. 
“Please hurry to the parking lot now, we don’t want to miss the sunset!” 
The Japanese god spoke into his phone, then pressed send the voice message to Athena. It seemed like she was well-prepared for their hangout, as the goddess showed up shortly after that with a stuffed duffle bag. At this point, he would be surprised if she came underprepared rather than overprepared, and that was one among several reasons why he liked hanging out with the Greek goddess. 
“Konbanwa, Athena-ssan! How were your classes today?”
He greeted his dear friend right after she slid into the van, his smile was wide and his eyes mimicked a crescent shape as he looked into her eyes. She might have already noticed all the equipment behind them, but Susanoo still had the courtesy to give her a brief of his so-called plan for their outing while driving the van out of campus and on the way to the beach.
“I hope you like surfing, Athena-ssan? The sea told me she’s been feeling lonely these days, so I promised to introduce her to one of my best companions,” Susanoo did not care to tone down the excitement bubbling in his voice tone, his foot sank slightly down on the gas pedal to speed up before a red light could catch them.
It may be a tad too cold for most to enjoy surfing at this time of the year, and the sun would go to sleep soon, but if this god of storm and seas cared about those minor inconveniences, he would no longer be Susanoo. With the same eagerness, he added.
“We can have a bonfire party, maybe even a sleepover on the beach after that? And we get whatever else you want to eat, I know some restaurants that have nice Greek dishes you can order straight to the beach!”
one tent for two ;; closed
for the friendly storm @mpx-susanoo
Athena loved Susanoo. A platonic love that had blossomed in her core since their first meeting months ago, now running deep in her veins. She liked his mischievousness, his spontaneity, the mind games they sometimes played but also their many, profound conversations.
He was changing like the sea and she, the immutable goddess, loved him for that.
It had taken a bit of time for Athena to get used to Susanoo’s antics. She wasn’t the biggest fan of surprises, preferring very well planned things so finding her life turned over on a regular basis had needed some adaptation. Until she couldn’t wait see what he would come up with next.
The Japanese god had taken her to walks on unknown paths, made her discover hole in the wall restaurants or cafés serving delicious food and drinks despite looking like decaying buildings. Always something new, always something that left her yearning for more.
Athena had chosen the new teahouse Hui Wei Cha for their Friday’s outing, curious about the recent arrival of a new Chinese god. She hoped to taste delightful teas treats from his country but, of course, Susanoo brushed everything away with a simple note left in her mailbox.
I hope you have warm and waterproof clothes ?! Get everything ready, I’ll pick you up after your classes Friday evening.
That’s why the goddess was sitting at her desk on said Friday evening, a duffle bag full of clothes, snacks and a couple books in front of her. By her side, Noctua was perched on her spear, its tip of gold shining softly in the dying light of the day. Whatever Susanoo had in stock for her, she was ready to face it.
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mpx-susanoo · 9 months
With all due disrespect, Susanoo firmly believed that his holier-than-thou elder sister was a menace.
Not him, but Amaterasu, was the real pain in the bottom (of his heart). She would never fail to come up with the most unreasonable reasons to devilize every word he said and everything he did, and Susanoo thought he must have gotten used to it by now.
The sea god momentarily closed his eyes, stopping the sight of Amaterasu's face from irritating him beyond his poor-maintained control. One heavy sigh later, he opened his eyes again, suddenly finding an insurmountable power inside him to keep his voice in the talking tone, although the words that came out got a slightly sharper edge to them.
"I was just wondering if you would care to celebrate the birthday of a Jewish preacher," he then glanced down at her shopping cart filled with various gifts and groceries, a light smirk flashed across his face. "It looks like you're quite eager for it, aren't you?"
❛ i've been thinking about you for years. ❜
Amaterasu was silent. Her usual smiling face was somber, even as she huddled under thick winter coat and hat. It seemed winter on the island was extra forceful this year. Given that she was a sun goddess, winter always made her sleepy and Amaterasu remembered those eons in that cave running from all her responsibilities and family. Family that included the god before her, that stormy look in his eyes making her think of waves crashing angrily on cliffs.
