Here me out.
There is a Lestat to Count Lucio pipeline and I only realized this after watching the movie again.
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Imagine breaking up with Lucio bc you feel like you're not good enough. You don't even give him a reason.
Imagine Lucio being stunned into silence for once in his life.
Imagine being so lost in your own misery that you're completely blind to his suffering. Even if someone points it out, you deny it and find other reasonings for it. (it's been a bad day, etc. )
The man is completely shattered. He lost everything ( though most of it was his own past doings). He has his dogs but it does very little to soothe him.
The man looks his age for once and he can't even bring himself to care between drinking and whatever else he does to try and numb himself.
The only thing he doesn't do is hook up. He can't. He's not the man he was and you were it for him.
No one else had ever had this much power over him.
(he hates it. He wants to hate it. )
This was self indulgent as hell.
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Dante in that one trigun pose
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Hello! Can I request headcanons of the boys reacting to someone making their s/o cry?
My personal headcanon is that upon seeing that happen, all the Sparda boys will choose violence. With no hesitation. I hope you enjoyed this. 
Firstly, he’s going to hold you in his arms. He’s gotta make sure his pretty/handsome lover is no longer in tears and comforted. 
“Babe, it’s gonna be okay. Cry it out if you need to.”
After he’s made enough cheesy jokes and complimented you, you stop crying and he bear-hugs you again to “squeeze out any extra tears.” 
Meanwhile, he’s death-staring the perpetrator. If you make this s/o cry, have fun in the afterlife. 
Dante will beat you down to Hell with his bare hands. 
Don’t even try to run, he’ll find your ass and kick it. Don’t even bother calling the cops on him, he’s Dante Goddamn Sparda and you just made his baby girl/boy cry, he’s above the law at this point. Don’t fight back and maybe you might die less painfully and quicker. 
“Hey pal, what you did back there was a dick move. I’m going to give you a chance to apologize to (y/n).” 
The person who made his babe cry isn’t even going to have a chance to respond, they’re already being pummeled through the ground. 
After the beating of ten lifetimes, the very much in need of medical assistance jerk will be the one crying and apologizing to you. 
Afterward, he’ll go back to being your soft red devil who kisses you on the forehead and purrs against you. 
With his lover crying in front of him, he will frown as you press against his chest crying about what someone did. 
“Do not waste tears on a miscreant.” He says as he wipes your tears away with his thumb. 
If the jerk is right there, he’s gonna turn around and immediately says, “I’m going to kill you.” 
*narrator voice* And then he did exactly that. 
Otherwise, he’s gonna find that terrible person. And he’s going to scare the shit out of them. 
“No one will ever make my lover shed a tear. No. One.” 
He comes back home later that evening, not responding to your questions. 
“Do not fret my dear. I must now do some cleaning.” 
You don’t say anything when you find bloodied rags in his trashcan. When eventually confronted, he sighs defeatedly. 
“A shame. I can only kill someone once.” 
“Vergil! You didn’t-” 
“Oh, but I did.” 
“Vergil, no!” 
“Vergil, yes.”  
Hypothetical mafia boss! Vergil: he’d kill a man for making you cry and then treat you to an expensive dinner and shopping trip. While he’s on the date, he doesn’t notice that he missed a smidge of blood on his face and that you know what’s he’s done. It’s what happens when you date a dangerous man who is only soft for you. 
V is quick to embrace you and make sure you are alright. As you sob and mumble what happened, V picks up on who made you tear up and schemes. 
“My Little Wanderer, please do not cry. You know it wounds me so.” He hugs you and rubs your back. He takes you back to your shared home and comforts you. 
Meanwhile, he’s sicked his familiars on the perpetrator. While he holds you and brings you comfort, they are doing God’s work. 
“Ah, V! Your hair is white, where’s Nightmare?” He simply smirks and kisses your tear-stained cheek. 
“I let them do what I would’ve done. But I am here to comfort you. That is of higher importance.” 
Before you can argue with that, you’re already very tired from crying and simply snuggle into his arms. 
Griffon and Shadow raise absolute hell. Once the jerk is on the ground and crying like a baby, Griffon taunts them. 
“Yeah, shithead! That’s what you get when you mess with V’s main squeeze! Try it again and we’ll make sure you’re dead.” 
The bird and the cat join you in the snuggle pile, Nightmare seeping into V’s white hair. 
You don’t even remember what made you sad anymore, but that person will never recover from their life-altering decision to make you cry.
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I would absolutely love to see Vergil app V reaction to their smol SO fainting from like a high fever or exhaustion. ❤️💜💙💙
This is what I live for anon
-You were an idiot in this instance, you knew that. Running around in the rain wasn’t your best idea.
- V voices his concerns at some point, but you keep going with him in his demon-hunting activities despite the looming threat of a cold. You were petite and you knew you had a low immune system. You never listened to that voice in your head that said no.
-After all, V was so important to you. You wanted to help him in any way you could.
-But after another hour of working, you and the poet start to head home. And you’re already feeling the strain. A bit dizzy, a bit lightheaded. You try to ignore it. Telling yourself you’ll be fine as soon as you got home and ate.
-You didn’t make it home before you proved yourself wrong. Chills came next after the lightheadedness, the sensation that you were way too warm then way too cold.
-V was talking to you about something you couldn’t focus on, vision fading a bit as you swayed to the side. You couldn’t get the words out before the world was already tilting
- “Darling?”
-Too late, you were swaying then falling in the next instant, consciousness gone.
-V immediately darts for you in alarm, but Griffon and Shadow are faster. Griffon catches your shoulders and the mighty cat stands behind you to break the fall.
-V is cradling you in his arms in the next instant, panic and fear filling him as he practically shouts your name. This was all his fault, he shouldn’t have let you out with him when the weather was so terrible. You were chilled to the bone, shivering and face flushed.
-After feeling your arm forehead and guessing right away what happened, he rushes to call Nico, asking for the mechanic to come pick you up. Begging her.
- She immediately agrees, coming by with Kyrie and Nero in tow.
-When you wake up, you’re at their home. In a bed, ice pack on your head and V sitting on the bed stroking your face. You blink awake at him, still feeling a little woozy but better now that you were warm and dry.
-V looks heavily relieved, but exasperated.
- “Why didn’t you tell me you felt unwell?” He sighs, jade eyes still filled with slight worry.
- “…In my defense it didn’t occur to me until it was too late.”
- He’s exasperated, but grateful that it wasn’t worse.
-Vergil is used to you being quiet around him, because he himself was a man of few words.
-You were walking home with him after a short mission in Redgrave, feeling not so hot. You weren’t sure how you got sick. It was either from being around someone who was sick, or pushing your battered immune system when running home in a cold rain days prior.
-Either way, you weren’t feeling your best. And when it came to Vergil, you didn’t want to bother him with it.
-So you held your tongue, just silently suffering as you walked beside him on the colder day. You just wanted to get home and crawl into bed, that was it.
-But a wave of dizziness hit you, breath catching as the world tilted a bit. Oh no, that wasn’t good.
-He was staring forward when you started to fall, but he could still sense it happening.
-He immediately whipped around to catch you, letting out an alarmed grunt as you settled in his arms. You weren’t heavy, there was no strain. But you were unconscious.
-Panic immediately fills him, eyes sharp as he crouches down and strokes the hair away from your face.
- “Doll…!” He puts his head to your chest first, listening to your heart. He doesn’t know why the first thing he assumes is your death. The very notion is horrifying, that usual calm facade slipping into absolute dread.
-Your heart is beating, that alone is a relief. After checking your breathing, checking for wounds, he lifts your body easily and wraps you in his coat. He doesn’t know what’s wrong, but he doesn’t know what else to do.
-He doesn’t think, he rushes to the first place he knows he can find easy, which is Devil May Cry. The idea of reaching out to Dante for anything is repulsive, but he doesn’t know what else to do.
-Boy, is Dante shocked to see Vergil at his door, holding a cute girl in his coat and out in a sleeveless vest in winter. But lucky for Vergil, he doesn’t ask questions.
-Trish is there hanging out with Lady so both women spring into action, going into mom mode. They deduce right away that its a fever, and they take the necessary steps to help out.
-They made sure to scold Vergil appropriately, and he takes it all without complaint. He should have been paying more attention, he should know you better by now. It was his error for not paying attention.
-When you finally wake up, he’s standing by the bed, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.
-Your first instinct is to apologize, but you can tell right away he doesn’t like that.
-The words no sooner leave your mouth and he’s kneeling by your bed, laying his head on your chest. You blink, surprised by the tender action and realizing right away just how worried he was.
- “Next time, tell me,” He says in his sharp voice, but the tone sounds rough and raw, “I would rather not see you collapse again.”
- You smile and nod, stroking his silken hair back even as you see Dante, Trish, and Lady peeking through the door in absolute shock.
-And that’s when it really hits you, how much Vergil cares. To swallow his pride and go to Dante for help was no small thing. And it made you feel warm. You would have to make it up to him.
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Hi! I love your work and I want to make a request if they're are open, how the boys would react with a s/o that has Scarlett Witch(Wanda Maximoff) powers. If you don't want to write about it feel free to ignore and I apologize if I made some mistakes, english is not my first language
Thank you for liking my work. How could I refuse such a good idea? Your English is just dandy, no need to apologize. 
He’s so giddy that his S/O has powers. 
“Can you read my mind? What am I thinking of right now?” 
“You’re thinking of how nice my butt looks when I wear those black jeans.” 
“Holy crap! Your powers are awesome!” 
“I didn’t have to use my powers to know you were thinking that.” 
He will ask you to get stuff with your telekinesis. Sometimes it’s the remote, sometimes it’s to hand him a beer and a slice of pizza. 
He likes that both of you and him have red eyes when your powers are triggered. 
“Look, we’re twinning.” 
When you spar, you’re definitely more long-range and indirectly offensive. With Dante, you learn to be more head-on and willing to land physical strikes. With you, Dante learns to use his brain more by predicting the moves of more strategic and less brute-forced foes. 
On the actual battlefield, Dante always stays close to you to make sure you can maintain a close focus on your powers and not get jumped by demons. That being said, you also make sure that Dante can get to harder to travel places by using your powers to move him there. 
Dante does so many stunts with your help. You have in fact launched him to the atmosphere with your powers before. He came back down like a meteor. 
You guys don’t really feel the need to use your psychic bond to talk to each other in your heads. Dante blurts out everything he’s thinking anyway. 
Although you easily use your powers to make other people see things and to take their memories, he knows you won’t do for sadism and he thinks it’s awesome. 
