msebastian0831 · 3 years
Week 8
Since this is a bit outside of their comfort zone, my client may have some issues implementing my advice when it comes to using the new platforms properly. Currently, they only use Facebook, so I'm predicting it'll be a bit of a learning period while they test out the new apps and their different options for creating and editing content. Their strategy includes using all different types of media to advertise their business. Rather than just posting pictures and writing a status, they will now have to begin filming and editing videos, in addition to hosting live broadcasts. Another issue I think they may have to overcome is coming up with consistent, relevant content that will make them standout from the rest. Their content needs to be something that makes people want to continue to check out their platforms to see what's new. My hope is that they will slowly get used to publishing and will start to figure out what does and doesn't work for them and their customers.
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msebastian0831 · 3 years
Week 7
When making effective content for your business online, one of the most important things you need to do is know your audience. Your content is going to be shared publicly, but is usually only meant for the people you're trying to reach. To successfully pull this off, your content needs to be created and catered to what they will enjoy and what you want them to see. Post things that will get your point across in a fun way that will hit on their level and cause them to relate to the company or your message more.
This article offers more ideas about how to continue to make content online. Some other tips they recommend are adding visuals to your information to grab attention and draw them in to what you're promoting, post regularly, know the goals you're trying to reach from your content.
This is relevant to sharing your content as well. If you don't put your posts in an area where your target audience frequents, they may not even see what you're trying to put out there. For example, if you're trying to reach a younger crowd, you could post on apps such as TikTok, Tumblr, Instagram. Compared to if you're trying to reach an older audience, you could instead post on Facebook and Twitter.
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msebastian0831 · 3 years
After finishing the modules, some things I learned about building an online community is broaden your platforms, know your audience, and establish your brand and who you are.
With broadening your platforms, you allow yourself to have many different media types to showcase your brand and it’s different aspects. For example, instagram is a great place to display media from your business, whereas facebook or twitter would be great for announcing events and sharing important information.
Knowing your audience allows you to determine what kind of marketing strategies you want to put into effect. When you want to reach a certain group of people, the company is going to want to post things they know would appeal to that audience, further drawing them in.
Finally, establishing your brand and what you want to post online will allow you to make your mark and set your future goals. Every company has an image, so figuring yours out and putting that out there online is a great way to make your presence known.
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msebastian0831 · 3 years
Week 5
Similar to algorithms many of these websites have been storing consumers information for years. Recently there have been multiple data breeches as well as companies selling their visitors information to other countries. Businesses can do their part to keep people safe by further securing the ares where data is stored, in addition to putting stricter security on their websites to avoid hacking and stolen information.
Consumers can keep themselves safe by being cautious of the websites they're visiting. They should also be selective with websites they put their personal information into, since they aren't 100% sure what the information will be used for, and who will have access to said info.
There are benefits to data being stored, since your information can easily be accessed anywhere you need it. Mentioned earlier, an additional benefit is algorithms and personalized ads. This is convenient so you have a personalized online experience with things you enjoy or that they can detect you may be in the market for.
There are many cons and benefits to data gathering. I think it's the responsibilities of the businesses to protect their websites and consumers. Then it's the general public's responsibility to be cautious with where they input their information, and what websites they allow to access their private profiles.
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msebastian0831 · 3 years
Week 4
Algorithms can have many pros and cons. As social media continues to adapt and change to the times, we're beginning to see the downfalls of many applications we once thought were benefits. Algorithms provide us with content that we find appealing based on our tastes. Something that goes hand in hand with exposure.
Algorithms show us things we like and our frequent searches and interests. This leaves us in a bubble of our own interests and views, rarely allowing us to see outside of that to explore differing opinions and thoughts. This can be dangerous when it comes to misinformation, since people are stuck in their ways and aren't exposed to outside information that may further educate them and change their beliefs.
I feel as though advertising should have never been created and I despise them with my entire being. It feels as though you can't scroll on any singular app for more than 5 minutes without coming across several targeted ads. I've completely gone off watching cable because it's hard to get into a program when you're constantly having brands and corporations shoved down your throat.
In addition to that, advertising has opened the door to click baiting and further spreading of false information. People using dramatized headlines for example, people may take that information and run with it. without reading the full article and finding the context from the headline. Politics has also become an ad game, with competitors publicly slandering and embarrassing fellow candidates with paid promotions online and on television.
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msebastian0831 · 3 years
Week 4
Being a social media consultant is a difficult and competitive job these days. You have to have many qualities that make you stand out from the rest. As well as needing to have a multitude of skills to help your client. A good consultant will be up to date on all the current most popular apps and websites, they will also try to stay updated on any topics that are trending. In addition, they would also need excellent interpersonal communication skills since they will have clients they need to be in constant contact with. This contact will include having to listen to the clients ideas, goals, and concerns; then effectively conveying their plans and ideas to assist. They also need to be organized since they will be in charge of several moving pieces all at once. Staying on top of their projects and the specific details of each one will be beneficial to not only them, but their clients as well.
