mrjohnbasilsmith · 4 years
The glare on her face was mostly playful as he commented on how long it was taking her to get ready. It didn’t last long when she was turned back toward the mirror as they worked to pin her hair up. “Patience is a virtue, honey,” she said for her answer. Unable to keep the smile down as he kissed her cheek.
When he left the room, the red head leaned down to her ear. “Seems like someone has a little crush,” she joked in a stage whisper.
Her life couldn’t be better, she had everything she wanted. A man who had finally moved back in with her, a career that was shooting up faster than a rocket, and friends that she could comfortably go out with again. Now that everyone knew about her and John she could bring him along as her lover not just her bodyguard.
Climbing into the cab, she turned back toward him. Brushing down the few wayward strands the wind had blown out of place. “Takes a lot more time to make me presentable than it does you my dear.”
“Would have gone faster too if there wasn’t that little bruise on my collar bone they had to cover….”
Her hand slipped around his on her knee, her fingers tangling together with his to keep it from wandering further up her leg. “We both deserve a nice long vacation.”
Sighing at the flashing lights she plastered the movie star smile on her lips. “Oh you know they won’t ever leave us alone,” she said just as the door was opened on her side. Working to balance on her heels as she crossed the archway to the red carpet. Eyes scanning for familiar friendly faces to aim for as she waited for her boyfriend to join her.
Looking at her in his seat John quirked his eyebrow at her statement, knowing his patience was never terrible but even he could be tested by the wait it was taking just to get her in the car. He thought as their first show of their relationship in the public eye she had grown nervous at the prospect of it becoming reality was making her nervous as he was. However, he was calmed by her rather quickly her chastise of marking her as he had the night before.
“I would apologize for my actions but I am guilty and you were not complaining as I remember” thinking fondly of the night before. John knew that her words were nothing but teasing him, a game they played back and forth quite often now as their relationship had become steady and strong.
He stared at her hand, weaving his fingers through hers as she took his hand in hers as she easily distracted his mind elsewhere. The talk of a vacation they were both owed after long months of her work and his dutiful job of working her security detail was becoming an exhaustion to both.
“I know we’re lucky that our job affords us time together still but I don’t think we will be able to do that any longer. You don’t need a bodyguard any longer. I spoke to Alex and after your next project I won’t be renewing contracts.” He said, his tone slightly sad as he knew he would no longer be at her side. He still worried.
He continued on. “Of course. Now that word is out that you’ve seduced me and taken me as a lover I can’t hide.” He signed, seeing the ever-present flashes of cameras he had long been accustomed to in her presence. “Not likely, I can hear the headlines now – “Claire Oswald takes her bodyguard to bed.” Whispering in her ear as they both stepped out.
Stepping behind her he fixed his suit and tie with a conscious effort to put his work personality sit aside for a change and be the dutiful boyfriend he promised to be. John knew he would be pictured with her and put on a smile, putting a hand on the small of her back to greet her on the carpet before taking her hand.
Slowly he eased into his duties; holding her hand as they walked along the carpet, stepping back as she spoke to reporters and took her photos. Every so often he would step back in and make a show of putting on an affection gaze to her. It was not a difficult task as he loved her so deeply it was hardly any effort.
Hearing the photographers shout at them. “Kiss!” he looked at her, giving her a look and speaking with his eyes that he very much hoped for repayment for his best behaviour for the evening as he put up with the cameras. He was now a part of her world in a way he would never had thought he would feel part of before.
John leant down as he kissed her chastely on her lips. The flashes came quick now and he parted after a few lingering moments with a gentle squeeze to her hip as his hand rested there in comfort.
For a moment he had had forgotten where he was. “I love you” whispering only so that she could hear him.
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mrjohnbasilsmith · 4 years
Trip to Italy II Claire & John
He had dated her for eight months as her live in bodyguard, continued to date while living with her for a few months more as he recovered from surgery after the incident and through the trial to meet their first anniversary. Yet again, another year though living apart on the insistence he had to allow her privacy and freedom to find her feet again before he let her ask him to return if she still chose to love him before he found them at now two and half years of a relationship.
It was a feat he hoped for but never imagined they would meet and he stilled loved her more each day. John had already known that this was the woman he loved more than anyone he had been with before. He often wondered how he had gotten so lucky.
A love that grew not only in personal changes but physical as he changed to be less stoic in his demeanour but light, happier even to show his happiness to be on her arm at events and ceremonies for work – it was strange, good but rather still a thing to get used to.
“Are we going to take this long?” he asked, tone half amused and the other stern to keep them on time. He looked at her, crowded by a team of make-up artists and hired help to get her ready for her night. “you look beautiful” complimenting her as he leant down to catch her cheek before being swatted by her artist.
“Oi there, you’ll ruin my work” her make-up artist, Amelia he thought her name was - scolded him lightly and he ducked, chuckling as he went. “alright, alright – I’m going, need to fix my tie anyhow” john grumbled, making sure he did well to get himself suited in his own suit made for the evening. It was a perk to be dressed in good suits because they wanted her to look er best and for him to look presentable with her.