The Scarlet Witch and The Red Devil. Match made in Hell. 
Vergil is attracted to you, for you. But these powers? Are a lovely touch to an already perfect individual.
The two of you discuss your abilities often. 
If you can make a doppelganger of yourself with your mental illusions, Vergil will be very proud. 
He always feels the need to improve his strength and durability, training with his beloved is a must. You throw objects at him and make illusions, he cuts them and solves your mind games. 
Vergil has had a history of being manipulated with his mind and body. (Mundus, you a dead man when I find you). He is slightly intimidated by the omnipotent nature of your powers. His growth is in learning that just because you have the powers to do bad, doesn’t mean you have to use them for evil. 
You guide him in strengthening his mind from being corrupted. Imagine the two of you sharing a psychic bond and floating in the air. 
The day Vergil lets you in his mind, you immediately burst into tears. Your lover’s been through a lot, hasn’t he? He trusts you so much, more than anyone before. 
He admires seeing you, scarlet eyes glowing and hands lit with energy. It’s like you radiate pure power. After a fight, your eyes still have a slight sheen of red. He has a habit of kissing your eyelids. 
When you fight, you find yourself dwarfed by Vergil’s protective shadow over you. 
Both of you require a lot of control when you fight, Vergil is precise in cuts and strikes and your hand motions must be detailed for a specific outcome. It’s a relatable thing for you two. 
“My Scarlet Witch, we will inherit the earth.” 
“Okay, but can we get lunch first?” 
“Very well.” 
The Scarlet Witch and The Dark Slayer, red and blue. It’s iconic. 
He himself has very nice hands. But he prefers to look at yours, moving about like a puppeteer commanding whatever you wish. He gives you a few of his rings and smirks at the sight of you raising hell with them on. 
While he depends on familiars and his own physical endurance, you depend on your own mental strength. Separate disciplines that still get along. 
V is fascinated with how you can move things and either mold or break the glass walls of the human mind. 
Sometimes, you use your mind to make illusions for V’s requests. Often you spend your time together recreating scenes from V’s favorite poems. 
V is not too strong in the physical sense, the fact that you are just as strong mentally as Dante is brutal gives him relief that it isn’t all about brute physical strength. 
V is rather fond of listening to you talk about what you can do and how you do it. He is a bit jealous and if he is capable, you could teach him a little of what you know. 
He rarely wishes for you to exceed your usual abilities, but he stares in awe as you crush whole buildings and heave heavy objects like feathers. 
He feels like he is a worshipper to a powerful demigod whose hands and mind can manipulate whole worlds at a time. He wouldn’t have it any other way, knowing how much you love him. 
This man is a fan of kissing your knuckles, knowing what good can come out of your powers. He’s seen you fix what is broken and heal what if hurting with your scarlet witchcraft. 
“My darling. You are a god.” 
“V, more importantly, I’m yours.” 
“And I you.” 
The Witch and The Poet. Icons, the two of you. 
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Dante and Vergil Proposing To Their S/O
Gender-Neutral! S/O 
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If he decides that he wants to marry you, he overthinks it. He wants to do the absolute most to propose to you.
No matter how perfect the moment is, he just doesn’t have the right gut feeling to propose to you.
You’re sitting by the city’s nightlights and there’s a perfect view of Redgrave. Nope, he doesn’t want to do it.
You’re having dinner with him somewhere nice, you’re dressed immaculately and the music is dreamy. Nope.
He’s holding the rings in his pockets for a while, cursing his sudden sheepishness. He loves you a lot, but he’s terrified he’s going to ruin things regardless of how he plans on proposing.
One day, a demon attacks the two of you. Dante instantly goes to protect you, teeth gritted as a particularly hard stab through his stomach falters his steps. He falls over and prepares to be gutted by the demon when suddenly-
Dante watches you unload Ivory and Ebony, his guns he dropped mid-combat, into the demon’s chest, eyes alit with rage. Those baby blues just stare in shock.
Once the demon fades to nothing, your glint becomes soft with worry upon the sight of Dante’s gruesome injury. You get on your knees, trying to help him up.
His blood-slicked fingers are pushing onto yours, clumsily trying to fit something in your palm.
He smiles, red in his mouth.
“Marry me?”
You still for a moment, a beautiful silver band in your hand. You look into those expecting eyes and you tackle him in an embrace.
One yes was enough for Dante, yet you keep saying it, laughing and crying. he kisses you, holding your face with his now ring-wearing hand.
Blood-soaked in the middle of the street, Dante found that the time was finally right. 
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He’s just as sure as Dante when deciding he wants to be with you for the rest of his days. He’s also just as chicken with trying to propose.
Vergil distances himself from you, unknowing of how to deal with this giant step forward.
Although you two are very very close and he trusts you dearly, he is between keeping it this way and following a customary human tradition.
It becomes a set path for him once he remembers how dearly his mother cared for her own ring, wholly in love with his father.
Vergil plans a night out with you, a dinner date in Fortuna more specifically. You don’t notice how his gaze diverts to your ring finger, how the velvet box sits heavily in his pocket.
Afterward, you decide to roam the streets with your devil. The moon is full and the Fortuna buildings are more beautifully haunting than before, with no one else around.
Lead by Vergil, the two of you stop at a monument of Sparda, awing at the statue of your lover’s father.
He starts talking to fill in the respective silence, staring into his father’s stone eyes.
“My father built a legacy. Something I pursued for years, something I wanted so badly for all my life. I wanted to emulate his power.”
You know this very well, the shadow of his father shrouding him. It’s something he had to learn to walk away from. You simply listen. 
“However, there’s something I’ve wanted more than before.”
“What is it? Vergil?” You ask. Your answer is silence. 
You turn to see Vergil is down on one knee. A ring in his hand, he waits for your hand in marriage. You lose your breath.
“Marry me.” 
“Yes-” You can’t make the words, Vergil taking your hand to slide the ring onto your finger. He gets up, kissing you softly.
He’s never embraced humanity more than before. 
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Hello darling! Could I pls get the boys (Dante, Vergil, and V) having a nightmare about their s/o sacrificing themselves to protect them and waking up and just holding their beloved while being comforted? A good dose of angst and comfort pls! 🌸
You guys are spoiling me with these lovely asks HURT COMFORT IS MY JAM
-On the list of his fears, the idea of you sacrificing yourself for him was at the top.
-You were his sunshine, the light of his life, his everything. Your safety was his first priority, but he knew what you were like. So dedicated and self-sacrificing already, the chance of something like that happening was so…frighteningly real.
-When the dream begins its so painfully realistic. A scenario he has been in before, demons attacking and him fighting.
-In the dream he doesn’t pay attention for one moment and you take a hit for him, your precious body practically cut in two by the blow.
-The blood, the look on your face as you die…it’s too real, too raw, and its agonizing to watch.
-When he finally jolts awake he’s gasping and sweating, panic still fresh in his mind as he looks around the room you all share.
- His gaze immediately darts to you next to him in the bed, a slow breath of relief coming from him at the sight of you sleeping quietly, completely intact and light snores filling the air. Your hair looks messy from sleep, shirt riding up a bit and face so peaceful…christ, he wanted to protect you.
- He can’t help himself, he immediately pulls your sleeping form into his arms, holding you close and inhaling the smell of your hair. The familiar scent of your shampoo helps root him in reality, as does the sensation of you stretching and letting out a low grumble in his arms.
-He didn’t mean to wake you, but you woke up anyway. You were accustomed to his nightmares by now, so you could tell something was up just by the way he had you against him.
- “Baby…?” You murmur, nuzzling your head into his neck, “You okay…?”
- He let’s out a light grunt in response, stroking his hand through your hair as he replies, “Just…a dream. Bad dream. I’m so sorry I woke you up, sunshine.”
- “S’okay…I like waking to your beefy man arms.” You smile against his neck, settling contentedly against his chest. That makes him chuckle, body relaxing more as he presses kisses to your hair.
- “Go back to sleep, sweetheart.” The devil hunter tells you, settling you both back on the bed and rolling you over till he was spooning you.
- You frown stubbornly, “Not till you’re okay.”
- “I am okay, baby. Promise. Scouts honor.”
-You definitely don’t believe him. By the slightly shaky tone he still had, and the way his heart pounded…He was still shaken by whatever it was he had dreamt of.
-You had an inkling of what his dream was about just due to the fact he woke up and immediately had to hold you.
-So you roll back over, pressing your lips to his in a light kiss and practically molding yourself to him. Legs tangled, arms around his neck as close as you could get.
- “Hey babe?” You hum sleepily, peppering kisses to his jaw, “I’m not going anywhere. Promise.”
-He let’s out a light sigh of relief at that, smiling a little in the dark as he wrapped his strong arms around you.
- “I know, sunshine.”
- If there was anything the son of Sparda was used to, it was nightmares.
- He had bad dreams for a very long time, a combination of demon attacks and his mother’s death haunting his sleep for years. The time he spent as Nelo Angelo was at the top of the list of bad dreams he had, so sleep was often broken and restless.
- He grew used to those dreams. Those he could shake off on his own, knowing damn well that they were long past trauma.
- After meeting and getting so close to you, it brought forth a new brand of fear, one he wasn’t accustomed to.
- When he dreamt of you dying to save him, it shook him more than he was ever accustomed to.
- After a lifetime of untreated trauma and terrible experiences, you were a godsend in his life. His treasure, his heart, you took all the bad away and helped him change and grow.
- You were such a kind person, and the reality the dream presented was terrifying.
- The sight of your glassy gaze, covered in blood after stepping in front of an attack to save him…it makes him break inside a bit.
- When he wakes up he finds his head cradled in your lap, you stroking his hair and murmuring sweet nothings to him.
- His breathing is ragged, coming in panicked pants and gasps as he struggles to root himself in reality. You were alive, you were safe, you were touching him with those gentle hands and staring down at him with a mix of concern and soft adoration.
- “Doll…” He rasps, voice feeling strangely raw as he reaches up a hand to cup your cheek, “Please…tell me I didn’t wake you.”
- You smile at him, stroking those silvery locks away from his strong face as you reply, “Don’t worry about me…just relax. Everything is okay.”
- He doesn’t listen, slowly sitting up and pressing his hand to his forehead. You immediately wrap your arms around his neck from behind, letting out a soft sigh in his ear and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
- His heart is still racing, the image of you so raw in his mind that he can’t will it to slow. But he can feel you there, body soft and warm and your fingers tracing over his chest. That alone is a comfort, one he needs in his time of vulnerability.
- You sit there with him for a few moments, gently holding him and trying to comfort him in any way you can. You had woken when you heard him grunting in his sleep, muttering your name until it came out in panicked gasps.
