mrspaigedolan · 2 years
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I spent the weekend in the woods
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mrspaigedolan · 4 years
Doesn’t sound demonic, which is a nice change of pace from the typical 8x slowed down songs.
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mrspaigedolan · 4 years
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mrspaigedolan · 4 years
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mrspaigedolan · 4 years
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mrspaigedolan · 4 years
Send me some!!
Angst/fluff Prompt List
Please don’t repost (stealing isn’t cool, but reblog if you wish) <3 <3
“I love you, please don’t go.”
“Stay here tonight.”
“Please don’t walk out of that door.”
“I thought things were going great.”
“Don’t you love me?”
“You make every day worth living.”
“I’ll keep you warm.”
“I’m never letting you go.”
“You meant too much to me.”
“I won’t let you.”
“How could you ask me that?”
“Don’t you trust me?”
“I won’t let anyone hurt you, you’re safe with me.”
“You look amazing tonight.”
“Shouldn’t you be with him/her?”
“I’ve got you.”
“I can’t sleep, can I stay here?”
“It’s late.  Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“How are you feeling today?”
“You look amazing tonight.”
“We’ll figure this out.”
“This isn’t goodbye.”
“What’s cookin’ good lookin’?”
“Wanna go grab a drink?”
“What the hell were you thinking?!”
“Here, let me help you.”
“Kiss me.”
“I care about you.”
“You could have warned me!”
“That was unexpected.”
“You haven’t lost me.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Don’t cry.”
“Please don’t do this.”
“You make me feel safe.”
“You’ve shown me what love can feel like.”
“Thank you, for everything.”
“All I wanted was for you to be happy.”
“I can’t do this on my own.”
“I wasn’t lying when I said that I loved you.”
“Don’t be afraid.”
“You’re always on my mind.”
“You have no idea how much I want you right now.”
“You’ve always felt like home.”
“I can’t imagine this world without you.”
“Dance with me.”
“Trust me.”
“Why are you crying?”
“Who hurt you?”
“Nothing is wrong with you.”
“You make me feel alive.”
“I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
“Who cares about what they think?”
“Let’s go.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Tell me what’s wrong.”
“You’ve always got me.”
“I’ve waited for this moment for a long time.”
“Is this okay?”
“You look like you could use a hug.”
“Did you need something?”
“Do you have a ride home?”
“I am home.”
“What happened back there?”
“That’s not gonna happen.”
“Why me?”
“I’m right where I belong.”
“What do you want me to say?”
“After everything we’ve been through, you still don’t think that I love you?”
“You’ve been drinking tonight, haven’t you?”
“You need sleep.”
“Excuse me?”
“What are you doing?”
“What did you expect?”
“You’re not alone.”
“We’re meant for each other.”
“You’re worth it.”
“I don’t care what anyone else thinks.”
“I’ve always been honest with you.”
“It’s cold, you should take my jacket.”
“Just breathe, okay?”
“When I’m with you, I’m happy.”
“Going somewhere?”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“Don’t be scared, I’m right here.”
“You’re so adorable.”
“I’m better, now that you’re here.”
“I could never forget you.”
“Forget it.”
“That’s in the past.”
“You make me happy.”
“You’re more than that.”
“I won’t lose you too.”
“Come cuddle.”
“Can’t you stay a little longer?”
“It’s not that easy.”
“I’ve had enough.”
“I fell in love with you, not them.”
“You’re the only one I wanna wake up next to.”
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mrspaigedolan · 5 years
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mrspaigedolan · 5 years
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mrspaigedolan · 5 years
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mrspaigedolan · 5 years
Hey! So, as a broke college student myself, I imagine in the video of switching credit cards one of the twins decides to in their hour pay off what you have for loans so far and you are beyond speechless
Student Loans-G.D
Authors Note: Hi everyone, another imagine comin’ at cha! Hope you all enjoy this one too! And thank you for all of the notes on Rainbow, it was m most successful imagine! You know the drill, keep liking, commenting, sharing and requesting!
Grayson’s P.O.V-
“Alright since he’s not prepared I’m gonna start this video dolo .. WHATS UP GUYS WERE BACK and today.” I stopped waiting for Ethan to come sit on the couch with his wallet.
We were currently filming this weeks video which was all my idea because Ethan spends WAY too much money on clothes. We finished filming the intro explaining what was happening with the credit cards and the limits. After endless hours of spending Ethan’s money on a karaoke machine, a very nice toaster, and endless amounts of bouncy houses and other outdoor items, we went back to the house.
All of the outdoor items were being set up. I went to ask Y/N if she wanted to come out with us and swim in the pool with the new stuff I had bought earlier that day. I cracked our shared bedroom door open and saw my beautiful girlfriend with her head in her hands, and small sniffles came from her cute button nose.
