msmjrocks · 1 year
“We’re all a little broken, but that’s okay. It’s our cracks that make us beautiful.”
— Ava Reed, The Beauty of Darkness
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msmjrocks · 1 year
Being Single
I've kept quite a bit of my personal life fairly private and never really talk about it to anyone. Today call me crazy but I decided to bite a bullet and blog about it.....
Sometimes I found myself thinking about my life as a SINGLE.
Don’t get me wrong, though. I'm interested in having relationships. What I'm not interested in doing is settling for one ( I guess) I know...I know I’ve had plenty of times in my life when it was just MeMyselfAndI. A decade would have been enough.
If I’m being honest, it’s not so crazy that I’d want to start thinking and praying for the-guy-that-will-someday-be-my-next partner or boyfriend perhaps. I’m thinking seriously about it though...
Something like: tall, good hair, smells nice, kind, makes me laugh, loves Jesus and his momma, good with kids, great job, remembers-your-anniversary-and-never-forgets-to-do-the-dishes…and kissing you goodnight.
I love my single life. I really do. But sometimes, I feel lonely. I enjoy companionship and connection at times too.
I’ve also been more selective about dating, which has led to hardly any dating in general and that I’m simply not much of a “dater”. Online dating is hard work too. It’s tedious, frustrating and literally does take up a lot of time. Not to mention the loads of sexist, rude and ignorant twats you encounter online...ughhh....it's just not for me.
Yes, there have been lots of hard days.  Some of them are painfully, despairingly, bitterly, question-the-core-of-who-you-are hard.  But I feel incredibly lucky to say that most of the days I have spent single have been exciting and empowering.
I’m a firm believer that if you don’t like something in your life then only you have the power to change it. If you want to lose weight then only you can do it. Only you can stop yourself from smoking, and only you can do something about working in a job you’re not happy in.
I like to problem solve and it’s in my nature to find solutions to problems, but this “problem” I don’t seem to have any control over.
I can’t make a man fall in love with me (otherwise Robert Pattinson would be mine) and I can’t make myself fancy someone I don’t.
As someone who likes to control things in their life I struggle with this being the one thing in my life I can’t control.
So as much as I love my life. I would like to settle down assuming that Mr. Right is just around the corner. So I think it's safe to say, "Never give up on LOVE Somewhere out there GOD has made a perfect one for ME"
#Single #Alone
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msmjrocks · 1 year
I'm not satisfied with the mundane; I want to see your soul. I want to know your dreams, taste your mind and walk the valleys of your wide open heart. I can't be sated with the shallow; give me your depths
#TheGoddessCircle #C.AraCampbell
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msmjrocks · 2 years
I will never forget the first time we met, it’s all there etched in my brain. I instantly knew that I want you any way. Not because you’re attractive or hunky or suave, although devil knows you’re all those things…
Just at that moment, when I’m no longer sure if I’m dreaming or awake or walking in some valley in between where everything you wish for comes true…you stood right beside me….
It wasn’t exactly love at first sight..... I have traveled, I have searched and mingled, tangled and untangled but you are just that unique. Sometimes I wonder if you are a human or an angel.
So far, you have brought nothing but the best in me. So far, you have been nothing but special to me.
I’m sick of pretending I’m fine. I am tired of everything….
I never thought your absence would give me this surreal pain. It is not fair tying your happiness to someone but every moment, I crave your warmth. I always find myself thinking about you. In a world full of temporary things, you are a perpetual feeling.
 I feel like a part of my soul has loved you since the beginning of everything.
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times.
Maybe we’ve lived a thousand lives before this one and in each of them, we’ve found each other…
This is the part. The part that feels like a piece of me dies every time
Maybe, we're just two souls meant to share memories together but, not forever
The hope of uniting with you kept me alive and yet kills me… Wrapped up in possibilities I had no control over, it eats me…
You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope… 
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msmjrocks · 2 years
It may have been in bits and pieces, but I gave you the best of ME - JIM MORRISON
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msmjrocks · 2 years
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msmjrocks · 2 years
I have such a deep ambivalence about living. Things are either painfully, frantically wonderful or else they’re bitterly terrible. I love this world that I can’t possibly maintained. I always manage to sabotage myself. I single-handedly destroyed every relationship that is important to me, as if I were on some kind of mission to prove just how unloveable a person I can be. And, I mean, we could delve into all the reasons why I act this way, but frankly the story is long and unoriginal. Suffice to say that shit happened, some of it was my own fault, and now I’m here. The rest I’ll save for my bottle of wine beside me.
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msmjrocks · 2 years
I would kiss you in the middle of the lightning storm. I would kiss you...even if it kills me.
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msmjrocks · 3 years
"There's no love without pain" - Irving Stone
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msmjrocks · 3 years
Heaven and Hell
Does our lives extend beyond the grave? What’s in store for us on the other side?
Apparently, there is no life after death, only death after death. You die and your soul goes neither to everlasting bliss nor eternal torment.
But Socrates puts it best, none of us, of course, knows what will happen when we pass from this world of transience. We may lose our consciousness with no longer to worry in this world like a pleasant deep sleep. There will be no more pain. On the other hand, there may be more yet to come, a happier place, a good place. And so, in this, the greatest teacher of the Greeks and the founder of Christianity agreed to this extent: when, in the end, we pass from this earthly realm, we may indeed have something to hope for, but we have absolutely nothing to fear.
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msmjrocks · 3 years
“People come in and out of your life. For a time they are your world; they are everything. And then one day they’re not. There’s no telling how long you will have them near.”
— Jenny Han, P.S. I Still Love You
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msmjrocks · 3 years
Only love and death change all things -  Khalil Gibran
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msmjrocks · 3 years
The function of a man is to live, not to exist - M
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msmjrocks · 3 years
“Sometimes two people need to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together.”
— Colleen Hoover, This Girl
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msmjrocks · 3 years
Life goes on....
continuation .........
It was the kind of moment that you feel nostalgic  and then you instantly feel the sharp pang of longing. But life goes on. You don’t get to hit pause or take a break from living. You have to stay on your toes. I’ll come home and crash into my bed and try to sleep but probably I won’t be able to. And then I’ll get up and putter around the house and maybe wash the dishes or start dinner since life, of course, goes on.  Suffice to say, you make these garbage feelings worthwhile.  You’re the way that I manage to justify bleeding this way all over the internet. You somehow make that bleeding important. Against all odds, you give me hope. 
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msmjrocks · 3 years
But how can you walk away from something and still come back to it?
Neil Gaiman, Coraline (via thebookquotes)
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msmjrocks · 3 years
Raw intellect can only get you so far - Peter Solomon
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