Amaterasu sighs and a puff of breath escapes her lips. In her arms were the beginnings of Christmas shopping gifts as well as groceries for that evening. "And that's how you survived yes?" She asks now, head tilting in askance. "Your burning hate for me?"
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mpx-susanoo · 9 months
Susanoo, as the youngest of the triplets, behaved just like a typical youngest child. Sure, he didn’t gain the love of his parents and older siblings like others did, but he was the one who was carefree and acted solely on his own accord. Tsukuyomi envied that at times, a secret he’d bring with him to his grave. They say the moon phase and the tides danced a waltz back and forth, but Tsukuyomi and Susanoo usually only ever shared battles between them, not necessarily instigated directly with each other, but often a result of… external factors. They probably never sat together like this, and although Tsukuyomi was sure none of them would utter a word, they would only stay because they at least didn’t mind this moment. His younger brother stood up to approach the shore, and he stayed out with the box of treats, not in a rush to reach out for another just yet. The waters were calm, which told a lot about Susanoo’s current state of mind, and so he didn’t expect the wave to suddenly rush over its invisible border further out on the shore. The tips of his boots were soaked, and he looked up to see Susanoo chuckling from afar. He usually hated such pranks, finding this disrespectful and overstepping, but in this moment he couldn’t bring himself to scold the other, or even be angry. He didn’t mind it, even, and as he looked down again at his wet boots, he could only break into a snort, not quite a fellow chuckle, but a bit closer to a snicker.
Susanoo found his supreme power in the storms, and himself in the ocean. He had to share the sky with his two elder siblings, his sister was also his sworn enemy, while this elder brother was persistent with his apathy customized for the rampant youngest. But in rare moments like these, when his mind was not soaked in wrath and his heart not drowned in suppressed sorrow, Susanoo knew what he had was still much more than what he had lost. 
He owned the seas, and along with that, everything they could offer. In fact, he had a lot to offer, and he would offer a lot, if only his goodwill had not been continuously rejected and tarnished by unfounded doubts. 
The calm water surface rippled, the waves rose slightly higher, but the disruption was short-lived. It was a full moon night, and the unspoken truce between Tsukuyomi and him remained valid.
That was confirmed when his elder brother let out something close to a smile. Susanoo was not invested in figuring out the meaning behind the noise Tsukuyomi just made, all he cared to see was that the other had not yet wanted to turn away. Looking back at the history they shared, it marked a milestone worth celebrating. 
Susanoo gave a low chuckle before turning over and walking slightly farther to the sea. When his knees disappeared under the surface, he bent down, letting his right hand sink into the warm water. A larger wave soon arrived, not as large as the one that wetted the tips of Tsukuyomi’s shoes, just enough to bring what Susanoo demanded right into his palm. 
Leisurely, the god travelled back to the shore, his right hand curled into a loose fist. The luminous round moon was now behind his back, quietly bathing the whole shore, Tsukuyomi, and the mochi box in its silver light. 
Susanoo stopped walking, now standing an arm’s length away from his elder brother. Still with no words uttered, he took Tsukuyomi’s sleeve in his left hand, lifting the other’s arm slightly up with it. Then, his hand went on to hold Tsukuyomi’s hand, flipped his hand open, then put the thing he got from the sea into the other’s open palm. 
To the touch, it was cold, solid, and somewhat rough. Susanoo stepped aside, taking his own shadow away so that the stone could be seen clearly under the moon.
That stone was a raw seafloor diamond, something he knew that humans had tried to exploit from the seabed with their expensive equipment. It was not much of value for him, but since Tsukuyomi was the owner of a jewellery store, that probably could be put to good use.
a one-night truce
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mpx-susanoo · 10 months
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The moment when lighting strikes water
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