mrskeanu · 2 years
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Thursday January 2, 1996
Dear Diary,
Happy New Year! Today was just like every other day. I woke up and got ready for the classes, ate breakfast, enjoyed seven hours of rambling teachers discussion about stuff (which almost put me to sleep), watching John Wick flirt with every other girl that isn't me (sometimes I think he's turning into another Dean Thomas which I'm terrified of), and coming to the Gryffindor Tower and crying myself to sleep knowing that he will never love me like I love him. He'd get any girl he wants! My life can't get any more pathetic than it already is. Half of the time I feel like a bullet has gone through my chest and the whole is getting bigger and bigger. Sometimes I'm so sad that I feel like crawling in a hole and staying there...forever. If mum were here, she would pop popcorn and watch action movies with me to make me forget of the one who causes the hurt in the first place. Mum would always say, "If he can't take the time to notice you then he's not worth the time to love." Hopefully things will get better.
Ginny xx
"Hey Ginny," Uh-oh, I know that voice. "What's that?"
Quickly I closed the leather bound book, "Oh it's nothing, John," Then I rushed out of the class like a rocket at take-off.
Friday January 4, 1996
Dear Diary,
Sometimes I just wish that Hermione had never introduced me to John. Then none of this 'Wishing John Wick would notice me...' would ever had happen. Have you ever had that feeling where there's this huge hole in your chest that can't be fixed? Of course you haven't because you're a stupid book. I need to pull myself together I'm going insane by talking to an inanimate object. I just want this heartbreak to go away. I wish there was a way for me to forget him. Maybe I can avoid him the rest of the year? I mean neither him nor his other friends (excluding Harry, he's too observant (read sneaky). Nearly caught me drooling at John.) will ever notice that I'm not around? I know I'm probably going to regret ever writing this down but...I wish I never had met John Wick.
Ginny xx
The next day, I searched all around my room for my diary but couldn't find it. I even searched my book bag, locker, but I still was out of luck.
<i> Where the hell is it?! </i>
Oh no. What if it were in the hands of the Slytherins? What if- Oh no- what if it's in the hands of John Wick? Oh, I'm completely screwed.
The next day, I walked through the hallways of Hogwarts and cautiously looked around. Nope, there's nothing out of the ordinary here.
Suddenly I froze when I saw my diary...in the hands of John.
My eyes bulged out of my head. Why must the world be cruel to me?!
This can't be happening. I wonder if he read it. Oh man, what am I going to do? I can't just go up to him and say 'Oh hey, that's my diary you're holding there. It has every one of my deepest secrets in it, most of them written about you. Can I have it back?' My life sucks.
I felt his eyes look over at me "Hey Ginny,"
Oh god. Oh god. He's walking over to me. I can't breathe.
"Oh... Uhhhh... Hi, John."
"You... Uhhhh... dropped this the other day." He said handing over my diary, "Look I'm really sorry, Gin. I dropped it and it was open and I couldn't help myself so I peeked at it."
Okay now it's time to panic!! "W-what part did you read exactly?"
"All of it,"
Saturday January 6, 1996
Dear Diary,
Thanks, thanks a freaking lot! Because of you, John knows EVERYTHING! And the one thing that I have to do now is ignore the others and most importantly JOHN WICK. But other than that, everything is just peachy keen. NOT!
Ginny xx
Sunday January 7, 1996
Dear Diary,
For some odd reason he keeps tryin to talk to me. Maybe Hermione told him to? I'm too afraid to confront him. I know, I'm a coward!
Ginny xx
Monday January 8, 1996
Dear Diary,
I don't want to go to the classes. I don't want to be bombarded with questions from Harry, Ron, Hermione, Constantine and Keanu. I especially don't want to face John. But I have to. If I don't go to the classes, then I won't be able to do anything over summer vacation. Mum's orders.
Ginny xx
"Ginny," <i>I'm so going to regret this.... </i> "You have to talk to him."
"I can't, Hermione, not after he found out my deepest secret. I'm just too afraid."
"Tough it out, Gin," <i>Wow, way to be sensitive, Harry... </i> "Don't live your life afraid of what will happen if you don't talk to him."
I sighed, "Fine,"
"He's at the entrance of the Great Hall waiting for you." He pushed me in the direction of the Great hall.
John didn't see me coming and I hid behind the tall poles. <i> Come on, Ginny. Don't be afraid. It's just John Wick. </i>
When I walked to him, he looked up and smiled gently at me. I couldn't feel my legs.
"Hi Gin," He patted his hand on the space on the stair next to him and I cautiously sat down. I made sure there was a lot of space in between us so I could make an easy get away.
"Come on Ginny, I don't bite." He motioned me to move closer to him.
"Gin, the things you wrote... were they true? Do you really feel that way about me?"
I nodded quietly and he chuckled, "Why are you laughing?"
"Because isn't an answer, John,"
He turned towards me. His face now turned serious as he took his hands in mine, "I love you too,"
<i> Were my ears filled with ear wax or did I just hear that correctly??? </i> "You- you love me back?" He nodded and kissed my lips lightly.
When he pulled away I smiled softly at him, "I've always loved you, Ginny...."
Tuesday January 10, 1996
Dear Diary,
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Because of you, the John Wick loves me back! He even kissed me! I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Look at me, I'm thanking and inanimate object. Oh well, thank you again. Eeeeeeeeeeppppp....
Ginny xxx
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mrskeanu · 2 years
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