mrethanvaldez · 6 months
It's Been Too Long | Ethan & Ava
The day had been a rather uneventful one, but in that sort of way where he was almost exhausted by doing nothing. As if the toll of being bored as fuck was actually wearing him down. So, to remedy this, Ethan decided to make a trek from his place, and head further into the Island to the campus just to get out of the far too large, and empty house, and find something to do.
Dressed in black, long sleeve denim shirt, over ironed black-tee, and black jeans, broken up by some tan leather shoes, Ethan was dressed on his more casual as he slipped out of the coffee shop with his drink, trying to decide where to go next when he felt a strange, familiar ping in the back of his neck. HE recognized the pattern of the phone on his powers even before he saw her in the distance.
Grinning, Ethan moved immediately towards Ava upon seeing her, not realizing she'd been back, "Well now there's a face I haven't had the pleasure of seeing in far too long."
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mrethanvaldez · 6 months
Ethan had decided it was time to get out of the house, he'd been cooped up grading, writing, just going about work after work after work obligation, and not particularly concerned with his own mental well-being. That is, until he'd finally taken a look outside and noted the gorgeous day and the lapping seas against the beach that his home overlooked.
So, chipper as ever, the Professor meandered his way down towards the beach, sandals clutching to his feet, gray trunks worn snug enough, and sunglasses adorning the bridge of his nose, enjoying the warmth as the sun warmed his bared chest.
Nearing the beach, Ethan began to make his way across the sands, removing his sandals to feel the tiny grains massage his toes, when he spotted a new face amongst the beach patrons, one he had not yet met, one with a collar and a collection of books that suggested a student as well.
Making his way into her direction, he grinned as his shadow was cast over her book, and a brow shot up at her reaction, "Your sun? It's rather quite large and easily shared by the entire world, I don't think you have quite such a claim to it."
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Brat on the Beach | N&E
Nova let out a low sigh as she stretched out on her moon and stars print beach towel, closing her eyes as the island sun soaked into her skin. It was funny, when she'd first arrived she had avoided the sun like the plague. So used to the clouds and rain of Seattle, it had felt like a foreign thing. But now two years later she had come to grudgingly appriciate and even enjoy it. Bleh... She was turning into a regular Disney fucking island princess wasn't she?
After allowing her body to actually relax, the dancer finally reached into her bag and pulled out a book. She had come here to get some coursework done so may as well actually try to accomplish something. Her grades had been slipping lately and without the excuse of an island drama shit show to blame it on now, she needed to pull herself up by her boot straps like she'd always done. Because there was no fucking way she was going home with her tail between her legs.
She'd finally hit her grove, free from the noise and distractions of the cells, when a shadow fell across her book. Annoyed beyond belief, Nova raised toffee colored eyes to the man standing over her. "Can you be just a little more in my sun? Like fucking seriously dude.."
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mrethanvaldez · 10 months
"Generally speaking, at least when you're the one that's brightening it up," Ethan quipped as he neared the garden Daisy was wandering in. Dressed in a pair of tan slacks with white button up shirt, half unbuttoned in the warm sun, Ethan looked far too dressed up as usual for an Island resident. Sunglasses adorning his nose, a bit of light stubble clinging to his chin.
"Sorry to barge in, but saw this beautiful woman just standing in a garden and thought, I need to make sure to brighten my day and seeing her smile always helps. Whatchya gardening, love?"
He did note the small smile, and the half hearted wave, "Or am I wrong and it's on me to be brightening YOUR day for once?"
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The last few days had passed in a fog. Dhani had had to leave in such a hurry that they'd barely had a chance for a proper goodbye. Simply a decision that she should stay and finish her doctorate and a promise to find each other when she graduated and then..he was gone. Six years. They had been together for six years, and now she was alone. Violet and Lily were gone, and she hadn't seen Dakota in weeks. The sunny witch wasn't one to wallow in self-pity but that's exactly what she had been doing. Today though she finally showered and shed her pajamas, putting on her most cheerful sundress and taking Topaz outside with her to work in her garden. Baking had failed to cheer her up so maybe this would work. After a while it did, and when someone passed by her cottage she was able to give a small smile and a half-hearted wave.
"Hi, pretty day today huh?"
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mrethanvaldez · 11 months
Ethan grinned at Daisy's bubbly attitude, though it wavered a tiny bit when she seemed to think on the troubles and speak on them for a moment. But all was washed away by the kiss to his nose, and her scrambling forward, pulling him along. Hand in hers, he followed close behind.