- You knew he had nightmares a lot, but never this bad.
- “Tell me what you need, baby,” You murmur to him, pressing your lips to his neck over and over, “I’m right here.”
- He lets out a low breath at your tone, turning and pulling you into his lap so he could tuck you comfortably against him.
- “…Promise me something, my doll.” He murmurs against your hair, voice softer than you had ever heard it.
- “Anything, love.”
- “…Never sacrifice your safety for me.”
- The request is so broken sounding, so specific that you guess right away what his dream was about. So you stretch your arms up like a cat so you can wrap them around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss.
- “Promise,” You mumble against him mouth, enjoying the feeling of his arms snaking around your waist to hold you there, “Now lie down with me again…you need sleep.”
- He let’s out a low rumble, closing his eyes and leaning his head on your shoulder as he tries to will his racing mind to relax. He isn’t sleeping any time soon.
- “I wouldn’t hold your breath.” He grunts to you.
- You hum at that, tone taking on a bit of a purr as you roll your hips on him a bit. You immediately feel him register the suggestive action, sucking in a sharp breath.
- “Want to try tiring yourself out?” You murmur in his ear, hoping that some fooling around will help shake the dream off a bit.
- The words haven’t even left your mouth when he’s tilting you back on the bed, a low growl in his throat as you giggle hopelessly, feeling his hands already slipping into your night clothes.
- V, as a whole, had restless dreams whenever he slept. Usually, the feeling of you there brought him comfort and kept the bad things away, leaving him able to rest without being disturbed by flashes of memories and painful things.
- But the day had a scare to it that was fresh in his mind. You had almost been hit by a bad attack during a fight, and the image wouldn’t leave him. You had escaped death by mere inches, and it had shaken him to his core.
- Now in his sleeping hours, it remained in his mind, fresh and heavy. The scenario replaying in his dreams, only this time you didn’t make it out alive.
- It terrified him, seeing the attack meant for him hitting you instead, seeing your head roll off your shoulders and your body collapsing like a rag doll.
- He jolts into waking moments later, eyes wide and staring at the ceiling as panting gasps leave him. It was still night out, he could tell that much.
- He instinctively reaches an arm out to feel for you next to him, panicking when you aren’t there. Why weren’t you in bed? Where were you?
-He relaxes a bit when he hears your soft voice in the next room, talking to what seems to be Kyrie on the phone. He sits up, heart still pounding and holding his head in his hands in an attempt to collect himself.
-He doesn’t feel truly relieved until you walk into the room, a surprised look on your face when you see him sitting up in bed.
- “Darling, why are you up?” You ask with a soft smile, one that fades a bit once you see the look on his face. You immediately rush to the bed, wrapping your arms around him and holding him close as he buries his face in your neck.
- “What happened…?” You murmur softly, smoothing your fingers through his silken hair and listening to him breathe slowly and evenly in an attempt to calm himself, “Talk to me, V.”
- “A bad dream,” He replied in a breathy tone, closing his eyes and pulling you into his lap, “Not worth dwelling on. What did Kyrie need?”
- You kiss his cheek softly, leaning back to smile and play with the necklace around his neck, “Mmm…she’s restless this late into her pregnancy, Nero is still in Redgrave on a mission so she called me to pass some time.”
- V let out a little hum, resting his face on your shoulder and feeling himself relax now that reality was right in front of his eyes. You were like a life preserver, so warm and real and alive.
- “What did you dream of, love?” You murmured to him, akin to a coo as you brushed some of his black hair out of his face.
- He lets out a shaking breath, cupping the side of your neck with his slender fingers. The same part of your neck that had been cut by the demon’s attack in his nightmare.
- “What happened today has not left me,” He mumbles, voice still thick with emotion as he recalls both the real events and the dream, “The idea of you almost dying has left me…hurting.”
- You immediately feel a stab in your gut at his words, guilt and regret filling you as you remembered the fear in his eyes when the demon tried to strike you. Luck was on your side then, and you failed to realize how these things impacted V.
- “I’ll be careful next time,” You whisper, hugging yourself to him, “Promise. No more stunts like that.” You ached to see him so upset, all you wanted to do was hold him for a while and not let go.
- Your poet let out a light sigh, lying back and pulling you on top of him so he could stroke a hand over your chin and look at you. There was so much adoration in his eyes, it made your heart pound.
- “Stay with me, my sparrow,” He murmurs in that silken tone, thumb sliding over your top lip, “Make me realize that this is real and you are with me.”
- That tone, the look in his eyes…you catch onto what he means right away. You’re leaning down in the next instant, capturing his lips in a heated kiss as he rolls you underneath him.
- Your warmth, your skin, your soft touches…this is reality, and it helps bring him back from the rushing panic and allows you both to work off some steam.
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Me again! I’m sorry to ask for something so soon after my last one, but could I get the reverse of my nightmare ask? One where s/o sees the boys die in front of her, and wakes up in need of comfort? Thank you for all that you do! 🌸
Your wish is my command, love
- You were always so worried when Dante spent so much time fighting demons, so it was only a matter of time before you dreamt about such a thing.
- You had never been around the battles all that often, but the one time you were was a rare occurrence. You witnessed just how brutal it could get, how dangerous, and that stayed with you.
- You went to bed still upset about it. Which was a bad idea.
- Your mind bounced back to the demons, the fighting, everything. You dreamt of Dante being murdered viciously, demons ripping into his body as he lie on the ground like a ragdoll.
- It was horrifying, dark and painful for you to watch.
- The feeling of helplessness and despair was drowning you, sending you awake into a gasping panic with choked sobs in your throat.
- Dante immediately jolts awake at the sound of your cries, sitting up and wrapping his arms around your trembling, thrashing form as you tried to shake the dream.
- “Shhh…shhh it’s okay,” Dante breathes, tone heavy with sleep as he cradles you to his chest, “I’ve got ya sunshine. I’ve got ya.”
- You sit in his arms sniffling and crying, leaning your head on his shoulder and letting him stroke your hair back from your clammy forehead. His hand feels cool, soothing on your heated skin.
- “S…sorry…” You hiccup lightly, feeling his thumb wipe away a few of your tears, “I’m sorry…”
- Dante makes a shushing sound, pressing a gentle kiss to your mouth and wiping away more tears with his fingers.
- “You don’t have to apologize for anything,” He murmurs in a husky tone, leaning back to stare at you with his soft blue eyes. He gives you a crooked smile, holding your hand to his cheek, “It’s my job to be here for you, baby.”
- You sniffle, feeling the stubble on his strong chin with your gentle fingertips.
- “It…was a bad dream…” You mumble, feeling like it was almost childish in a way as you tilted your gaze down, “Just…a nightmare.”
- “No such thing as ‘just a nightmare’,” Dante huffs in reply, concern filling his gaze as he presses a kiss to your palm, “I’ve never seen you have a nightmare like that. You were crying before you even woke up.”
- You leaned your face to his bare chest, closing your eyes and feeling a shiver pass down your spine. The image of Dante’s face in death was so fresh in your mind, dulled only by the reality of your lover holding you in his arms. He was real, he was alive. Breathing, safe.
- “I had a dream that you died…” You whimpered softly, wrapping your arms around his waist and shuddering again, “It felt so real…I didn’t know what to do.”
- Dante’s heart feels like its been torn apart at your words, guilt and pain filling him at the prospect of anything hurting you. He knew his job came with risks, but the idea of those risks bringing you this much worry and pain…
- It was his fault that you saw all the things you did, he was afraid that they had bothered you and you hadn’t said anything.
- He needed to make you smile in any way he could.
- “I’m not going anywhere,” He promised you, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you. You squeaked lightly, confusion filling you when Dante slid you both out of bed, “Cross my heart and hope to…wait, no, that’s not the right thing to say right now.”
- “Dante…!” You protest lightly, but you almost laugh at the tone he uses.
- “Now now, baby don’t you worry that pretty little head,” Dante chuckles lightly, hefting you up over his shoulder and starting for the main room of Devil May Cry, “Now you and I are gonna go downstairs, I’m gonna order some shitty pizza, and we’re going to watch those crappy cartoons that come on at two am.”
- You squirmed a bit in his grasp, letting out a light huff, “If we eat pizza at two o’clock in the morning we’re going to regret it…!”
- He smirks cockily, “It’s either that or I eat that pussy like groceries, darling. Either way, let’s play our cards and see what happens.”
- He smacked your ass lightly as he kept walking, making your face flush and a half-laugh, half-squeak leave your lips, “Dante…!”
- Needless to say, you find yourself falling back in bed around two hours later, curled up naked in Dante’s arms and thoroughly distracted from the dream that had hurt you before.
- When it came to Vergil, you knew by now that he had several brushes with death.
- You had heard the stories, Vergil telling you after some time of his life before meeting you and all the struggles. He had downplayed so much, but you knew just how traumatizing such things could be.
- So the worry was already present in your mind, but due to the influx of demon attacks and missions Vergil was going out on…that worry only grew. It grew in your subconscious until it manifested in your dream state.
- It didn’t help that you had gone to bed without him, waiting for him to come home from a mission but unable to stay up. You eventually curled up on your bed on top of the covers, a book still in hand as sleep claimed you as an unwilling victim.
, - You slipped into dreaming much faster than you would have liked, drowning in the sensation as images formed before you eyes. Images of Vergil fighting demons, slashing with Yamato as one after another attacked him.
- It continued until he was overwhelmed, you pinned in the dream and forced to watch helplessly as one slashed at his body, then another, then another until he hit the ground with his sword rolling away from his limp hand.
- Those eyes, usually so sharp and confident now glassy and staring…it made you scream and cry over and over, panic filling you as you tried to get away from whatever was holding you.
- “Doll…!”
- Waking comes back to you in bits and pieces. You realize at some point that you were screaming and crying in real life, gasping and crying so hard you would choke on the sound while strong arms tried to hold you still.
- You recognized those arms.
- Your vision was spinning, fuzzy but coming back slowly as reality started to return to you. Vergil had you tightly in his arms, breathing heavily and his voice in your ear.
- “Its me…! Its me,” He said in a low tone, the hard line of his body pressed firmly to yours. You couldn’t remember the last time he used a tone that gentle with you, “I have you, doll. Calm down.”
- You continued to cry for a few more moments, pressing your face to his throat to muffle the sound. He was still in his usual clothes, skin a little damp from perspiration. He must have just gotten home from the mission.
- He had returned back and immediately heard your sounds of distress, dashing upstairs and ready to protect you at any cost.
