msterofnone-blog · 6 years
holy!!! shit!!! i’m!!! so!!! organised!!! ; here are all of my muses, their intros, stats, connections (wanted & filled) & verses all in one place!!
- presley   
- walt 
- lucinda
- jack 
- angel
-  mylo
- teddy 
- lennox
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msterofnone-blog · 6 years
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 teddy washington; intro, stats, verses & connections
TEDDY WASHINGTON looks an awful lot like THOMAS DOHERTY. HE/HIM are/is TWENTY-FOUR and while they're TALENTED, they have a tendency to get pretty SECRETIVE. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to PEOPLES PARTIES by JONI MITCHELL.
- teddy is from a small town of 100-ish people in new mexico & led a very quiet, peaceful childhood there
- he was always baking with his mother who taught him everything she knew, which he wrote down in a big book of recipes he keeps at all times to this day
- when he was 18, a cousin put him forward for a big-time baking competition show, and whilst he was hesitant, his mother encouraged him & so he flew out to la for the first time in his life, by himself
- he ended up winning, and becoming a very popular figure on the show, and has now been thrust into the spotlight as a young (handsome) celebrity chef
- he moved to kola to continue developing his career (as his agent told him to) but he’s very lost & new to the world of celebrity & is very easily influenced by those in the industry around him
- he’s opened his first store, washington bakes, in kola & would much prefer to spend all his days behind its pink storefront rather than in photoshoots and tv filming 
- though he can be seen as naive, he’s a very positive person and sees the good in everything and everybody; he doesn't label himself but likes boys & girls & anybody at all & is quite solid in his identity as himself
FULL NAME: teddy washington
FACE CLAIM: thomas doherty
AGE: 24
SEXUALITY: pansexual
DATE OF BIRTH: feb 3rd
OCCUPATION: celebrity baker
USUAL HANG OUTS: washington bakes & walking ‘round the parks
HOBBIES: baking & cooking, reading & collecting vintage furniture (a treat he’s allowed himself with his new wealth)
FIVE POSITIVE TRAITS: creative, kind, open, genuine & talented
FIVE NEGATIVE TRAITS: naive, secretive, isolating, introverted & nervous
DRINKS, SMOKES, & DRUGS: no, no & no
gumdrop - a sweet & innocent love flourishing, the kind teddy would know his mother & agent would approve of - but it’s hard to know when the smiles become too sickly sweet & when to turn them off
toothache - a bad influence that takes advantage of teddy’s naivety & fascination with the new & unexperienced
flour & eggs - these 2 were made to go together, they’re teddy’s rock whilst he navigates this new world & he bakes them cookies whenever something goes wrong
burnt - somebody that teddy beat on the tv show he won & then talked badly about when the show was released, no matter how much he tried to claim it was all editing 
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msterofnone-blog · 6 years
closed starter for @msterofnone.
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“Oops,” he said, pouring the last of the coffee into his mug, “sorry.” The grin on his face betrayed his words, however, and he walked past her to take a seat at the table. The kitchen was far too small for the two of them, and that wasn’t even counting with the space her ego took up, Miles liked to think. Sipping on his coffee, he watched her through sleepy eyes. “Aren’t you late?”
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lennox hadn’t stopped bustling around their small space since she’d woken up half an hour late on a day she needed to be another half an hour early; she shoved her papers into her bag with more force than was necessary as she watched the last drops of coffee disappear. ‘how kind of you to remind me.’ she all but spat back, but the tight smile remained on her pristine lipstick painted lips. she threw one of his trainers against the wall in order to get to her work heels. ‘not that you’d know much about work in the real world.’ 
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msterofnone-blog · 6 years
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presley ellis [enjolras - les miserables]
walt fuller [moritz - spring awakening]
jack rider [kenickie - grease] 
angel cope - [mia - la la land]
lucinda wright [anne - the greatest showman]
lennox lovell - [joanne - rent]
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msterofnone-blog · 6 years
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presley ellis - presley works at benny’s burgers, having just left high school and trying to save up to take his band on tour. everything had been normal (dull), until one day, working alone, the taps began to spew out grey water, and a stench overtook the back of the store. upon discovering a leak of some toxic substance into their drainage, presley became determined to figure out what it was that the lab was spilling out. 
lennox lovell - as a human rights lawyer, lennox sniffs out any hint of abuse, and rumours led her to kola. once there, she stayed as under the radar as possible, and eventually, patients from the lab began stepping forward; but so did employees determined to stop her. now, she does everything she can to gather evidence and vindicate those who had been experimented on, whilst those she opposes try everything they can to stop her.
walt fuller - as a quiet librarian, nobody looks twice at walt. as an observer of people, walt looks three times at everybody else. he noticed something was wrong almost immediately, and has been collecting his own research, reading and writing, about the lab ever since. nobody suspects a thing, or at least he thinks they don’t, whilst he builds up an artillery of information to take them down. 
