para || St. Patrick’s Day: Brobastian, 3/17/2017
Tagging: @smythethebadass and @mutilplestep-weston
Time: Friday night, 17 March 2017
Setting: Lima Community Center, Lima, OH
Summary:  Desperate to make things unawkward with Sebastian, Brody invites him out to the fundraiser with the intention of setting him up and forcing himself to move on from his past addiction.
"You know Bas-- this shade of green just isn't a good look on you.  You really should do something about that," Brody retorted, raking his teeth with his lip to bite back his laugh and maintain his tone.  "I mean, I know that it's hard being obviously second best to someone after imagining yourself as top dog for so long, but I do have more experience, and better people skills, so really, there's no shame in just realizing letting yourself laugh at my adorably brilliant wit."  He flashed a grin.  "You know, some people say admitting defeat is actually huge for character growth, which can be very sexy, and considering your...situation-" he gestured to the younger man's slightly diminished physique.  "You can use all the help you can get."  
Bas cleared his throat awkwardly as Brody made his pitch, but he didn't stop him; which the older teacher didn't really know what to make of.  Did Bas think Brody would be stupid enough to try to hit on him here?  After everything?  Sebastian had made his position on their relationship crystal clear numerous times over the last few months, and with the exception of a slip up induced by exhaustion and worry and a vulnerability that Brody didn't want to think about (that hopefully Bas' feverish brain had completely wiped from his memory), the older man felt like he'd done a pretty decent job respecting that position, even to his own detriment.  Or maybe it was Lily herself?  Brody thought she was a good person, although she had awful taste in boyfriends.  But it wasn't like Bas was going to //date// her, and he couldn't possibly think Brody would bring her here letting her think he would, would he?  The whole situation was starting to sit uncomfortably in the pit of his stomach.
He pushed the unease aside, determined to make this work for his own sanity.  He'd already ruined his friendship with Marley-- he felt he'd be pretty damned depressed if he couldn't manage to salvage the one with Bas.  "Well, for my sake, I'm going to focus on the fact that you found her decent enough to talk to,” he replied with an exaggerated eye roll, reminding himself that both of these people were his friends and adults and if they wanted to fuck each other’s brains out all night right in front of him he not only had no claim to either--he was right here giving his blessing.  Bas’ cocky swagger helped the quirk in his lips feel a little more natural though-- it was hardly the first time they’d talked about this sort of thing, after all, he reminded himself.  He just had to get back to the mindset of before.  “Well yeah-- she was drunk and barely had to say anything.  What’s not to like?  I mean, I’m personally a little disappointed in her taste right this moment, but I like to think of myself as the supportive friend regardless,” he added.  Brody shifted forward to check his phone.  “She’s stopping by with a friend, maybe, so hopefully in the next ten or twenty.”  Lily had been the main person to attempt to drag the man out of his self-induced funk lately, after Dani, and had insisted that if she was getting some, so should he, although she’d texted earlier about rain checking the set up tomorrow night possibly, to his relief.  He wasn’t sure he could manage focusing on someone new when Lily and Bas were going to be eye fucking each other right in front of him.  “You that anxious to leave already Bas?  Come on-- it’s St. Patrick Day.  One of the many random holidays we celebrate to knock some of the mundane out of life between New Year’s and Easter break.”  Suddenly feeling parched, he shifted in his seat.  “Another shot?”
Sebastian wrinkled his nose. “I’m /never/ second best to anyone,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes. “You need to stop trying to flatter yourself. At least go for someone realistic, Brodes. Better than Finn or Kurt? Sure. Although, that’s not exactly difficult – but my point is, you need to stop trying to compare yourself to me. I know you admire me, but my charm and wit can’t be copied – it’s a natural gift.” He chuckled, shaking his head. “Now who’s jealous? I look damn good and you know it.” Usually that kind of comment would follow with Sebastian detailing how good his ass looked in his jeans, and he’d probably add in something about Brody’s obsession, but there were lines that even he wasn’t willing to cross tonight. He wasn’t stupid enough to think that everything was okay between them – not after the shitstorm they just went through. At least he could act like everything was okay though. Brody didn’t need to know how Sebastian felt, because it wasn’t like Sebastian was ever intending on following through with it. All it would lead to was awkwardness.  