John returned, black tie sorted and pulling on the matching suit jacket and checking his watch again. “I got a call; the taxi is downstairs for us and Alex is breathing down my neck asking where you are” he called out, seeing her rushed out and meeting him as he raised a brow.
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“Hours that took you. It only took me an hour – I’ll never understand how you do these things and enjoy them” he teased, taking her hand and leading her to the taxi and allowing her a seat before he followed to sit beside her.
“I can’t wait for tomorrow” he said, kissing her temple as he placed a hand to her knee and hummed. They had long planned a trip for her next block of her break on a trip to Italy and a boat to cruise on for their time away. “Just you and I –“he said, just as they pulled up to flashes of cameras. “and no bloody paparazzi.”
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mrjohnbasilsmith · 4 years
Every second that passed was pushing her closer to the edge. Her head leaned back against the door frame. Every thing that he was doing with his hips was keeping her pinned there as she screwed her eyes shut to enjoy it.
Between his hand moving along the curves of her body, his lips just barely brushing against her and the slight command in his words. Then his lips danced across a spot on her shoulder. That was the last piece she needed. Before she reached her peak around him.
Biting down on her lip to keep in the yell she wanted to let out. She had no doubt that the sound would have brought someone to the door.
Once the shivers on her end finished she wrapped her legs tighter around his hips. Keeping him as close as possible as she kept running her fingers through his hair. Smoothing down the curls she had pulled on. “Don’t hold out another second. Come on, John,” she whispered, echoing some of his words from earlier.
With every tug of her fingers at his hair, he felt it difficult to keep his rhythm steady and his hold firm to hold her upright. If not for the door she was pressed against he doubted he would have the proper strength with his current exhausted movements quickly becoming rougher as he chased his release.
The shivers that passed her quickly surrounded him with a shuddering gasp from his lips to stifle his will to hold out before she could finish coming down from her high. John felt her tighten to hold around him, her voice called to him and surrounded him entirely as he felt the shudder of his own peak hitting him.
Without feeling care, he swore to his own release, pressing his body to hers as he rocked his hips in the last lingering pleasure he came down from. John knew he would never get enough of her from this moment on as he reveled in the pleasure he had waited for.
After the few moments, he waited to settle their heart rates and gathered their breaths he disposed of the condom and helped her clean the mess they had created. A smirk grew on his lips as he held her hips steady, kissing her forehead with a light chuckle before he handed her underwear out to her on his fingers.
“You look thoroughly shagged, Claire Oswald”
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mrjohnbasilsmith · 4 years
If anyone she trusted would ask she would day that the two weeks her boyfriend spent in the hospital was a few of the most stressful days of her life. Visiting and sitting with him for hours every day for as long as they would let her and brining in the half finished books from his bedside table to keep him entertained for when she wasn’t there.
Her work had been put on a semi-permanent hold for the time being. She couldn’t fathom being able to focus on work when he was laid up in bed.
Hands hovering all around him she had helped him into most of his clothes. Now she grumbled under her breath as he pulled the shirt over his head. Her eyes unable to avoid the stitches the spread across his stomach. Feeling the pang of guilt as it was, in some small part, her fault. Evven though the doctor’s had given the all clear she still worried over him.
“Let me fuss for now. They said to keep you from putting too much strain on those stitches. I plan on following through with that.”
With the bag of his things swung over her shoulder. She walked alongside his wheelchair, her hand brushing his. They took the same back exit she had been using to come see him for the last weeks while avoid the attention of the paparazzi.
Smiling when she saw Alex and he took the bag from her and tossed it to the trunk and helped her and John into the car. She didn’t miss the way his nose wrinkled in pain as she eased him from the wheelchair to the backseat. Another sting of guilt going through her.
“Rest your head,” she whispered as she saw his eyes nodding off. Her fingers mobing through his curls and tilting his head to rest on her shoulder.
She kept quiet the rest of the ride back to their home. Wanting him to get all the sleep he needed. Once they pulled into the long driveway. Alex came around again and helped her with getting John to their new room on the first floor.
On top of getting the window replaced, she had moved a much bigger bed into what had once just been a guest room. But now with the soctor saying not to test his stitches with the steps she had made the decision to make a new room for the time being.
For the next few weeks he tempted himself to test the limits of his mobility with each passing in his recovery. It was difficult given the supervision he had over a fussing and worried girlfriend but he had managed to keep himself with a limited amount of activity to keep himself in relative sanity. He knew she felt guilt over his pain but he was determined to overcome that to allow her peace of mind.
Something he couldn’t admit to her was he loved the time she was at home with him now. Yes, he had his job watching over her in her work as her bodyguard but now she was here with him to spent much needed time to continue the relationship they had begun.
Though it had cancelled her plans for his birthday to which he was sorely disappointed to discover. The rules he was given not to stress his injury for his plans of strenuous activity. It was held on hold until he was recovered.