Lastly, they need to have creativity, they'll need to create or improve someone's social media/websites. This will require tons of imagination and original ideas that will leave their clients successful and satisfied
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msebastian0831 · 3 years
Data & Algorithms
These tools are incredibly helpful when it comes to our daily internet usage. Nearly all the apps we’re on include algorithms and store data based on our searches and likes. This is beneficial for things such as ads, since we are given advertisements for things that are relevant to us, rather than anything random they decide to throw at us. It’s also helpful for apps like Tik Tok and Instagram where they use our data to determine what kind of posts they should broadcast on our timelines. This leaves all of our social medias to become personalized to our interest and hobbies, furthering just how addicting they are. 
With these benefits, also comes negatives. With all of this collected data and information, websites can hold our entire lives and personal information in their reserves. Such information can be hacked and leaked to anyone and everyone. The information can also be used for identity theft, opening fraudulent accounts, and many other incredibly harmful acts. 
I personally never put my information into sketchy websites, nor do I allow many websites to have access to my accounts when I’m browsing. I also keep spam and security blockers on my computer to fight off people who may be trying to seek any information or attempting to hack my computer. Society overall can implement safer programs that store everyone’s information, that will hopefully be strong enough to fight off any possible breaches. Same with businesses, they should ensure they have the proper equipment installed in their systems to protect employee and client information. 
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msebastian0831 · 3 years
Social Media Experiment
The timing of this experiment could not have come at a better time. At the moment, I am currently driving all around the state of Michigan with my family. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to take a break from my phone and more importantly, social media. To carry this out, for an entire day I kept my phone locked in the truck where I wouldn’t be able to consistently check it and waste time on it. 
Since we were so busy walking around going on adventures, I hardly even noticed that I wasn’t checking my phone every 5 minutes as I usually am. I did notice it was incredibly weird not to be talking to my friends and scrolling through twitter in the down moments when I had nothing else to do. This left me instead with the chance to just sit and take in my surroundings, throwing in a couple mental pictures here and there. I also used this as a time to sit and really carry out conversations with my siblings, I encouraged them to also put their phones away to experience the day with me. 
I did feel as though I was missing out a bit, since I had many messages and tags from my friends throughout the day. I felt like I didn't know what was going on and that I was left out of the loop. Although it was nice for a day, I can't foresee myself doing it very often in the future due to my phone really being my only connection to the outside world and my friends from home. The experiment was nice and refreshing, I see the appeal, but I just don't think a life without my phone or social media is something that I'm interested in. 
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msebastian0831 · 3 years
Week 2
Social media and the internet has made an incredible impact on my life. I was lucky to grow up in a time before social media was popular and was still able to have a semi normal childhood off the internet. I was in high school around the time it became a huge thing and our world began to revolve around it. This is something I will always be thankful for, as I’m now watching my niece and nephew growing up on the internet, both already having iPhones before the age of 10. They are now being exposed to things online, and new insecurities they shouldn’t have to be worrying about so young. 
I think it’s hit or miss having the internet available at all times. Its a great asset when news needs to reach the masses immediately, it also helps spread information that otherwise may not have been brought to light or shared with various groups of people. George Floyd’s murder for example, had we not had the internet available, the word of what happened and the true story would not have been readily available for the public to see. On the opposite spectrum, it’s also a downside to have everything posted online; now negative news and lies can be spread easily as well. People’s private information and lives are now being broadcasted for the world to see. This is now starting to be shamed as we see the longterm effects it can have on people, Britney Spears for example. 
After recently moving from the city to farmland in the middle of no where, I no longer have wifi in my home and have a limited amount of data on my phone. This is something I’m not a huge fan of and I greatly miss having the internet at my finger tips. As I just moved 14 hours from my hometown in Virginia, I also left all my friends behind, leaving the internet to be my only connection to my old life and my friends. Without the internet, I feel that I'm missing out on many things and that I’m left out of the loop. I enjoy having social media accessibility cause it allows me to stay connected to my family and friends lives, so I don't feel as if I’m no longer apart of them. Without the internet, this wouldn't be an option
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msebastian0831 · 3 years
Hello, my name is MaKenzie Sebastian and I am a fourth year student at Central Michigan University. I am currently working towards my Bachelors degree in Business Communications. I am still unsure of what exactly my future plans are,  but I hope to work somewhere in the project management field. With this blog I hope to further my communication skills by expressing my thoughts in a scholarly outlet; in addition to connecting with my fellow classmates through a new medium. 
A company I believe has a great use of their social platform is “Netflix”. The company knows its audience, and makes sure to target its campaigns to the people they know will receive it the best(Millenials and GenZ). This explains  their frequent memes and niche tweets on their twitter account. These tweets are meant for a group of individuals who enjoy the content then share it among their mutuals, thus providing free advertisement for Netflix as it is continually spread across the internet. This online presence also reaches broad audiences to get them hyped over new movies and shows coming out soon, offering a refreshing form of media to create buzz for upcoming projects. 
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