He shrugged. “You could say that.” Lily had certainly charmed him well enough on New Year’s Eve. Hot and flirty, and if Brody had maintained a friendship with her, then she probably wasn’t a psycho, right? He wouldn’t have to worry about her hunting him down. Surely if Brody had discussed the prospect of them hooking up, Lily would be fully aware of Sebastian’s position on the matter, anyway. He hummed doubtfully. “I don’t know – I think that it’s a sign of her taste improving, really. Although after me, I guess there’s nowhere to go but down. Are you sure you want to subject her to that?” He leaned over the table, giving Brody a cocky grin. “What, and deprive you of my company so fast? I just wanted to know so I could try and keep the charm dialled down a little bit. Wouldn’t wanna torture the poor girl with anticipation if we’re planning on staying here for a few hours.” He nodded in reply to Brody’s offer.
And, yeah – this felt weird, but he managed to keep his face straight and his voice steady, his firm grip on his glass stopping him from scooping his hands though his hair. He could do this, though. He could go back to the whole friends thing with Brody. Not that they were ever anything more. A temporary glitch wasn’t going to change anything in the long run. Besides, it was probably the aftershocks of the pneumonia that was making it worse. He’d be back to his usual self in no time, and his exceedingly irritating internal monologue that seemed to accompany him while around certain people would shut the fuck up. Was this how normal people felt? It was exhausting.
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para || St. Patrick’s Day: Brobastian, 3/17/2017
Tagging: @smythethebadass and @mutilplestep-weston
Time: Friday night, 17 March 2017
Setting: Lima Community Center, Lima, OH
Summary:  Desperate to make things unawkward with Sebastian, Brody invites him out to the fundraiser with the intention of setting him up and forcing himself to move on from his past addiction.
Goddamn-- it had to be the blacklights or something.  Bas looked kind of ghostly, but he still pulled the damn effortless look off, and even though the shirt is dark and unremarkable in the current setting, Brody’s brain knew the guy’s style too well by now not to assume his whole outfit didn’t sit well on him.  As opposed to Brody-- jeans streaked messily with that neon paint they were selling along the wall, and a bright white polo that lit up under the blacklights like a jellyfish and was probably drenched with sweat by now.  Not that he was //trying// to impress anyone, but if he was?  This choice of outfit wasn’t going to be the way he was going to pull it off.
But really-- that hardly mattered, because tonight was about hanging out with a friend.  Maybe doing a good deed for said friend.  And if said good deed helped him keep said friend away from his impulsive self,  that was just //very// fortunate happenstance.   He watched as Sebastian reached over and grabbed the drink-- internally reminding himself to keep an eye on the guy’s intake or Blaine would kill him-- even as he chuckled in amusement.  “Really Bas?  I don’t think anything-- I //am// hilarious.  The sooner you accept it, the easier things will be.”  He flashed an easy grin, glancing around before reaching over to intercept any attempt the younger man might make for the third shot.  “Luckily for you, it’s not //my// humor I brought you out to be entertained by.”  He rolled his eyes in amusement before he continued, “You remember my friend Lily, right?”  Brody was still half-regretting his decision to take this route, honestly, but it seemed like the smartest one available to him.  “She //might// have asked about you the other day, and I //might// have mentioned you were coming to this thing.  //If// you wanted to talk to her.”  Brody quirked an eyebrow at the green eyes across from him.  Bas didn’t need to know that the reason Lily asked was specifically because //Brody// brought him up-- didn’t need to know that he //may// have implied that Bas had shown an interest in //Lily// in order to convince her to trek all the way out to Lima and drink crappy, overpriced alcohol with the guy now, instead of later.  No-- all Bas //really// needed to know was that Lily was interested, and on her way here, and his friends could get some and Brody would be able to feel that annoying stranglehold of Sebastian Smythe loosen from him at least a little.  He hoped.
He took a long, slow gulp of his drink, liqueur burning his throat pleasantly on his way down. At least the whiskey wasn’t the cheap crap he’d expected – or not that he could taste anyway. Though, there was a slight aftertaste, but he wasn’t sure if it was his imagination or not. But he managed to shake it off regardless, flashing a cocky grin back at Brody. “Seriously, Brodes - I know that you’re… well, let’s say /challenged/, but I’m sure even /you/ know how much of a problem it is at this point.” He shook his head slowly as thought to further demonstrate his disappointment.
