mrsgalehawthorne · 1 year
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mrsgalehawthorne · 1 year
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mrsgalehawthorne · 2 years
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mrsgalehawthorne · 2 years
“and at some point I thought to myself: ‘no person deserves this,’ and I realized that includes even me.”
— Unknown
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mrsgalehawthorne · 2 years
“I wasn’t actually in love, but I felt a sort of tender curiosity.”
— F. Scott Fitzgerald
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mrsgalehawthorne · 2 years
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mrsgalehawthorne · 2 years
Beauty exists not in sameness but in difference.
Who could imagine a giraffe without its long neck or a cactus without its spines?
The irregularity of the mountain peaks that surround us is what makes them so imposing. If we tried to make them all the same, they would no longer leave us in awe.
It is the imperfect that astonishes and attracts us.
When we look at a cedar tree, we don’t think: ‘The branches should be all the same length.’
We think: ‘How strong it is.’
When we see a snake, we never say: ‘He is crawling along the ground, while I am walking with head erect.’
We think: ‘He might be small, but his skin is colourful, his movements elegant, and he is more powerful than me.’
When the camel crosses the desert and takes us to the place we want to reach, we never say: ‘He’s humpbacked and has ugly teeth.’
We think: ‘He deserves my love for his loyalty and help. Without him, I would never be able to explore the world.’
A sunset is always more beautiful when it is covered with irregularly shaped clouds, because only then can it reflect the many colours out of the sky which leaves us breathless.
Pity those who think: ‘I am not beautiful. That’s why Love has not knocked at my door.’
In fact, Love did knock, but when they opened the door, they weren’t prepared to welcome Love in.
They were too busy trying to make themselves beautiful first, when, in fact, they were fine as they were.
They were trying to imitate others, when Love was looking for something original.
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mrsgalehawthorne · 2 years
I love this❤
When everyone walks out on you...
You can’t walk out on yourself. You just can’t. It will be tempting to give up. Yes. You may want it easier. You may say that you will “come back to it.” But it doesn’t work like that. It’s the moments when you don’t have anyone else around that you will learn to care for and to take care of yourself. Plain and simple. This is a valuable skill to learn. It’s tough. Especially if you have grown accustomed to being put down each and every time you try to do something on your own. Those voices from your past may creep up. “You’ll never get anything done.” “You’re not gonna make it if you keep acting the way you do.” Etc. etc.
We all have those thoughts. But they are not ours. Along with not walking out on yourself, you can’t sabotage yourself either. Healing from all of this will take time. Effort. Commitment. Consistency. But going through these processes will allow you to figure out where you truly stand. The path will show you skills that you probably didn’t even know you had. On top of that, you will learn invaluable new skills that you will be able to use in other areas of your life.
All of this can be frightening. We know that we should be able to take care of ourselves and the things that matter to us the most. But if we have subconscious programs working against us that cause us to abandon ourselves when the going gets tough, making progress in any arena will prove more difficult than it already is. You are capable of getting to where you need to go. Capable of progress. Capable of living a life that is meaningful and rewarding, despite any traumas or challenges you may be experiencing at the moment. You got this.
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mrsgalehawthorne · 2 years
i truly believe in love and i believe it is everywhere around us. it is everywhere and it is within all of us. you just have to look for it and you will see it, a lot of us barely pay any mind but it’s there, i promise. go on a scavenger hunt for love the next time you are out. it should be easy to find if you know what to look for, it’s a feeling you should follow.
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mrsgalehawthorne · 2 years
“a lover that doesn’t see your flaws as flaws but sees them as opportunities for growth, a lover that doesn’t let your low phases and less graceful moments tint the lens they see you from, a lover that sees you beyond your potential and the gold you possess now, a lover like this.”
— iambrillyant
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mrsgalehawthorne · 2 years
Write me a handwritten letter about why you desire me and I'll be all yours.
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mrsgalehawthorne · 2 years
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desi chaotic academia moodboard
angry sapphic scholarship student who will do everything to outrank her male classmates
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mrsgalehawthorne · 2 years
Okay but Rekha and guns
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mrsgalehawthorne · 2 years
brown parents when they realise their child is suffering from depression and anxiety:
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mrsgalehawthorne · 2 years
Almost Everyone:“Cancel Jk Rowling!!!!”
Those same people: * still buy a shit ton of HP merch, books, movies, park tickets*
Jk Rowling: laughing cause you “canceled” her but still gave her all your money
.... just saying
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mrsgalehawthorne · 2 years
couldve said it better
Can someone please explain what the fuck happened to JK Rowling? Why is everyone suddenly hating on her?? Why is everyone suddenly mad that they aren’t personally represented in the hp series?? Why is everyone mad that she��s adding to and changing HER OWN goddamn fantasy world SHE CREATED?? Like I’m sorry but if you’re gonna criticize JKR you can fuck right off. She’s an incredible author. She’s created a legitimate movement within literature that is unsurpassed. AUTHORS. ARENT. REQUIRED. TO. REPRESENT. YOU. PERSONALLY. Stop getting pissy because you can’t find your identity in a particular book. If you can’t find your place in something, create one yourself. That’s what authors DO. So instead of criticizing one of the greatest women and creators of a generation, maybe go create something grand like that yourself that makes room for the identity you want represented. Go write a goddamn iconic work of literature and then you can come back and criticize JKRs choices as a writer. Fuck OFF. Stop trying to take down an icon. If you don’t like the icons of the world, go do something iconic so you can be the icon you’re so desperately projecting on other people and then attacking when it isn’t exactly what you wanted.
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mrsgalehawthorne · 2 years
Why hate an author because he/she didn't add what YOU wanted in THEIR books?
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