mungy · 1 year
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mungy · 1 year
Follow me and reblog all my posts and be extra niceys to me
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mungy · 1 year
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Welcome to my den of sin (mwhahaha)
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mungy · 1 year
literally stop being an mcr fan then! why can you forgive gerard but not lynz? everyone will pretend they support the idea of allowing someone to learn and grow and change but then they'll see a woman and go oh no not her she's irredeemable like? the double standards are ridiculous
It’s so crazy… I’ve seen countless people say that she needs to explicitly apologize for her actions and yeah I guess that would be nice. I just think it's a more complicated and nuanced situation than it might seem. Her apologizing for being in msi and participating in complicit racism would implement a lot of people and make them guilty by association. It would imply everyone including the sound guys who worked shows would then be connected to "having worked for a racist band" and could seriously complicate relationships - both working and not.
Also, I sometimes really don't understand why this is a discussion worthy of so much time other than reflecting on the atmosphere that allowed such a band to rise within the scene? (I think there's a real meaningful conversation to be had about the excusing of racism from a lot of people within the alt music scene even today.)The band hasn’t toured since 2014? Acts like Marilyn Manson - who among all his other crimes also used racial slurs as shock value - is actively touring. And for the double standards - Frank fucking toured with msi in 2013 like why not cancel him for that LOL!!! Or god forbid, Gerard for working with Jimmy Urine in 2018.
Even forgiving Gerard for saying he’s Japanese while dogpiling Lindsey for saying she’s partially Indian when she doesn’t even know her birth dad is wild to me. The tweets are very similar to each other - and neither of them have apologized? I've seen people start excusing Gerard's tweet, extrapolating info like "he must have taken a DNA test" well, there's no proof of that, and why not extend that benefit of the doubt to Lindsey? Like yes, she shouldn’t have said it but Gerard shouldn’t have either! I also just can't help but think there are more important issues oh my god!!! I've seen people - both Indian and East Asian alike - express discomfort with both Lindsey's and Gerard's actions, and I completely understand that! I just only ever see Lindsey's held to such irredeemable levels, and that's usually by white people who I personally feel are overstepping their role. I just can't help but think some white people do not have meaningful, real life, conversations with the demographics they are supposedly advocating for.
I am definitely not the person to absolve her of her sins or excuse anything she’s done and people she’s hurt, but do people (and I mean primarily other white people who - from my experience - are mainly the ones posting hate about her) realize she has probably been the most clear and explicit about her anti-racist learning curve? Out of anyone even remotely connected to mcr, she has posted and done more direct funding and outreach for Black organizations than anyone. Yes, that’s Twitter activism and doesn’t exactly amount to much in the grand scheme of things, but if people who hate her judge her off of her internet footprint, why not use the same to realize maybe she has learned?
I recently tried to see if she had acknowledged any of her faults publicly- and to my shock - she has!
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I’m not saying this is the best response to every thing but I also never saw this mentioned ever before.
I truly think some of the worst stuff she’s done is publicly support Jimmy Urine after the allegations came out but again everyone who just spreads that as a fact completely misses the context of her ex friend spreading unhinged rumors about her for like a year before those allegations came out. Jessicka Adams accused Gerard of sexual misconduct and started claiming that Lindsey was in cahoots with a man who accused Jessicka of sleeping with him when he was underage. Truly unhinged stuff.
If I was Lindsey and my ex-friend was doing that, purposefully targeting people close to me, I also might immediately assume she was behind those against the lead singer of my old band! She should NOT have voiced her suspicions publicly, and I do think that was wrong, but it’s not like she doubled down on it since? I know a lot of people would like to think they would act differently if they were in her shoes, but really think about it! If allegations that arose online came out against a man you called a friend - who you let watch your daughter - would you immediately publicly turn against him? She should have apologized when it became clear the allegations were not unfounded, but even when the news first broke she was liking tweets which better explained her mindset. Also last I heard, they are no longer friends at all.
Again with the double standards though. I've seen no noise around Mikey’s wife publicly defending wife abuser Johnny Depp (a person she does not even know) when he won his trial? Or the fact that Gerard was also very good friend with Jimmy and most likely shares a similar opinion as his wife?
I've also seen people say things like "well she should have known because of all the signs" I think this a dangerous oversimplification. What about the band No Devotion? Everyone loves them here. They formed after their old lead singer was exposed as rapist with multiple situations of him sleeping with young girls on tour. Why didn't those guys know about it?
I also just feel like using this case a justification to hate her alongside stuff like "she made a mikey hate blog!!" (she didn't) just feels so wrong to me. It’s like people are happy this happened to a woman because it gives justification to hate Lindsey. I see no attempts to support this Jane Doe with tweets of support or some kind of fundraiser. It's always just rooted in hatred of another woman.
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mungy · 1 year
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mungy · 1 year
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18K notes · View notes
mungy · 1 year
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mungy · 1 year
I fetishize fictional men and their fictional dick and balls. I go to work, I go to school, but when I come home, I fetishize fictional men and their fictional dick and balls. I spend Christmas with my family and stare blankly out the window as my siblings unwrap their presents because I can’t wait to get home and fetishize fictional men and their fictional dick and balls. Sometimes I throw wild Great Gatsby esque parties where I hover over my guests from the second floor and while I enjoy the lifestyle, I’m burdened by a profound loneliness because all I’m really thinking about is fetishizing fictional men and their fictional dick and balls. I love fetishizing fictional men and their fictional dick and balls. I love it so much that every second I spend not fetishizing fictional men and their fictional dick and balls I’m having American Psycho esque daydreams where I brutally slaughter my corporate competitors because I yearn for an escape from backhanded platitudes and my own catharsis-less sociopathic tendencies that capitalist America has forced upon me. Also because I am desperate to go home and fetishize fictional men and their fictional dick and balls.
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mungy · 1 year
what if you got a balls infection and it made your cum creepy colored
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mungy · 1 year
Naming the female razor brand Venus is so personally offensive to me....you think Venus the goddess of love and sex and beauty was shaving her PUSSY? Go kill yourself
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mungy · 1 year
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mungy · 1 year
nice things will happen but first you have to lose all hope and die 45 times
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mungy · 1 year
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i saw an opportunity and i took it
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mungy · 1 year
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mungy · 1 year
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ch.178 thoughts: what if rika carried a gun in her weapon inventory lol
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mungy · 1 year
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SILENT HILL 3 ↳ Growing Strong and Healthy …MINMO!
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mungy · 1 year
did u know u can pet me and call me cute
you will experience the funny surprise I do!
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