 Random Lyrics Sentence Meme
“Sometimes I delude myself that I’m trapped.”
“I didn’t know you’d be reaching out before I would.”
“Congratulations, you’re unbelievable.”
“It didn’t take that long, you’re a charmer.”
“We haven’t ended it, but it’s already over.”
“I keep lingering in the same place.”
“Calling out your name won’t hurt as much as it does now.”
“I withstood another day again.”
“Yesterday, that was a close call.”
“You’re the only one who can make me smile like this.”
“I can’t even imagine forgetting you.”
“Ah, your truth can be different. Should I let you hear my honesty?”
“How much longer do I have to wait?”
“I said it. I meant it.”
“When I see you, I can’t stop smiling.”
“Is it me who changed, or is it you that changed?”
“Yes, I hate you, you left me, but I never stopped thinking about you, not even a day.”
“Honestly, I miss you, but I’ll erase you, because it hurts less than to blame you.”
“Wait a little bit, just a few more nights, I’ll be there to see you. I’ll come for you.”
“They all turned away because we couldn’t live up to them.”
“I lightly smile, but all my insides are twisted up without anyone knowing about it.”
“You pretend like you don’t like me but your face says otherwise.”
“What I want is what I need to have.”
“Oh, no, I’ve already come this far.”
“Suddenly, none of this this is a game anymore.”
“I hate you so much but I love you.”
“Don’t ask why it has to be you--- just stay with me.”
“I don’t want a lot of things--- I want your heart.”
“Don’t pass me by if you can’t forget me either.”
“It’s definitely my heart, my feelings-- but why don’t they listen to me?”
“I’m trapped inside myself and I’m dead.”
“I turned around and it disappeared without a song.”
“I’ll be gone. You can’t hurt me now.”
“I’ll forget you, and in the end, I’ll forgive you.”
“We won’t push off responsibility on each other any longer.”
“I wanna stop this long journey and go home so my insomnia can be cured.”
“Let’s be together until the end.”
“I will protect you until the end.”
“My dad said to me when I was very little, ‘being with someone you love makes you a stronger person.’”
“When I’m with you, I can become a stronger person.”
“There wasn’t supposed to be anything I was scared of yet.”
“After meeting you, I wonder how much I’ve changed?”
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Heartbreakers (2001) Sentence Starters
“ Love *is* pain! Life is pain. You can't protect anybody from it, it's always gonna get you. But sometimes, life could also be good. But you got to be open. You got to takes chances. You got to let go! “
“ Look, I'm willing to explore the whole being dominated thing, okay? But let's just take it slow. “
“Listen, mouth-breather, I'm fully capable and in the mood to beat the shit out of your psychotic, sulking ass! “
“ Do you have any idea how much therapy you people need? “
“ Look, just give it to me, or would you rather have my heel up your ass?”
“ Who told you I'm into that?”
“ Isn't that the shoe you wanted to jam up my ass? “
“ You're not out here burying high school kids, are you? “
“Tell me to my face you don't love me.”
“ I don't love you.”
“ Wow. More believable than I thought it would be.”
“ There's no love. It's the trick of the brain. It's the combination of chemicals and hormones.”
“ You mean you come all the way out here to stare at space and shit? “
“ No, I come out here to get away from the lights of the city so I can SEE the space and shit. “
“ Wow! I've never heard that one before. You really blow me away with your creativity. “
“ You just lost the best thing you never had. “
“ Forget it. You're not gonna kill yourself and stink up my new car. “
“ That's not very friendly. Now, I want you to go back out, and this time, when you kick the door open, say something nice. “
“ You stole my purse, dip-shit, and you stole it so I'd have to see your ugly-ass face again. “
“ Sorry I'm late. I've been passing out more frequently lately. “
“ We have a bitch alert! “
“ Oh, yeah... she's a delicate flower. “
“ Everyone's a little irritable after they choke. “
“ You *are* good. You may not know it, but I *do*. You come on tough, but it's all just an act. “
“Give me a break, I am in complete control!”
“ Yeah, and that's about the worst thing that's ever happened to you, isn't it?“
“ I never realized I could feel this way again. That I could be so totally in love with someone.”
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The Nanny T.V. Series Sentence Starters
“[Name], I don't know what the (wo)man wants anymore! What am I supposed to do?”
