mrnoahcarter · 4 years
“Okay, so how do we stop it? Can a petition not be done or donations?” Katherine was wondering whether her savings account her grandparents had set up could finally be put to good use. “That’s the McMorgan’s for you. If they can profit or increase their bank balance, they’ll jump at the chance.” There was a hint of sadness to Katherine as she spoke about her family, she couldn’t help but wonder how many of the town disliked the McMorgan’s because of their plans for the town. “We just have to be on top.” She hadn’t realised her mistake until it was too late.
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Maybe they could do a petition or something like that. The snow was definitely helping their quest anyway, but would making holding a strike of any sort incredibly difficult. “I hope you have some wealthy friends,” he said at her offer of donations. Castles like these needed a lot to stay up, that’s why most were open to the public. Aramore Castle was just a little bit out of the public’s eyes. He was sad when he heard her words about the McMorgan. It was disappointing that there were people out there that could make all the difference, but instead they bought another flashy car. At Katherine’s reveal, Noah actually blanched. He’d completely forgotten that Katherine was a McMorgan, after all she was the least McMorgan, McMorgan he’d ever met. “I completely forgot. I'm sorry. Here I am just naming and shaming your family."
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mrnoahcarter · 4 years
“I’m saying that I could throw a brick at you and I’m pretty sure the brick would break,” he explained with another shrug. He wasn’t going to complain if Noah kept laughing, it was a much easier sight to deal with than him wallowing in pity apparently ready to bury himself in the snow for the rest of his life. 
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Noah shook his head at Connor’s reply, his lips still stretched in a wide grin at his words. “I’m not so sure about that, but I appreciate the thought.” If Connor were to ask Noah when the last time he went to the gym was, Noah would not be able to reply. Heck  if he were to ask him when the last time he worked out was, he probably wouldn’t be able to reply either. So was married life. 
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mrnoahcarter · 4 years
Andrea knew that look, recognised the laugh he gave and it only made her rub her head as she wondered whether to interrupt him. “Noah, I mean with others. Socialising with actual people not just doing, well, this.” She waved her hand indicating the to the drinks. Of course she had heard the rumours and gossip around town, except this time she was witnessing it for herself and Andrea had to admit, she was concerned. “Whenever you want. There’s no pressure, Noah. I just thought it might help and I always find that the concentration just allows you to forget everything else.”
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Noah knew that was what she meant and he was trying, honestly he was. He just wasn’t very successful at it. After all, here he was in the Drovers again with another pint in front of him, again. “How about this weekend?” He suggested. If he was with Andrea then the chances of him ending up in the Drovers on Saturday were slim. Especially if she invited him to stay for tea. 
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mrnoahcarter · 4 years
“Noah?” Hearing his voice was enough to shift the remnants of sleep, and for him to be calling at this time of morning automatically had her worrying that something was wrong, which of course had her shooting up from her bed. “No, it’s fine I’m awake.” She cleared her throat and tried to at least sound believable. 
Andrea was already out of bed and attempting to pull on clothes as she balanced her phone between her ear and shoulder so she could keep him on the phone. “Where are you? Are you okay?”
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Even though Andrea couldn’t see him he nodded, his eyes casting a casual look around the parking lot. There were only a few cars sat there, owners somewhere in the grungy building behind him. He wondered what they were doing in there. Illicit rendezvous? Shady Dealing? Cheap as dirt road trip? Or maybe they were like him- chasing their past down the neck of a bottle.
He recited his location to her when she asked, certain that she’d know exactly where he meant, even if it was just called Hotel. There weren’t many places like this near Aramore. “I’m okay,” he reassured her. “I just had a few too many last night.” 
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mrnoahcarter · 4 years
Connor knew that the shock was clearly written over his face but just incase Noah had somehow missed it. “I mean… I don’t know whether I can betray Marcus’ trust like that,” he started, raising his bottle to his lips as he watched Noah’s face for his reaction. Once he’d left the moment hanging for long enough he carried on. “We could always text about other things if you wanted though.” After that he took a long sip of his drink, his eyes drifting away from the man just incase it was rejection that crawled onto his features. Realistically, he knew that it would be rejection because Noah had offered the idea of texting up first but people were weird and Connor was no stranger to putting his foot in it.