“Babe, what’ wrong?” I questioned. She sniffed again and looked into my eyes. She had bags under her eyes and puffy eyelids. Although she was crying, she still looked beautiful as ever. I went over to the desk she was sitting at and wrapped my arms around her hugging her.
“I just- this class is really stressing me out. I didn’t understand how to use this website we needed to and when I sent an email to the teacher she was so mean about it not offering me an help and taking points off for it being 5 minutes late. I literally don’t even think college is worth it anymore. For the amount of money I have to pay for this I would have expected to be treated better by the teachers. I just can’t fathom someone ev-“ Y/N kept venting to me about her classes. When I realized how much pressure she was under and how hard for her it must be I decided that Ethan and I would do something for her in the video.
I gave Y/N a hug and a kiss trying to calm her down the best that I could without letting her know of he secret surprise I just came up with. After she was calm and laying in our bed sleeping, I went outside to where Ethan was.
“Yo, E.” I said calling Ethan over.
“I have an idea for the video.” I looked at Ethan who nodded in response for me to continue.
“Well, I definitely think that we need to donate money to charity. If we’re spending money we should give back as well.” Ethan kept silent still nodding agreeing with everything that I was saying.
“I also think that we could surprise Y/N and pay off her student loans and whatever debt she has.” I looked at Ethan hoping that he would be okay with it.
“Dude if you do that for her she will literally marry you…and more.” He said winking at me.
“Ew okay I just wanted to make sure you were good with it.”
“Yeah, totally dude. Treat your woman. I’ll do half of whatever it is.” He spoke smiling.
I walked around the house that the three of us shared, trying to find Y/N’s wallet to see if I could get info from the bank. It shouldn’t be that hard considering that I was a contact for her bank statements. I went into our guest bedroom and shut the door hoping my girlfriend wouldn’t hear me. Once I got her card and the phone number of the bank I called and talked to a elderly woman named Stacey.
“Federal Credit Union, my name is Stacey. How may I assist you?” She asked with a kind and welcoming voice.
“Hello there, my name is Grayson Dolan. I’m calling to see if I would be able to pay off some student loans.”
“Sure, what’s your account number dear?”
“It’s actually my girlfriends account and I don’t know her number. Is there an way possible that I could pay off all of her loans and any debt that she had on her credit cards?”
“That’s a very nice thing to do for her. I’m sure that she will be ecstatic! The only problem with that is if you’re a co-signer for the loans, you can only pay them off if the account owner absolutely can’t pay for them or doesn’t have a payment plan signed up.”
As soon as she said that, my heart stopped. All I wanted to do was relieve some of the stress that Y/N had in her life. She had a part time job that was absolute shit. She worked the hardest like she had a million dollar paying job, even though she was paid minimum wage. I am so proud of everything that she has done and I was so disappointed until I heard Stacey say, “But, what you could do is transfer how much she owes into her bank account and then she can pay it off from her own credit account.”
“That’s perfect!” I exclaimed getting excited that my plan was actually still going to work.
“How much does she owe on everything? Like all of her student loans, car loans, and whatever she is in debt for her credit cards.”
Stacey told me what she owed, and I was able to transfer that much into her account.
“Thank you so much for helping me!” I said getting ready to hang up.
“Of course, please call back and ask for me so I can hear what her reaction was!”
“I will! I’m sure that she will be calling today or tomorrow to pay off everything!”
After we exchanged goodbyes, I went and began to finish the outro with Ethan.
“Maybe its smart that we have our own bank accounts now.” Ethan said
“Yes it is. Because, now that Ethan and I have separate bank accounts I was able to do something awesome for my girlfriend. You guys know Y/N, she is literally the most caring person in the world. She always gives 110% with absolutely everything that she does, she helps Ethan and I with video ideas, she makes both Ethan and I feel really happy and special.” I finished letting Ethan take a turn to say something.
“Y/N is literally my best friend. The three of us are always with each other doing something crazy. She is Grayson’s other half and my best friend an-“
“Hey! I’m your brother!” I shouted at Ethan.
“Well yeah, you’re my brother and your girlfriend is my best friend. What are you gonna do about it?” he questioned with a smug look on his face.
“Good question, I’m bringing Y/N out to surprise her right now!”
I walked out of frame and through our living area to the bedroom where Y/N was back up from sleeping, sitting at her desk doing some school work. And still, she looked beautiful as ever.
I slowly walked in, got down onto both knees and turned her chair to face me. Her hands slid away from the keyboard and her sweatshirt covered arms wrapped around my neck. Following her, I wrapped my arms around her waist. I rested my head onto her lap. Her hands then traveled from the back of my neck to play with my hair.
“I love you, Gray.” She spoke quietly.
“And I love you more, Peach. Also, Ethan and I have a surprise for you but we want to film your reaction.” She nodded her head and we both stood up. Out of instinct, I grabbed her hand and led her to the filming area. She sat in the middle of Ethan and I, her small frame disappearing.