Brody’s statement caught his ears though, and he almost choked on his drink on the way down, clearing his throat before raising his eyebrows at Brody. Of course he remembered Lily. He wasn’t remotely surprised that Brody made no mention of the night that he’d met her, though – it was still a sore spot for /him/. “As charming as she was, it was hardly her humour I was interested in,” Sebastian told him, but his stomach rolled a little at the thought of Brody setting him up. It shouldn’t feel as weird as it did, but he brushed it aside instantly. It wasn’t like he’d been hoping to take Brody home tonight – he wasn’t /that/ naïve to think that it would result in anything but disaster, emotional or otherwise. “Not that I can blame her,” he continued, smirk firmly back on her lips. “I’m pretty damn unforgettable.” And the woman /had/ been gorgeous, he had to admit – if he’d met Lily in any other circumstance, he was pretty sure he’d have already slept with her by this point. Although, Brody did mention something about a boyfriend. Not that he particularly cared, so he didn’t bother to ask. “And when /is/ my admirer gracing us with her presence?”
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para || St Patrick’s Day: Brobastian, 3/17/2017
Tagging: @smythethebadass and @mutilplestep-weston
Time: Friday night, 17 March 2017
Setting: Lima Community Center, Lima, OH
Summary:  Desperate to make things unawkward with Sebastian, Brody invites him out to the fundraiser with the intention of setting him up and forcing himself to move on from his past addiction.
Brody knew he should be exhausted-- he'd been out on the floor most of the night, trying not to get beaned with neon-colored balls by his own students for the majority of the time.  He hadn't been lying when he said he had no real skills in sports, but he'd learned it paid to be quick on your feet when being a teacher (and the FFA supervisor at that) basically put a big bullseye on you.
So yeah-- he //should// be wiped.  And physically, his muscles were definitely worked over, and he'd probably be sleeping in come morning.  But the place was refilling with adults taking their drinks onto the converted dance floor, and he grinned at the vibrant colors and crowded bar as he went and bought three overpriced shots, heading back to the table he'd claimed all night, the nervous energy buzzing through his veins.
Sebastian's return to McKinley had been...a little awkward, to say the least.  He'd tried like hell to keep up the pretenses of things being the same, but Brody had to admit to at least himself-- things //weren't// the same, and having the guy in front of him just made it that much more obvious.  He felt differently, and he knew more than anything that those feelings were what made things complicated between them.  But if Bas could bounce back so easily, then so could Brody, right?
And so he'd decided that the easiest way to do it would be this.  Sebastian couldn't hide the fact that he was still off his game nearly so well face-to-face, and the older man wondered, for all of his assertions, how much action Bas was really managing.  So he'd extended an offer to take the guy out-- as friends, like they had been before.   This time definitely without the sex, he'd affirmed stubbornly to himself, because Brody didn't trust himself with that line; but he could be friends with a guy at a bar.  And the fundraiser was as good a time as any.
So now it was really about gathering up his own courage, throwing back his shot, and waiting for Bas to show up at the damned table and do this.   Brody pulled out his phone to check for messages-- he wondered if Bas was running late; if he was flaking out on him; if this whole damned thing wasn't a mistake--
A recovering but still ridiculously good-looking asshole appeared in his peripheral vision, and Brody grinned, " 'Bout time-- I thought I was going to have to take these myself," he grinned.  "I mean, I still could, of course..."  He jokingly reached for the glass closest to the younger man.
Sebastian would be lying if he said he’d /entirely/ recovered, but he was definitely getting there. For a start, he was starting to get some colour back into his cheeks and he had more energy than he’d had in the past few months, so that was something.
So when Brody had offered to take him out – as /friends/ do – who was he to deny the older man the pleasure of his company? After everything that had gone down, Sebastian still felt a bit out of his comfort zone, he had to admit. Although it was nothing that he couldn’t stomp down if he ignored it hard enough – and he was a master at that.
Didn’t mean he wasn’t going to go to the effort to look his finest. Brody wasn’t going to be the only person there tonight, so of /course/ it had nothing to do with him – he just wanted to get laid already. He’d had some luck here and there over the last few weeks, but fuck if he hadn’t been off his game since he caught pneumonia – something that he was really doing his best not to let show. He’d never hear the end of it otherwise.