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Noah tried his best not to show his disappointment; he was a grown man after all. Besides, even though he liked to pretend that he wasn’t invested in that sort of thing, he had seen the gossip blog post about Marcus and Connor so he wasn’t really surprised. “That’s okay,” Noah said with a shrug- a completely, utterly casual shrug. He still had other friends anyway, other people he could text to keep him distracted. But he had enjoyed getting closer to the farmer. Then, Connor was speaking again, offering that they could text about other things and Noah was grinning, instantly. “Like your impressive apple collection?” 
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mrnoahcarter · 4 years
“And to think our younger generation is in your hands.” She smirked playfully.
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“Are you saying you don’t trust me, Andy?” Noah asked in mock shock. “Might I remind you that I taught all your children.” 
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mrnoahcarter · 4 years
“Hey now there’s only me and my imaginary friends to keep me company up here, a few days and my memory of people disappears unless I have interaction. Marcus texts me every day to ask about alcohol.” He was only joking, and he was sure that Noah knew that, but he couldn’t help himself. He felt… giddy? Or something like that. Some sort of emotion that he would never openly admit to. “This a social visit or a business? Cause if it’s business then no. I’m not having those teenagers ruining the farm again.”
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Noah shrugged at Connor’s words. “I could text you - about alcohol,” he offered before realising how weird that sounded. So he quickly added: “Maybe it’ll help keep you in touch with the living, before we lose you to Mother Nairna and the forest spirits.” He laughed at his own joke as he looked around the old farm. It didn’t look in too bad of a shape considering how long it had been there - as long as Noah at least but it was probably significantly older. “Definitely social. I don’t think we could pay the kids to come back after the awful experience they had last time.”
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mrnoahcarter · 4 years
“We’ll probably have to sacrifice some fucking virgins. Boys, obviously. She must need some eye- candy at her old age,” Marcus replied, trying not to let his rising laughter take over completely to get his words out properly. Not that it mattered because Noah was having a good time too and after everything that happened, a break was what the other man definitely needed.
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Noah grinned, happy with how easy it was to talk to Marcus. “Well, being a high school teacher, I know plenty of those,” he joked, letting out a soft laugh before adding. “But also don’t tell anyone I said that, because I could probably lose my job.” 
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mrnoahcarter · 4 years
what is your biggest regret?
That I didn’t look out for my kids more after Evelyn died. I was so busy trying to hold myself together and put on a happy face for them, that I didn’t realise I was pushing them away. I don’t know if we will ever be as close as we used to be. 
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mrnoahcarter · 4 years
Closed starter @mrnoahcarter·
It had been a long night of marking as Ashton sat up waiting for his father to return home, he’d noticed that it had started to become a habit staying out late and returning at weird hours of the night. He felt as if he couldn’t say anything and that he just needed to give him space, time to grieve in his own way, though it didn’t make things any easier considering how close the two were.
Hearing a key in the front door moments before it opened, Ashton placed his pen down on the table and looked up at the doorway he knew Noah would come through and let out a sigh as he could smell the alcohol straight away. It was one of the smells that he was able to pick up on quickly, especially considering his history. “You’re drunk.”
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Once again Noah had found his way to the bar. He couldn’t say that he’d planned it, or that he’d tried particularly hard not to, it had just sort of happened. Then, before he knew it, Marcus was calling last drinks and the night was over and he was left to stumble home through the snow again.  That seemed to be happening a lot lately. 
He finally reached his front door and, after a brief fumble with the key, managed to get it into the lock. Slowly he pushed the door open, doing his best to not make any noise to disturb the kids. Thinking himself successful, he pushed the door shut behind him, flicked the latch and turned around to discover Ashton. Shit. “I’m not drunk,” he denied, moving towards one of the kitchen cupboards to get out a glass. Suddenly the idea of a glass of water was very appealing. But he’d only had 3 or 4. Or 5. Maybe it was 6. They all kind of blurred into one. 
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mrnoahcarter · 4 years
How are you doing?
As well as I can be, I guess.
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mrnoahcarter · 4 years
✏️ Honest Day✏️
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mrnoahcarter · 4 years
Continued from here @mrnoahcarter·
It had been another late night in the Nailed It workshop, Andrea had been up until three am trying to finish a custom piece that needed to be collected the following day, so of course it meant that she didn’t climb into bed till four that morning. The last thing she wanted to be hearing while she drifted through dreamland and caught up on some much needed sleep, was her mobile phone. 