“Alright guys, so I have Y/N here with us.”
“Hey guys!” She smiled and waved at the camera.
“So like Ethan and I said earlier we have a surprise for Y/N, but you have to put on this blindfold….”
She did at told and took off her glasses, and tied a knot behind her bun. I ran over to her wallet grabbing her credit card, and the keychain she had on her keys with her college name on it. I placed both in her hands and sat down beside her.
“Okay, 1…2…3!” I ripped off her blindfold. She looked down at her hands seeing both of her items there.
“Uhm guys.. what is this?”
“Well let me explain.. You know how Ethan and I were swapping credit cards for a day?” She nodded her head looking directly into my brown eyes.
“So at the end of the video Ethan and I gave money to charity. Since we did that, we also thought it would be nice to do something for you. All of your student loans, car loans, and all the debt you had on your credit card are all paid off. This is a gift from Ethan and I to you. We know how hard you work and we wanted to show you how much you mean to us and how much we love you.”
Y/N had tears in her eyes and she wrapped her arms around me. Her sobs filled ears. I knew that she was able to let go some of that stress. She let go of me and went to Ethan giving him a bear hug. I knew she would be showing me how much she loved me later.
We ended up finishing the video quicker than expected, but still late.
“Thank you guys so much for this. You don’t know how happy this makes me. All the stress I had about paying it off after college, I just. You guys are awesome and I love you both.”
Ethan and I had huge grins on our faces.
Since it was later at night, we all decided to go to bed and celebrate tomorrow. Y/N and I went to our shared bedroom. Y/N sat on the bed and I shut the door. I turned around and looked at her taking her glasses of and her hair down.
“Why don’t I show you how much I appreciate what you just did for me?” She asked seductively. And that was all she had to say because in less that’s 5 seconds, I was already in bed with her.
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mrspaigedolan · 5 years
Rainbow- E.D/G.D
Authors note: Hi everyone! I’m currently working on some requests that were sent in! Keep sending them please! I love writing and I love seeing what you guys would like to read. Hope you enjoy!
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Sitting in the drivers side of my car I glared at the stop light hoping it would change soon. Listening to the downpour hitting my sunroof. I opened the roof and stuck my face into the rain feeling the droplets on my face. When the light turned green, I slowly pushed the gas pedal to turn down the road. I needed to go on a drive to clear my head. I couldn’t stop thinking about the thing that happened three weekends ago...
Ethan and I were sitting by the pool. It was another hot day in LA, thankfully one without rain. We were sitting in comfortable silence on the pool chairs our hands intertwined. I took a deep breath thinking about everything with Ethan. In the three years that we have been together, we have so many amazing memories together. But there can’t be good without the bad. We told Ethan’s fans about us about a year and a half ago. To say the reaction was all positive is a big fat lie. There were some people who were really supportive and wanted us to be happy. Jealously took over the other fans. Calling me countless names, writing negative things on all of my social media accounts, the hate just never stopped. Anytime we were out in public we would be bombarded with people asking for pictures with Ethan. Which I totally understand because it comes with the job..but the face to face hate makes me wonder why Ethan is even with me. A lot of the time Ethan stands up for me and we leave and he always reassures me that he loves me. But when it’s constant and he’s only telling me because he feels obligated..that’s when I felt the pain in my chest, the loneliness, all of the insecurities you can imagine. Ethan became very distant over the past couple months. Always coming home late, cancelling plans, making up excuses for why he can’t come to things. Everything was piling up and I felt a huge weight on my shoulders. I didn’t want to end it because I wanted to go back to the same couple that met at the basic coffee shop at 2am.
“You know that I love you, right?” Ethan broke the silence, squeezing your hand. I thought about what he said before I replied, really wondering if I wanted to say what I was thinking.
“What are we doing Ethan?” I questioned letting go of his hand.
He sat up quickly and looked at me.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean what are we doing. We fell into this pattern of doing the same thing. Never seeing each other, never talking when we are together, you not coming home anymore. What happened?” I said tears brimming my eyes.
He sighed before speaking, “I don’t know what we are doing.” My tears fell faster.
“I know that I love you. I know that I care about you. I know that I would do anything for you. I just don’t know what way I love you or what way I care about you…” He said looking at the ground.
I felt myself begin to sweat. Maybe it was the hot sun or maybe it was the sad and awkward conversation we were having.
He continued saying the words that I never wanted to hear him say, “I think we need to see other people.”
Ethan was still looking at the ground which made me more mad than sad.
“You can’t tell me that you love me and then change your mind. If you’re going to break up with me at least have the decency to look me in the eyes when you do.”
His tear filled eyes looked into mine, “We’re done. We need to see other people.”
Once those words came out of his mouth, I got up off of the pool chair, grabbed my flip flops and went inside without a word.
“Where are you going?” He questioned.
“Well I don’t exactly think that I can live with my ex-boyfriend.”
