mr-b1eu · 1 year
The Story of the Worlds Most Powerful Gem
Pearl was a Yellow Agates Pearl. She was made to defend her master. But one day Yellow Agate dropped Pearl off at a nearby planet of just forest. She said "wait here and in 5,000 years I will come back for you."
4999 years later
I was at my base when I heard a noise."Hello who's there" I saw a small rabbit that was stuck in a hole. "Come here little guy" and I picked him up. He crawled into a different hole to see his family. "It's been 5,000 years how come yellow agate has not picked me up yet."I heard another noise in ran to it there I saw was a Bismuth. "Who are you" "finally someone else on this miserable planet I am a Bismuth" "well I know that why are you here" "my ship crash landed here well I was going to a nearby Galaxy" " well since you're here could I use your help for something" " yes?" She brought the Bismuth into her layer inside of a giant tree " so what did you want me for" " could I shatter you" " W-WHAT, when, why, for what" "When would be whenever you choose why so I can have the strongest weapon in the universe and for why so I can become the strongest gem in the universe" " what do I get out of this" " well it's either I shatter you and I get to become all those things or I kill you and bubble you" " well there's no way any of the diamonds are going to find me on this desolated little planet and my ships broken and I don't feel like fighting someone with that good of a weapon so yes?" " Thanks now hold still" the Pearl takes a nail and puts it at the inside of the Bismuth's gem and took a hammer and hit it as hard as she could. Then she took a part of the Bismuth's gem and cut it into a circle and hollowed out her stick and put it next to the other shaddered parts and filled the hollowed part of the stick.
To Be Continued...
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