"Well then let's go. I'm sure they have a place at the park where we can swing by to purchase some trunks. Not sliding down those grimy slides in my birthday suit after all," He joked.
Locked in step with her, he pulled her back from her lead to stand next to him, walking with her now as he raised a brow, "So, Daisy dear, what's the plan here? What got you thinking 'I need to go to a water park, and the perfect person to go with is Ethan'? Am I just that fun of a dude?"
"Well duh! It would be silly of you to say no. I don't do this just for anyone" Daisy teased, bursting into giggles. As they both knew what a complete load that was. A small sigh did leave her lips as the conversation turned to Leib, her forehead resting to his for a long moment. It was nice to be able to unburden her worries to someone who she trusted as much as she did Ethan, but she was also quick to agree with his words.
"You're right. And I need this! I've been so worried latey and I feel guilty not being with Dhani all the time but then I don't want to annoy him by not letting him have time to himself too because I know he needs that as well and I need to have some time to relax and have fun and do what I want to do and right now that would be you" She giggled, pecking a kiss to the tip of his nose as she paused for a breath.
The kiss to her forehead had her smiling softly, feeling safe and protected in his arms. "Thank you Mister Ethan" The witch murmured softly. "I needed that. And this, with you. So let's go!" Laughing, Daisy jumped down from his arms and took his hand, ready as ever to start their day.
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mrethanvaldez · 1 year
@daisyxlynch Wrapped up in his strong sure embrace, Daisy let out a content little sigh as she nuzzled Ethan’s neck then simply laid her cheek to his shoulder and enjoyed his closeness. Something she was pretty certain she would get to enjoy much more during their time together, as it was rare when they could keep their hands off each other for very long. For now she was pretty content to stay just like this. Until she realized that she was likely getting too heavy for even his sure arms. Loosening her legs from his waist, Daisy put her feet on the ground but didn’t let go of Ethan. “Of I’m sure you’ll catch on again in no time! I’m very hard to forget” She giggled, one arm looped around his neck while the other hand ran through his dark hair. “Well that’s just silly! Whoever wouldn’t want to be with you needs their head examined!” Daisy explained with a shake of her russet head. “I’ll just have to make up for that and spoil you today, how does that sound?” “Oh same old stuff! Work and classes and everything else. Trying to help Dhani out too. You heard about Mister Leib, I’m sure?” Daisy asked, jade eyes clouding with concern for a moment. It faded soon though as she wanted nothing to damper this day. “Oh we can go back to your house if you want! Unless you’re worried that we’ll never leave the bedroom..” She teased, all giggles and Daisy once more.
"Being spoiled by you is absolutely too much, I hardly deserve such a joy, but I won't say no," He said with a chuckle, arms moving from around her waist to rest on her hips, watching her as she fumbled around with his hair. And Ethan then let a small frown appear at her comment about Master Leib, and then nodded, "Yes, of course."
He lifted a hand to brush at her hair, "But let's not focus on those things, we're here to have fun, and you're here to forget some of those troubles. If even for a couple hours. And as fun as it would be to sneak you off to home and my bedroom, you're right. We wouldn't make it out of there, and it'd ruin your whole day's plans."
The Professor placed a kiss on her forehead, "We can swing by a place to purchase a pair on the way, not a big deal, and that way we can get back to your day's plans. I'm looking absolutely forward to it."
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mrethanvaldez · 1 year
Thalia was 75% certain that what their tease and banter was just that – play. A smile still graced her lips as she waited for Ethan patiently, legs crossed but leaning back with her weight resting on her wrists so that her breasts were exposed for him. Her eyes followed his movements eagerly, not least to enjoy the sight of him. And exactly this was to be taken away from her now. The girl picked up the blindfold and looked back at him one last time for confirmation. And just like that, her feelings were enhanced. She saw less, saw nothing even, but immediately felt more. The bed seemed softer now, and bouncier, Ethan’s footsteps louder. And oh, his…
“Punishment?” Thalia turned her head to where she suspected he was standing. The man had been difficult to read before and now, with her eyesight being taken away, it seemed like an impossible task to figure out when he was teasing and when not. But she followed his orders regardless, lying down as he told her to. “Why am I being punished?”
Ethan was quick to react. She had barely begun touching herself that she felt his hands nearby, then something cold. “O-oh” Thalia exhaled sharply as the clamps were attached to her nipples. The hand that previously pleasured herself hesitated momentarily, her breathing becoming shallow at once. But it was the last clamp near her thighs that really took her by surprise. Suspecting that Ethan would attach it right away, her body tensed in anticipation, upper body shifting slightly so that the movement of the chain elicited a pained moan.