I shut the sliding glass door and walked up the steps.
“But what about Grayson? You guys are best friends?” He asked following me.
“I will still hang out with Gray, don’t worry.” I got out my matte black rolling suitcase and began to pack my things. I opened the drawers and started to pack my clothing. Grabbing my folded shirts, leggings, pants, shorts, and my bras and underwear. I was actually embarrassed now for Ethan to see any of the lace underwear I owned. I shoved everything quickly and messily into the suitcase and went to the bathroom with Ethan still following watching. I grabbed my Morphe x Jeffrey Star bag that Jeffrey gave me from a shoot that he did with the boys. I began putting all of my brushes and makeup into the bag. Grabbing my toothbrush I decide to leave the toothpaste that we shared in the bathroom. I moved to the shower next grabbing my shampoos and conditioners and other body washes putting them in the bag. When I was finished putting all of the stuff in the suitcase I felt tears streaming down my chest and soaking the bikini top that I still had on from our pool day. When I looked up I saw Ethan standing there crying the same, or more than I was. I zipped my suitcase and put on my flip flops. Walking to the doorway where he was standing I opened my arms and gave my ex-lover a huge hug. I took a deep breath smelling his shirt. I wanted to remember our last moment together as a couple before the awkward after breakup scene. He hugged me back, the tightest he’s ever held me.
“I don’t want you to leave.” He whispered into my ear sending chills down my back.
Instead of saying anything, I let go of Ethan and walked out of our shared bedroom with all of my belongings.
I snapped out of my thoughts hearing the car behind me honking at me for my slow driving. It was still pouring. The sounds of the rain were relaxing but infuriating because of how loud they were. I pulled up to the coffee shop where I met Ethan. I put the car in park and sat starring at the glowing sign.
‘Coffe 24/7’
I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. Going to my usual booth, I sat down and ordering my usual.
“Y/N?” I heard Ethan say. I knew that I was going to be seeing him eventually but not this soon.
“Ethan, I’m sorry. I really don’t want to see you right now.” Out of my peripherals I saw the figure move and sit down.
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m not Ethan then huh?” I looked up to see Grayson sitting in front of me with a Dolan Twins sweatshirt on and a smile on his face. I shot back a small smile and looked into his eyes. He didn’t look good at all. His hair wasn’t put together in the swoop that it usually is, his tired eyes starring back at mine.
“You look really pretty by the way.” He said casually before placing his coffee order. The exact same as mine.
I glanced down at what I was wearing. Black leggings, by dirty vans, an oversized black sweatshirt, with my hair in a bun, no makeup on and my black framed glasses resting on my nose.
‘I look disgusting.’ I thought to myself.
We sat and talked about anything and everything for hours and hours. And then we got to Ethan.
“So what happened between you guys?” Gray questioned cautiously.
“We just grew apart. Fell out of love I guess.” I said furrowing my eyebrows. Grayson hummed in response.
“You two will find your way back to each other. You always will…” He spoke soft meaningful words but he spat them as if he was angry.
“Why did you say it that way?” I questioned, taking a sip of my coffee.
“Say it like what?”
“Like you’re upset that we would always ‘find our way back to each other’.” I said making air quotes with my hands.
“Because there is something that always bothers me when you’re together..”
“Well, explain then…”
“You were never able to see the way that you looked at him. You never saw your eyes glow when you were talking about him. You never saw how he looked at you either.” He stopped, sighing.
“And how did he look at me exactly?” I asked hoping to hear that when he looked at me he loved me and looked at me the same way.
“He looked at you only to see if you were watching him talk to other girls…”
And there was the pain in your chest again.
“Why would you tell me that Grayson?” You asked getting angry.
“Because, Y/N!” He ran his hands through his mess hair.
“Because I wanted to do this!”
Grayson quickly leaned over the table somehow not knocking over our empty coffee cups, grabbing your face and slamming his lips onto yours. You kissed back and then eventually pulling apart, smiles on both of your faces.
“Hey, it stopped raining.” You said casually looking out the window.
“There is a rainbow!” Grayson pointed behind you out the window.
You turned to look and see the most beautiful view. The sun was rising and the sun rays were beaming through the colorful rainbow.
“Wow…” You spoke.
“Yeah, wow…”
I heard the coffee shop bell ding, insinuating that someone was here. When Grayson’s face turned completely red, you turned around to see who was at the door. Your face dropped at the sight.
“When I said ‘See other people’ I didn’t mean my own brother, Y/N!”Ethan yelled. And then, it started raining again.
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mrspaigedolan · 5 years
Day two of requests!
Hi all! It’s day two of my week off and of course it’s raining... please send me all of your requests I need ideas!!
