I guess this is one of those ‘pause at the wrong part’ moments? I feel judged.
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So, sometimes I have these moments where I imagine Tsukishima having dreams of riding a T-rex and orders it to eat Hinata, but instead actually eating him, the t-rex eats him whole, so when Hinata gets to the stomach, Kageyama is already in there roasting marshmallows and sitting on a bone like a log and Hinata asks him how long he’s been in there and so Kageyama says “Ever since the dream started” as if being in the stomach of a huge reptilian doesn’t phase him at all.
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Glimmadora Headcanon #12
Pokemon AU!
Adora: *standing next to Glimmer* Hey, can you keep a secret?
Glimmer: Yeah, what is it?
Adora: My Pikachu wants to be with your Evee forever.
Glimmer: Aww, that's so cu-
Adora: His trainer wants to be with her trainer forever too.
Glimmer, blushing: This is the best secret ever.
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when will the next headcanon arrive?
Just posted it! I wanted to do it for Pidge's birthday, but I'll probably go silent for another couple of weeks. Just saying!
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Plance Headcanon #81
Pidge with her eyes closed: Lance, are you going to hit me with a nerf gun again?
Lance, offended: It was one time and it was an ACCIDENT.
Pidge: Whatever. Just hurry up.
Lance: Okay, okay. *picks up something* Open your eyes.
Pidge: *opens eyes and stares at the thing Lance is holding in shock* Oh my gosh, Rover?!
Lance: Yeah! I remembered how much you loved him while we were paladins, so I decided to try to build him again! With the help of the Galra and Hunk of course. *realizes something* But it might have a few bugs and kinks, so if you want you could work on him some mo-
Pidge with tears in her eyes: *cuts him off with a jump hug*
Lance: Pidge, watch out! I could've dropped him-
Pidge: This is perfect, Lance. *lets go and looks at him happily* Thank you my love.
Lance: Anything for the most perfect wife in the world. *pecks her on the lips* Happy Birthday, Pidge.
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I'm Sorry
So... I'm back. I'm sorry I've been avoiding my headcanons lately. I was supposed to post on my birthday, but I got really sick, so I decided to post the day after.
But I didn't.
I procrastinated for a long time. Even after I got better, I continued to ignore my headcanon schedule.
I didn't avoid it because it was too much. That's not it at all.
I avoided it because I felt like I was done.
I felt as if I did my part already. My headcanons weren't doing so well before I went on hiatus. It started to get to me. It was like after Voltron, I was just trying to carry on something that shouldn't have continued this long.
And then I tried to move onto She-Ra, and things went further down-hill. And it was so bad that I brought back Plance and Kidge headcanons to try and keep this account, along with my Instagram account, alive.
But then I realized that I was still failing.
So when I got sick, I saw it as an excuse to not write anything. And then a couple of days after I got sick, I lost a lot of blood due to a very serious nosebleed that led to blood clots and blood to be regurgitated from my stomach and out of my mouth.
Things kept coming up, and I just saw them as excuses. Then, once things calmed down, my reason for not writing was just cause I was lazy.
I've been rambling long enough. I just wanted to say sorry for being gone for so long. I don't know what to do with this account, but I hope I don't give up completely. Thank you for being patient with me. ❀
- multifandom._headcanons24
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Glow Headcanon No.11
Glimmer: Come on, I wasn't THAT drunk.
Adora: You literally got into a bar fight with someone who was flirting with Bow and you screamed "STAY AWAY FROM MY HUSBAND!".
Glimmer: So? I'm just protecting my man!
Adora: You and Bow aren't even dating. You basically confessed to him.
Glimmer, now getting the hint: Fuck.
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Kidge Headcanon No.68
Pirates of the Carribean AU!
*The ship is getting shot down*
Everyone on the ship: *fighting off the bad guys*
Keith and Pidge: *stab a guy at the same time*
Keith: Pidge! *grabs her arm* Will you marry me?
Pidge: *eyes widen at his question and yanks her arm away before it got cut by an enemy* I don't think this is the best time! *continues to fight*
Keith: Now might be the only time! *dodges an attack and slashes his sword, then grabs Pidge closer* I love you.
Pidge: *stares at him in shock still before starting to battle the enemies again*
Keith: I made my choice! What's yours?
Pidge: *thinks for a bit before looking away* Shiro! Marry us!