However, it had also given him a small amount of guilt in the fact that she felt it necessary to take a pause in her job to care for him. It was in the first weeks of his time at home he had tried and failed to convince her to return to work but found her adamant to watch over him. John had suspected it was the guilt and worry over the injury he sustained that allowed her that decision.
It was not a point that he was able and mobile. In the early morning after his shower he had taken scissors to remove his stitches after his call with his doctor to remove the horrid things. The pinches it gave had caused him discomfort for some time and he was relieved to have them removed.
John was thankful that she had not been home at the time; knowing she would be vocally against the idea of him doing his own treatment if he were to strain himself. She fussed enormously over him. It was endearing more than it was an annoyance to him but it was too much at times.
For the sake of her worried mind he did replace the bandage to the area. It was months since he had taken to swimming in her pool as he had missed the exercise that had become routine to him. He thought he would take his chance to test those limits without fear she would chastise him but knew chances were - she would likely do so in an attempt to guilt him. He called it paranoia.
After he swam a few laps in her pool he found himself more in a better place that he was on the road to recovery. There were light aches from the break of routine he had, muscles relearning their limits of stretch and strain but nothing he couldn’t handle with a light dose of simple exercise to return to shape.
“Oh, Claire” he spoke, noticing his girlfriend standing at the pool where he stood, sopping wet from the water and looking caught as if she had barged in to find him with another woman. Her arms were crossed, eyes bore into him and he stood still in front of her.
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mrjohnbasilsmith · 4 years
His teeth brushing against her skin sent a chill down hwr spine. Leading for her to reach for him more. Eyes screwing shut as moaned against his skin.
At the growl she knew she was in trouble when words escaped her, lips returning the passion in his she just nodded her head. “Not.. not gonna.. argue that,” she mumbled as her lips met his neck again.
Once she had settled against him again, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her fingers tangling themself up in his hair.
“That’s never going to happen.”
Pushed against the wall, she felt the knot in her grow tighter and tighter and she closed her eyes again. She pressed herself as close to him as possible. Mumbling desperate begs for him to get her to the peak.
With his hands holding firm to hold her balanced as he moved there was little else for him to keep focus but to chase the pleasure coursing through him. Though as much as he was selfish to want his release, he had the mind but also the pleasure to take her over first with firm strokes to urge her and hold himself at an edge until she was given what she needed.
He swore with a growl in his throat, at the sensation of her fingers pulling at the strands between her fingers and caused him to buck his hips suddenly with a sharp gasp. It was nearly faltered in his movements to keep purchase of her but he held tight to her as he moved quickly in renewed vigour.
A hand rose from its spot on her hips, moving upwards to caress her skin before he pulled back just in slight space to look at her in rapture. “come on, darling” encouraging her with a hoarse whisper as he leaned in to kissed the barest edge of her lips before he moved to her neck and shoulder.
He was spurred on by the passion between them he neither cared who heard on the other side of the door or how much time may have passed since they began. All that mattered to him was the woman in his arms, legs wrapped firmly around his hips as he moved within her and felt the losing battle to hold himself before her own pleasure.
“m’close” he mumbled, incoherent and out of breath.
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mrjohnbasilsmith · 4 years
They left shortly after he had arrived next to her. Taking her bloody dress with them and leaving her in hospital scrubs. She could hear her manager say that he would take care if her and call them back if she said anything new. Her lips still shook, the rush of everything fading from her muscles she was left with the reality of the situation. When the shaking spread to her finger tips a blanket was wrapped around her shoulders.
“It’s going to be okay, Claire… they got him… this is all over,” he whispered, running his other hand up and down her back. “Smith deserves a bonus after all this.”
At hearing his name, she worked on stopping her shivering. Her fingers twitching againsg his. “I need to tell you something. But first I need to get out of here.” As much as she hated it. She knew that she wouldn’t be able to see her boyfriend tonight. Even as he had came out of surgery. All the nurse would tell her is that he would be okay.
Alex took her from the waiting room to his car, stopping by her house where the authorities were still moving about. He manged to come out with a bag of clothes for her and Mitchie in the basket with the necessities for him. A curious look in the older man’s eyes and she pulled the kitten into her lap. “Please say that is all you need to tell me,” he mumbled.
“Not even close.”
Once they were back to his flat and she had a warm mug of tea in her hands. She spilled everything, when her and John had become more than just bodyguard and client. He slumped back in his chair and ran a hand down his jaw. “As long as you’re happy…”
“I am… until tonight.”
“Nothing I can do about that then. Except make up a statement to tell them when they call.”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”
“You’re right. For now you need sleep.”
She wasn’t sure that was going to be possible. Even as she got to the guest bed laying in the dark room. Mitchie asleep in his basket at the foot of the bed. Every small noise drew her attention. Until at last she was pulled into a deep sleep.
Even the sun coming in didn’t wake her. It was the afternoon before a hand jostled her shoulder and she woke with a shriek. Alex there to hold her shoulders. Telling her the hospital had called and that he was awake and wanted to see her.
Wasting no time in getting ready they were back at the hospital within the same hour. Not stopping for anyone just needing the floor and room number and she was there. The sight of him better than the last time she had seen him. The alerts from the machines still ringing in her ear.
