multipassionateme 1 year
I can't recall how many times I've told myself this.
I remember after watching the film "Where The Crawdads Sing"
I literally went straight to the bookstore and bought sketchbooks, paints, and brushes. I was so inspired by the main character's hobby that I literally wanted to do it. Days later, after 2 butterfly paintings, I got bored. That's only ONE of the many things I started but never finished.
Of course, I would then label myself as lazy or lacking in character. For years, I've been hating myself for that. But now, while reading the book, I realize I need to accept that this is how my BRAIN works. And there's no shame in that. The restriction itself was designed by society. There's no right way to do things. There are millions of ways! And I'm excited to embark on that journey of self-discovery.
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multipassionateme 1 year
This is me embracing myself
Hey there! I know people have told you countless times to focus on and be good at one thing. I know you've been following that advice (terrible, by the way) I know you felt guilty and shameful for jumping from one skill to another your whole life. Joining courses that give everything you need but finding it hard to implement. I get you. I am like that. We've been living in a world where our thought processes are labelled as Shiny Object Syndrome. Or laziness and procrastination.
Sorry to say, but we've been following the WRONG people. We're neurodivergent, living in a neurotypical world. But don't worry. I am here. Together, let's find what makes us happy. Follow our curiosity. Do a ton of experiments because life's too short to restrict our creativity.
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multipassionateme 1 year
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