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mrspaigedolan · 5 years
Grayson Dolan
I Hope This Lasts Forever
Stay With Me
Ethan Dolan
Love Is An Open Door  Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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mrspaigedolan · 5 years
Hey! Okay so I have This envision of the twins pranking one of their girlfriends, you can choose who. But, the prank is she lives alone and they wrapped like her who kitchen or something. Idk it’s sounds good but I don’t know if it will work or not. Thanks!
Home Alone- E.D
Authors note- Hi! Thank you for requesting! Hope you like it! My inbox is open so keep requesting! Enjoy!
Ethan’s P.O.V
“We’re back!” My and my twin brother spoke.
“So guys I’m pretty sure Y/N is gonna kill me later. She’s one of the neatest cleanest people we know.” I said
“So if you couldn’t understand what we are doing we are gonna be pranking Y/N today...” Grayson spoke.
“So I have a key to her house so we are gonna go over today and prank her somehow.” I ended. We stopped recording and drove to Y/N’s house. It was about 6:30am so we knew she was still sleeping. She usually didn’t get up until 8:30 and she is a very heavy sleeper.
We pulled up to Y/N’s house and unlocked the door. We placed the cameras in place so they would be ready for later we pressed record making sure they all had full batteries. We left closing and locking the door quietly. Now we just had to wait 2 hours to start.
After two hours had passed we face time my beautiful girlfriend which we do every morning. We only talked for a bit having to hang up to continue the prank. Grayson and I both acting stressed for a “big video shoot” today so we hung up having to get “props” for the video.
Your P.O.V
It was about 9 in the morning and you were standing in your kitchen looking out the window drinking your usual morning Red Bull. You were home alone as usual since you lived alone. Your favorite set of twins had to go out to film a video. They were always at your house since you were all so close. When you talked to them on the phone a little bit ago, they both seemed really stressed so this must be a big video for them. Especially Ethan. He’s usually my big goofball but he seemed off. It was a beautiful sunny day in LA. You decided to go swimming in the pool and lay out for a bit since it was so hot. You went upstairs passing the living area and looking at the kitchen that you cleaned the night before smiling while you passed. It looked pretty good, you loved cleaning and organizing. There was never ever anything out of place or dirty. Well, accept when your boyfriend and best friend slept over. You walked into your bedroom. You turned on your Bluetooth and started playing music from your speaker. You were getting dressed when you heard something drop downstairs.
‘Oh hell no’ you said to yourself.
You paused the music, listening carefully. After not hearing anything, you tied your bathing suit top and grabbed the metal bat Ethan bought you as a housewarming gift. He said that I could use it in case of an “intruder” which you thought was crazy and unrealistic until right now. You slowly crept down the carpeted stairs and saw the cling wrap that was supposed to be in your kitchen drawer was sitting on your island along with your barbecue tongs. You looked around the first floor of your house not seeing anyone. You lowered the bat and put the tongs and cling wrap away where they should be. It kind of creeped you out since you just cleaned last night and that wasn’t out before you went up to change.. you ignored the strange coincidence and went upstairs to grab a few things. You put the bat back into your room beside your bed stand. Grabbing your towel, sunglasses, lotion and flip flops heading down the stairs once again going to the pool. Just as you were about to open the sliding door you heard the noise from the kitchen again. You got outside as quick as possible shutting the door. You quickly started to grab everything possible around you to put in front of the door. Grabbing lawn chairs, tables, even the pool noodles. You decided to get on with your pool day figuring that it was just a strange coincidence... but the tables and everything were there for precaution...
Ethan’s P.O.V
I hit record on the camera and turned it to face me and my twin.
“Guys, she literally stacked everything outside in front of the door because she heard us moving around.” I showed the glass sliding door and everything stacked.
“Oh my gosh. What does she think that’s gonna do?” I asked laughing. Grayson and I tried our best not to be too loud. We went to work on her kitchen.
Your P.O.V
A couple hours had passed and your tan was pretty much an entire burn now, you were able to get in a lot of relaxing swim time which was much needed. You started to get thirsty but you were terrified to go inside. You got out of the water and slowly and carefully started moving the objects out of the way of the door. You grabbed a pool noodle hoping it could be enough of protection.
Ethan’s P.O.V
“Grayson! She’s coming back in! Go out to the car, hurry! Run!” We made it just out the door in time for Y/N to see us.
Your P.O.V
You slowly crept in into your kitchen carrying the pool noodle where you heard the sounds and saw EVERYTHING out of the places it was supposed to be in. All the cubbies opened, the trays out. And that wasn’t all, they were all on the counter wrapped in cling wrap... you were very confused until you realized that someone had to come into your house to do that.. you ran back outside grabbing your phone and instantly calling your boyfriend.
He answered instantly, “Hey babe, what’s u-“ you cut him off
“Ethan! Someone broke into my house!” You said panicked still confused why someone would do that.
“Wait what? Are you okay?”
“Please come over as fast as you can! Please!” You hunt up the phone and stood outside waiting for Ethan. You were starting to get worried. Someone breaking in was one of your biggest fears. You were gonna have to move now. You didn’t feel safe now that someone unknown was in your house.