Shiro: *knocks a guy down* I'm a little busy at the moment! *slashes a guy in half*
Pidge and Keith: *look at each other before going back to fighting*
Keith: *kills another monster* SHIRO, NOW!
Shiro: *stabs two of them at once* FINE THEN! *Jumps onto the wheel* Dearly beloved, we our gathered here today! *kicks a couple of guys off*
Keith and Pidge: *realize it's going to take forever and just continue to battle*
Keith: Pidge Gunderson, do you take me to be your husband?
Pidge: I do!
Keith: Great! *spins her around to stab a guy while he stabs another*
Pidge: Keith Kogane, do you take me to be your wife! *beats some more monsters up* Through sickness and health?!
Keith: *stares at her lovingly* I do.
Shiro: Then as the captain, I pronounce you maties! *slaughters more enemies* You may now kiss- *gets interrupted and sighs* Just KISS!
Keith and Pidge: *smile, but then kiss*
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Glimmadora Headcanon #11
Catra: What's going to change next about you, Adora?! You're sexuality?! Huh?!
Adora: Hey! I'll let you know, my sexuality hasn't changed since I was 12!
Glimmer: Yeah, you tell her, babe!
Catra: Wait, what?
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I'm judging your art skills, because they're very good
Tbh, I didn't see the "good" in your sentence and I thought you were going to say "awful" so I was about to cry 😂😂
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Plance Headcanon #80
Pidge: I don't know why, but being married to Lance has really tested my mental stability lately.
Hunk: Why?
Pidge: Every time I ask him for his opinion on something, his responses are completely idiotic and always rhyme for some reason.
Hunk: C'mon, it can't be THAT bad.
Pidge: You wanna see? LANCE, COME HERE FOR A SECOND.
Lance, walking in: Yes, honey?
Pidge: What's your opinion on people consuming cleaning products?
Lance: If it's under the sink, take a drink, ya know?
Hunk: Oh my god.
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Glow Headcanon No.10
Adult! Bow x Adult! Glimmer
Glimmer: *laying in a hospital bed*
Bow: *sitting next to the bed*
Doctor: *walks into Glimmer's room* Okay then.
Bow: *stands up* Okay, what?
Doctor: Have you slept, sir?
Bow: No-Yes!- I, uh- It doesn't matter! How's Glimmer?
Doctor: She's fine.
Glimmer: Really?
Doctor: Yes, aside from a mild concussion from your fall, your brain function is completely normal.
Bow: Oh that's great-
Doctor: Yes, we took a blood test. There was some stress that was likely contributed to you passing out. But only because you're a tannemic right now, and that's to be expected, so-
Glimmer, surprised: Wait, what- whyyy is that to be expected?
Doctor: Oh, well, in your current condition...
Glimmer: ?? *looks at Bow confused*
Bow: *looks back at Glimmer, also confused*
Doctor, finally piecing it together: Oh. Woow, you don't know. *smiles nervously*
Glimmer: Know what?
Doctor: You're expecting.
Bow: Expecting what?
Doctor: A baby. *looks over at Glimmer, who is extremely shocked* You're pregnant. About ten weeks.
Bow: *falls back and passes out*
Glimmer: That's exactly how I imagined him to react.
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Kidge Headcanon No.67
Hunk: Pidge, what's your sexuality?
Pidge: I don't know, but I know I'm attracted to people who have a cute personality.
Keith walking in, holding a box of Captain Crunch Cereal: Pidge, I can't solve the maze puzzle on the back, and it's making me sad :(
Pidge, clutching her heart: He's so adorable.
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What if we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine
Nothing could keep us apart
You’d be the one I was meant to find
It’s up to you, and it’s up to me
No one can say what we get to be
So why don’t we rewrite the stars?
Maybe the world could be ours
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Glimmadora Headcanon No.10
Glimmer: You wouldn't like me before I have coffee.
Adora: That's not true, I love you no matter what! :(
Glimmer's Thoughts while her heart is racing: She's so cute.
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spop characters as club penguin shit
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Plance Headcanon #79
Lance: Pidge, why can't I call you by your real name?
Pidge: Sorry Lance, but you have to EARN the right to call me Katie.
Lance: Pidge, we've been married for 2 years and have a set of twins, I'm pretty sure I've earned the right by now.
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