msfranxx-blog · 5 years
warm and fuzzy language learning feels
- Listening to a song and understanding some of it compared to before when you wouldn’t have been able to understand that much - When you master a deck of flashcards for vocabulary and you feel strong because you did it and now you know more words to use to speak and write and you’re one step closer to being really good at that language - When you finally understand a grammar concept and use it successfully in your own writing or when texting with a native speaker - Hearing a native speaker and feeling strangely motivated because you want to be that good so you have a random study session - Recording an audio and then listening back to it and realising your speaking is better than you thought - Jumping around your room and singing Disney songs in your tl as loud as possible and nothing else exists outside that moment - Planning trips to a country where your tl is spoken and you feel calm and peaceful because even though you’re scared you want to take the whole trip as an opportunity to practice your tl - The feeling of love in your entire being for this language and knowing no matter how tough it gets you’ll keep fighting for it because you can’t imagine not having that language in your life now
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msfranxx-blog · 5 years
“Trauma sends you letters, without warning, for the rest of your life, usually disguised as something else.”
— Brenna Twohy, from Swallowtail (via buttonpoetry)
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msfranxx-blog · 5 years
A Really Fucking Vulgar Guide to Not Losing Your Shit in College (Condensed Version)
Bitches love to put things into lists. Moreover, bitches love numbered shit. Here’s some numbered shit in list format to help you not suck in higher education. You’re welcome.
1. Go to class. Like 210% serious. I don’t give a shit if you’re a get by on nothing, A+ slacker. You’re fucking paying for this crap so you might as well get the services owed to you. Take your ass to class even if you zone out 99% of the time. You know 1% more than you did when you walked up in there. Congrats, asshole.
2. All that free time you have during your first week of classes? Make it your bitch. Don’t just print the goddamn syllabus and be like all done. No motherfucker. Take a good fucking look at that assignment list. What’s due next week? Yeah, do that shit now bc I know you don’t have anything else to do. Then when you’re coughing up a lung six weeks into the semester and don’t feel like getting your ass up to do that calculus homework, you’ll remember this week. You’ll remember that you’ve been a week ahead this whole damn semester. Pat yourself on the back, ass wipe.
3. Prepare yo self. No seriously. You got notes to print for class? Sure you could be like all those other bitches and just shove them into your backpack, or you could actually /prepare/ for class. I’m talking looking that shit over, identifying key concepts, getting a decent grasp of the material before your ass is even in class. You a STEM major? Yeah, make this kinda shit your life because now class is like one bomb ass group review session. Again, you’re welcome.
4. Snack like a motherfucker, but save that junk food shit for the weekends. From now on, you are a fucking health guru during the week or if you’re a slacker like me, at least on the days you have class. Fruits? Hell yeah. Pack some of those. Mind wandering in class? Snack on some apple slices. Can’t stay awake? Keep eating some almonds or some shit, but don’t be that bitch with the potato chips. Just don’t.
5. Read. Yeah, you heard me. Read and I’m not just talking assigned reading. I bet my left butt cheek that your campus library has /something/ of interest to you. Commuting and don’t want to drive out there? Library databases bro. We’re in the digital age, motherfucker. I’d bet my other butt cheek that the shit you want is in a nice little PDF somewhere. But na man, you thinking maybe you want to go into computer science? Check out computer science books and eat them up bro. You don’t like reading them? Probably not the field for you. You a biology major in your second year? Yeah dumbass. Time to break out the bio books and not the ones your professor is shoving in your face. Amaze your friends and teachers with your out of class knowledge. Be a fucking star.
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msfranxx-blog · 5 years
why the studyblr community is very lovable:
do you know what i love most about this growing community that i belong to? i love how much people understand whenever you go inactive, fail to reblog during a certain day, or fail to post a new content each week and just pat each other’s shoulders virtually and say that it’s okay and you don’t have to force yourself to.
i love that we understand each other that no matter how much we become devoted to these blogs, we have the real life, and it’s the main reason why we made these blogs in the first place. we care that these blogs are made to help each other improve and we encourage everyone to be at their best because that’s what we’re supposed to do as studyblrs.