“[Name], what are you doing here?”
“Well, I heard moaning and screaming coming from your room and I figured... I should be part of it.” 
“You realize, of course, now I'm going to have to kill you. “
“ Good God. It's multiplying.”
“ Where the devil is [Name]?”
“ Well, Sir/Miss, it is raining outside... maybe she melted? “
“ He can't make you happy. “
“I don't wanna be happy. I wanna be married! “
“ You are a pathetic excuse for a man. “”
“ Well, [Name], I was just wondering why I have no social life but you cleared that right up for me. “
“ I hope you don't mind me telling you one more time just how, how sexy you are. “
“ Yes, and the villagers were not happy. “
“ I could kill you... I could throw you down and rip out your heart! “
“(S)he doesn't have a key to the house, does (s)he? “
“ Oh, it is so pathetic, [Name] thinking (s)he could win a kissing contest. I mean kissing is an art, it has to be sensuous, deeply felt, and most of all, spontaneous. “
“ Was it as bad for you as it was for me? “
“ You shouldn't leave the house with things unresolved. That's why men die young. “
“ If I found a woman who loved my children, could make me laugh and that I found attractive, well, I'd never let her go. “
“ You're pretty cocky for a tall, handsome, rich charming guy. “
“ Yeah, it just so happens that your voice carries. “
“ Now was that so hard to admit? “
“ Are you looking for something? “
“ I wonder if I'll ever really be a mother? “
“ [Name], you don't think I'm predictable? “
“ Can you imagine - [Name] thinking I'm predictable! “
“ (S)he thinks you're a killer. (S)he even thought you were trying to kill me. “
“ Oh, I wouldn't even dream of touching you, like any other normal man.”
 “Dad, I don't know what you did to her, but you better hope she forgives you.” 
“ Oh [Name], there's nothing to be ashamed of. The human body is a beautiful thing. “
“   I just saw [Name] naked in the shower. It was horrible. “
“ Oh, God, [Name] that was so good! “
“ [Name], please, I'm begging you. It'll only take a couple of minutes. You don't even have to like it. “
“ I don't want to risk offending him/her. We're on the verge of a breakthrough “
“ Well, that's way more about him/her then I needed to know about him/her. “
“  Running from commitment. “
“ Smart, doing it gradually so no one would notice. “
“ [Name], get this piece of trash out of here! “
“ You heard the (wo)man - move it! “
“  We all love what we can't have. “
“ [Name], I'm worried, what if (s)he dies? “
“ Oh I'll feed him/her eventually, sir/ma’am, I'm just screwing with him/her. “
“ I mean [Name]. If (s)he dies, (s)he'll never know how I feel about him/her. Nobody knows how I feel about him/her. “
“Shall I poison them at supper, sir/ma’am?”
“   Come on, [Name], tell me or I'll just die. “
“ You say it, but you don't mean it. “
“ My mental health is just a sick game to you, isn't it?“
“ Okay? Speak for yourself! I was practically strangled by a leopard thong bikini! “
“ I wouldn't be caught dead in that dress. “
“ You'd have to be dead six months to fit into it. “
“ In the risk of sounding like the doctor who delivered you, this could get ugly. “
“ You have a childlike quality that I find absolutely charming. “
“Oh, isn't this funny how people just hear what they want to hear. “
“[Name], how much did I have to drink this evening? “
“Oh, [Name]. I just hope I can live up to [Name]s expectations. You know, I haven't been with a (wo)man in quite some time. “
“ You've never been so insulted? Well now, I'm insulted. “
“ There, that wasn't so hard to admit now, was it? “
“ If you let me tell [Name] about his, I'll work free for a year. “
“ Oh [Name], I would be lost without you. “
“ No one can ever know that this might possibly have happened. “
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The Blacklist Sentence Starters - Raymond Reddington Edition.
He is one of my all time favorite TV characters and he has some of the best lines so I thought it was only necessary to make one of these specially ‘bout him. I only put sixty-eight lines, but it certainly could’ve been longer.