“Hey,” she breathed, setting herself next to him and looking at the tubes and wires. “I’ve had better ideas than this.”
When his attention was drawn to the other man all she could say was, “He knows it all now.”
“Try not to makeout before I leave.”
With his promise to behave in hospital to listen to nurses his doctor he agreed to stay for as long as he was needed for a release to be approved for him to return home with Claire. It had been a battle to tolerate the boredom he had lived for the last two weeks in hospital but he had made it through with moments of visitation from his girlfriend and a few books on hand to keep him occupied.
He had spoken with Claire and her manager with an agreement to keep her safe and living with him for the time he was in the hospital to recover with concern over her to be alone after the situation that had occurred in both the intrusion and his injury. It was a conversation they had managed to calm each other over; her stalker jailed and soon to be tried in court and soon to have him home safe and sound once again.
Today was his day to be released and he was slowly dressing out of his gown and into his normal clothes that he had asked Claire to bring with her when she arrived to pick him up but he begrudgingly accepted the help to dress with his wound still healing.
“I’m beginning to think that you might enjoy fussing over me” he mused, pulling on his shirt as she took by him and help him collect his belongings. John had come to know her well over the past few months as they grew from friends to lovers and one thing that had remained constant was her need to have her control.
“I promise I can handle myself better now with the therapy. I can walk and move around just fine now.” He reassured her that he had in fact taken the doctors’ orders to heart. However, rather disappointed that they would be waiting to have “strenuous” activities with each other. The fact that he had spoken to her in the room was enough to colour his cheeks with embarrassment
“Can we go now?” speaking with impatient to leave the dreadful hospital to be back at home with the comfort of privacy and re-join her company alone.
He looked at the door to see his attending nurse with a wheelchair to which he swiftly groaned and then given orders to sit and be wheeled if he ever wanted freedom from his stay. John grimaced at the feeling of being so weak with an injury that he was not allowed to walk on his own accord but he only did so in fear of glare from the nurse or his hovering girlfriend.
As they made their way to the exit, they were greeted with the sight of Alex with his car to bring them back to her home together and he greeted the man with a nod. He stood gingerly with a hand at the side to brace himself as he leaned uncomfortably to sit in the car beside Claire.
The movement of it had made the adjustment had pinched his side but he fought to keep his expressions calm and not worry the others. It was manageable with the medication that they had given him just before his leave.
John let out a content sigh as he was able to relax with a smooth ride, pain dulling and his girlfriend by his side he had barely noticed he had begun to nod off in his seat.
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mrjohnbasilsmith · 4 years
She could feel her entire body shaking as she ran to the living room. Trying her best to get away from the man ,that had broken in, as possible. Her fingers shaking as she got her phone from her purse and typed in the emergency number.
Listening to the grunts of her bodyguard and the other man. She felt a knot growing in her throat. Barely getting out the information that was needed from her. A gasp coming out as she heard the lamp shatter against the floor.
Mitchie having followed her from the kitchen. Moved from his spot hissing and poised to attack at her feet to darting under the couch. Where they had all just been sleeping moments before. Those moments now felt like ages had passed.
When she heard John call out to her, she was cautious to enter the kitchen again. Until she saw the blood pooling against his shirt and onto the tile floor. A cry coming out as she scrambled to him. Barely thinking to grab a towel from the counter and pushing it agaisnt his wound.
“Please tell me you’re g-gonna be alright,” she begged her lip trembling. Her hands getting covered in it through the towel.
The sirens could be heard coming closer loud and clear through the broken window. Breathing a sigh of relief at the sound for the first time. Heavy knocking came to her door within minutes and she took off from his side to go open the door for them.
The paramedics were quick to help John on a stretcher. Rolling him to the waiting ambulance she wanted to follow before a hand was placed on her arm and she was asked to gather her things by a lady paramedic.
She managed to look up in time to see the others replacing the phone cord with handcuffs she finally spared a look to the man who had broken in. A glare of hatred filling her eyes as he groaned back awake while they hauled him out the door.
Once she had her purse and Mitchie placed into the laundry room to keep him from disturbing the scene. She was led to one of the vehicles and driven to the hospital. Running on fumes of adrenaline as she sat in the waiting room and answered the seemingly endless streams of questions. Before she knew it, Alex’s hand was over one of hers. She could barely remember even asking someone to call him.
Clenching his jaw to suppress the groan threatening to escape as she pressed the tea towel against his wound he grasped at nodded his head in a calm gesture. “Oh, I’ve had worse” John replying through a breath as he tried to steady his breaths. It wasn’t the first time he had ever sustained an injury like this but he had forgotten how terrible it felt.
There was another concern that Claire might be in a fright, not only coming face to face with her intruder but seeing someone she loved injured. He had felt the area gently and grimaced. “I’ll survive” he told her. John was sure that he would be on the mend but was very much in need of surgery.
“It was a small knife” explaining that he knew enough of the weapon that was currently embedded in his side in the small moments he had to use his trained skills to take him down and disarm him.