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msfranxx-blog · 5 years
2019-2020 school year is fast approaching kids
A list of reminders that are mainly for myself
Sleep is really important
Don't stay up till 11-12 every night you will cry the next day
Practice good sleep hygiene by getting into good habits before bed (I personally brush my teeth, change into my pjs, lay out clothes for the next day, then go make myself a mug of sleepy time tea to drink while I read)
Try to find a place to chill on your phone/read/do other not school/work related things that isn't your bed
Color code
Color code some more
Color code everything
Color coding is helpful if you enjoy visual learning and it makes things pretty
You know highlighting in pretty colors makes you happy don't lie
You're told to buy all your supplies beforehand but if you're a high school student honestly don't
Buy everything you know you'll need (paper, pencils, highlighters, pens, etc.)
Then after the first day when your teachers give you the supply lists you can fill in whatever you don't have
That's where I buy all my comp books and I got a really cute cat one there once
This will save you a ton of money
Try to keep your desk relatively clean but it's ok if it gets a little messy don't stress
Try to keep all your school stuff in one place
If you have classes that don't have required notebook set ups then take notes for all those classes in one notebook and transfer the notes into subject notebooks at home save your backs
For my fellow IBD, Crohn's, UC, IBS, lactose intolerant, or friends with severe food allergies
Don't eat your trigger foods during the school year
It's tempting but then you will cry
And since most GI conditions are aggravated by stress missing more school/work because of a flare will cause stress and make it worse
Don't make the mistakes I made last school year I beg
Rest when you need to
School is hard with chronic illness, make sure you take care of yourselves
Mentally ill friends
I know they can be hard to use but planning things and breaking stuff down into small pieces really does help
I use an app called Egenda which let's me organize things by class and gives me notifications to get my shit done
Get proper sleep because mental illness is draining
Don't stay up till 11 just cause you wanna talk to friends it will catch up to you
Your friends want you to take care of yourself so sleep
Eat properly
Even if it's something small for breakfast it's better than nothing
Make sure you're in classes you can handle
You might have the intelligence for AP but you may not have the stamina, that's ok
School is about learning not competition don't push yourself too hard
Eat friends
Try to eat at least one fruit and veggie every day
You will feel better
Avoid diets during the school year unless necessary, stressing about food just adds more stress to your life
Dehydration is as killer when you live in a hot area
Please don't die
You are loved
Apps (my personal favorites)
Egenda - digital agenda
Desmos - graphing calculator
Quizlet - this app isn't just for cheating, you can create flashcards, quizzes, and more and it saved my ass on some of my finals last year
Khan is well loved for a reason, it's a great supplement program
School counselor's really aren't great to talk to about mental health issues, they're there for scheduling and handling school problems like bullying and such
If you can, find a therapist, seriously
Find good friends who support you
Eat at lunchtime, you need that boost to power through the rest of the day
Stay hydrated too, carry a water bottle
For incoming freshman
Don't try to look cool
Stay out of drama it's not worth it
Don't feel pressured to date just because everyone else is
That senior is not actually interested in you, you're just easy to control
Upperclassmen can be rude but if you find some cool ones make friends with them cause they can warn you about teachers and classes and help you navigate your new school
Try to have good relationships with your teachers, people may call you a teacher's pet but there are perks to a teacher liking you
My bio teacher once called me up beginning of class just to show me a cat meme cause I have an "I like cats" pin
You can't get by doing nothing like in middle school and teachers are a lot stricter, now is the time to learn the value of hard work
Fights aren't worth it, if someone is challenging you just let it go
Grades do not define you.
You are loved.
You will succeed.
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msfranxx-blog · 5 years
The "Secret" To Doing Well in School:
Start on day one and don’t stop until you’re done.