Between deliberating on whether to gel his hair (he didn’t) or deciding which shirt to wear (the green one – because it looked damn sexy with his eyes), he was already running a little behind, and traffic didn’t help matters. The cab driver seemed far too interested in conversation and Sebastian did his best not to roll his eyes and tell the guy just to shut up and drive, but they /finally/ pulled up to the centre, and Sebastian couldn’t get out of there fast enough (making sure not to tip extra, because the guy might get the wrong idea and think that he enjoyed his ridiculously mundane story about his wife and his daughter going shopping for a new bathroom or whatever the fuck the guy had been prattling on about).
So /finally/ he got to the place, and it wasn’t like he was /that/ late – maybe five/ten minutes, but he managed to find Brody with ease regardless, shooting him a smirk as he grabbed the glass before Brody could play out his obvious bluff. “And once again you think you’re hilarious. You really need to do something about that.”
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text || Brobastian
Bas: Well, what can I say? Truth hurts. They need to learn to handle it better.
Bas: Apart from having to deal with the stupidity of my students and co-workers day in and day out? Can’t complain. Aw, Brodes, if you really want me there that badly, you don’t need to pose it as a challenge. I know I’m the life and soul of everything - the fundraiser would be a dud without me. Wouldn’t want to deprive you like that.
Brody: I honestly have no idea how you got this job. I mean, I'm positive there's been meetings about being an encouraging and positive learning environment. How they thought you'd provide that...
Brody: Yeah, if only we'd just leave you alone. Well, I mean, I'm trying to find a good selling point, and considering the attention your return's garnered, I figure giving people the opportunity to throw colorful rubber balls at you all night would be a huge motivator. Hell, I might be able to up the entry fee.
Brody: [unsent] not that //anyone's// letting you within fifty feet of that court, but yeah, sure-- right? I mean, exactly.
Brody: Although I'm not going to be around much in the first half of the fundraiser. I mean, obviously while my company is the reason you're interested, I will be on the court, and there won't be alcohol happening until after the kids go home. Just something to keep in mind.
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[Txt] It's hardly //just// the teenagers.  I've heard some of the faculty lamenting as well.  Finn and Kurt, for example, hardly seem thrilled.  Poor guys.
[Txt] [unsent] Just ask be cool just ask be cool just ask be cool just ask
[Txt] So, how's the strain of real life treating you then?  You think you're going to manage to put your money where your mouth is and make it out to the dodgeball game this Friday?
[Txt] So four days in and you're already causing mass chaos. I can't tell who had more of a vacation while you were gone at this point-- you or us.
[Tx] Dramatic much? It’s not my fault teenagers can’t handle being told to work for a change. You only have my sub to thank. 
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@smythethebadass @mr-blaindersonthesecond
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Event || Brody Weston || FFA Blacklight After Party
When: 17 March 2017, 9:30 pm - midnight
Where: Lima Civic Center
Why: When the students go home, it’s time for the big kids to play!  $5 at the door and a cash bar, with games, prizes, and, yes, Dodgeball!
Dancing and a Second Raffle will also be happening.  Proceeds will go to FFA for events and activities!
@smythethebadass @mr-blaindersonthesecond
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That’s actually terrifying. And also really depressing, so thanks for that. For the record, you didn’t screw me up, I’m perfect, thank you. Oh god no. Clowns are the actual worst, I would never set up a clown routine. Mine was just a much more simple ‘carry around a pie and say how happy you are it’s pie day’ type of thing.
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Don’t short change yourself, there, you have the sass bone too. I’m not sure that funny is the right word there. Cheesy dad joke that’s ironically funny is the better descriptor for your humor. Yes, exactly. So you might as well just share the love. And pie.
Um...oops?  I guess there’s also that theory of our atoms or souls or what have you live on for infinity, returning to space as part of the ever-connected universe after we’re gone?  It’s supposed to be romantic, or so I’ve heard, to know you were once a star, or a raindrop, or something of that ilk.  That was a routine?  How do you separate that from every math kid that brought in a pie for extra credit? Except those ones would have been happy it was PI DAY, not PIE DAY.