As Thalia tensed beneath the cool chain, and clamps against her nipples, and her words of surprise echoed up to him, Ethan chuckled and slowly drew a finger up along her leg, starting with calf, and moving up past her thigh, slow and deliberate, nearly moving to touch at her core, but instead continuing up to brush along her stomach, tracing along her belly button, and further up, before stopping just beneath her breasts. 
The fingers then began to trail down again, teasingly moving along her skin as he moved to lean over her, whispering into the slave’s ear, “Do not worry, my dear, I do think you’ll enjoy your punishments most definitely. But a ‘predictable Master’ should not let the slave in his stead so brashly talk back to him in such a teasing manner without at least some consequence, now should he?”
There was a light tone in his voice, though his voice was deep in its whisper. Clearly letting her know he meant merely fun, and enjoyment. “And I do believe, I said to say nothing, unless it was to beg.. or the punishment grows worse. Did I not?”
He nipped at her jawline, kissing at the soft skin there a moment, before he leaned back, that hand trailing along her stomach moving to grab the clasp between her thighs. Though he did speak before applying it.
“If anything becomes too much, my dear, the word is ‘vanilla’.” He then, with her having stimulated her clit already for him, moved to clamp the device down against her clit, eyes snatching up to watch her reaction. 
“you’d look better with those clothes on the floor.”
"As would you." Ethan retorted. A bit shocked by the beautiful, crimson-haired woman's somewhat bold proclamation, his feet carrying the suit-clad male towards the young slave, beautiful and radiant in her image, Ethan didn't doubt her naked frame would be quite the image to visualize, but also struggled to believe she could look any better than she already did.
He reached a hand up to snatch her chin, his thumb caressing her lower lip as he closed the distance, "Bold for a slave, aren't you?"
He grinned, his eyes scanning the red head before him, surrounded in the enclosed space of his home. A slave brought by him, here, for a chance at fun. He usually didn't simply utilize the master/slave dynamic in such a way, but he found her too alluring to simply ignore that opportunity.
"If you wish to see them on the floor, you put them there then," He said, his lips mere centimeters away from hers, but not quite kissing her yet, "Undress me, then undress yourself and sit on the bed like a good slave."
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mrethanvaldez · 1 year
Ethan’s gaze lingered on the beautiful slave as she discarded their garments across the floor of the room, gaze tracing across her frame as it became exposed, watching her saunter over to the bed and take her seat. Her predictable comment did make Ethan grin, though no clear reaction, yet. 
As she settled onto the bed, Ethan’s eyes fell away from her and he moved towards his nightstand and pulled a couple of items out, though tossed a blindfold towards her to drape across her leg, “Put that on. Slave. Then lay back, and pleasure yourself for my amusement. Say nothing, unless it’s to beg. Or the punishment gets worse.”
He grinned and turned around when she finally obliged, moving to stand over her as she laid back, if she did, before attaching two nipple clamps to her, letting the cold, metal chain move down to drape over her stomach, another clamp resting, but not yet attached, between her thighs.
“you’d look better with those clothes on the floor.”
"As would you." Ethan retorted. A bit shocked by the beautiful, crimson-haired woman's somewhat bold proclamation, his feet carrying the suit-clad male towards the young slave, beautiful and radiant in her image, Ethan didn't doubt her naked frame would be quite the image to visualize, but also struggled to believe she could look any better than she already did.
He reached a hand up to snatch her chin, his thumb caressing her lower lip as he closed the distance, "Bold for a slave, aren't you?"
He grinned, his eyes scanning the red head before him, surrounded in the enclosed space of his home. A slave brought by him, here, for a chance at fun. He usually didn't simply utilize the master/slave dynamic in such a way, but he found her too alluring to simply ignore that opportunity.
"If you wish to see them on the floor, you put them there then," He said, his lips mere centimeters away from hers, but not quite kissing her yet, "Undress me, then undress yourself and sit on the bed like a good slave."
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mrethanvaldez · 1 year
“i need to feel you inside of me.” - izzy
Ethan grinned as he set the glass of wine he'd been holding down upon the table next to the couch, his free hand already wrapped securely around the waist of the slave in his lap, their light, playful kissing having grown heavier.