- He had found you curled up on the bed, gripping the blankets and whimpering over and over, eyes squeezed shut and hands shaking.
- And now…you were so distressed, he didn’t know what to do. He sat down on the bed, holding you in his lap and stroking your back with his hand. The sensation of his firm arms, his breathing in your hair…it brought you down from the terrible dream, but your heart still ached.
- You sniffled a bit, feeling his hand cup the back of your head as you leaned back from him, “Y…you came home…”
- Vergil let out a low sound, frowning a bit as his sharp eyes met yours. His hair was a bit messed up, a few strands of silver hair hanging in front of his forehead.
- “I always do.” He said simply, holding your chin with his thumb and index finger.
- You closed your eyes, feeling him wipe some of the tears away, almost hesitantly.
- “I…had a dream that you didn’t come home,” You mumbled, feeling a bit embarrassed now that waking had reached you fully, “Demons were killing you…and you…”
- Realization his his gaze, those sharp eyes staring at you with a mixture of regret and guilt. He was never good at taking your feelings into account with things, he knew that. He was trying to do better, but he would admit when it came to relationships he was still…foolish.
- He never took into account what leaving you home alone to wonder if he was okay would do to you. He had frequent nightmares, so knowing that his actions were causing yours…
- He felt like a complete asshole.
- He pressed his lips to yours suddenly, hand slipping into your hair to hold you firmly against him. You let out a surprised whimper, not used to him being the one to initiate affection. Usually it was you leaning up to kiss him, pulling him into an embrace.
- “V…Vergil…” You mewled against his lips, flushing a bit as his hands slid under your shirt.
- He let out a low hum, sharp eyes opening lazily to stare into yours.
- “I won’t be killed so easily,” He says in a firm tone, absolute and self-assured, “Do you doubt me, Doll?”
- You flush a bit, squirming slightly in his grasp under those blue eyes watching you, “N…no…I don’t.”
- He didn’t know what else to do but to assure you with his own confidence. You knew his strength, you knew him. The only comfort he could give was the faith you already had.
- He clicked his tongue lightly, sliding a thumb over your plump lower lip, “Good girl,” He paused, adding with a low sigh, “I…apologize for getting home this late. “
- That made you smile lightly, snuggling up in his arms with a low murmur of, “It’s okay…I’m glad you’re here now.”
- He stands up, still holding you and making you let out a surprised huff of air. He carries you effortlessly, gait smooth as he moves you out of the room.
- “V…vergil where are you…?”
- “I need a shower,” He cuts you off firmly, making a bit of a face as he carries you toward the bathroom, “And you need to relax. So I’m going to kill two birds with one stone.”
- That made your face flush, staring up at him and noting he definitely was pretty grimy after fighting demons.
- “You’re right,” You mumble, feeling a little bold in your frazzled state of mind, “I can’t really make love to you when you’re this filthy.”
- That made Vergil snort a bit cockily, a hint of a smirk playing on the edges of his lips as he replied, “Has this stopped you before, Doll? I think not.”
- You blushed, “You can’t prove that.”
- He chuckled lightly, the sound caressing your ears as he practically kicked the bathroom door open.
- “Is that so?” His tone was lilting, head tilted a bit as he walked you into the bathroom, “Let’s test that little theory, shall we?”
- Let’s just say, Vergil makes sure you’re thoroughly distracted from your troubles, that shower lasting long enough to run cold.
- You both eventually make it back to the bed, exhausted and relaxed. He makes sure you’re in a calm sleep before finally allowing himself to relax as well.
- Maybe some time off from demon hunting was for the best. Just to ease your mind.
- You don’t know where the dream came from, but when it hits you it hits like a truck.
- You had been out on a mission with V, fighting demons and clearing out a town’s infestation when you stopped to rest for the night.
- You were allowed to stay in a home in the town that was safe, doors locked and you and the poet falling asleep fast after a long day of fighting.
- Maybe it was the fatigue, maybe it was being exposed to blood and gore all day. But when you fell asleep you carried the images with you. The demon fighting, the sharp claws and teeth…it filled your dreams, making for a restless sleep.
- But you had been through that before, been through dreaming of demons and nightmares. But this one was different.
- You dreamt of them killing your poet, viciously and gruesomely. You had been around blood and gore, but this…this left you shaken.
- You were frozen, forced to stare at the scene in absolute horror. V’s head rolling off his shoulders, bouncing to your feet where he stared up at you with empty eyes.
- You jolted awake with a sharp gasp before the dream could go any further. Heart pounding, racing in your chest as you stared up at the ceiling with wide eyes. It was still dark out, the room a bit cold but welcome on your heated skin. It was jarring, bringing reality back hard.
- Your eyes stung with tears, hands coming up to cover your mouth and muffle a sob. It was awful, absolutely awful, you couldn’t shake that image from your head. The panic and fear lingered, drowning you and making your body tremble lightly.
- V was always a light sleeper, he felt your movements and heard the muffled whimpers. He stretched out beside you, rolling over and seeing the distraught look on your face.
- He sits up instantly, his hand stroking your hair back and his tone low and concerned.
- “Are you alright my heart?” He murmurs in his honeyed tone, jade eyes just barely visible in the darkness as he took you into his arms, “You’re shaking.”
- You shuddered, pressing your head to his chest and allowing a soft sob to burst from your lips. V immediately made a soothing sound, those deft stroking through your hair as he brought your down from the terrible emotions.
- You calmed after a few moments, leaning your head up and staring into his eyes. He stared back with concern, tilting his head as he wiped some of the beads of salty tears off of your cheeks.
- “Did you have a nightmare?” He murmured to you, lifting your hand and pressing a kiss to it.
- You nod,  wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging yourself to him. He sucked in a breath at your actions, holding you close and stroking a hand up and down your back. He was used to you being a restless sleeper, used to you waking up on occasion. But never like this, never this shaken. Never this upset.
- “I…I dreamt that you died…” You mumbled against his tattooed skin, settling against his skinny frame with a soft sigh, “Maybe…Maybe it’s the fighting just getting to me…”
- Your words made his chest ache, his jade eyes closing as he held you a bit closer. He could understand where you were coming from, sometimes the fighting got to him as well. His sleep had always been tempered by bad dreams anyway.
- “After this mission, we should take a break,” He mused, tracing patterns on your back with his fingertips, “Head to Fortuna, stay with Nero and Kyrie for a bit…maybe some time at the beach would be nice. I can certainly use the sunlight.”
- His light teasing at his own pale skin made you smile a bit. He certainly was so pale, almost opaque.
- “I’d like that,” You mumble tiredly to him, body completely relaxed now and exhaustion hitting you after crying. Something about sobbing your eyes out left you so tired, “After this mission then…let’s take some time off.”
- V let out a low hum, his chest rumbling under your ear as he laid you both back down on the bed.
- You curled up on his chest, his heartbeat smooth and steady under your ear. So calming, so relaxing. A reminder that this was reality, and V was perfect and safe. You both were.
- V stroked a hand down your hair, watching your eyes start drifting closed as sleep reached its hands for you.
- “Sleep well, sparrow,” He murmured softly, “I’m not going anywhere.”
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Hello dear! I have a request from a friend ;) could we get some cuddly, sleepy boys waking up with their s/o on a really cold day? Super fluffy, but the details are up to you. Thanks! 🌸
- You got cold super easily, and Dante definitely knew this about you.
- He didn’t notice the cold as much, but the sensation of you shivering lightly in sleep always tipped him off that you needed some more warmth from him.
- As a half demon, he’s warmer by nature than a normal human.
- He always wakes up to you curled against his body, sucking up every bit of heat that you could get.
- Do you like blankets? Well now, there’s several around you, grabbed by Dante in the night.
- He will always tug you closer, his arms around your waist and his thighs pressing to yours. His skin is so deliciously warm, you wake up feeling like you’re sleeping next to a heating pad.
- On these moments he hates getting out of bed the most. There’s something so comfortable about you right against him, safe under a few soft layers of blanket.
- If he does get up, its to slip away and make some hot chocolate for you both for when you wake up.
- Until then he sets the cup on your nightstand and cuddles against you, dozing in and out until you’re awake.
- If the day allows it, he could stay there with you for hours.
- “Good morning, my sunshine.” Is the first thing he says when he sees your eyes open, his voice thick and heavy from dozing and that smile so lazy.
- You can only manage a contented sigh, which makes him chuckle as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
- Neither of you want to move, so you don’t.
- You end up laying there for a while, keeping up quiet, blissful conversations with him until the need for food gets you both up
- Vergil is the opposite of Dante.
- He finds himself cold very often, maybe a residual effect of trauma or neglect. You weren’t sure.
- The only time he was really content was when you were lying right against him, warm and so soft.
- The first few weeks of your relationship he never slept near you or cuddled you, but you always woke up in the morning to him curled around you, his arms holding you firmly close. Like he unconsciously sought out the warmth and affection.
- Once the colder months started rolling around he gave up and just held you as soon as you went to bed, which you enjoyed heavily.
- This morning was particularly cold, so when you woke up he was practically tangled with you, two or three blankets wrapped around your bodies and his toes pressed to your ankles.
- Your thighs were the softest, warmest part of you. And you knew he loved them. So you wrap one around his hip, settling more comfortably against him and letting out a contented sigh.
- He wakes up to a cocoon of warmth, keeping his eyes closed as an excuse to savor it a little longer.
- Jokes on him, you were more than happy to sit in a bed with him all day.
- It’s at moments like these that Vergil is at his softest, more open to affection than other times during the day. It was at times like these that you saw more of how he was, less of the cold front he wore during the day.
- More of the tired, soft Vergil who just wanted affection. Touch starved, wanting.
- You’re more than happy to oblige, wrapping around his form and enjoying the soft, lazy kisses he presses to your lips.
- “Good morning, Darling.” You mumble against his mouth, the covers bunching around you both as he tugs you ever closer.
- He hums at your words, leaning back a bit and stroking a thumb over your lips. He seems a bit mesmerized by the beauty of your tired expression, your eyes half closed and your lips full and moistened from kissing him.
- His hair is a little unkempt and messy in the mornings. He has a serious case of bedhead, but you always find it incredibly endearing. Like an adorable hedgehog.
- “And so it is, my doll.” His voice is cute when he’s sleepy, rich and heavy as he strokes a hand through your hair.
- If he’s feeling in the mood enough, he might roll you over and making slow love to you for an hour.
- This is when his love making is most gentle, made up of slow kisses and exploring hands. Soft sighs and gentle grinding.
- If not, he’s content to just hold you for a bit, counting your breaths and heartbeats as he finds the will to leave the safety and comfort of your nest of blankets.