You don’t know how many minutes had past but strangely fast Grayson and Ethan came running to the back yard. You ran straight into Ethan’s arms starting to cry. You felt stupid because someone just wrapped your stuff but someone had to break into your house to do that.
“Hey, it’s okay. How do you know someone broke in?” He questioned asking me calmly, rubbing my back in the process.
Grayson was standing a little behind him but still engaging in the conversations.
“T-They wrapped all of my stuff in the kitchen and it’s al-“
“Did you see any broken glass or anything?” Grayson asked nonchalantly.
“Well no, but I don’t know ho-“
“Well it would have to be someone that has a key...” Ethan said trailing off.
Grayson pulled out the recording camera from behind him.
“Why are you guys recording?” You asked while angry crying. The twins exchanged glances.
“Someone made a key for my freaking house! How am I supposed to feel saf-“ you stopped looking at the both of them and the camera realizing what had happened.
“I hate you both. You’re assholes you know that?” You said wiping your tears as a wave of relief washed over you. You all laughed for a bit until you started walking up to Grayson and grabbing the camera from him turning it onto yourself, “and here is a montage of twin boys putting back together a kitchen they they messed up. Peace!” You ended the video and pressed stop.
“Well, you better get goin. You have a lot to clean up and unwrap!” You said to the boys. Grayson started walking back into your house to clean and Ethan wrapped his arms around you. Although you were mad, you would never reject a hug from your boyfriend.
“I’m sorry for scaring you peach. You know I love you and would never let anything happen to you. Will you forgive me?” He finished talking and his hands roamed down to your lower back, quickly giving your butt a squeeze. You leaned up and kissed him, and you quickly pushed him away earning a frown from him.
“I’ll forgive you, but first you have to clean my kitchen.”
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mrspaigedolan · 5 years
6/10- G.D
Authors note- Hi Everyone! Happy Tuesday! I’ve been having a rough couple weeks and I needed to write something semi sad to get out of my funk. This Imagine was based off of the song 6/10 by dodie. I strongly recommend listening to this song while reading this. Enjoy!
It was a rainy Tuesday afternoon. You were sitting on your rooftop looking out at the black gloomy clouds of LA. You tucked your knees into your chest while your pale arms wrapped around your freezing legs. All you heard was the relaxing sound of the rain loudly falling from the sky. You didn’t notice the rain starting to soak your grey shorts because you were so consumed in your depressing thoughts.
I have an amazing job teaching dance, I’m living with the love of my life and my best friend. Why do I feel this way? I’m never good enough. Everyone leaves me, Grayson and Ethan will too eventually..I don’t even know why Grayson is dating me. I’m literally just a plain girl. Someone that just blends in. Nothing special. Grayson is like a 10/10, but you on your best days only felt like a 6/10. Everyone pities the plain girl.
Just at the thought of that, you felt a single tear run down your face. Grayson and Ethan were both out getting away after they just uploaded their Tuesday video, they’re usual routine. And thank god they were out or else they would both be questioning you about what was wrong. Those boys were so caring and loving towards you when you didn’t deserve any of that love.
I don’t deserve anything.
As the rain started to pick up, so did your tears. Quiet sobs came out of your mouth, you tried to keep quiet but your attempts failed as you started full on sobbing. You moved slowly down the roof to where the rain was hitting you all over, from head to toe. You looked up and felt the pellets on your face. You started laughing because now, you were soaking wet. You stood and opened your arms to the sky.
You turned around quickly to see Grayson leaning out of your shared bedroom window, holding his arms open. They got back quick. You slowly started walking back to him trying your best to not slip on the slippery roof. You slowly climbed back into the window straight into Grayson’s warm arms.
“Hi baby!” He said softly but excited.
He was swaying the both of you back and fourth in a slow motion. You buried your face into his sweatshirt knowing he hadn’t seen you crying. You started to pull away and turned your puffy face away from Grayson quickly. You felt a tears start to form and you knew you had to get away.
“I need to get a shower now..” you said running into the bathroom. You turned around and shut the door locking it.
Grayson stood in the middle of the room watching you run into the bathroom confused at the sudden change in your mood. Once he realized what was happening, he walked over to the bathroom door following your actions, trying to open it, and failing since it was locked.
“Y/N, please let me in. You never lock the door.” He said quietly.
Your back was against the door while your hands were over your mouth trying to silence the continuous sobs. You heard the knob giggle again signaling that he was trying to get in.
‘Please don’t try and find the key..Please don’t try and find the key..’ you kept repeating to yourself.
You heard a key going into the door and unlocking it.
Shit. You turned to the opposite way of the door. Grayson walked in and came straight to you.
“What’s wrong?” He questioned wrapping his muscular arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“I’m okay. Just tired.” You replied shyly.