He kissed and bit at her lower lip lightly, brow raising, his eyes moving towards her own at her breathy request.
The Professor chuckled, a hand lifting to grasp softly at her hair, not hard, just enough to keep her close as he continued to trail kisses against her lips, down slowly along her neck, enveloping himself in the sense of her.
Then he leaned back and nodded towards the open end of the couch, "Then get yourself prepared for me, Darling." He said as he dropped her hair and gave her rear end a soft, encouraging swat.
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mrethanvaldez · 1 year
“you’d look better with those clothes on the floor.”
"As would you." Ethan retorted. A bit shocked by the beautiful, crimson-haired woman's somewhat bold proclamation, his feet carrying the suit-clad male towards the young slave, beautiful and radiant in her image, Ethan didn't doubt her naked frame would be quite the image to visualize, but also struggled to believe she could look any better than she already did.
He reached a hand up to snatch her chin, his thumb caressing her lower lip as he closed the distance, "Bold for a slave, aren't you?"
He grinned, his eyes scanning the red head before him, surrounded in the enclosed space of his home. A slave brought by him, here, for a chance at fun. He usually didn't simply utilize the master/slave dynamic in such a way, but he found her too alluring to simply ignore that opportunity.
"If you wish to see them on the floor, you put them there then," He said, his lips mere centimeters away from hers, but not quite kissing her yet, "Undress me, then undress yourself and sit on the bed like a good slave."
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mrethanvaldez · 1 year
nsfw / smut starters
“i want you to fuck me.”
“you’d look better with those clothes on the floor.”
“you feel so good.”
“i’ve been thinking about you all night.”
“i need you so bad.”
“take your clothes off.”
“fuck me like you hate me.”
“i need to feel you inside of me.”
“i need to be inside of you.”
“beg for it.”
“bend over.”
“get on your knees.”
“i love the way you touch me.”
“i love the way you kiss me.”
“how bad do you want me?”
“do you know how bad i want you?”
“you’re so sexy when you’re hot and bothered.”
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mrethanvaldez · 1 year
The union of their fleshes was getting hotter and hotter, as if it could. Tamara felt surprised every single time she felt a new level of heat achieved, but within every single touch, she felt a new world reached. A new land to uncover through the touches and the spanks and the words of the man that was owning her. Feel it. Feeling it deep, the harsh strength of his manhood in her pushing and pulling, pushing her forward, pulling her back to him for more, much like the waves of the ocean, washing her sin off and sinking her in a new one again. And again. And again. “My… whole… body…. is yours!!” She screamed as his words invaded her and brought her temperature up high to a fever. A possessing fever of lust. She wanted more, she wanted all and he was offering it to her. As his hand reached for her hair, his fingers slithering between her hair to pull her head back she moaned louder calling his name with the desire she has in her stomach all night. Since they’ve started playing, since they’ve started back and forth until that bed. 
“Master!” That’s all she could speak, her brain knew only that word and that was enough, for she knew he could understand exactly what she needed, just by hearing that one word. Master. Her Master. Owner of that forbidden fruit, pleasure filling their veins as she looked back at him, her green eyes sparkling and getting lost in his, begging to be grasped and kept there. He hand reached back, sliding over his perfect body down to his hip, sinking her nails in his muscle and voicing that contact with a louder moan. Pleasure was close. Dangerously close. She sat up, her back leaning against her muscular chest as she closed her eyes feeling him deep that he could touch her soul. “Master..” She repeated, her nails scratching up to his back. “Oh Master, please…” She begged. “Master!” 
Ethan’s groans rumbled through the depths of his chest, and down through his frame, mixing with the sounds of her moans and cries, filling the air between them with the passion that hung thick in the heat of their moments together. A passionate weave of sex, desire, heat. 
As she leaned back, her back to his chest, his hand in her hair dropped and instead moved around to wrap around her frame, cupping at her breasts, squeezing, pinching at her nipple, holding her frame to him as he twisted and pulled lightly at it. His teeth digging into her neck, kissing, sucking, licking along her neck. 
His hips continued their relentless pumping, driving his length deep inside of her, feeling her ass clenching and squeezing tightly against his cock. Body shivering in pleasure with her. In unison.
His other hand drove down, now between her thighs, forcing her legs to spread as he began to run his middle finger tight and quick against her clit. Massaging, toying, wettening his fingers against her as he teased and toyed.
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mrethanvaldez · 1 year
Already answered.
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mrethanvaldez · 1 year
How interested they are in having sex with them: Incredibly. A favorite pastime for sure.