- It takes you urging him for food to get him out. He seems disappointed, but the weather called for snow tomorrow. Which meant you could just do it all over again.
- V, due to how skinny he is, always loves when he can wake up to a warm morning with you.
- Despite having heat in your home, he still found himself cold most nights, even with the blankets over him.
- So when he wakes up to your warmth pressed to his tattooed body, its like a godsend.
- He always woke up earlier than you, always just as the sun was rising over the horizon.
- He couldn’t remember a time feeling more comfortable. You resting against his chest, your breasts soft against his skin and those warm thighs cradling him.
- He sucks in a breath, eyeing you in absolute adoration as he pulls the covers tighter around you both. He might roll you over, spooning you from behind so he can close his eyes and inhale the smell of your hair.
- Plus the feeling of your butt snuggled against him was pretty nice too.
- In these moments he is left to reflect, to relax and doze in and out of sleep. You feel so wonderful and alive against him, and your gentle snores make him smile softly.
- Sometimes he will let Shadow and Griffon out, letting the mighty cat nose its way under the covers to sleep by your feet. Griffon snorts, but he still lies down on the pillows behind your heads to doze a bit too.
- Maximum warmth now, practically a pile now that Shadow was resting in your bed like an overgrown house cat.
- When you finally wake up he strokes your hair, pressing a kiss to your temple as you stretch with a soft, delighted sound of comfort.
- The feeling of V’s arms around you, soft fur warming your feet, and Griffon snoring lightly by your head. It’s max comfort.
- “Do my eyes deceive me,” V murmurs near your ear, his long fingers tracing patterns up your side, “Or does an angel share this bed of mine?”
- You smile tiredly at his low, sleepy tone, opening one eye as you reply, “Who’s poem is that?”
- “Mine,” He chuckles, the sound warming you all over as he tugs you ever closer, “Made specifically for your divine presence.”
- You giggle at that, rolling over so you could kiss him softly. That makes him smile too, a lazy quirk of his lips as his tattooed fingers find a home in your hair.
- You lie there for a bit, both dozing in and out as the minutes tick by. You want to get up and make tea, and cook breakfast. But both of you are so cozy.
- You decide to meet halfway, both of you getting out of bed finally so he could make tea, and you could make something nice for breakfast. You both opt to eat back in bed, setting up little trays with a nice spread and watching something cute on TV while half snuggled under the covers.
Like what you see? Consider buying me a coffee : https://ko-fi.com/E1E7GCMU
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Hello sweetheart! I’m back! May I please get a scenario with my flower shop oc where she’s feeling insecure and unworthy of Dante because she’s not a badass babe like Trish and Lady, or just in general? I’m in the mood for your best hurt comfort, and as always I’m so appreciative of your writing! 🌸
Your ask is my request, love
Flower shop Reader–part 2
-After the incident in your flower shop, Dante felt more at ease bringing you to Devil May Cry.
- You knew his real job now, after all. You were eager to see where he lived and worked, his colleagues and fellow demon hunters. A fear was that you wouldn’t live up to how Dante described you, because he admitted to bragging about you a lot.
- Another fear was that he lived with his surly, power hungry brother. Who was also going through a “try-not-to-be-a-dickhead” grace period.
- You had heard the horror stories from Dante when he was feeling vulnerable, opening up about all that had happened with the “older” twin. The conflict, the fighting, the bad things. So Vergil was a bit of an intimidation factor.
- He was apparently mellowing out slowly over time, but Dante told you he rarely showed his face for anything other than missions.
- The first day you were there the building was pretty much how you imagined it. Dante wasn’t the cleanest person, but he made an effort for you. Controlled chaos.
- You and Dante got into a schedule, him visiting your shop and staying over some days and you at Devil May Cry for others. He occasionally had to bounce out for missions, and in those cases you would just stay over in his bed instead of walking home.
- You liked it, being in a space that was purely Dante.
- You met the others in time. Nero first, since he popped by the most of all–shockingly before Vergil.
- Nero was Dante’s nephew, something that had to be explained early on. The fact that Vergil reproduced was surprising, but the fellow demon hunter only recently learned of his relation, a few months before Dante met you. He came over a bit more after that.
- He was nice enough, but he was absolutely flabbergasted to see you, a cute precious flower lady sitting in Dante’s office tending to flowers on a windowsill.
- How had Dante managed to get such a nice girl when the man was a colossal mess? Miracles could happen.
- Meeting Trish and Lady was a bit intimidating. Both were powerful, beautiful women. Shockingly so. And with them came a bit of…insecurity.
- Weeks passed by and that small bud of insecurity bloomed, bigger and bigger each time Dante interacted with them. It was so unlike you to compare yourself to others, but in this case…
- Seeing them help Dante fight, bantering with him, lounging around Devil May Cry…they looked like they belonged around him. You were weak in comparison, only capable of flashy plant abilities that could easily be countered by strong demons. Not a fighter by any stretch.
- They were confident and brave, where you felt…small, weak, too shy for most things. You couldn’t be useful to Dante like they could.
- Even when it came to healing, Dante usually healed fast on his own. Missions always ended up with you sitting behind, knowing the two ladies were kicking ass with him, by his side.
- You were so out pf place here, a small flower in a field of thorns.
- You felt bad for feeling that way. Eventually, you came up with excuses to not go to Devil May Cry, feeling glum and saddened with yourself. How could Dante want you of all people when there were so many strong women already in his life?
- It was a selfish thought, but you couldn’t bring yourself to confront it.
- It didn’t help that the girls didn’t know what to think of you either–they said their occasional hellos where they saw you in the office, coupled with surprised looks. Similar to Nero in that regard. It didn’t make sense to them either.
- But Dante could tell you were upset. After you flaked out on Devil May Cry a fifth time, he grew worried he may have done something to upset you. The very notion made him feel like a colossal asshole–you were the sunshine of his life, his saving grace.
- Coming home to your warmth and your smile was his biggest happiness. So of course he would notice when that smile was a bit…less enthusiastic, coupled with glum looks and gloomy sensations.
- After another mission he decided to stop by and see you at your home, surprised when he walked upstairs and found you curled up on the couch, spacing out and hugging a pillow to your chest.
- You didn’t even notice him come in, looking incredibly upset and crestfallen. The look you wore broke his heart into a million pieces, further convincing him that he had done something wrong.
- “Sunshine?” He asked, making you jump despite how soft his tone was. Your gaze darted up to his face, cheeks flushing when you saw him standing in the doorway, “I thought you were working on some last minute orders…but you’re up here.”
- You looked away, a bit of panic in your gaze. Caught in a lie.
- “I…um…” You mumbled, struggling to find your cheerful facade again as you kept your gaze on your feet, “I…finished early…?”
- A terrible liar. You were such a bad liar.
- Dante was not fooled, raising a brow and crossing his arms as he leaned on the door frame.
- “That so?” He mused, tapping his fingers on his biceps, “‘Cause I looked down there. No orders that I could see in the prep room.”
- Your face flushed more as your lies crumbled to pieces, arms squeezing your legs a little bit closer and tongue completely tied. What could you say? No excuse could hold up now.
- But Dante’s expression shifted, to a look you rarely saw on him. Worry, concern, and a hint of…panic? He looked scared, like he was the one who had been caught doing something wrong.
- He took a few measured steps toward you, placing one of his hands on your hair and stroking it back gently. His touch was so nice, but you felt awful for lying to him. Terrible. Eyes tearing up, threatening to spill over just at that.
- “You gonna tell me what’s wrong?” Dante murmured, crouching down so he could press a kiss to your temple, “Did I do something? I’m a bit of a dumbass, so you’re gonna have to tell me if I do something stupid. Side effect of being a dumbass.”
- He was trying to calm his worry and emotions with humor. Not the best coping mechanism, but one you recognized.
- He thought that he did something wrong? Well now, that only made you feel worse about being upset. More tears came, rolling down your cheeks now as you flung your arms around his neck, hugging yourself to him as tight as you could.
- Dante grunted at the action, holding you close as he mumbled, “Shit, that bad? You gotta talk to me, babe–I can’t read that beautiful mind of yours.”
- You sniffled, tone a bit raw as you whimpered, “I’m sorry…I..I didn’t mean for you to think you did something wrong…you didn’t do anything.”
- Dante seemed confused, plopping down on the couch with you in his lap as he plucked some loose petals from your hair.
- “Then what?” He murmured, pulling you back so he could look at your face. His expression was gentle, coaxing, mimicking his warm toned voice as he added, “You know I can take anything, baby. Anything.”
- You put a hand to his fuzzy cheek, feeling his own fingers wipe away a few of your tears. He was so sweet to you, so kind and wonderful. But he was also strong, capable, rough around the edges. Brave. All things you felt you weren’t.
- “Why did you choose me?” You mumbled, feeling a bit anxious as you admitted, “Lady and Trish…they’re so strong, beautiful…I’m no demon hunter, I’m not strong. I…can’t fight anything.”
- You felt helpless compared to them.
- Dante sucked in a breath, shock on his face at your words. Wow, he felt like an even bigger douchebag now that it clicked with him.
- What he had been seeing on your face the past few days was insecurity. Fear, hopelessness. He never considered for a second that you seeing him interact with the other women would make you feel this way, like you had to compare yourself.
- Christ, was it that some of his actions might have implied he valued strength more? It didn’t help that everyone who saw you had to fucking comment on how strange it was to see such a “nice girl” with him.
- But he always took that for what it was–a jibe at him. They never meant it to imply you didn’t absolutely add to his life, belong in his life. It was more so an insult at him for being a colossal dumbass snagging an absolutely angelic woman.
- He never imagined you would take it as a comment against you. Christ, he was a huge dickhead.
- “Sunshine…” He murmured, leaning forward to kiss your forehead as he sighed, “I chose you because you are the most beautiful, wonderful, strongest woman I have ever met.”
- You blushed at that, tone doubtful as you mumbled, “B…but I…”
- Dante put a finger to your lips, shushing you.
- “First of all, Trish is a photocopy version of my mother,” Dante explained, making a bit of a face as he thought about it, “So that would never happen. And even if she wasn’t, she’s not my type personality wise. As in I’d be afraid of her stabbing me and stealing my cash after.”
- You blinked, not knowing that first detail at all.
- “Second of all,” Dante continued, rubbing one of those petals between his fingers, “I’m not attracted to Lady either. Sure, she’s a good fighter. But she’s shot me in the head before and that’s not the kind of thing I can let go. I’ve never been attracted to either of them.”