With the sound of the ambulance he felt calm enough to help as he rose gingerly with the help of paramedics to lay on the gurney. The clips were placed on his fingers monitoring his vitals and he felt an oxygen mask strap to his face as he let out light groan as the adrenaline had worn off and he felt the pain in his side.
They were quick to administer some medication to take some of the pain away and he quickly felt that working its way into his system but as soon as he felt the pain leaving him he began to get drowsy, breathing a little heavier and closed his eyes.
It was a quick moment but before he had fully lost consciousness he could feel that his body had quickly gone into shock with the noise of rapid beeps were heard just as everything had gone black.
John was aware that much time had passed when he finally open his eyes again with some surprise he did. For a moment he had scared himself that he had nearly lost his life but looking at his bare chest, below his lower ribs there was a bandage now sat taped to him; likely hiding the stitches he could feel beneath them.
With a nurse at his feet checking his vitals he managed to ask for Claire, worried and wondering where they had taken. They had likely stopped her from entering with the hospital protocols to keep non-family members away. John wouldn’t have that when he knew she needed to see him as much as he did her, safe and sound.
He rubbed at his eyes, slightly jostled by the numerous monitoring pieces in is way before he laid his hand down waiting for Claire to be allowed to enter his room and as she did he grinned, feeling well enough to allow his humour to still shin through despite the serious situation they had just gone through but he wanted to assure her he would be well.
“Well, not how you wanted to keep me in bed – is it?” he mumbled, slightly affected by the medication running through him to keep him feeling pain free. As soon as those words were said he saw her manager arrive in the doorway.
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mrjohnbasilsmith · 4 years
She hummed against his skin. “You’re a tease,” she whispered when she felt the growl through his chest.
“I’m better than your right hand.”
As soon as she was sure the condom was in place she moved her arms back to around his shoulders. Catching his lips with hers and grinning as she heard the swear. She pulled her head back as his lips moved down her neck giving him all the space she could in their position.
A gasp that slowly turned to a moan came from her. When she finally felt him move forward into her. She pushed her lips against his shoulder, her hips rolling with his.
“I can feel it,” she mumbled. “Just don’t stop.”
John pressed her against the wall, grunted and stayed there for a few moments with his mouth against her neck, grazing her skin. Not biting, just nipping, while he settled in and pulled back from her slowly then pushed into her again with a grunt.
“Tease, am I?” he asked, gently growling at her ear as he continued his distraction and prove her words wrong.
“I do like to flirt like a bastard but I always follow through” pulling his head back to look at her, one hand raising to cup her cheek and bring her down to him. His mouth was on hers again, nipping at her lips with a rueful grin before shifted her against the wall and adjusted his hold.
He was careful not to cause her discomfort, lifting her so she could allow him to take the weight for them both and her back resting against the wall, free to wrap her arms around his shoulders. He had taken all the work from her.
“not until you tire of me, Claire” kissing her between breaths of his moans and swears he stifled against her skin.
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mrjohnbasilsmith · 4 years
“You will find out in a few days. Until then you are just going to have to stay curious,” she said, tilting her chin up. She knew that he was trying to get her riled up in calling her a tease. But there was no place to argue him when they both knew that she loved it.
Giggling into her hand at the way he responded to their pet. She lifted the kitten up to rest on her lap for the moment. She pet her fingers along the space in between his ears. As he began to purr and curl up on her lap. Slowly falling asleep there.
When her eyes moved away from the kitten and back to John. She could see the way he was nodding off. Keeping silent as she rested her cheek on his shoulder. She had slept in that morning far longer than him so she didn’t think that she would be tired but laying there curled up and warm. Her eyes grew heavier and soon joined the two of them for a bit of rest.
It was only because of the kitten moving off of her lap that she woke up later. A check of her phone and the fact that their living room had gone dark showing hours had passed. His arm having slipped from around her she slid off the couch and quietly stepped back to the kitchen with Mitchie. Refilling his little bowls.
Prepared to sit at the dining table and read over the scripts until John woke up and they could prepare their own dinner. She was distracted by the way Mitchie left his meal and kept staring out the windows by the door.
“No you cannot go out there… stop that hissing at me, little man,” she admonished as the kitten didn’t seem to want to listen.
Then she saw the eyes staring at her through the cracked open window. The alarm begining to blare as she screamed his name. “John!”
Even without the noise of the alarm john heard the noise of the alarm and bolted from his position from the couch, sleep and his exhaustion entirely forgotten for the adrenaline that he felt rush through him with the concern that Claire was in trouble.
He turned towards the noise, running into the room to see a man dressed in black come through the window where Claire stood and pulled her back to restrain the man now stood in front of him, a glint of a weapon in his hand as he shouted for Claire to get back and call the police as he held his grip to the intruder.
The man was more or less in the same height but he clearly had his strength that John struggled to hold while they fought to hold the other down. A breath knocked out his lungs he felt a fist to his stomach and groaned before taking another breath.
