mrs-underhill22 · 2 days
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Avon turning on the audience computer
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mrs-underhill22 · 19 days
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mrs-underhill22 · 23 days
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mrs-underhill22 · 25 days
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mrs-underhill22 · 28 days
Rereading the Lord of the Rings series recently, and it's so fascinating to me how much the series is a denial of the typical juvenile power-fantasy that is associated with the fantasy genre.
Like, the power-fantasy is the temptation the Ring uses against people It tempts Boromir with becoming the "one true king" that could save his people with fantastic power. It tempts Sam with being the savior of Middle Earth and turning the ruin that is Mordor into a great garden. It tempts Gandalf and Galadriel with being the messianic figure of legend who brings salvation to Middle Earth and great glory to herself.
The things the Ring tempts people with are becoming the typical protagonists of fantasy stories that we expect to see. and over and over we see that accepting that role, that fantasy of being the benevolent all-powerful hero, is a bad thing. LotR is about how power, even power wielded with benevolent intent, is corrupting.
And its so fascinating how so much of modern fantasy buys into the very fantasy LotR denies. Most modern fantasy is about being that Heroic power-fantasy. About good amassing power to rival evil. But LotR dares not to. It dares to be honest that there is no world where anyone amasses that power and remains good.
I guess that's one of the reasons its so compelling.
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mrs-underhill22 · 29 days
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For @iriko
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mrs-underhill22 · 1 month
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mrs-underhill22 · 2 months
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Behind the Scenes of Wild Blue Yonder - Part Eight
Excerpt from Benjamin Cook's article on Bernard Cribbins in DWM #598
Despite the weight of the scene – a plane is about to crash over Camden Market – Bernard, 93, is in high spirits. As he’s assisted onto the set in his wheelchair, he raises his arms and cries: “Onwards!” Afterwards, he jokes: “I feel like I’m in Ben-Hur,” recalling the dramatic chariot race scene. Bernard’s Wild Blue Yonder cameo isn’t without its drama either. “The plane crashes over there, so you’ll hear the jet engine,” explains Tom, talking them through the moment. “You follow it with your eyes. Kaboom! And that’s the end of the episode. It’s terrific.” Cliffhanger howl, and out. “What do you say, darling?” Bernard asks Catherine. “Before the plane?” “I say, ‘What is it? What’s happening?’ Then you go, ‘The whole world’s coming to an end!’” “Gotcha,” says Bernard. “It’s high drama!” As ‘gramps’ to the Doctor’s companion, Donna, and once a fully-fledged companion himself, Wilf accompanied David’s Tenth Doctor to the end. So of course he’s waited for Donna and the (Fourteenth) Doctor to return from the edge of the universe. While back home the planet descends into chaos (find out why next week – in Special 3, The Giggle), reliable, resolute, old faithful Wilf is defending the Earth once again. “If I push you [in the wheelchair] a little quicker, there’s no danger of you falling out?” asks David, for the shot where the plane flies overhead, so close, plunging down towards them. “I’ll cling on,” says Bernard. “I’m made of stern stuff.” Later, after several takes of the Doctor, Donna and Wilf hugging in the shadow of the TARDIS as the world explodes around them, Tom calls “Cut!” and says, “That was lovely,” and Bernard pipes up, with a cheeky smile: “Who was best? Catherine? Yeah.” The crew laughs. “Perfect!” says Tom, after another take. “Perfect?” replies Bernard. “I’ll have that. Oh yes.”
Thank you to everyone who shared filming photos!
For other posts in this set, please see the #whoBtsWBY tag. The full episode list is [ here ]
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mrs-underhill22 · 2 months
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mrs-underhill22 · 2 months
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mrs-underhill22 · 3 months
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the amazing and wonderful life of one kerr avon
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mrs-underhill22 · 3 months
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mrs-underhill22 · 3 months
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mrs-underhill22 · 3 months
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in the belly of the beast
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mrs-underhill22 · 3 months
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I feel strangely productive recently. I wanted to doodle something simple but constructivism feeling hit me.
(Also, I almost didn’t use ref for Avon but I do vaguely recall Lovett used the same Blake ref photo I used on this one, I guess) 
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mrs-underhill22 · 3 months
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David Tennant and Catherine Tate having fun on the set of Wild Blue Yonder / Doctor Who 60th Anniversary
(and Bernard Cribbins too)
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mrs-underhill22 · 3 months
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