- He turned his gaze back to your face, tucking the flower petal back where he found it as he smirked at you.
- “But with you…well, I was a nervous mess just trying to talk to you,” He chuckled, scratching the back of his head, “Imagine me, walking into a shop and seeing what equated to a living fae walking around. You carry yourself with the most wonderful, ethereal energy. Looked me right in the eyes and slayed me where I stood.”
- “Dante…” You mumbled, feeling a bit embarrassed and wishing you could hide behind your shirt.
- But Dante pressed his lips to yours, making you sigh breathlessly for a moment as you shared each other’s warmth.
- “You are the kindest woman I know,” Dante murmured, his breath grazing your plump lips as he stared steadily into your eyes, “The strongest. It takes strength to be kind to everyone you meet, to keep this shop going even after a bad encounter. To stay with me, accepting what I do for a living and embracing it.”
- He lifted your fingers to your lips, pressing a kiss to your palm and ticking your skin with his whiskers.
- “’Wasn’t lyin’ when I said you were my sunshine,” He mumbled, clearing his throat and sounding a bit sheepish, “Once I had you I couldn’t live without you. Coming home to your warmth was the one thing my life needed, more than anything. And that’s something the other girls can never compare to. My dumb ass has been happier than I have ever been.”
- His words made your eyes tear up again, cheeks so very warm and heart full. Leave it to Dante to say exactly what you wanted to hear, to soothe you despite how silly it all seemed.
- “You make me happy too,” You mumbled, pressing a kiss to his jaw and resting your face on his neck, “So happy. I’m sorry…this was all such a silly thing to be upset about.”
- “I disagree,” Dante huffed, leaning his head back and closing his eyes, “Doesn’t help when every god damn person feels the need to point out how shocking it is you’re dating me. It was never meant for you babe–more so to make fun of me for being a colossal mess of a man.”
- “I think you’re wonderful.” You mumbled, closing your eyes too and resting on his chest. He was so warm, so comfortingly solid underneath you. There was some embarrassment about such a suggestive pose, but you ignored it.
- Dante chuckled, the sound rumbling under your ear as he replied, “You say that until you see how I balance a checkbook. The answer being I don’t.”
- “I’ve seen your diet and living space.” You smiled softly, remembering your first time at Devil May Cry. Pizza in the fridge, beer, and ice cream. That chaotic feeling, the barely-there attempt at cleaning…he was certainly a mess. A wonderful mess.
- “If I can get past that…anything is possible.”
- Dante hummed lightly in appreciation, pulling a lock of your hair to his lips and kissing it, “See? Strong. That takes major guts.”
- You rolled your eyes, letting out a light sigh at his words. You would admit, talking to him lifted a weight from your chest, making you feel a lot better about everything. And Dante…he was determined to do better for you, to remind you how much you meant to him.
- When he returned back to Devil May Cry the next day, he called over Trish and Lady and Nero. They were reprimanded instantly for their constant picking on him, Dante incredibly pissed that they couldn’t have the common sense to realize their shit was effecting you.
- Well. He was upset at himself too, but they didn’t need to know that.
- “You dusty assholes upset my girl,” He growled, narrowing his eyes on the surprised three, “You made her feel like she wasn’t wanted here. I could personally murder all of you for that.”
- All three were mortified, apologizing immediately. None of them knew it would have such an effect. Christ, they adored you. The impact you had on Devil May Cry made it much more enjoyable, livable. The air was cleaner, the space more organized, flowers on the windows. Animals and people could now thrive there.
- You were sweet and soft, they felt bad. And promised to be nicer.
- You knew nothing of this exchange, of course. Dante didn’t want you to feel bad after already being miserable for a while.
- But in the coming weeks, the girls started offering to teach you more ways to fight with your magic. To help you spar, basic self defense. Nero started commenting more on how good you were for Dante, how happy his uncle seemed now.
- And as for Dante’s brother, you met him once. He passed you in the main foyer on his way out for a mission, sparing you a sharp look that made you freeze in place.
- But a smirk tilted his lips, one eyebrow quirked at the scene laid out before him. You could understand how he felt, seeing Dante asleep on the couch with his head in your lap. Absolutely peaceful. 
- For a second…you were sure his face softened for a bit, barely noticeable before it bounced back to being sharp.
- “I’m glad to see someone could finally tame my brother,” He commented in a bemused tone, turning and strolling past with just that one glance, “There could be peace and quiet in this house yet.”
- You blinked after him, meaning to open your mouth and reply but he didn’t wait. There for a moment, gone just as quick with the double doors closing behind him.
- But his comment made you feel oddly pleased, like you had gotten approval from the final hurdle of the household.
- And if you could get that…maybe you were as strong as Dante claimed you were?
Like what you see? Consider buying me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/E1E7GCMU
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Hello dove! I’ve got another ask for you! Would you mind doing general headcanons for Dante with a shy and sweet s/o who has plant and healing magic and runs a flower shop? Preferably a mix of fluff and angst, but I’m not really looking for anything specific. Thanks as always! 🌸
Anything for you my doe
- He had met you by chance, and was completely entranced from day one.
- Why had he gone into your flower shop? He could hardly remember this far into your relationship, but he had gone there for a reason. Probably to buy some roses, he loved having them for a flare during battle.
- But it all paled to the first moment he saw you.
- So pretty, so elegantly soft looking. A gentle smile and shining eyes as you trimmed and arranged a flower display. Dante rarely felt flustered around women, but something about your face turned him into a stammering idiot around you.
- And you were…so shy. Pink around the ears at any compliment, pulling up your turtleneck to hide your face. Dante imagined arrows piercing his heart as you peeked out at him, enjoying his easy smile and approachable aura.
- It just felt right when he kept coming back to buy his roses. For whatever reason they didn’t seem to wilt, living much longer than a normal flower and with little maintenance.
- You smiled shyly whenever he came into the shop, but your eyes were bright and happy each time he talked to you.
- And when he finally asked you out for coffee, it made your face flush and voice squeak when you said yes.
- From that point on it was just natural, gentle progression of your relationship. Dante never saw himself as the dating type, but with you it came so naturally. He loved your little smiles, your soft voice, the way your hair always smelled of fresh flowers.
- He knew you needed someone who could handle you gently, so when you questioned his occupation…well, he kept it vague. It made him feel bad, but demon hunting was a harsh thing, one he didn’t want to scare you with.
- You were months into your relationship when the truth came out.
- It had been a stormy night, the devil hunter on what he assumed to be a typical mission. Same shit, different day. A few demon nests were reported around the city, Dante paid to remove them quickly and quietly with the help of a few more demon hunters.
- He had been finishing up the mission when he had gotten a call about one more nest bursting, the address making his blood run cold and his feet taking off in a dead sprint.
- It was on your street, in the sewer below your shop.
- He transformed into sin devil trigger form, getting to where you were as fast as he could with thunder cracking in the distance. You could be in danger, and that was terrifying to him.
- His fears were only realized when he reached the shop, the sight of the front, glass door broken in and pots smashed on the ground. A few stray demons were in the street, breaking into other nearby shops and scurrying over yours. He couldn’t pay attention to them, not right now.
- He took on his human form, blood boiling as he readied to fight.
- He had his pistols out the moment he stepped through the shop door, shooting the first creatures he saw and taking them out with deadly precision. They had trashed your shop, your pride and joy, but you were no where to be seen.
- He sprinted to the backroom, grunting when he nearly tripped on overgrown vines. The whole room was…filled with them, writing and tangling over the table in the corner. Three demons were in the room, snapping and clawing at the vines that held them back.
- Dante didn’t hesitate, laying waste to the creatures. Sword drawn, slicing two down with a grunt before pulverizing the other. They collapsed to the floor right when a quiet whimper came from under the desk, the vines spreading more and wrapping around Dante’s legs.
- He looked at the table, hearing soft, panicked gasps from a voice he recognized.
- “Y/N?” He called, tone filled with both relief and worry as he tugged on the plants. What the hell was happening in here?
- The instant he spoke the vines released him, moving aside to show your form curled up at the very back underneath the table, eyes filled with tears and marks glowing ever so slightly from you. Vines came from your form, disappearing as soon as you saw Dante rushing to the table.
- “Dante…!” You hiccuped as he pulled you out, practically crushing you against him in an embrace. He had killed the demons, effectively saving you from them. You were no fighter, but you managed to protect yourself.
- “I’ve got you, sunshine.” Dante said soothingly, covering your eyes so you wouldn’t have to look at the demon bodies. He quickly carried you upstairs, hearing his fellow demon hunters reach the street and start attacking the others.
He was panting, covered in scrapes and bruises from fighting for a few hours now, “Everything is alright baby,” He promised, wiping away some of your tears and giving that trademark, quirky smile you grew to adore, “Sorry I didn’t get here faster. Let’s say I got a bit laid up with work.”
- You flushed, wrapping your arms around his neck and gently holding yourself to him. The shop was messed up, and you were still scared, But you had never been so happy to see him.
- “A…are you a demon hunter…?” You whispered, seeing the sword on his back, the guns around his waist as you pulled away from him.
- He had the good graces to look guilty, eyes down to the floor as he grunted in reply, “I…didn’t want you to know about it…it’s a dangerous job, and I never wanted you to be scared, babe.”
- You stared at his face, seeing a hint of fear, worry, and guilt mixed together. Demon hunting was scary, sure, but… Dante had been kind and considerate with you since day one, and you’d be a liar if you said you weren’t in love with him.
- “Th…that doesn’t matter…” You mumble, face feeling warm as you looked away from him, “If anything…with you I know I’m safe. And…I’d still love you no matter what.”
- Dante rarely got flustered, but something about your soft, stammering voice and those rosy cheeks made his own cheeks flush. Cue five more of  cupid’s arrows cutting through his heart.
- He lifts you up again in his arms, making you squeak a bit.
- “My darling sunshine, you know just what to say that’ll slay me where I stand,” He hums, pressing his head to your shoulder, “Besides…it looks like you have a few tricks up your sleeves too.”
- You bite your lip, nodding as you concentrated your abilities enough to heal his wounds. He grunted in surprise, leaning his head back a bit to look into your gorgeous eyes as you did so.
- “I…I can heal you,” You mumbled, looking away when he rose a brow, “And…I can do stuff with plants as well.”
- “So that’s how you get those fancy ass roses…!” Dante snapped a finger, a crooked smile tilting his lips, “The mystery is finally solved. Although…didn’t I always tell you that you were the sunshine plants needed? Guess I was right.”
- You flush more, pulling up your collar as you whisper, “Dante…”
- “And guess what?” He leaned in, kissing you softly and making your heart bounce sporadically in your chest before he chuckled, “I think you were just the sunshine I needed too.”
