msmimue · 4 months
Drunk God Making The Seasons (This is my first post, so I hope he sees this. Sorry it's so long.)
Drunk God Making The Seasons
G: *Hicc* Hey, you…. Yeah, you… *Hicc* Random angel guy. Come over *Hicc* here! A: Hey, what's up G-man? What can I help you with? G: I think humans need help with telling time, you know since *Hicc* their little tiny brains *Hicc* can't handle the concept of time not existing and all that. A: OK, sure. Help them make sense of the universe in a way they can handle. G: Write this down! A: OK geez. *Gets out paper and pencil.* G: So… So… In the northern hemisphere… *Hicc* We're going to start the year in the middle of winter. A: I would have gone with a warm start, but alright. G: Then have it slowly get warmer and warmer over the course of 4 months. A: Not bad, have them get acclimated to the change slowly, I like it. G: Nonono wait! Fuck with them by creating a false spring 2 or 3 times! A: Why? That's going to mess with farmer's crops, which will affect food distribution. G: I don't care! *Hicc* I'm doing a thing here! Keep writing! A: OK, ok. G: Now make real spring short. Like super-duper short. Two weeks at most with nice weather. And make the color scheme mostly green with the other colors of the rainbow as accents. A: *Already tired of this* Uh-huh. *Writing* G: Then really crank up the heat and *Lightbulb* Oh! You know that thing we did with fake spring? A: *Weary*……Y-Yeah? G: Do that again with summer! In fact, do that with the other two seasons! Fake Autumn and Winter! A: What's wrong with you? G: Shushshush! I'm making genius things here. *Clears throat* Ok so *Hicc* Where are we at? A: *Sighs* Summer G: Oh yeah! So make it really hot. Like unbearably hot. Make it so humans have to take shelter in the shade and drink half of their weight in water every day to survive. A: ……. G: You getting this? A: Yeah, yeah I got it. G: Alright now autumn we're going to dial back the heat and change the color scheme. *Hicc* I'm thinking mostly orange, red, brown maybe some yellow. A: Sounds nice. G: And scare the trees so much they start to go bald. A: *Questions God's sanity* G: *Hicc* Now we're looping back around to winter here. I want you to turn the heat off all together and make frozen water fall from the sky. A: Isn't that going to hurt the humans to have ice fall on them? G: Nono, make the frozen water really tiny, itsy-bitsy. Like it's as light as cotton. A: *Waiting for the drop* And….. G: And make it cold as fuck and really annoying when it covers the ground. A: There it is. G: And that whole process… *Hicc* Do the reverse in the southern hemisphere.
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msmimue · 1 year
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Sooooo..... yeah....
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msmimue · 2 years
I want this so much.
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Why can’t my local library be literally magic ;_;
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msmimue · 2 years
I wish I was this good.
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hills far away
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msmimue · 2 years
I love this so much!
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Curved Lines in a Wooden Tiny House
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msmimue · 2 years
I've been looking for more info on this, thank you.
How Do I Join the Reformed Druids?
A fellow Tumblr asked in a comment on a recent post:
@thedruidwithaheart: How do I become a member?
The good news, and the simplest answer, is that you can identify as a Reformed Druid without having to do anything except affirming a belief in the Two Basic Tenets.
As an option you can enter the Order of the Acorn as a self-dedication rite to mark the occasion as a new beginning. I don't think I have that linked anywhere on my blog yet, but the script exists as a PDF linked here (on page 91). You can adjust the wording to make it a self-guided rite of passage, or if you have a trusted friend, they can read the script to you and lead you through it.
If you wanted to make it more formal, you might consider finding a nearby Grove that is active and open to visitors. There you might have the opportunity to be ordained as a First Order Druid in the RDNA or NRNDA. In the ritual, you would state your belief in the Two Basic Tenets in the presence of a Third Order Arch-Druid, who consecrates the Waters-of-Life (slightly diluted whiskey, but alternatives to alcohol should be available if need be) of which you partake and are then declared to be a druid of the First Order.
Most Reformed Druids will choose to remain in the First Order, but some will choose to enter the Second Order, which is the training level before entering the priesthood: the Third Order. Membership in the RDNA is not tracked for the Acorn, First, or Second Orders, but membership of the Third Order is tracked and monitored by the Council of Dalon Ap Landu, as Third Order Druids have responsibilities in service of their calling.