He gave him a hard elbow and directed a forceful hit to the back of the man’s torso and had him fall to the floor with no time to run to his weapons or restraints he took a cord from her table lamp and broke the cord for a make-shift string of rope.
As he turned to retrain him once again he felt a sharp pain in his side, knowing what happened without looking he used his energy to pull his arm back and strike a punch to his temple as hard as he could and knock the man unconscious.
John gave a few huffs of his breath as he turned the man over, having his on his stomach as he tied the cord around his wrist in a tight knot before laying clumsily back with his eyes looking down to the injury he sustained.
There was a knife embedded in his side, blood seeping through the shirt heavily as it was beginning to redden throughout. He felt pain but he was also calm despite the fears he had in the extent of them with the reminder that Claire was still in the house.
“Claire, are you alright?” he called out, allowing her to know it was safe for her to approach. The man still laid unconscious a few feet from him, tied and left on his stomach and no movement to show he would be waking.
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mrjohnbasilsmith · 4 years
“Safer in there than on this floor,” she agreed, not wanting to think about what must have been spilled here over the years.
Hearing his sigh she kept going her fingers hooking into the belt loops of his pants to ease them down just enough to get the job done. Her lips moving to his neck in the process.
“A hope that is well rewarded.”
At his next request she pulled the packet from his fingers. “What would you ever do without me?” Getting it open and resting her shoulders against the wall as her hands were busy to get it onto him. She trusted his arms to hold her up but also wanted to make the task easier on him so they both didn’t wind up on the floor in a heap.
“Please John… don’t make me wait any more.”
John concentrated, balancing her against the wall and himself as she worked his pants down between them was a bit of a work in itself but he had managed to hold her. A small sound of a growl left his throat when she loved to her neck and he smirked.
“So far, though you are making it quite the battle to keep still”
He looked at her, raised brow and a gentle tightening in his grip on her. “many things but I do like company” teasing her with a light nip to her shoulder when he felt the touch of her hands, slipping over him and securing that the remained protected.
John mumbled a swear, adjusting her just so that he could push forward and huffed a breath against his skin where he had pressed his head. It had been a while yet and he had savoured the moment with a grin hidden in from her.
“Bloody hell, I’ve missed you” he finally spoke, turning his head to press his lips along her neck as he started a slow tempo of moment with his hips and held her firm against him.
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mrjohnbasilsmith · 4 years
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Though he was haste in actions to undress her he wanted to be sure to make most of their time as they had barely managed to keep their time alone. Aside from the nights of needed sleep and her idea to wait they had went on for some time without much intimacy but a few sessions of kissing and small touches to get by.
“I’m very glad I’ve managed to persuade you” he replied, not hiding his amusement in his tone. A hand supporting under her legs he managed to angle her now to his height and smiled, seeing her cheeks reddened.
Quickly he was overtaken by her lips pressing against his and he fought to meet her, chucking between her words and her lips. “Of course, just for safe keeping” managing a response to her as he let out a small sigh with the release of the of the zipper against his body.
“I was hopeful and prepared”
It was a the truth. He had not demanded any attention but they had been walked around each other for too long and while he enjoyed the kissing and small touches given to him there was no denying they had grown a desire for her.
He held the condom in his hand and as he supported her body against the wall, a hand still holding her leg where it settled at his waist.
John smirked. “Would you please lend a hand?” 
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mrjohnbasilsmith · 4 years
There was one thing she didn’t know how to explain or begin to him. How much she despised the lifestyle she had walked into. Not even considering her stalker, the paparazzi were enough to make her question the decision on some days. Having to always look her best and knowing as soon as their relationship was out there. Everything would become more complicated.
Pushing her elbows against the couch along his sides, she propped her chin up in her hands to look down on him. Laughing as he groaned before returning the kiss. Her own landing on his cheek before he adjusted their position.
“I’m not a tease. I’m a good lover. Supposed to get you presents. You left your wallet out and let me get a peak at your birthdate.”
Her stomach swooped as he growled in her ear. About to make a comment along how they couldn’t do what he was implying and run the risk of cramping or falling off the couch.
Then his hand slipped under her clothes.
Burying her face into the cushion she tried her best to bury her laughter. Not wanting him to know exactly how ticklish she is. But she couldn’t hide the shake of her shoulders as easily.
“I’ll never tell!” she declared in taking a breath after the laughing fit. Her hands make a half hearted tempt to push his out from under her dress.
The noise drawing the attention of the newest member of their house. Mitchie came to edge of the couch. Propping his paws up on the arm of the couch and meowing up at them.
“You are a tease. And yes, a good lover but I don’t think I let you but rather you decided to go snooping into my wallet in search of information. I will let that transgression pass because now I’m curious” John spoke, pausing in his movements as he stopped his attack on her – fingers slipping from her clothes and laying on her hip.
He stared at her pet and set him a light glare. “go off and play with your toys – mummy is busy” speaking to him as if he would understand. John was aware he couldn’t but surely by the amount of toys she had bought it would keep him busy.
John rested, instead letting his slip around her waist to hold her in a gentle grip as they laid there. He felt himself grow a little tired with the eventful early night and early morning appointments and yawned.