- Cue five arrows piercing your heart, filling you with embarrassed delight.
- Dante made a few calls after carrying you to your home above the shop, getting people who could help him with repairs the next day and clean up. He wasn’t lying when he said he was a handy man, but he wanted to make sure the job was done perfectly.
- You had the chance to change your clothes and make some herbal tea, sitting curled on Dante’s lap while you both talked for a while.
- He told you of his half demon lineage, of his devil form. Of everything that happened with his parents, his brother. It made your heart ache–you knew he had been through something terrible, but never knew the specifics until now.
- His demonic half never bothered you, how could it? He was so incredible, nothing like that mattered to you.
- And you shared the knowledge of your abilities, about growing up with them and learning on your own to cultivate a life for yourself.
- Dante listened attentively, stroking your hair behind your ear and plucking out a few stray flower petals.
- “We’re kind of a like in a lot of regards,” He mused, putting one of your hands to his slightly stubbled chin and making your cheeks that pretty pink again, “Except I formed a business set on killing and you made a business set on creating life.”
- “I’d say we both formed businesses to help people,” You countered softly, tracing the lines of his face with gentle fingers, “You’re a good person, Dante. Never doubt that about yourself.”
- Your words made him smile ruefully, holding you a little closer as he murmurs, “When you say it, sunshine, it sounds pretty believable.”
- You huffed a bit at that, but it was easily silenced when he brushed his lips softly to yours once more.
- You both ended up falling asleep in each other’s arms, the tea forgotten on the table beside you.
- Dante made sure your shop was fixed, and agreed to tell you when he was going on a mission. After all, he now had a lovely, flower-growing healer to return to if he got banged up.
Like what you see? Consider buying me a coffee https://ko-fi.com/E1E7GCMU
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I’m bored, so, fuck it!! The Obey Me! Brothers with fluff prompt 1:
“You know, I don’t think standing on a spinny chair was your best idea…”
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That’s all the avatar of pride heard and needed to hear before bolting up from his desk and towards your room.
When he sees you on the floor, books from your top shelf scattered and your spinny chair spinning, he puts two and two together.
He immediately sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
But then he smiles and laughs, helping you up and kissing any areas that are bruised.
If you’re really hurt he’ll give you medical attention.
And then his attention…
He’s determined to make you feel good after all~
Makes sure you know how unsafe what you did was with a lecture.
He rewarded you before because it made him feel better. It was a small fall, but he was still genuinely worried.
He then tells you if there’s anything up high again to call him, and he’ll be more than happy to retrieve it for you.
“Next time, call to me dear. I’ll get anything for you, even of it’s just out of reach.”
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Listen, to date Mammon, you gotta be somewhat the same kind of idiot.
Thus when you stand on a spinny chair, his first instinct is to spin it.
And then you go flying off of it and onto the floor because he’s a DEMON and the man doesn’t know his own strength when he goofs.
You hit the ground and Mammon is a deer in headlights.
And then is a concerned puppy.
He runs over, and grabs you by the shoulders, shaking you and asking if you’re ok, all while giving you whiplash.
You have to yell at him and let him know your fine.
Then he looks even more like a hurt puppy.
Hug him and listen to him ramble as he apologizes.
He really never meant to hurt you, it was supposed to be funny!
Literally tears up out of worry, fear, and guilt. He knows your fragile and never wants harm to come to you.
“O-Oi!! I’m sorry, but no more standin on the spinny chair, got it!! I don’t want you to fall again…”
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This man is having a heart attack.
He enters his room to see you standing on his spinny gamer cuhair and reaching for his manga on the highest shelf.
Immediately rushes over and asks you to get down.
When you look down at him and tell him you’re fine and just getting the manga, he gives you a terrified expression.
Wether he’s more worried for you or the manga is anyone’s guess.
He still holds the chair for you while you get the manga.
He then makes sure you get down ok.
He’ll ask you to NEVER do that again, saying you could’ve knocked over his manga, figures, or broken his chair.
You know that he was obviously more worried about you getting hurt though from the way he pulls you to his tub and hold you close, like you’ll disappear.
You really scared him, but he’s glad he made it here in time.
“D-Don’t do that!!! You could get r-really hurt!! And you could’ve broken my limited edition Ruri-chan figure!!”
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He warned you not to stand on the spinny chair. You did it anyways and fell, thus his sympathy is minimum.
You had decided to use the spinny chair to reach a book on top of a precarious pile of books in Satan’s room.
In response, your boyfriend looks up from his book, and tells you it’s not a good idea, offering you his foot stool that he uses to get books instead.
If you laugh and tell him not to worry, he’ll eye you and sigh, telling you again that it’s not a good idea.
And then you fall.
He closes his book and stands up from where he was reading to go over to you.
If you’re really hurt, he’ll pick you up and bring you over to his bed where he’ll check you over.
If your pride is the only thing bruised, he’ll chuckle and help you to your feet, kissing you on your cheek with a “I told you so”.
Cuddles then ensue as he gets the book you wanted down, and you end up reading it together.
“I said standing on that chair was a bad idea, and you should know, i’m usually right.”
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“Hon what are you doing?! Wait, get down-!!”
When you hit the ground, you manage to land on Asmo who attempted to catch you, but failed miserably.
You’re relatively unharmed from your escapade of attempting to get one of Asmo’s beauty products off his shelf for him.
He was doing his makeup when he saw what you were doing behind him in the mirror and managed to rush over and break your fall.
Unfortunately, you’re now crushing him.
He cries about how much pain he’s in, and how he needs you to kiss every inch of him to make him better!!
Take your attention away from him for 2 seconds and he’ll pout and cry until he wins it back again.
After all, he is your baby, and you owe him for saving your life.
Treat him to a nice lunch out and whatever intimate activities he wants that night and it’s like it never happened.
But boy howdy he’ll milk you injuring him with your silliness for all it’s worth, not that your particularly upset by spoiling him.
“Ah!! I think you hurt my lips too in your fall!! My beautiful face….would you kiss it better, hon~?”
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This man manages to actually catch you.
He’s so relived he was able to as well.
While trying to reach something up high in your room you climb on your spinny desk chair.
Beel looks away from the movie the two of you were watching and the third bag of popcorn he was eating, noticing you wobble.
He swallows his mouthful of popcorn before springing to his feet and dashing to catch you.
He obviously has quick reflexes as an athlete.
You land in his strong arms, and when you look up at him he looks worried but then exhales and gives you his signature soft, relived, smile.
Thank him and he’ll blush, saying he was just glad he was here to catch you.
You two then return to your movie, snacks, and some candy Beel fetched from his room as a treat.
Beel loves being helpful, and if he’s helpful to you, he couldn’t be happier. Keeping you safe means the world to him, even if he only saved you from a spinny chair.
“Woah!…..Are you ok…? Why don’t you join me for some more popcorn instead of climbing on that thing…”
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Probably encouraged the chair standing to begin with as a way to annoy Lucifer and stick it to the man.
Thus he holds the chair as you stand to keep it from moving out from underneath you.
Why are you on a chair in the middle of the living-room? Literally no reason aside for the aforementioned.
Belphie is cautious, but as you show off a little TOO MUCH and turn a little TOO FAST, you hit the ground, just barley missing your pillow loving boyfriend.
Belphie immediately turns to you and puts his beloved cow pillow beneath your head while moving the chair out of the way
Checks you over for injuries and then sighs in relif
Calls you an idiot but then curls into your side. That way if anyone asks you two can tell them you both decided to try sleeping on the floor.
Plans to annoy Lucifer long forgotten, you both opt to cuddle instead of standing on anymore spinny chairs.
“Our plan may have failed, but at least we get to cuddle together, even if it is on the dusty floor.”
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Hi I saw your requests are open and was wondering if I could request headcanons for dante and vergil with a s/o who is a dragon shifter. thank you
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Ah, two people colored red. A match made in heaven (hell?)
Shifters aren’t exactly… liked, for lack of better words. You swore you’d never tell anyone unless you possess absolute trust in that person. You trust Dante - hell, the man has you head over heels for him, and vice versa. Dante trusts you with his secrets, so you should trust him with yours.
You ensure the two of you are alone during the conversation. You weren’t exactly comfortable talking about this to the others, Dante currently being the only one you completely trust.
Did you seriously expect Dante to not go, “Yooo, that’s cool!” and inquire if you can breathe fire? Ah, how naive of you…
Dante is the ultimate pun master. You tell that man anything and he’ll turn it into a joke.
“Man, this day is really starting to drag-on.”
You bury your face in your hands and groan. No one in the shop (or van) knows what’s happening.
Also, weird conversations? Like:
“You know what would be badass? Going to a mission on the back of a dragon. That’s next level.”
“I’m just saying! It’d be cool!”
When you show your boyfriend your dragon form he’s absolutely giddy like a child at the toy section in Walmart. His eyes are bright in wonder and amazement and he’s smiling like a goofball.
Your wings are built to withstand a hurricane, claws sharp and scales as strong as steel, your tail sturdy and strong. Your eyes remain the same, scales colored similarly to your hair. And yes, you can breathe fire.
“Jesus, babe. Demons would flee at the sight of you. You're a badass.”
Who knows, perhaps in time you will come to trust the others with your secret as well.
How on earth you, a dragon shifter, managed to capture the heart of Sparda’s eldest is beyond you. Perhaps it was simply destiny that brought the two of you together.
You were hesitant to tell him, unsure of Vergil’s reaction. He’s a rather calm man, so you can’t imagine him becoming excited and animated unlike a certain someone. Your kind was hunted in the past, claimed to be the ultimate creature a hunter could cut down. Your kind’s scales were used for their blades. Now, dragons are still hunted for sport from those descending from such bloodlines. All newborn shifters swear to never tell anyone unless absolutely sure, in fear of being killed.
But you knew Vergil. You knew he would never do anything to hurt you. What would he even need dragon scales for? He’s already powerful.
He takes the information well. He nods and listens, and allows you to explain the need for secrecy. He understands.
If anything, Vergil becomes a bit more protective over you. He doesn’t want to see you get hurt, and would prevent it through any means necessary.
“Yamato would reach them quicker than they could you.”
“My knight in shining blue,” You chuckle.
The two of you are alone when you decide to show him. You take the form of a mighty Tianlong, your scales a beautiful combination of your hair and eye color. Vergil knew that outside of appearance, nothing had changed. Those eyes gave away a thousand unsaid words, and in dragon form, you were still you.