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msterofnone-blog · 6 years
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angel cope - quiet and dreamy, angel is ever present at gatsby’s parties but nobody knows why. she seemingly has no title nor fame but can always be seen floating serenely around the room and is only ever seen speaking to a select group of people, including gatsby himself. 
mylo rosales - a designer responsible for many of the glamorous sequinned outfits of the rich and famous, mylo comes to parties to network, sell and get champagne-drunk; he sees himself as incredibly important. 
lucinda wright - a regular performer & dancer hired to entertain at gatsby’s parties, lucinda resents the whole spectacle, and only does so to pay the bills. she despises everybody she smiles at whilst she twirls around reems of ribbons. 
presley ellis - a rival party host, presley does all he can to attract the youth and draw them away to his less ostentatious house on the other side of the lake, with the promise of something new and different. 
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msterofnone-blog · 6 years
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walt fuller [ghost] - an irish soldier conscripted to fight for the british in the second world war, walt died on the front line in 1943. his body was brought unidentified to a grave outside kola & his ghost has roamed ever since; there are rumours he is searching for the wife he left behind, but in reality, he’s searching for the american solider he fell in love with in the trenches.
presley ellis [fae] - nimble, dainty and delicate; words which do not describe presley ellis. he can be gentle and undoubtedly kind, but he is more invested in the mischief and trouble he can stir up. a siren of the forest, he can often be found barefoot amongst the trees, and whilst his soft songs and curls may deceive, he has teeth as sharp as nails and an affinity for sending others into turmoil;  whether it’s just for fun or for some darker motive, is unknown to all but him. 
jack rider [vampire] - bitten in the early 50s by a woman who found it easy to seduce a cocky 19 year old greaser, jack is stuck in his teenage ways; loud, brash and over-confident. he hasn’t, however, fed himself yet, and secretly feeds only on animal blood, having a strong aversion to any contact with human beings, subconsciously scarred by the woman who began it all.
angel cope [ghost] - killed by a drug overdose at the height of the 1920s, angel had been a rising star in the booming film industry, and now haunts her childhood town of kola searching for some purpose in death as she had in life, wanting to recapture (literally) dead magic. 
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msterofnone-blog · 6 years
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msterofnone-blog · 6 years
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walt fuller; professor of charms- kind, gentle & a go to for help, he’s also a half-blood & keeps this fiercely hidden, afraid of old views that were once held about them
presley ellis; a mischief making marauder in gryffindor, presley is known for his trouble-making & his stag animagus
mylo rosales; a pure-blood slytherin with a definite air of superiority, mylo is well-respected, but not exactly well liked - and is secretly failing almost all of his classes
lennox lovell; a former ravenclaw & witch of kola, lennox has a daughter who attends hogwarts & is often involved in helping around the school (& trying to sleep with her teachers)
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msterofnone-blog · 6 years
closed starter - presley & azariella [ @ofadorations ]
‘it’s not that it’s red, it’s just that it’s covered in-’ presley’s hand tightened around his coffee cup whilst he ducked and dived down the street, yelling rather embarrassingly down the phone. ‘no- listen, i’m just saying that it- shit!’ his voice grew even louder as he collided with something, someone, and his ‘breakfast’ went flying; all over them. he had the decency to end the call right away. ‘shit, i’m so sorry. shit! are you okay?’
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msterofnone-blog · 6 years
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lennox lovell ; intro, stats, verses & connections
LENNOX LOVELL looks an awful lot like LYDIA GRAHAM. SHE/HER are/is TWENTY and while they’re FASCINATING, they have a tendency to get pretty COLD. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to JULIET by FLEETWOOD MAC.