“  I have no interest in cases that I have no interest in. “
“ [Name] is an artist. (S)he has a tremendous gift. “
“  I never tire of being correct. “
“  It's hard to... not say goodbye. I have lost so many people. Never seems to get any easier. “
“  [Name], I have a tip. You're a winter, not an autumn. Stop wearing olive. ‘”
“ You're not the one who had to listen to that god-awful hold music for seven minutes, which wouldn't have been necessary if you'd take my calls.  “
“ You wanna compare him to me? Be my guest. I'm perfectly comfortable with what I am. But please, make no mistake - [Name] is a very special animal.“
“I’m completely comfortable with what I am. “
“  I'm not a gumball machine, [Name.] You don't get to just twist the handle whenever you want a treat. “
“ You know the problem with drawing lines in the sand? With a breath of air, they disappear. “
“ Phones are so impersonal. Why don't we meet for show and tell in thirty minutes? “
“ Every cause has more than one effect. “
“ We're not gonna fight our way out of this. We're gonna have to think our way out. “
“ And if that doesn't work, I'll cut your filthy tongue out with that butter knife. “
“  Dear, would you mind answering that phone? No doubt it's for me. “
“ Oh my gosh. You have no idea what you're missing. Try a grapefruit gusher. It's just like you today. A little sour. “
“ Don't look so stricken. The first shot will kill you.”
“These friends you mentioned, the ones whispering in the shadows, tell them from me, shut the hell up! 
“Ah, smells like decadence and vice.”
“You left me stranded with that awful [insert person]. (S)he’s been hitting on my for twenty minutes!”
“Let me put your mind at ease... I’m never telling you everything.”
“As bad as you think I am, as far as you think I am willing to go to protect that which I hold most dear, you can’t possibly fathom how deep that well of mine truly goes.”
“Revenge isn’t a passion. It’s a disease. It eats your mind and poisons your soul.”
“As I rule, I find jealousy to be a base emotion, but in this case, I find it quite endearing.”
“You all seem to be doing a perfectly mediocre job of that on your own.” 
“Some things can never be forgiven.“
“ People say youth is wasted on the young. I disagree. I believe wisdom is wasted on the old. All you can do is part with it.“
“ You think your life is too dangerous for a child, but what is your life without one?“
“ Looking back I’m not sure I shouldn't have raised you myself.“
“ From where I sit, there’s only one ugly person in the room and it’s certainly not you, [Name].”
“ Love is a funny, fickle thing.”
“ You destroyed a creature more beautiful than you could ever comprehend.“
“ I must confess to feeling curiously flattered.“
“Take your seat, [Name]. You’re information is incorrect and you’re standing in my light.
“ Tell our friends in hell to be patient. I'll be along soon enough.”
“ Don’t fret, [Name]. I’m holding all the trumps. I’ll be the declarer, you be the dummy, and we’ll win the hand.
“ Fairness is overrated.“
“ I've always believed luck to be a function of intent. In this case, mine.“
“ [Name], I find him so stiff so much of the time. He doesn't appreciate life's trimmings.“
“ We steal from others, but not from each other.“
“ You see, this is why I don't go to family reunions. Aunt [Name] is always arguing with [Name], Uncle [Name] is drunk by noon, and someone's hand is always in the wrong cookie jar.“
“ Do I dare eat a peach? Might as well live dangerously.“
“ Dead? Pish, posh. What's death? It's just a process, right?“
“I’m going to bring this whole damn thing down on you, [Name]. And when I do, your own people will beg me to kill you to stop the bleeding.“
“ It appears we're all good at reading people. What fun.“
“ We've been playing defense too long, today’s the day we switch to offense.“
“ Sometimes bad luck is the best luck you'll ever have.“
“ This is life, [Name]. Someone is always one step behind.“
“ You can't do every silly thing you want to in life. You have to make choices and be happy with them.“
“ When I look at you, I see my way home.“
“ Believe in yourself and others will too.“
“ Just because you’ve been bumped up to first chair in the orchestra doesn’t mean you can compose a symphony.“
“ You’re already in their hands. The only thing they haven’t done is close their fists.“
“ I'm a sin eater.“
“ I never wanted you to be like me.“
“ Keep your eyes open and your mouth shut.“
“ You should’ve let me die, Dembe. No one told me about this aimless walking.“
“ You were right Dembe. I should have told her.“
“ Pride, the deadliest but most subtle of the sins.“
“ You've become everything Sam dreamed you would and more.“
“ This is my world and you’re a tourist.“
“ This journey we're on isn't over yet.“
“ I've always found fear to be my most valuable sense.“
“ You're afraid. Once you give it to me, you'll be of no further use to me, and you'll never see me again.“
“ You tell me what little you know, or I'll put you in the ground myself.“
“ It's good to meet you. I've heard nothing but terrible things.“
“ Your mouth runs like a scalded dog.“
“ Value loyalty above all else.“
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Chuck Series Sentence Starters Eps. 1.1-1.7
“Something goes wrong, you blame me. After all these years, where's the trust? [pause] Yes, I did.”
