multipassionateme · 1 year
I can't recall how many times I've told myself this.
I remember after watching the film "Where The Crawdads Sing"
I literally went straight to the bookstore and bought sketchbooks, paints, and brushes. I was so inspired by the main character's hobby that I literally wanted to do it. Days later, after 2 butterfly paintings, I got bored. That's only ONE of the many things I started but never finished.
Of course, I would then label myself as lazy or lacking in character. For years, I've been hating myself for that. But now, while reading the book, I realize I need to accept that this is how my BRAIN works. And there's no shame in that. The restriction itself was designed by society. There's no right way to do things. There are millions of ways! And I'm excited to embark on that journey of self-discovery.
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christinemonk · 2 years
Passion and purpose. Two words that are inextricably connected, but are also distinct entities on their own. Passion is about thoughts and feelings, the motivation, and what makes us feel good, i.e. “do what you love”. Purpose, on the other hand, is the reason, or the why behind what we do, mainly for others, i.e, “do what contributes.”
But once you look in the direction of your passion and purpose if you want to experience true happiness, joy, and personal fulfillment in life, you will notice that you often don’t follow them. Due to the necessity of surviving—working nonstop to pay the bills and lead a fulfilling life—these two frequently take a second seat for the majority of people.
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August 16th, 2018
So UNREAL... I am certainly a girl of many passions. But for me modeling or acting is a form of art! In every job I have ever booked I essentially get to express an artistic and creative side of me that I don’t normally get to do every day. It is really an unreal feeling to know that that side of me is even there! Nowadays modeling isn’t what it was before. It is no longer about passion, hard work, and love for the industry. It has simply become about who has the most followers or who is willing to take their clothes off for the most exposure and attention. Women who could careless for the industry all of a sudden are models. Women who never dreamed of modeling now put on this façade of “Oh I’ve always wanted this.” It is pretty clear who has always dreamed of something and who has not. Our generation is a fucking mess. People will do whatever it takes for a little bit of attention even at the stake of their own dignity. Nobody truly follows their own passions everyone just follows the passions of others because that looks better than their own. It’s pathetic. On another note, every single gig I go to is like the BIGGEST DEAL EVER TO ME. I fought so long and so hard for this. I gave up so many times due to my personal insecurities and numerous NO’s from various agencies. But I kept getting back up. This stuff for me is not for the money, fame, popularity, or followers. This for me is about self-fulfillment. This is my dreams coming true one small success at a time. And for every YES that I get it is a fucking celebration because I instantly think back to all of those who told me NO and who doubted me. This work feeds my soul and fires me up. With that being said, BE TRUE TO YOURSELF AND YOUR OWN PERSONAL GOALS; FOLLOW YOUR OWN PASSION AND NOT WHAT OTHERS DO BECAUSE YOU THINK IT’LL FULFILL YOU, I promise you it won’t… Be original.
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multipassionateme · 1 year
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