- a parisian human rights lawyer - lennox paints in her spare time & keeps them all holed up in a closet
- she’s more afraid of admitting she thinks she made the wrong career choice to herself than anyone else; she has worked hard to learn 3 languages, earn a reputation & make her family proud fuck if u think she’s giving that up to paint mediocre pictures (this is her thought process) (she’s actually really good)
- to try & cover up these polar opposite insecurities she’s loud and flamboyant but in the same breath she will say exactly what she wants; she draws people in like magnet so knows everyone but will tell you you look like shit
- she allows herself creativity in the books she reads, they fill her apartment in piles and piles, and her true nature spills out in this place which is entirely her own, art hanging on the walls and plants growing in the cracks - she rarely lets anybody over, especially never anybody in her professional life
- because she’s intimately private and overtly open it’s hard to get close to her because nobody knows whats real; she doesn’t either
- she needs somebody to show her that being ‘grown up’ doesn’t mean suffering but don’t try to patronise her cos she just won’t take it ok
FULL NAME: lennox lovell 
FACE CLAIM: lydia graham
AGE: 20
SEXUALITY: pansexual
DATE OF BIRTH: may 20th 1997
OCCUPATION: human rights lawyer
USUAL HANG OUTS: at work, or in a coffeeshop... working
HOBBIES: painting, writing, dancing & fashion
FIVE POSITIVE TRAITS: creative, intelligent, enigmatic, adventurous & hard-working
FIVE NEGATIVE TRAITS: over-worker, condescending, two-faced, rude & stand offish 
DRINKS, SMOKES, & DRUGS: drinks & smokes
is this love? - messy pansexual seeks female lover; to have and to hold and to cherish & to possibly red wine fight with sometimes (she's french ok)
lean on me - a best friend, ride or die dream team to keep each other sane; god knows lennox is so high strung another high functioning sociopath would work
strangers - an ex-husband; married for a week on a whim, these 2 now hate the sight of each other- they were too similar, perhaps why they ended up in the same town
scoundrel - samuel [ @voiisper​ ]
and they were roommates - miles [ @incendiant ]
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msterofnone-blog · 6 years
since i’m back in action & making verse graphics like this for a starter (specify if u wanna specify or i’ll pick random!!) & pls come plot w me i love u all very much x
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msterofnone-blog · 6 years
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MADDOX : i know i’m in no position to ask for favors here MADDOX : but, i need to do this internship for my thesis and i kinda have my mind set on your company. you can even ask my two bosses and that way i can prove i’m an excellent person MADDOX : i’m not kidding, though. i really need this. like, really, really, really need it
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MYLO: you never know until you ask
MYLO: and we are bringing in a few interns, but it is competitive hun
MYLO: so i need you to impress me
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msterofnone-blog · 6 years
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mylo rosales ; intro, stats, verses & connections
mylO!!!! is a dream but also an absolute nightmare but thats why he’s a dream??
- born into an affluent immigrant family, mylo has never struggled for anything material & was definitely helped into his position as a fashion designer by his family connections & wealth
- though he never struggled for anything material he was quite an emotionally isolated child as his parents were always working, which is why he now surrounds himself with as many people as possible 
- BUT they're a very select group of beautiful people - he surrounds himself with the rich, famous & popular, his ego is HUGE dude
- there is a lot of fakery in a lot of the relationships he has with people but his close knit group of friends (although they’re all quite vacuous) is as genuine as he can be
- he founded his brand, rosales, at 18 & it has gone from strength to strength (thanks mom) & is now a high fashion luxury label for which he still designs all of the pieces 
- he is highly creative & is deists are very good but he was caught in a scandal a few years ago being accused of stealing one of them from a lower profile designer; though the accusations came to nothing (thanks lawyers) they did hurt his reputation & he moved to kola from la to let it cool off
FULL NAME: mylo terrence rosales
FACE CLAIM: antoni porowski 
AGE: 34
SEXUALITY: pansexual
DATE OF BIRTH: august 12th 1984
OCCUPATION: fashion designer
USUAL HANG OUTS: his own big ass house in the hills away from the rabble where he hosts parties, elite clubs & shows
HOBBIES: drawing, playing chess to appear sophisctaed, socialising
FIVE POSITIVE TRAITS: friendly, creative, generous, exciting & interesting 
FIVE NEGATIVE TRAITS: narcissistic, lazy, vacuous, cold (if ur not cool enough 4 him) & fake
DRINKS, SMOKES, & DRUGS: yes to all 3
fckit:gatsby -  a designer responsible for many of the glamorous sequinned outfits of the rich and famous, mylo comes to parties to network, sell and get champagne-drunk; he sees himself as incredibly important.