”My parents were sadists, and carnival freaks found him in a dumpster.“
“What if you're the unwitting target of a ninja vendetta and he returns tonight to strangle you with his nunchuks?“
“...That's super, [Name]. Thanks for thinking outside the box on that one. And here I thought I couldn't get any more freaked out.“
“Is that your big secret, by the way? 'Cause I've been sitting here trying to figure out what's wrong with you...“
“...You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack. I'm thinking maybe pancakes.“
“Our most valuable secrets have been sent to an idiot.“
“At least they weren't sent to his friend.“
“Meeting the family's kind of a big step, if our relationship were remotely real.“
“Look, I'm not accusing you of anything...today. Yesterday yes, I may have laid it on a little thick with the accusing. But I'm really sorry about that. Instead of not trusting you I should have been thanking you for saving my life.”
“This is how this is gonna work. I'm gonna go over there, rescue [Name], capture [Name], shoot anybody who gets in my way. You, you're gonna stay here.”
“No, it's not right. We need to come up with something non-gender specific. How do we feel about ‘team’?“
“They were killed, [Name], and we wanna know why.”
“I would rather not. It's kind of creepy.”
“I thought it was kind of implied that I'm a decent person!“
“My four favorite words.“
“I'm sorry, wha-me? No, no, no, no. Look as much as I wish that I could help you, I can't. I made plans with [Name]. They are non-negotiable.”
“[Name], you haven't had a girlfriend for a long time and you're in love.“
“[Name], I can't apologize enough. I...everything that you're saying is right. I guess that I'm just so, um, I'm so head over heels that I'm not thinking straight, you know?
“You! What do I have to do to get timely intel out of you, [Name]?”
“I was framed! Okay? You have to believe me, I am not murderer!”
“Okay! Okay! I believe you! But FYI, you're kinda acting like a murderer.“
“Gee, I don't know, [Name], how many psycho archers do you know?”
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Movie Quotes Sentence Starter Meme
Just felt like throwing one together. Slightly nsfw I suppose since there are curse words and a few ... innuendos I guess. I initially put various movie quotes but these are only from a few movies so that’s a bit of a stretch.
"Be my boyfriend for one night. It would make my parents so happy. All we’d have to figure out is how long we’ve been together, and what your name is." (alternatively, you can exclude the parents sentence and it could simply be about trying to avoid someone)
"One thing you should know about dear old [Name]... She's the eyes, ears, nose, and throat of [Name]. Anything (s)he hears, (s)he hears."
"Okay, okay, I'm gonna leave, but I'm gonna tell you one thing before I go: don't you ever refer to me as 'your girl' again."
"I'll tell you what I'm talking about; I'm no girl, I'm a woman. Do you hear me? I'm not your wife or your mother... or even your mistress. I am your employee and as such I expect to be treated equally with a little dignity and a little respect!"
"That's just great! We just waltz into the hospital and say, "We're sorry, we made a mistake." Well, maybe they'll give us [Name]'s body in exchange!"
"There is no need to get sarcastic!"
"Because I'm a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot?"
"Blackmail, oh that sounds good! What could we get on him...?"
"He's dead! He doesn't mind!"
"You gave me your word that you wouldn't escape if I loosened the ropes."
"You steal the wrong body from the hospital and all you can say is I must have made a mistake!"
"If you ever say another word about me or make another indecent proposal, I'm gonna get that gun of mine, and I'm gonna change you from a rooster to a hen with one shot!"
"Hello, [Name]. Make anyone cry today?"
"I guess in this society, being male and an asshole makes you worthy of our time."
"Someday, you gonna get bitch-slapped and I'm not gonna do a thing to stop it."
"I don't like to do what people expect.Why should I live up to other people's expectations instead of my own?"
"So you disappoint them from the start and then you're covered, right?"