“Yeah, that’s what you say when you’re not okay.”
You felt his strong arms start to turn you around. When you were fully facing him, you looked everywhere but his eyes.
“Look at me princess.” He spoke. When you didn’t follow his actions he brought his hand up to cup the side of your face. As soon as he made contact with your skin, he turned your head to look directly at him. Your beautiful eyes now dull, the whites of your eyes not bloodshot. Grayson hadn’t seen you depressed in a very long time. You always tried to keep up a front. You were always there for him. The soft teddy bear of a man that he is. You took your hand in his and leaned into his grasp on your cheek. Without saying anything Grayson walked over to the shower, turning on the water and filling up the tub with warm water. Not too hot, not too cold. Just the way you liked it. He lit the candle that he put there for you years ago when you moved in. Turning off the lights he came over to you.
“Let me take care of you.”
And with that, your sweatshirt was off revealing the blue and black lace bra you had on. You crossed your arms over your chest trying to hide yourself from him. Throwing your sweatshirt on the ground,then he uncrossed your arms.
“Look how beautiful you are.” He said starring at you. He continued his motions taking off your shorts, then underwear and lastly your bra. You stood there watching as Grayson undressed himself. He took your hands leading you to the bathtub. He stepped over the lip of the tub sitting down. He took your hands and guided you sitting in between his legs. Slowly running his hands up and down your arms trying to relax you. After awhile he took your shoulders into his hands and slowly leaned you back onto his chest. Grabbing your hands he held them right below your breasts.
After a few minutes had passed you felt yourself falling back into your thoughts.
“Why are you with me Grayson? You’re amazing and so outgoing and I’m just a nobody. A plain Jane.”
Your loving boyfriend knew by now to not react crazily to the words you just spoke. You didn’t meanie as in you wanted to break up, and he knew that.
“Well there are a lot of reasons so we will be sitting here for awhile but here it goes.”
He paused taking a breath, “I’m with you because I truly see your love for everyone, I’m with you because I see how passionate you are about dance and teaching, I’m with you because I love your little quirks...like you only buying travel sized conditioners for your hair and running your toothbrush under the water three separate times before you even brush your teeth, I’m with you because I love listening to your crazy conspiracy theories at 2am! I’m with you because you care for my brother as if he was your sibling, I’m with you because I see you for you. I see your dark circles without makeup, I see the stretch marks you have, I see the scars you have on your hips. And you know what, I fucking love every single thing that you see as a flaw. The list goes on and on about why I’m with you. Why I’m in love with you. And I will keep showing you every single day until we die. And I don’t care if that sounds cheesy because I mean every word I said.”
You sat up after listening to everything he said turning in the tub to face him.
“I love you.” You said starring into his eyes.
“And I love you.” He responded.
You cupped his face with your hands slamming your lips onto his. Every day, you love this boy more and more.
You continued to make out in the tub, hands roaming to different body parts, you fully sitting on his bare legs, chests pressed together. Grayson pulled away quickly, “And by the way, you’re like a 164/10.”
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mrspaigedolan · 5 years
Ask and Request!
Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday! I’m going to be writing at least 3 imagines tonight so if you have any ideas or requests comment below or message me!
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mrspaigedolan · 5 years
Dolan Twins Mother of all Masterlists. A masterlist that has almost every fan fiction, imagine that has been written about Ethan and Grayson Dolan. (In process)
I will update as often as I can.
If you would like to be removed then please send me a message. No questions asked. If you would like to be added or know of a good write, then please send me a message. Names maybe shorten due to a word/link limit. 
Favourites marked with ‘*’ Warnings: Trigger (tw) - Smut (s)
Ethan Dolan
Ducati (s)
Mirror Selfie (s)
Jealousy Fear
A Prank?
Puck Me (s)
Pineapple Pizza (s)
Running Through The Fire (s)
Your Nest
R&R (s)
Champagne Kisses (s)
Urges (s)
Where We Stand (s)
Webcam (s)
Pornhub (s)
Work You Out (s)
Part Time Lovers (s)
In The Shadows (s)
Sinful (s)
Down Low (s)
God Is A Woman (s)
Broken Home (s)
Motion Picture (s)
Body Worship (s)
Too Cute To Be Cold
Hate Fuck (s)
A Game For Two (s)
Aftercare (s)
All Mine (s)
Let Me Get That For You - 2 - 3 - 4 (s)
Pretty Boys & Espresso
Stressed Out
Without You
Dance To This
Blurred Lines (s)
Pussy Slapping (s)
Sweet Dolan (s)
Till Dawn
Rumour Has It
Daylight Savings
Forget Me Nots
Lemon Boy - Epilogue
Boys Will Be Boys - Propose
Electric (s)
Skater Boy (s)
Let It Happen (s)
New Years Kiss
Baby It’s Cold Outside
The Dinner Table (s)
Knight In Shining Armor (s)
The Everyday Life
I Belong To You (s)
Boys Like You
Lie To Me
Venus (s)
Gym Junkie (s)
Ghost Of Things Forgotten (tw)
GQ (s)
The Late Night
Leave Your Lover (s)
Only Angel (s)
Late In Love
Sugar Drunk High - 2 - 3
She Looks Like Fun
Southpaw - 2 (stw)
Storm (s)
Burned (s)
Injured Motocross
Please Come Home
There’s So Much To Learn
Not Myself Without You
Just Let Me Help You
Not A One Time Thing
Running Away (tw)
Grayson Dolan
Red Eye (s)
Take Me Instead (s)
Kinky (s)
Christmas Confessions (s)
Tease (s)
Back Rubbing (s)
Bronco (s)
Old Memory (s)
Daddy Must Punish You (s)
Laundry Room (s)
Sculpting Project (s)
Who’s He
Twins Or Not?