fckit:hp -  a pure-blood slytherin with a definite air of superiority, mylo is well-respected, but not exactly well liked - and is secretly failing almost all of his classes
solace - somebody that mylo is genuinely himself around; they’re not public & they’re not exclusive nor obviously together but they have a real deep connections
hookups galore lol u know the drill
inner circle - models, actors & all round personalities 
stolen - the designer whom accused mylo of stealing their design
opposites - somebody who despises milo’s extra life & he despises how ‘basic’ they are but they still come into contact every day
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msterofnone-blog · 6 years
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angel(ica) cope ; intro, stats, verses & connections 
my angel angel is an angel ok so just bear with her OVERWHELMINGLY self absorbed sadness & she’s great <3
- born on the west coast to a single mother, who worked as a cleaner, she became obsessed at a young age with images of old hollywood, spending her days in front of tv films when not at school, whilst her mother worked
- even though she wasn’t around a lot they were really really close because of what she sacrificed for the two of them (her mother had wanted to act but gave it up to look after angel) - she died when angel was 18 & she was devastated but it was also probably the last time she ever had real motivation 
- she moved to hollywood & was determined to make it in acting - she had this idealised view of the american dream that was so far detached from reality it never had any chance of succeeding
- she worked for years but never broke through the way she wanted them to and now she works in small television dramas and cheesy movies, typecast for the most mundane of roles
- her despair at never ‘making it’ is taken out on her alcohol dependency which she refuses to admit to but secretly enjoys in a twisted way
- ok like she takes solace in her sadness because its comfortable & familiar & dramatic - she didnt make it as a hollywood starlet so she’ll take the role of the sad & beautiful older woman & is almost obsessed with her image 
FULL NAME: angelica cope
FACE CLAIM: lana del rey
AGE: 33
SEXUALITY: pansexual 
DATE OF BIRTH: july 23rd 1984
OCCUPATION: actress 
USUAL HANG OUTS: bars (particularly the one on the corner near the edge of town)
HOBBIES: reading & baking (actual baking not the weed kind ok)
FIVE POSITIVE TRAITS: romantic, gentle, kind, intelligent & creative
FIVE NEGATIVE TRAITS: self-pitying, easily addicted, contradictory (idealistic & pessimistic all at once)
DRINKS, SMOKES, & DRUGS: yes to all 3 
fckit:spn -  killed by a drug overdose at the height of the 1920s, angel had been a rising star in the booming film industry, and now haunts her childhood town of kola searching for some purpose in death as she had in life, wanting to recapture (literally) dead magic. 
fckit:gatsby -  quiet and dreamy, angel is ever present at gatsby’s parties but nobody knows why. she seemingly has no title nor fame but can always be seen floating serenely around the room and is only ever seen speaking to a select group of people, including gatsby himself.
more tbc!!
mise en scene - somebody she played opposite (as enemies or love interests or anything in between) & now they’re seeing each other on the dl
resurfaced -  somebody she knew back in hollywood whom she loved deeply - when her success never materialised theirs did & they left her behind
(honestly her time in hollywood was crazy so any wild connections u can think of from that weird time in her life are SO welcome)
reality check - somebody who tries (maybe succeeds) to snap her out of her dreamy state & get a grip on her life
blocked - angel is obsessed with her image & therefore obsessed with social media & there is undoubtedly somebody who resents this because they feel threatened by it or thinks its ridiculous 
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msterofnone-blog · 6 years
hi its ME LETTING EVERYBODY KNOW IM STILL HERE - work has me doin 10 hr overtime shifts & im dying - but - i have been plotting in my head whilst stacking shelves & i’ll be returning v soon with an antoni porowski fc ur so welcome xxx
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msterofnone-blog · 6 years
HELLO so i started my new job 2day so i’ll be a bit less active (but this place will b my sanity so u ain’t got rid of me yet) just 2 let u cuties know!! i’m gonna be organising & adding my 2 new muses to verses tonight so i’m around! (ps just had a revelation that if the harry potter verse materialises i’m gonna need marauders... ok cool)
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