It was the early afternoon just after lunch, the daylight still out but he thought it better to take his rest where he could. He was on constant watch despite feeling relaxed in her home as her companion but often reminded himself that he was always on the constant guard to look after her.
He did a quick check in his head, all doors and windows had been locked with the alarms reset as was satisfied he could rest knowing he had remembered.
John had closed his eyes, resting his head on the arm of the couch with her laying against. He was in a light drowsy state until he felt himself drifting into deeper and deeper sleep behind her.
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mrjohnbasilsmith · 5 years
There was no question in her mind. Nodding her head and her fingers twitched against his hips. “Make do here. We can get creative when we are off this damn tour,” she said the last word ending in a moan as his hips pressed against hers. Giving them both a bit of the pressure that they needed.
Shooting him a glare that had little malice to it. She shook her head. Pushing her hair even more out of its perfected bun. She could feel exactly what his fingers were doing. “You are one to talk about torture…”
Taking on a slow breath at his question, she gave a small nod before fully answering. “Please, do. I want you too.”
“Damn tour? You sound so impatient about that – and it was all your idea to wait until we were finish to finally spoil ourselves” John grinned, listening to her moan and gave a light chuckle at her glare. He knew it was only a playful look in her eyes.
He played innocent with her statement. The earlier moments on the bus were to put her in a mood but considering her state of dress wither intended or not she had to have known the reaction she would find with him.
“I think we’ve had enough teasing”
With a quick smirk he pulled himself away from her, taking a step back and shifting both his hands under her skirt to lift her underwear down her legs and stick them in his pants pocket before rising to her again.
He placed both his hands at her legs just at her thighs, lifting her legs to wrap around his waist and gently pressing her against the wall before pressing his lips against hers with a groan.
With his forehead resting against hers he mumbled to her quickly to unzip his pants and reached into his back pocket to search for the small foil pocket he had hidden away earlier in the day.
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mrjohnbasilsmith · 5 years
The few seconds that past between the words she said and his fingers meeting her chin felt like hours had passed instead. Her stomach twisted into knots. All of that untangled when she saw the look in his eyes.
Returning the kiss, she lifted a hand to let it rest where his heart beat was. When she heard him return the words, a truly happy smile spread across her face. That descended into laughter at the sound of his stomach.
“Go ahead and eat,” she said as a way of brushing aside his apology. Pulling away from him just a bit to lean against the other arm of the couch with her own plate.
Once he was finished and she had ate half of her own lunch. She took their plates to the kitchen to put away and clean. Coming back to the couch and tucking her head back under his.
Claire thought on what he had said before about her having another friend around the house to talk too. While it was true that she missed being able to be around her fellow acting friends with her stalker still not having been caught. She wanted to reassure him. “I will still tell you everything. Except what I got you for your birthday.”
Untangling from her with a laugh he turned to his sandwich; hunger overpowering his desire to continue kissing her and enjoying their moment. It was a surprise to hear the words leave her mouth but he was glad to have her feelings returned. It was only a slight sadness that she had not allowed him to speak those words first.
He allowed her to take away the plates and turned to lay across the couch where he had rested with the television now playing the news of the day. She had returned and took her spot with her head always seeming to find its spot under his chin.
John raised his brow. The subject of their earlier conversation briefly forgotten when they had relaxed into having their lunch.
“It’s no rush. We’re still pretty new to this relationship and I wouldn’t ask for you to tell me anything you weren’t ready to tell me. I trust you” he told her, kissing her head before he groaned at the mention of his birthday with a regret of turning another year old.
He didn’t want her to fuss.
“You are a tease” he playfully murmured, adjusting so he could lay behind her and nuzzle her neck with his nose before laying a kiss on her neck. “but I have a way of getting the truth out, Claire. I am a trained professional” he spoke in her ear in a low growl; all in a playful manner. 
As quick as he could manoeuvre he placed a hand under her clothes and tickled a hand at her ribs while the other held her to him in a gentle grip to keep her trapped in his hold.
“What is the present? I will stop if you tell me”
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mrjohnbasilsmith · 5 years
“Of course you wouldn’t…”
It was hard to get any words to come to mind. Never mind form strings that sounded coherent with the way she had cornered herself under him.
“So much more than what could be done here,” she answered. Taking a single more bold half step. It didn’t take much when it would have been more bold to not answer his question and just show him.
Now his hands were making every inch of her their own. And she couldn’t help the way that her hips jerked forward as his fingers slipped under her skirt. Reaching forward her hands tracing down everything that was shown to her before they wrapped around his middle and pulled him closer. One foot stepping between his.
“I guess then I will just have to keep it when we leave here.”
“Of course not, it still makes me wonder why on earth you seem to be attracted to me” he stated, speaking honestly.
John had known that in his time before he met Claire that he might have held a bit more attraction in the factor that he was much younger than. In the time since his days a young Rockstar he was aged, a little worn and the only remaining quality was he was still the lanky figure he was.