" Ooh, see that, there. Who needs affection when I have blind hatred?"
"Yes, Miss 'I Have An Opinion About Everything'?"
"Well maybe you're not afraid of me but I'm sure you've thought about me naked, huh?"
"I see we're making our visits a weekly ritual."
"'Heinous bitch' is the term used most often."
You are amazingly self-assured, has anyone ever told you that? “
“You're not perfect, [name], and let me save you the suspense: this girl (guy) you've met, (s)he's not perfect either. But the question is whether or not you're perfect for each other.”
 “Son of a bitch... He stole my line.” 
“Real loss is only possible when you love something more than you love yourself.” 
“Oh, yeah. They saw in my eyes that I meant it.” 
“You'll have bad times, but it'll always wake you up to the good stuff you weren't paying attention to.” 
“People call those imperfections, but no, that's the good stuff.“
“ You'll never have that kind of relationship in a world where you're afraid to take the first step because all you see is every negative thing 10 miles down the road.
“You're afraid of me! You're afraid that I won't love you back! Fuck it, I wanna give it a shot! At least I'm honest with you. 
“Most days I wish I'd never met you 'cause then I could sleep at night. I didn't have to walk around with the knowledge that there was someone like you out there. I didn't have to watch you throw it all away.” 
“Nail them while they're vulnerable, that's my motto.” 
“ I teach this shit, I didn't say I know how to do it. 
“You have a bullshit answer for everything.” 
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New Blog~!
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So—— I’ve decided to have a fresh start and move my blog~ It’s going to look the same and everything, but I feel if I have a blank slate to work on that I’ll be able to become more organized and structured. I’ll be officially moving over there so in case you’re still interested in following me, the link is above~! ;u;
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New Blog~!
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So—— I’ve decided to have a fresh start and move my blog~ It’s going to look the same and everything, but I feel if I have a blank slate to work on that I’ll be able to become more organized and structured. I’ll be officially moving over there so in case you’re still interested in following me, the link is above~! ;u;
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What song(s) do you associate with my muse?
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“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are grey You never know, dear, how much I love you Please don’t take my sunshine away”
Even the flowers know he’s gone.
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Atlantis: The Lost Empire Sentence Meme
"We done a lot of things we're not proud of. But, nobody got hurt. Well, maybe somebody got hurt, but nobody we knew."
"You are a scholar, are you not? Judging from your diminished physique and large forehead, you are suited for nothing else!"
"Trust me on this one. You don't wanna know. [Other Person's name] told me. They shouldn't have told me, but they did. And now I'm tellin' you... [points at (Name)] You don't wanna know."
"Hey, I had nothing to do with it."
"Good man, [Name]. Thanks for volunteering."
"I came down the chimney. Ho. Ho. Ho."
"You're so skinny, if you turned sideways and stuck out your tongue, you'd look like a zipper."
"Don't move, eh, don't breathe, don't do anything. Except pray, maybe..."
"What, something wrong with your neck?"
"Carrots? Why is it always carrots? I didn't even eat carrots!"
"Well, you did set the camp on fire and drop us down that big hole."
"Of course, it's been my experience, when you hit bottom, the only place left to go is up."
"I didn't say it was the smart thing, but it is the right thing."
"Get back! I've got soap, and I'm not afraid to use it."
"Hm. 'Bout time someone hit him. I'm just sorry it wasn't me."
"Now, let's go over it again, just so we got it straight: you didn't find anything."
"Nervous breakdown. You could say he went all to pieces."
"What I said was that he's never surprised!"
"Oh, I swim pretty girl... Pr-Pretty *good*, pretty good. Sw... Good. Swim good. Pretty good. I swim pretty good."
"You don't know what you're tampering with, [Name]."
"What's to know? It's big, it's shiny, it's gonna make us all rich."
"Knowing that, I'd double the price."
"I know, I know. Sometimes I get a little carried away. But, hey, you know, that's what this is all about, right?"
"Well, I guess I set myself up for that one."
"Okay. Here's the plan. We're gonna come in low and fast and take 'em by surprise."
"Well, I've got news for you, [Name]. [Someone else] is never surprised."
" Blondie, I've got a bone to pick with you."
"[Name]. You're my three o'clock. Well, no time like the present."
"[Name], this was not a part of the plan!"