As much as you will want to go hang out with your friends the second you get out of class on the first day, resist it. Head to the library, your room, or wherever else it is you get work done and just do it. On the first day you will have such little work to do that it will seem too insignificant to start right away. However, this helps set up the rest of the semester for you. If you can get in the habit of this before the work load gets daunting then procrastination will no longer be an issue. Sit down after your classes and finish all your work (or make a plan on how to finish it) before you relax. Simple as that. Do that and cramming will no longer be your life. If you think that’s too overwhelming, try challenging yourself to do that for 30 days. After the 30 days it will become a habit!
But maybe you’re of the opinion that procrastination is fine and that you do pretty well regardless. That’s fine. But think of how much easier studying would be if you didn’t procrastinate. By the end of week one you would have all of week one’s material down pat. You would have the opportunity to quickly review in the coming weeks instead of still struggling to learn it all. Then come the weekend before the test you will simply be reinforcing what you already know instead of struggling to have complete knowledge of what you’ll be tested on.
Boom. That A is easily within reach.
The culture behind procrastination unfortunately only ends up feeding the habit. The idea that procrastination is just a thing that everyone does and jokes around about is the worst part. Well, it’s time to take it seriously! There actually is no secret to doing well in school! You already know what you need to do. So start doing it!
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msfranxx-blog · 5 years
‘Glow Up’ Tips
It’s kind of long, but here is a list of tips/ideas I feel are most important to improve yourself/glo up this summer (or anytime for that matter). -Nat
Take up a new hobby/skill (such as)
Learn how to play an instrument
Learn a new language
Learn how to manage stress
Take a course (online or elsewhere) in something you’re interested in
Build better habits (like)
Skincare routine/Taking care of your skin in general
Self-care routine (Not necessarily face mask and bath bombs, it could be anything from clipping your fingernails to setting aside time to read or do yoga etc)
Working out/Exercising every day
Break bad habits (like)
Going to bed really late
Eating lots of ‘junk’ food/drinking sugary drinks
Cut down screen time
Self-help*, fiction, non-fiction, how-to books
*Sarah Knight’s The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving A F**k, Get Your Sh*t Together, and You Do You are at the top of my list along with You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero
Get a new look
Clean out your wardrobe and add new pieces
Get a haircut/look for new ways to style your hair
If you’re into makeup play around with different looks
Get a piercing or tattoo if it’s something you’ve been meaning to do
Because we all knew it was coming. Summer can get extremely hot so fight off dehydration by keeping water at hand
Get a job/fix up your resume/start saving money
Easier said than done, I know, but @yournewapartment has tons of tips on job searching and all that other fun adult stuff (it’s my absolute favourite blog. I’m always learning new tips and tricks to win at life from it)
Get organised
Organise your spaces/belongings (bags, bedroom, apartment/house, storage, etc)
Invest in a planner/bullet journal/notebook to keep track of events and to-do’s (your phone works too but personally I prefer a physical copy)
Focus on your mental health
Work on ending toxic relationships (romantic, platonic, or familial)
Or work on not being the toxic part of a relationship
If you need professional/medical help to manage your mental health take the steps to do so
Let your main focus be on you and doing what’s best for you, not what negatives people have to say about you
Have some zero days where you don’t do anything besides focus on you/do the things you want to do
Get to know yourself/Do a self-assessment
Think about who you are and who you want to be
Think about your immediate goals and goals for the future
To both of those things ask yourself how are you going to achieve them/set SMART goals
Identify your likes and dislikes
Fight negative thoughts/learn to accept your flaws (it’s hard and you may fall back into that pattern of thinking every once in a while, but as long as you keep fighting you’ll start to see progress)
Make memories/Go on adventures
With your family, friends, by yourself etc
Often times we can get so caught up in our hustle that we forget to relax and have fun- therefore set aside time to do something relaxing/fun every week or two such as going to the mall, out to eat, or curling up at home with a good book/movie.
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msfranxx-blog · 5 years
I'm definitely not enjoying this whole living and being alive thing right now.