A formal Grove will have at least one Third Order Druid. Oakdale Grove for example, has four. Protogroves usually don't have anyone ordained above the Second Order, so your best chances are with a formalized Grove or finding a "Wandering Third Order."
If you can't find a local Grove or Third Order Druid, there's an interesting loophole in the RDNA tradition that started at Carleton College Grove, right where Reformed Druidism was founded. Every now and then an Arch-Druid would graduate and leave without ordaining anyone to the Third Order, so those who were left behind made up a new rule that a First or Second Order Druid could ordain anyone else to that respective level. There are some sticklers in the RDNA who say only a Third Order Arch-Druid can ordain members to the first and second order because, yes, it is written in the Book of Customs (6:7-9):
7. This is the Third Order, the Order of the priesthood, the Order of Dalon Ap Landu. 8. Unto it shall be given the consecration of the Waters-of-Life. 9. Unto it shall be given the consecration of the Second Order.
However, it was once pointed out to me by David Frangquist (one of the founders) that there's a reason those "rules" were put in the Book of Customs rather than the Book of the Law. Furthermore it doesn't mention the First Order in that section. So at the very least, an existing (and customs-abiding) First or Second Order druid could most certainly ordain others to the First.
This should cover the basics. Let me know if anything needs clarification. I've been at this for almost 10 years (will be a decade in August) so it makes sense to me, but it didn't make as much sense when I was new to it as it does now.
Blessings in the Earth-Mother.
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msmimue · 2 years
Drawing down the moon?
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msmimue · 2 years
I should re-read this everyday.
Writing Reminders
Create whole new worlds every day
Write that trope you want to write
Give your WIPs a rest, you can always come back to them
Drop a WIP if it just doesn't feel right
Write as slow or as fast as you need to
Ignore that writing advice if it doesn't work for you
Create characters that are a mix of all your own insecurities and personality traits
Create characters that are nothing like you
Don't get discouraged by other people's writing
Seek inspiration from every place you can get it
Write that imperfect first draft, you'll make it beautiful later
Writing is a wonderful thing to do, so do what makes you happy
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msmimue · 2 years
Gotta try this.
Divination with Dice:
Dice by: crystalmaggie on esty
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Astragalomancy, also known as astragyromancy, is a form of divination that uses dice specially marked with letters or numbers.
Much like the playing card, dice or dice like objects were used by multiple oppressed groups throughout history! They were ways for those oppressed by the church to keep their tradtions and beliefs in secret.
This divination practice has been around for centuries the oldest dice like set we know right now are from ancient Persia from the area of modern Iran and they are approximately 5000 years old.
We'll start with and their meanings in the way that I was taught. So mind you, this is simply the way I was taught their meanings.
So well go all the way up to 20:
1. No
2. Yes
3. No, be wary
4. self-expression and self-fulfillment.
5. Only if you are careful.
6. Don´t be afraid to take chances.
7. inner wisdom, self-awareness, intuition and mysticism.
8. Eternity and inner steadiness.
9. Enlightenment or answers will come.
10. Spiritual enlightenment and spiritual awakening.
11. Insight and understanding
12. Growth.
13. Death and change.
14. Reassurance from your guardians.
15. Wisdom and manifestation.
16. New beginnings and renewal.
17. Good fortune and a complete victory.
18. Breaking free of what binds you and encouragement.
19. The beginning and the end, aka you're most likely very much screwed.
20. Confidence, determination, optimism, and positivity.
You can also use even and odds for simple yes and no.
Odds = No
Even = Yes
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msmimue · 2 years
Amazing artwork.
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There are feelings that we don’t even understand. yaoyaomva on FB
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msmimue · 2 years
Oh my childhood.
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Nostalgia By zambicandy
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msmimue · 2 years
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.the last unicorn / lady amalthea
and here is my annual the last unicorn fanart <3 did you know that a live action adaptation is in the making? :O
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msmimue · 2 years
Where I'd love to live
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Exquisite loveliness in the woodland of West Dorset. (thewildwoodmoth on Instagram)
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msmimue · 2 years
Feels like stepping into another world.
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Druid shrine in North Yorkshire, England
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msmimue · 2 years
Love to explore this place
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The Druids Forest - Huelgoat - Brittany - France
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msmimue · 2 years
Could listen to this for hours.
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msmimue · 2 years
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Life is continuing even with failures. Jocelin Carmes on Fundation
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