Dude this is great!!
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Let’s plant catnip, they said. It prevents mosquitos, they said.
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Our cat Benjamin is easily amused by anything moving on the t.v. 😂 #cats #sillycats #greycats #PS4 #BlackOps5Beta #CrazyCatLady
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Agreed. 👌 #CannabisLover #CannabisUser #CannabisSupporter #MamaSmokesCannabis #allnatural #MSWarrior #MSStrong #FUMS #strongmama
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Short intro or not...
My name is Stephanie, I'm 28. I got married to my high school sweetheart on April 24, 2010.
I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis on November 16th, 2011. My life has been a nonstop rocky roller-coaster since that news. I've been on 4 different treatments/ therapies for my RRMS. Sadly nothing has been helping.
We had a beautiful rainbow baybah on August 17, 2012 after I went through a miscarriage in September 2011 💔
Random fact: I'm becoming one of those "crazy cat ladies". 😜🐱
I self medicate and get judged daily on my choices/decisions. I know my body and I know what's best so kindly fu*k off. ✌😉
But honestly no one seems to understand me or take the time to understand my disease other than my hubbykins. He's been there since day one and has always been helping me through it all. He gives up everything to make sure we are well taken care of with no outside family help. We have no luxury. 😐
I'm that "basic" white girl drinking my 10oz coffee in my fox mug with about 1/4 cup delicious creamer. 👌☕
My life is crazy, uneventful, hectic, busy, fast-paced, slow-paced, feeling like I'm losing my mind all while dealing with this stupid disease.
There are days I feel like a worthless wife and mother but I know I've been given these trials for a reason and I'll push my hardest to make it through.
I love my best friend/hubbykins, daughter and fur animals more than they'll ever know. I just need to learn to overcome my fears of fu*king up everything and learn to self love and accept all my faults and countless mistakes.
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