"The plan's changed, [Name]. I'd suggest you put a bandage on that bleeding heart of yours, it doesn't suit a mercenary."
"So, I guess this is how it ends, huh? Fine, you win."
"Looks like all our chances for survival rest with you, [Name]. You and that little book."
"'Mercenary?' I prefer the term 'adventure capitalist.'"
"I consider myself an even tempered man. It takes a lot to get under my skin, but congratulations, you just won the solid-gold kewpie doll."
"Well, as usual, diplomacy has failed us. Now, I'm going to count to ten, and you're going to tell me where the [you choose] is. One, two, nine... "
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Send ◑ for a bright moment in my muse’s life. Send ◐ for a dark moment in my muse’s life.
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Tangled Sentence Meme
"I know not who you are, nor how I came to find you, but may I just say... Hi. How ya doin'?"
"And what if it is? What do I do then?"
"Let's just assume for the moment that everyone in here doesn't like me!"
"Well, that's okay! I mean, what she doesn't know won't kill her, right?"
"I am a despicable human being!"
"I didn't see that coming."
"I've hidden it. Somewhere you'll never find it."
" Look in that mirror. I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady----- Oh, look, you're here too."
"Did I ever tell you I've got a thing for brunettes?"
"Something brought you here, [Name]. Call it what you will... fate... destiny..."
"I could get used to a view like this. Yep, I'm used to it. [Name], I want a castle."
"No... no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this is bad, this is very very bad, this is really bad... They just can't get my nose right!"
"Stay calm. It can probably smell fear."
"I promise. And when I promise something, I never ever break that promise."
"This is kind of an off-day for me. This doesn't normally happen."
"You know, I can't help but notice you seem a little at war with yourself here."
"This is part of growing up. A little rebellion, a little adventure, that's good. Healthy, even."
"All right. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm letting you out of the deal."
"Oh, come on! What is it going to take for me to get my [insert whatever you like] back?
"[Name], please, stop with the mumbling. You know how I feel about the mumbling. Blah blah blah blah blah, it's very annoying!"
"I'm just teasing, you're adorable. I love you so much, darling."
"I mean because here's the thing. Superhuman good looks, I've always had them. Born with it. But superhuman strength, can you imagine the possibilities of this?"
"I should have given it to you before, but I was scared. And the thing is, I'm not scared anymore. You know what I mean?"
" All right, okay, give me a boost, and I'll pull you up."
"Whoaaaa! Somebody get me a glass! 'Cuz I just found me a tall drink of water."
" Sorry! Just, don't... don't freak out."
"Likes you? Please, [Name], that's demented!"
"This is why you never should have left! Dear, this whole romance that you've invented---- Just proves you're too naive to be here. Why would he like you? Come on now, really. Look at you! You think that he's impressed?"
"I'm not freaking out. Are you freaking out?"
"Well, I've gotta say, I didn't know you had that in you back there. That was pretty impressive. "
"Whoa, whoa. Sorry, blondie [or whatever nickname that fits], I don't do backstory. However, I am becoming very interested in yours."
"Oh, [Name], do you even hear yourself? Why would you ask such a ridiculous question?"
"No! You were wrong about the world. And you were wrong about ME! And I will NEVER let you use me again!"
"You want me to be the bad guy? Fine. Now I'm the bad guy."
"I really did try, [Name]. I tried to warn you what was out there. The world is dark and selfish and cruel. If it finds even the slightest ray of sunshine, it destroys it."
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New Blog~!
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So—— I’ve decided to have a fresh start and move my blog~ It’s going to look the same and everything, but I feel if I have a blank slate to work on that I’ll be able to become more organized and structured. I’ll be officially moving over there so in case you’re still interested in following me, the link is above~! ;u;
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New Blog~!
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So—— I’ve decided to have a fresh start and move my blog~ It’s going to look the same and everything, but I feel if I have a blank slate to work on that I’ll be able to become more organized and structured. I’ll be officially moving over there so in case you’re still interested in following me, the link is above~! ;u;
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New Blog~!
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So—— I’ve decided to have a fresh start and move my blog~ It’s going to look the same and everything, but I feel if I have a blank slate to work on that I’ll be able to become more organized and structured. I’ll be officially moving over there so in case you’re still interested in following me, the link is above~! ;u;
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