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msfranxx-blog · 5 years
behavioural and emotional patterns of living in abuse:
you spend most of your time shut in your room
you’re scared of footsteps approaching your door
you prefer not to come out unless there’s nobody home
when they come back you run to your room/safe place
you’re nervous and anxious if you have to spend time in presence of others
you try to get away from your home, you wish you could live somewhere else
your self-confidence is very low
you worry about making too much noise (have a feeling you’ll get yellet at or abused for it)
you try to move around as silently as possible and try to not be noticed by anyone
you feel uncomfortable and uneasy sitting at the same table as rest of family/housemates
you don’t feel like you belong here
you feel like a burden to your housemates
you don’t feel like you’re worth having around or supporting in any way
you don’t feel like anyone will ever love you or believe in you
you don’t feel like anything you do is good enough
you can’t stand someone watching you do things like cleaning or anything else you need to get done
you try really hard to still find good points about your life and cling to them
you strongly worry that you are somehow worse than anyone else
you feel like you’re behind on everyone and that you’re failing to live your life properly
you don’t feel like anything would have changed if you died, or even that it would be better if you did
if you’re experiencing most of this, you’re going through abuse. Your value isn’t in any way less than other humans, and you are absolutely not any kind of burden. You are human who is forced to live in a way humans aren’t meant to live. You are in living conditions that disable you from feeling happy, fulfilled, or even seeing yourself as a human being.  You are suffering. What is being done to you is not okay. You deserve better than this.
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msfranxx-blog · 5 years
behavioural and emotional patterns of living in abuse:
you spend most of your time shut in your room
you’re scared of footsteps approaching your door
you prefer not to come out unless there’s nobody home
when they come back you run to your room/safe place
you’re nervous and anxious if you have to spend time in presence of others
you try to get away from your home, you wish you could live somewhere else
your self-confidence is very low
you worry about making too much noise (have a feeling you’ll get yellet at or abused for it)
you try to move around as silently as possible and try to not be noticed by anyone
you feel uncomfortable and uneasy sitting at the same table as rest of family/housemates
you don’t feel like you belong here
you feel like a burden to your housemates
you don’t feel like you’re worth having around or supporting in any way
you don’t feel like anyone will ever love you or believe in you
you don’t feel like anything you do is good enough
you can’t stand someone watching you do things like cleaning or anything else you need to get done
you try really hard to still find good points about your life and cling to them
you strongly worry that you are somehow worse than anyone else
you feel like you’re behind on everyone and that you’re failing to live your life properly
you don’t feel like anything would have changed if you died, or even that it would be better if you did
if you’re experiencing most of this, you’re going through abuse. Your value isn’t in any way less than other humans, and you are absolutely not any kind of burden. You are human who is forced to live in a way humans aren’t meant to live. You are in living conditions that disable you from feeling happy, fulfilled, or even seeing yourself as a human being.  You are suffering. What is being done to you is not okay. You deserve better than this.
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msfranxx-blog · 5 years
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hello, i’m in the process of making a digital planner for the 2019/20 academic year but here’s a quick overview i’ve done for the meantime.
it goes from august 2019 through to july of next year. it’s got dates and days but i haven’t added any holidays or bank holidays because people celebrate different things and bank holidays are different everywhere.
everything is pretty small but i’ve found that using a 0.1 pen on goodnotes is fine.
obviously, it doesn’t go into much detail but i find overviews like this pretty useful for key dates and thought you might too.
i’ve included the pdf so you can import it straight into whatever you use and also the powerpoint so you can type stuff or change it or whatever.
edit it however you like but if you could please not redistribute it and claim it as your own, that’d be awesome and much appreciated.
here’s the dropbox link
have a great day and stay safe lovelies x
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msfranxx-blog · 5 years
Manga Recommendation: Childhood Friend(s)
14-sai no Koi
360 Degrees Material
5 Centimeters Per Second
Ai Kara Hajimaru
Akaiito (Miyakasa Kaho)
Akatsuki no Yona
Alive: Saishuu Shinkateki Shounen
Akuma de Koi Shiyou
Anata ni Hana o Sasagemashou
Ano Hana
Ano Ko no, Toriko.