You are an ice dragon, less common than your fiery brothers and sisters. It was ironic, your powers matching Vergil’s icy personality. It certainly was fate that brought you together.
You lower your head and breathe icy breath into his face. Small icicles cling to his hair, and he glares at you. You chuckle lowly, watching his hand comb through his hair to rid it of ice.
Finally, he speaks. “This power you possess is immaculate. You could conquer the mighty Temen-ni-gru. I am honored to stand before such a powerful being.”
Slowly and almost hesitantly, Vergil raises his hand. It rests against your nose, his fingers the weight of feathers. You rumble in happiness, leaning into that hand.
Oh yes, you certainly couldn’t be happier.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Read it on AO3 | Rules | Buy this devil a coffee
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Anonymous Requested:
“I have this idea, maybe you’ll like it: Dante and his SO exchanging bodies, and instead of touching the boobs for hours Dante explores what does it mean to be a fragile human being. Like when you cut a finger, it hurts for hours and then hurts for days, or maybe his SO has some sort of chronic illness that provides them with some pains or something they’re used to, but Dante doesn’t.”
Howdy Partner,
I’m quite fond of this actually. Thank you so much for requesting this. 
For some damn reason, Tumblr decided to delete this ask while I was writing it. So I can’t answer it directly. Damn them San Francisco city slickers and their computer bugs. 
Dante and S/O Switch Bodies 
When Dante and you switch bodies, it’s a big change. Dante in your body realizes how much taller he is compared to you. 
“Wow, is this how I’m perceived?” He makes a “not bad” facial expression. He notes how different your voice is to his. 
It’s not his body so he’s rather out of touch. No pun intended. 
“Wow, it’s so weird being you. My senses are so dulled.” However, he notes that he was definitely nose-blind to all the trash in his office. Good lord, no wonder you always complained about it. 
You walk up behind him, a foreboding shadow over him. 
“Whoa! Is that what it’s like for you when I walk over to you?” 
“Everyday.” You proceed to rest your arm over his head, using him as an armrest. Finally, you can do it. 
He goes to sit at his desk and tries to sit as he usually does. It’s different in your body and he adjusts himself. You sit so precariously and your back aches from your posture. 
That’s when Dante realizes it feels weird because he can feel pain. He’s been so indifferent to pain with his healing factor. It’s peculiar, and his, well your confused expression gives it away. 
“Do you always feel this?” Dante shifts in his seat, also looking at your hand, where a cut on your finger is wrapped in a band-aid. 
He presses against the cut, feeling sharp notes of pain. Is this normal?
You cross your arms thinking about all the times you’ve tripped and stubbed your limbs. How long has Dante not known the feeling of a minor injury?
“Yeah, I feel it. But I can ignore it.” Dante raises an eyebrow. 
He peers at your form, but not sexually. Just…curious of how fragile you were, as a human. Something that was recessive to his own demonic heritage. 
“Huh, it pays to be a demon huh? Can’t feel pain unless it’s something that kills me.” A look of returned self-deprecation comes on his face. Well, your face. 
He gets up and jumps over his desk. He notices you had a bruise on your leg from god knows what and a dull twinge reaches him. 
“Hey.” You hug him in Dante’s form, lifting him up with ease. 
Dante didn’t know how warm he was until pressed up against himself in your body. 
He can smell his own cologne, his own shampoo, and hear the beating of his own heart. 
He pulls away, still in your arms. 
Is this how he feels to you? Is this how you keep going sometimes when you’re sad and he’s holding you? Is he there for you when it hurts? Even if he can’t feel it himself? Is he doing a good job? 
Judging by how comfortable he feels in your form, it’s a yes. 
The twinges of pain and aches don’t go away, but then again, it makes the comfort worth it. 
“Do you want to change back?” You ask. 
“Maybe in five minutes.” He laughs. For now, he’d like to be called by your name. He’d like to be human for a little longer. Maybe you would like to not feel the minor yet constant discomfort you have for a while. Maybe you’d like to feel numbly invincible. 
He promises to massage your sore muscles and kiss your wounds when he returns to his own body. 
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Would be alright to request some comfort fluff from you? Dante got back to the shop badly injured after a job gone bad and blacks out. He soon wakes up on his bed all bandaged up (since he's older and his healing has slowed) only to find his injuries all bandaged up, with used bloody rags in the trash and his old first aid kit cracked open, nearby. Only for him to notice his s/o is sound asleep next to him having tended his injuries.
(Someone plz give Dante some extra TLC he deserves it after all the shit he's been through)
This is more than alright tbh, anon. Dante deserves all the love in the world
You can't help but to thank your lucky stars that you have some semblance of knowledge when it comes to first aid. Dante came stumbling through the doors of Devil May Cry, which wasn't uncommon. What was strange, though, was his injuries. Dante always healed pretty fast, usually shaking off any wounds he got with a lazy smile on his face, reassuring you that they'd vanish quickly.
Tonight was different though. He came through the doors of the shop, barely able to hold himself up, his expression nearly blank and his skin much paler than usual. He managed to flash a soft smile at you before collapsing in your arms. His consciousness faded in and out through the night as you tended to his injuries, though he was hardly coherent when he was awake.
Luckily he had a first aid kit set aside. He mentioned one day that it was pretty old since he had originally gotten it for Patty but you were welcome to use it if you needed it. You had only opened it to get the occasional band-aid. Dante's always protected you from any real harm.
Whatever got him got him pretty damn good, you figure. The worst of his injuries seemed to be caused by some type of poison, which meant that you had to be careful of the way you went about it. If it was affecting him this bad, it would probably kill you if you so much as touched it. You managed to clean all of his wounds and wrapped them in bandages, changing them every once in a while as he started to bleed through them.
It took some time but he started to look better so you managed to move him to his bedroom upstairs. His breathing began to even out and the color began to return to his skin, and he had stopped bleeding through his bandages which you think was probably the best sign.
The sun was beginning to rise and you began to notice the signs of fatigue your body was giving off. Your eyelids felt heavy and your body ached from carrying your boyfriend around. Not that you were upset at any of this, Dante’s done plenty enough for you. You always tried to find little ways to take care of him in return. You were just worried. It wasn’t that he got weaker with age, quite the opposite actually. But his healing abilities seemed to be slower on the uptake than ever before, which wasn’t very compatible with his reckless nature.
He looked fairly peaceful now, his features no longer scrunched up in pain. He was still abnormally warm to the touch but you figured that was because his body was working overtime to fight off the poison in his system. You reach over to brush the stray hairs out of his face, running your fingers through his hair a few times before retracting your arm.
You laid there for a few moments, admiring his features and reminiscing on past memories before sleep finally took you.
It was a few hours before Dante awoke. He was stiff but his pain was minimal, which he was internally grateful for. He willed himself to sit up, grimacing slightly in pain. He looked down at himself, finding that he was stripped down to his boxers and bandages were covering most of his body. His old first aid kit was sitting on his dresser next to a bottle of rubbing alcohol. The only noise in the room was your soft breathing next to him which he hadn’t noticed at first. He turns his gaze to your sleeping form. You were curled up next to him, arm slightly extended towards him, seeking him out even in your slumber. He smiled softly at that, running his finger tips down your arm.
Honestly he had half expected you to just plop his ass on the couch and have him wait it out. But he knows better, really. You always doted on him, even when it was just a scratch that went away in minutes. You were always kind to him even when he was hardly deserving of it.
You woke up a few minutes later, scrambling to get up and look at his injuries and admonishing him for not waking you. He laughed at you, of course, but let you examine him.
“If you wanted to feel me up, you coulda just said that, sunshine.” He said with a languid smile, and a fondness in his eyes that nobody could miss.
You roll your eyes at that as you remove his bandages, but can’t stop the smile that tugs at your lips. His eyes don’t leave you once as you tend to him in comfortable silence, nor can he wipe the smile off his face. You throw the last of his bandages away before the two of you lock eyes for a moment. If someone could have heart eyes, you both would be the very definition. You can’t help to grin at him as he starts to do the same.
He’s already staring at your lips as you grip the back of his neck and bring him down for a soft kiss. Or several, you suppose as your teeth clack together from smiling so widely. Not that you had any complaints. You never really did when it came to him, he was the love of your life, after all...
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Can i request a mini drabble or headcanons for Dante and Vergil (separetly please) about their s/o (female pronouns if possible) coming back to their home and are wounded/bleeding because they have been randomly assaulted, what would be their reactions to finding their s/o almost bleeding to death? Thank u <3
He almost panics, wanting to ask you what happened and who did it so he can go kick their ass. But he says nothing, not trusting his voice, as he jumps up to help you inside and sit you down, searching the shop up and down for his first aid kit. He’s not the most skilled at first aid but he manages to stop the bleeding and keeps you conscious if at all possible. 
He gets a bit teary-eyed if you were genuinely about to bleed out, softly telling you how much he loves you as he pulls you close, being mindful of your injuries. He blames himself too, as he does for most things. He should have been there to protect you. It’s irrational, part of him knows this but it can’t be helped. He tells you that he’ll be there next time and that this will never happen again if he can help it. You can’t help but to believe him. 
He’s by your side when you wake up the next morning in your shared bed. He offers you a wry smile as he pats you on the knee, getting up to start his morning. He helps change your bandages and gets you whatever you need but he won’t hover. He almost starts to distance himself, wanting to tell you that you deserve someone who won’t get you in trouble like this. But it isn’t about him and he tells himself that as he kisses your forehead, playfully chastising you for scaring the living shit out of him. 
He does panic, truthfully. Though this presents itself as anger as he quickly sits you down and tends to your wounds as best he can, telling you that this shouldn’t have happened and how careless you are (he doesn’t mean the latter statement). He’s even less skilled in first aid so this is dangerous and he isn’t thinking clearly. He does manage to stop the bleeding but he eventually calls Nero for help. Him and Kyrie are likely the ones that truly patch you up. Vergil will sit in the other room while this happens until he calms himself down. Once he’s breathing evenly, he’ll come in and ask Nero and Kyrie what he needs to do once they leave. 
When you wake up, he’s by your side, his fatigue bruised under his eyes as he looks at you with a pained expression. He apologizes for calling you careless though it’s unlikely that you even truly registered that he insulted you. He also apologizes for not being there, asking you if you remember who did it. He’ll wait until you’re fully recovered until he hunts them down. 
More of a mother hen than Dante is, insisting that you get enough fluids and change your bandages frequently. Doting on you during this is his way of being affectionate. He also blames himself but knows that wallowing will solve nothing. He tells you that he loves you. It’s a meaningful moment given how sparingly he says it though he seems to say it a little more often after this.
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