Fortune Cookies
Four Princess?
Puppy Love
Video Clip
Gifts Exchange
Mommy & Pup (s)
*Peaches (stw)
*Lolita (stw)
Puck You (s)
Scary Love (s)
Cherry Cola (s)
Sweet Sinner (s)
How To Ride (s)
Drip (s)
Wild (s)
Neon & Denim (s)
Cool With You (s)
Freeze (s)
*Webcam Girl (s) - Webcam Boy (s)
Afterparty (s)
*Thanks For The Ride (s)
The Devil In Disguise
Sweet Dreams
Make It Nasty
Be My Escape - 2
Sun Up (s)
Marry Me
Provoked (s)
Can’t Get Enough (s)
Porsche (s)
Frustrations (s)
Deep Throat (s)
Hasty Decisions (s)
Vibrate (s)
Pool Lovin’ (s)
Life Swap (s)
Black Card (s)
Babysitter (s)
Camp Fever (s)
Pinkity Drinkity
The Clumsy Twin
Baby Blue Car
A Sunny Day
Choke Me (s)
Tour Guide
Biting Nails
Savior (stw)
Clouded In Anger - 2 (s)
Vegas Baby
Self Care
All We Do Is Drive
Good Morning & Goodnight
That’s The Way My Heart Feels
Expectant Parents
We Have An Announcement
Make Up
Anxious (tw)
Through The Dark (tw)
Finals Week
Wine Night
Thanks (tw)
When You Sleep
Wanna Go Home
Killer Queen (s)
Speaker Table (s)
Movies (s)
Teacher (s)
Painting Flowers - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 (s)
Saints & Sins - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (s)
To Our Daughter
Shared Covers
Locks Of Love
Juke Jam
People Like Grayson
Piano Keys
Sir (s)
Orlando (stw)
Cold-Blooded (s)
Spell It Out (s)
Daddy Dearest (stw)
Greaser Boy (s)
Monster (s)
One Plane Ride Away
You’re The One
Adrenaline (s)
Let Me (s)
Take It Off (s)
Pass The Time (s)
Surprise, Surprise
Somebody Else
Late Night Lovin’
Dad Series - 2 (s)
Military Millie
How I Met Your Mother
Concussed In Love
Wedding Dance (s)
Electric Blue
Ghost In The Graveyard
The Firsts - 2
Midnights (s)
Arabesques - Counter Punch
Veni Vidi Amavi - Amor Aeternus
Don’t Make Me Wait (s)
I Want To Be Yours - 2 (s)
Self-Love (s)
Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy (s)
Smut (s)
Car Accident
Grayson With A Toddler
Linger - 2 - 3
Love Is An Open Spot
Grayson X Ethan - Paintball Challenge
Grayson X Noah X Reader - Boat Dream (s)
Grayson X Reader X Female - Mi Amors (s)
Grayson X Reader X Female - Lust & Liquor (s)
Grayson X Reader X Female - Ménage à Trois
Ethan X David X Reader - Innocent Teachings (s)
Ethan X Reader X Female - Best Friend (s)
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - Strip Poker (s)
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - 4OU Tour (s)
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - Fetish (s)
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - Afterparty (s)
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - Eyes On You (s)
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - Hidden Secrets (s)
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - Obey The Law (s)
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - Another Day In Paradise (s)
Grayson X Ethan X Reader X Female - Double Affair (s)
Grayson X Ethan X Reader X Female - Want Some More (s)
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - Unfair
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - The Dolan Triplets
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - Competition (s)
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - Gemini (s)
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - Sharing Is Caring (s)
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - Late Night Lovin’ (s)
Grayson X Ethan x Reader - My Turn (s)
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - Roughing It (s)
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - Your Punishment (s)
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - Best Friends (s)
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - Double Penetration (s)
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - Motorcycle Accident
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - Gym Accident
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - Bartender Grayson
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - Coachella (s)
Grayson X Ethan X Reader - Accidentally High
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