Ao Haru Ride
Aozora Pop
Atashi Kisushita
Balancing Toy
Barajou no Kiss
Benkyou no Jikan
Bitter Virgin
Black Bird
Blue (Chiba Kozue)
Bodaiju Ryou no Aria
Boku Dake ga Inai Machi
Boku ni Natta Watashi
Boku no Hatsukoi o Kimi ni Sasagu
Bokura no Himitsu o Kyouyuu Shiyou ka
Bokura wa Itsumo
Celeste Blue
Cherries Fight
Color (MIMORI Ao)
Darling I Love You
Dear My Girls
Eden no Ori
Fetish Berry
Fukumenkei Noise
Fuyu no Hana
Gakuen Alice
Gakeun Ouji
Gozen 0-ji, Kiss Shi ni Kite yo 
Gyakuten Honey  
Hachimitsu ni Hatsukoi
Hana-kun to Koisuru Watashi
Harem Lodge
Haru Matsu Bokura
Haru x Kiyo
Hatsu Haru
Hatsukoi ni Oboreta
Heroine Shikakku
Hidarite no Love Letter
Houkago x Ponytail
I Love HS
Itoshi no Nina
Iya da nante Iwasenai
Joou no Hana
Kaichou wa Maid-sama
Kanojo ni Naru Hi
Kanojo ni Naru Hi Another
Kanojo wa Mada Koi o Shiranai
Kanojo wa Uso wo Aishisugiteru
Katakoi Triangle
Kedamono Kareshi
Kimi ga Inakya Dame tte Itte 
Kimi ni Todoke
Kimi no Kiss de Me o Samasu
Kimi no Koto nado Zettai ni
Kimi no Tame ni Hiku Chopin
Kimi no Tonari de Seishunchuu
Kimi to Boku.
Kiyoku Yawaku
Koi da no Ai da no
Koi Shitagari no Blue
Kokoro Kimiiro Sakura Iro
Last Game
Lovely Complex
Mada Amanogawa ni Ikenai
Mako to Aki-chan no Koigokoro
Mashikaku Rock
Mikami-sensei no Aishikata
Milky Way (Sato Kaede)
Mishounen Produce
Namida Usagi - Seifuku no Kataomoi
Nishiki-kun no Nasugamama
Ojou-sama no Untenshu
Omoi, Omoware, Furi, Furare
Ookami Shounen
Orange Chocolate  
Ore Monogatari!!
Oresama Teacher
Otona Jikan
Ouji to Majou to Himegimi to
Our Relationship Is… 
Oyasumi Punpun 
Penguin Brothers
Pin to Kona
Re Collection
Rockin’ Heaven
Romantica Clock
Sakamichi no Apollon
Seishun Location
Sentimental Shounen A
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Shooting Star
Skip Beat!
Special A (SA)
Stardust Wink
Strobe Edge
Sugars (Yamamori Mika)
Suki desu Suzuki-kun!!
Taiyou no Ie
Teruteru x Shounen
Tonari no Atashi
Tonari no Megane-kun.
Tora to Ookami
Triple Kiss
True Love
Tokyo Rock Shounen
unTOUCHable (Massstar) 
Usagi Drop 
Uso Kano
Usotsuki Boyfriend
Uwasa no Midori-kun
Venus Kisoukyoku
Watashi ni xx Shinasai!
Watashitachi ni wa Kabe ga Aru. 
Yuugure Light  
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msfranxx-blog · 5 years
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msfranxx-blog · 5 years
"The demons in my head are trying to kill me"
- the suicide effect
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msfranxx-blog · 5 years
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msfranxx-blog · 5 years
I remember when I could easily talk to people and become close to them and feel genuine attraction and affection for them
Now I’m just hollow. I don’t know what to say anymore and I can’t feel anything no matter how much I want to
It’s so lonely
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msfranxx-blog · 5 years
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It’s slowly destroying me
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