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Just a bone?  Is it that one in your throat that’s kind of chilling and doesn’t actually connect with any other bone?  What?  I’ll have you know I’m hilarious-- your mom always laughs, and some others I could name but will keep anonymous for their own sake.  Well, love is easy-- I did make a promise, after all.  Sharing pie with my son who can’t seem to remember the proper name of the holiday?  That will take a little more force of will.  But I suppose I’ll manage.  Or, you know-- just give you the bad pies.
Hey, Brody.
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Are you saying that the actual pi comforts you? And of course, that’d just be hypocritical of you. Did any of them do the whole pie routine that I totally didn’t put them up to?
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Wow, at least now I know where I got my sass. And just remember that I’m your only son, so if you don’t share with me, you don’t get to share with anyone.
What’s more comforting than the thought of infinity?  That in reality, no matter what we do, our choices and actions are almost meaningless in the grand scheme of things?  I mean, barring mass genocide or something.  But yeah-- I take some comfort in the thought that, no matter how badly I screw up my kid,   The universe will continue on in the same way it did before I got here, and after I’m gone.  Helps me sleep at night.  As for a “routine”-- depends on which one was yours.  For your sake I hope it wasn’t the clown shenanigans, because three kids ended up getting sent to the principal’s office for that nonsense.  There is nothing funny about clowns, SB.
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Sass?  That’s all your mother-- I don’t know what you’re talking about.  I’m the cute one with all the funny lines.  However, it is true that I only have the one son-- and as I have no intention on crucifying you, and your mom will kill me if I don’t share, I suppose I have no choice.  Besides, a week is a long time to go eating pie by yourself.  Am I right?
Hey, Brody.
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I’m still yours, but now I’m in my teenage years where everything I do is defy you.
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It’s all in the name of love?
Damn-- I should have known this day would come sooner or later.  At least I have both types of pi/e to comfort me in my days of frustration.  It’s a good thing you’re not one of my students though-- I wouldn’t know how to justify it to them that they have to know about pi when my own son can’t seem to manage it.
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I believe The Supremes had some very solid words of wisdom when it came to doing things like this in the name of love.  Ie, Stop.  Otherwise, I’ll never be able to justify sharing the spoils of Pi week with my favorite son, which leaves me feeling disappointed in both of us.
Hey, Brody.
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William McKinley High School || Spring 2017 || Class Schedule  
After-School Schedule:
FFA || Year Round || Agricultural Sciences Class (7th Period); 3:30-4:30 pm Second Thurs Monthly
Dance Team || Winter Season|| 6:30-7:30 am Mon-Fri; 5:00-7:30 pm Wed
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text || Brobastian
Bas: How could I forget when I’m being constantly reminded? I don’t trust other people to look out for him. Don’t worry - I’ve got this.
Brody: That's the goal, peacock.
Brody: [unsent] without him doing it, I don't trust anyone else to look after //you//, idiot.
Brody: I figured. Just don't overdo it, okay? Get through the funeral, the wake, play nice and then just take it easy for the both of you? Watch Nazis or get some sleep or something.
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Event || Brody Weston || FFA Blacklight After Party
When: 17 March 2017, 9:30 pm - midnight
Where: Lima Civic Center
Why: When the students go home, it’s time for the big kids to play!  $5 at the door and a cash bar, with games, prizes, and, yes, Dodgeball!
Dancing and a Second Raffle will also be happening.  Proceeds will go to FFA for events and activities!
@sebadasssmythe @wmhs-marleyrose @mr-blainderson @missdanirockinramirez @mr-ryderlynn @mr-finn-hudson @mrclarington @mr-kurthummel @msviolagreene @msrbb @mspierceifyoure @misstcohenchang @missquinnstrue @santanasbiology @shakespeareanporter @not-a-saintjames @gemmaxcaito
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I'm sorry for my absence this week.
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Relationship Moodboard || Blaine Anderson and Brody Weston || A New Path
Brody: Fine, fine– no giant foam finger. Just the big megaphone and banner then. Blaine: If I get the choice, stick with the finger. 
@mr-blainderson and @squaredancing-weston
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+ Gryffindor Aesthetic +
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I did itttttttttttttttt Top is John, middle is Holly, bottom is Sam
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