mrpotatoheart · 2 months
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mrpotatoheart · 2 months
Eu iniciei PreP injetável na quarta passada pq estava tendo crises e mais crises de ansiedade com medo de HIV. Acho que é um evento canônico na vida de todo gay.
Na hora nem senti dor direito... uma injeção bem normal. Mas de sábado pra cá, puta merda, tá foda.
Meu amigo que já tinha tomado me avisou que depois do terceiro dia começava a doer bastante. Não imaginava que minha bunda esquerda estaria inchada por causa disso. Ok que eu acho que só dá pra perceber por que sou bem magro.
Enfim... gays usem prep
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mrpotatoheart · 2 months
De que adianta saber um monte de coisa se quando eu tenho que raciocinar, simplesmente não consigo.
Quando eu digo que sou burro é por causa disso.
Tive uma simulação de emergências no sábado. Eu revisei, já tinha estudado... tecnicamente eu sabia tudo que precisava.
Eu nem me senti pressionado.
Mas simplesmente n rolou
Eu n tenho habilidade de liderança, não consegui lembrar as medicações e confundi os fluxogramas.
Eu sei q não era vida real (ainda bem)
Mas ainda sim é muito frustrante. Esse curso nos faz questionar todas as escolhas na vida
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mrpotatoheart · 6 years
dealing with the worst case scenario
your condom breaks
you feel a lump on your breast
your friends are ignoring you
you’re stranded on an island 
you got rejected by a crush
you get into a car accident
you got stung by a bee/wasp
you got fired from your job
you’re in an earthquake
your tattoo gets infected
your house is on fire
you’re lost in the woods
you get arrested abroad
you get robbed
your partner cheated on you
you’re on a ship that’s sinking
you fall into ice
you’re stuck in an elevator
you hit a deer with your car
you have food poisoning
your pet passed away
you fall off of a horse
you or your friend has alcohol poisoning
you have toxic shock syndrome
your house has a gas leak
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mrpotatoheart · 6 years
Aura? Yes, you can see it
I’m not going to explain what aura is, let’s just skip to the main part, how you can see it?
1. How to see other people’s aura. Blur your vision on purpose. 
(If you don’t know how, here is a little tip: Focus on something far away from you. Like a tree, or a car, let’s say, across the street. While you’re looking at the thing you chose, focus your mind on what is between you and that thing. The blurry part of your vision. The more you try and practice, the better you’ll get.)
Once your vision is blurry, go sit in the park or somewhere where you can see people walking around. Sit on a bench, blur your vision and focus your mind people walking around. Do not look directly at them. Just accept their presence and look at the thing far away. After some time you’ll see something that looks like a beam of light right above people’s heads. This is the step n.1. Remember the more you practice, the more you’ll see. After some time, you can start to see whole auras around their bodies. Some will be wide, some will have more layers, some will have colors and spikes or smooth edge and so on. 
2. How to see your own aura. Wait for the night. Sit alone in a room, let just the street light slightly enter the space you’re in. Hold your hand in front on you, make sure the wall (or something else) behind your hand is dark colored or preferably, black. Blur your vision focusing on your hand. Do not look directly at your hand. After some time, you’ll be able to see something that looks like waves of warmness around your hand. It looks like warm air rising from a tea pot. You may see colors, you may see shape and edges.
Remember, practice makes perfect. Don’t beat yourself up because you won’t be able to see it right away. It takes time.
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mrpotatoheart · 6 years
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Restful sleep & sweet dreams ⠀spell bottle or sachet
☽ Dreams be sweet⋆Dreams be kind ☼ ☼ Bring me rest ⋆ And peace of mind ☾
⠀☾ Herbs ☼ ↟ Lavender ↟ sleep, peace, dreams, relaxation, protection, happiness, healing, anti-stress & anxiety ↟ Rosemary ↟ sleep, peace, dreams, protection, healing, anti- stress, wards off bad dreams & negativity ↟ Sea salt ↟ protection, banishing, cleansing, purifying ↟ Hops flowers ↟ sleep, healing, anti-anxiety, stops restlessness ↟ Sugar ↟ for extra sweetness ↟ Jasmine ↟ calming, relaxation, prophetic dreams, love ↟ Chamomile ↟ sleep, peace, protection, healing, relaxation, anti-stress & anxiety, wards off bad dreams & nightmares ↟ Mugwort ↟ dreams, protection, healing, astral projection ↟ Willow leaves ↟ protection, peace, love, healing ↟ Thyme ↟ sleep, dreams, healing, protection, wards off bad dreams ↟ Peppermint ↟ sleep, dreams, healing, protection, happiness, anti-stress & anxiety, purification ↟ Valerian ↟ calming, protection, deep restful sleep ↟ Vervain ↟ peace, protection, wards off bad dreams & nightmares
⠀☼ Crystals☽ ↟ Amethyst ↟ peace, calming, relieves insomnia, wards off bad dreams & nightmares, prevents oversleeping, stabilizes physical, mental & emotional being ↟ Blue lace agate ↟ peace, calming, healing, calms the mind, reduces stress & anxiety ↟ Smoky Quartz ↟ protection, calming, relieves insomnia, wards off bad dreams, nightmares & negativity ↟ Fluorite ↟ peace, protection, protects against stress & negativity, stabilizes emotions, calms the mind ↟ Rose Quartz ↟ calming, peace, healing, calms emotions & rids of negativity, deep & restful sleep, relieves insomnia, relaxation, brings sweet dreams
♡ Mix any of these herbs and crystals in a bottle, sachet or pillow to make it right for you. Seal with candle wax (or a ribbon for those who can’t have candles) in whatever color feels best for you (I like blue or lavender!) Feel free to use my incantation as well! ♡
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mrpotatoheart · 6 years
✨🔮 witchy playlists 🔮✨
//playlists for each of the witches, playlists that, for me, hold their essence\ 
green witch 🌿🦌✨
urban witch 🏙🕯
tech witch 👾🕹
love witch 💖🥀🌸
moon witch 🌙🔮
sun witch ☀️🌻
cosmic witch 🛸💫🚀
sea witch 🐚🌊🧜‍♀️
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mrpotatoheart · 7 years
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mrpotatoheart · 7 years
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mrpotatoheart · 7 years
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mrpotatoheart · 9 years
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mrpotatoheart · 9 years
So. This is it! My so badly defined life starts over with a revolution on the internet :D
Very well, I figured out that I may turn this new point of view in some Adventure Time story
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