Reaching out from under her duvet and braving the cold while refusing to open her eyes and risk waking herself up completely, Andrea patted her bedside table until she managed to find where she had put down her phone when she’d got in. More than anything she wanted to through her phone until it stopped making noise and allowed her to go back to sleep, instead she hit the accept call. “Hello?” Her tone came out half asleep and drowsy.
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For a few minutes, Noah just leaned against the building thinking. It was 7am and if he knew Andrea, she would have been up till stupid o’clock working in the workshop. It was really inconsiderate for him to be thinking of waking her up but he had no choice. There was no one else he could turn to. It was with regret that he pressed the required buttons on his phone to send the call out into the void. After a few rings, he heard the click and her sleepy tone came down the line.
“Hey Andy, I’m sorry to wake up,” he started. Maybe he should just hang up now. He could just let her get her sleep and wait a few hours for the world to wake up so that he could catch a taxi back into town. But Andrea wasn’t likely to go asleep now he’d already woken her. “Can you come and pick me up?”
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mrnoahcarter · 4 years
That moment where Noah didn’t react made him pretty sure that he’d just put his foot in it in a massive way and he wasn’t going to be able to come back from it. Except he started laughing in the next moment, long loud laughs that had Connor even more confused, though he couldn’t help but smile. Maybe he wasn’t so bad at this whole people thing. His own laugh fell from his lips at Noah’s words, shaking his head and was like, “I don’t think so, you were definitely taller than me and built like a truck and, as everyone knows, twelve year old girls are built like…. mini coopers or something.” 
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Connor’s response only made Noah laugh more- his smile was firmly planted on his lips and his eyes were gleaming with mirth. “Built like a truck?” He repeated, one eyebrow raising questioningly. “What are you trying to say, Johnston?” He wasn’t offended, obviously. It was all fun and games. But he was happy for the first time in a long time and it was all thanks to the idiot sat across from him. 
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mrnoahcarter · 4 years
“Listen, it’s my duty as a son to hype up my dad,” he explained with a shrug, hoping he hadn’t actually offended the other man. He couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow when Noah suddenly seemed a bit more into the conversation when he mentioned Ash. “Uh… he seems okay, I think? I haven’t really seen him recently but he’s… you know… he’s okay.”
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Part of Noah was almost jealous of Charlie, he couldn’t help but wonder if his own kids would be as supportive of him as Aiden was of Charles. A small sigh passed his lips at Aiden’s words, but he couldn’t blame the boy. “He doesn’t really talk to me as much since, well, since his mother died,” Noah explained. “I’m just worried about him.” 
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mrnoahcarter · 4 years
Aiden’s eyes went wide at him saying he didn’t have kids before he squinted at him. He absolutely didn’t believe that. Not at all. He was completely right to do so too because Noah was admitting to it in the next moment, making him relax a little. “Cause you’re like my dad. Not as cool, obviously, but similar,” he laughed, shrugging his shoulders a little. “I also know Ash so.”
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Noah raised his eyebrows at Aiden’s comment, disbelief riddling him. “Wow kid, maybe put the knife away. I’m not sure my pride can handle more blows like that one.” When Aiden mentioned Ash, Noah’s interest was immediately piqued. “You’re friends with Ash?” He asked. He paused, wondering if it was going too far, before asking, “Is he coping okay?” 
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mrnoahcarter · 4 years
18 for Jamie
Noah had been spending more and more time out of the house, if only to avoid the places that reminded him of Evelyn. But she seemed to follow him wherever he went. So instead of heading for the forests, or for the castle, he’d headed for the loch and the fields surrounding it. It was quieter here, especially when you moved back from the loch and stuck to the fields. Noah had expected to be completely alone, but then he saw a bounding golden boy and he knew that Charles must be around somewhere. He crouched down, scratching Yaga’s head for a moment, before the dog was bounding away again. 
Slowly he stood up, eyes raising to see a woman walking towards him. Quickly he glanced around, eyes seeking the dog out wondering if it was Charlie’s or if it was this woman’s, but the dog had disappeared. Part of him wondered if he was imagining it, but he shook that thought away quickly. “Hi there,” he called, waving at the woman as he walked towards her. “Did you just see a dog running around?” 
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