He chuckled lightly. “well, we can make do with what we have or we can get creative – what will it be?” tempting himself to with an idea or two before he decided to jerk her hips forward and he pressed his own hips forward against her with a light groan. 
John felt her arms move to wrap his middle and her legs widen, one foot stepping between his and slowly moved his hand to the waist band of her underwear. He ran the pad of his thumb there and did nothing more.
“Planning to torture me with this, are you?”
He used the other hand to cup her face and tilt her chin to him. “May I? he asked, always doing his best to ask for his permission despite how often she had allowed him control. At the very least pushed him to keep his wits about himself.
He wanted to treat her rightly as she deserved to be.
“I want you, Claire”
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mrjohnbasilsmith · 5 years
Carrying Mitchie into the house, she gave a kiss to John’s neck to show her thanks for him doing the heavy lifting from the car to the living room. Knowing that she had may have gone a bit overboard in all that she had bought. But it had been her first pet and she wanted to give the former stray a good place.
Now staring down at the bags like the aftermath of shopping for the holidays. She knew that the sweet eyes would do her no use when it came to asking her bodyguard turned boyfriend to help. He already did more than his job entailed she thought as she heard the fridge open.
She kept the kitten close by with the use of cushions blocking the pathways as she discarded packaging and put things together. The two food bowls she had bought being filled with both wet food and dry to see which he preferred, a bowl of water as well, the litter box going into the laundry room to keep the smell away and for now the bed he had picked out being slid next to the space between the couches. One of the handful of feather toys perched over the arm of one do that he could bat away at it while they ate.
Collapsing with feigned exhaustion onto the couch next to him. She curled into his side, tucking her head under his chin. While she began to tear at her sandwhich to eat. Keeping one eye on the kitten to make sure he didn’t wander too far. But her ears piqued to listen to what he had to say.
“I’ve been plenty happy with you. Mitchie is just like the cherry on top of a sundae.”
“I really do love you, John,” she whispered, careful with those words. As if saying them out loud would shatter the little peace they had for now.
He made a noise as she kissed his neck, used to her gestures and appreciating them – even though he couldn’t return the favour; at least for the moment. John had his arms filled thanks to her spending and sighed knowing it would likely be destroyed along with half the furniture.
At least she was having fun. It wasn’t a bother when he was allowed to escape the duties of unpacking to preparing their lunch when his stomach had started to protest on the return home.
Sitting with a piece of tomato fallen from his sandwich he popped it into his mouth, relaxed and nibbling at his lunch. He watch her rise from her seat next to him to then put herself leaning against him, chin above her head trying his best manoeuvre his plate to the side of him for the moment,
“Yes, but I know that there are things that you’ll confide in him but not with me – and that’s fine and he will listen. And when you’re ready you can tell me” stroking his hand along her back as he spoke to her.
“Sometimes to need a friend other than me around this place”
John smiled, hearing her words despite the whisper of them spoken but with a gentle hand he tilted her head and gave her a soft peck on her lips.
“I love you too”
A rumble left his stomach and he began to chuckle. “Sorry to ruin that sweet moment. I am starving and best you sit up unless you want my crumbs in your hair”
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mrjohnbasilsmith · 5 years
Claire gave a playful glare and placed her hand at the edge of the cart to slow his pushing. “A mangy beast is what I should call you in the morning when you wake up with bed head..,” she said under her breath to not draw attention to themselves.
Back in the car all she could do was smile wide at the words he had to say and what he presented her with. Her hand brushing over his as it rested on her knee. “A duty you take very seriously, I know.”
After a bit of manuvering and pleading with the small creature in her lap as they drove along. She finally managed to get the collar to latch around his neck. Not to tight for him to choke, and not loose enough for him to slip out.
“Look at you, so handsome,” she coo’d again as he scratched at it.
Once at the vet he was given a clean bill of health. Never admitting it to anyone but herself, she held her breath as Mitchie was scanned for a chip that would say he belonged to anyone else. Her breathing returning to normal when he was clear of that as well. All hers from this day forward.
“For the record, I much prefer what you call me in bed” he said lowly, keeping his voice to a level only she heard as he leant over quickly before pulling back, recalling her earlier comment to calling him a “mangy beast” with a wink and a innocent smile. 
John had promised to keep himself secret to a relationship with her in public but he couldn’t help but to tease her at times.
After the quick appointment to the vet he carried on with the drive home after the eventful morning with her and brought the items inside as soon as they arrived.
It was close to lunch as he stared at his watch and suggested she set up the items she had bought while he prepared a meal. It was fairly often he took his turn to cook after realising her fast pace life didn’t offer many chances to stay at home and cook a meal.
John had offered the service from the first night he stayed in her home and continued as it fit well to their schedule and he never minded the chore.
After preparing a sandwich for both himself and Claire he brought out the dishes out to set on the coffee table she sat near with her cat. “I see you are enjoying yourself “greeting her with a kiss on the cheek before he sat beside her.
“As much as I make fun – you look happy and calmer. I know you have with me but I’m happy you have him too. He seems to make a difference”
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