How much they would pay (or have to be paid) to have sex with them: He'd pay a small fortune for time with Ava, if he found it necessary. Hopefully he hasn't been so absent that he has to start though. Also, he'd absolutely do it for free.
If they would rather bottom or top them: There's a bit of a switch that can happen, she's definitely stronger, but she does seem to enjoy when he tops.
How good they think they would be: He knows she's spectacular.
If they’d prefer kitchen counter, wall, or shower sex with them: Yes?
If they’d fuck, have sex, or make love: Definitely fuck, but also maybe make love too.
If they were going to make it a threesome, the third person they’d pick: Oh, Daisy for sure, and whomever Ava trusted or wanted in that scenario.
If they think there’s ever a possibility that it would happen: Already has, hopefully does again.
0 notes
mrethanvaldez · 1 year
How interested they are in having sex with them: Yes please, a thousand times yes.
How much they would pay (or have to be paid) to have sex with them: Absolutely doing it for free. And paying so much, though he knows he doesn't have to.
If they would rather bottom or top them: It's always almost him topping her, but let's be honest, there's enough fire cracker in there that the tables can switch.
How good they think they would be: She's alright... haha, no he knows she's incredible.
If they’d prefer kitchen counter, wall, or shower sex with them: Is there one they haven't tried yet? Shower's a bit too confined though, soap gets in the eyes, it's too much. Counter, because there's so many positions to be had on a counter.
If they’d fuck, have sex, or make love: It's mostly sex, honestly, fun, casual, but can definitely slip into fucking for sure.
If they were going to make it a threesome, the third person they’d pick: Whomever she wanted, really. He knows who she picked would be a blast. But maybe Ivy, if she was interested, of Ava if she were as well.
If they think there’s ever a possibility that it would happen: Feels confident it may just happen again at some point.
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mrethanvaldez · 1 year
How interested they are in having sex with them: Oh, consider his interest very much piqued and high.
How much they would pay (or have to be paid) to have sex with them: If they would rather bottom or top them: He'd of course absolutely do it for free, and as for how much he'd pay, money's no obligation, so he'd pay a pretty penny. Though he doesn't think he'd have to.
How good they think they would be: With the confidence she now seems to display, her time alive, he imagines she's got a fun side that can definitely show itself. So, good.
If they’d prefer kitchen counter, wall, or shower sex with them: Probably counter, because it'd be pretty spontaneous.
If they’d fuck, have sex, or make love: Fuck, for sure. Fun and hot, not too casual, nothing romantic.
If they were going to make it a threesome, the third person they’d pick: Whomever they trusted in a scenario like that, honestly.
If they think there’s ever a possibility that it would happen: He likes to think it will eventually, there does seem to be a mutual attraction.
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mrethanvaldez · 1 year
[NSFW] put a name in my inbox and my muse will answer:
How interested they are in having sex with them: How much they would pay (or have to be paid) to have sex with them:  If they would rather bottom or top them: How good they think they would be: If they’d prefer kitchen counter, wall, or shower sex with them: If they’d fuck, have sex, or make love:  If they were going to make it a threesome, the third person they’d pick: If they think there’s ever a possibility that it would happen:
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mrethanvaldez · 1 year
The last time she saw him was a very fun time, and he was great company.  It was still early in her days here, when she only went out at night, when she didn’t know any names and didn’t really want to.  She remembered his kindness, and generosity, especially when she was so shy.  But Ivy didn’t like to think about how she was back then.  The djinn gave him a smile, as the bartender handed her the martini, and she took a careful sip before answering.  “Same as you,” she told him, with a little shrug.  Suddenly she felt odd about telling him the real reason - for nourishment, and to trick a slave back to her house.  Why would that make her feel weird?  Still, she found herself giving a different answer.  “It’s good to see you - you look good,” she told him, her eyes sweeping over him.
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Ethan watched Ivy with a grin as they spoke, his hand curling around his drink when it was set before him, taking a gentle sip before leaning forward on his elbow, and tilting his head to the side, gazing at her, eyeing her slightly. His grin grew a bit and he offered a wink, “Well, thanks. So do you, though I don’t recall ever seeing you around and not thinking you look good.”
He then turned a bit in his stance so he was more or less leaning on his side against the bar, and able to focus more on her, “And I’m glad you’ve decided to grace us all with your presence tonight. Makes my night significantly better...”
A sip, “So, talk to me, what have you been up to? More travel since we last spoke?”
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