murderselfies · 2 years
Wanna rp
hey! i'm currently doing all my writing in a group @siestakeyrpg if you want to check them out! i play a homicide detective and an arrogant party boy who's back home from college for the summer after his father goes missing.
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murderselfies · 3 years
Although relieved that, this Remy girl was just a friend — so he says — It still doesn’t explain the lack of clothes, Remy in his shirt, or Tyler taking this long to explain. If he didn’t want her to get the wrong idea, he should’ve come forward about this, sooner. If she mattered to him at all, she would’ve thought he’d want to clear the air. But instead, he waited. And rather than leaving it at just that, he had to turn the anger and hurt, around on her. Which wasn’t helping his case in proving he wasn’t guilty. In fact, it only made Brooke more suspicious of him.
“A friend, huh.” Brooke pursed her lips together at the thought. Sure, maybe she was. But, she was having a hard time buying it, believe it or not. Brooke wanted to. But, she couldn’t ignore the part of her, that was screaming at her to tread carefully now. How well did she really even know him? From the moment they met, they had this instant sexual attraction. And maybe that’s all it was. Tyler had his fill of her and now he was reverting back to his old ways. Guys will say anything to get into a girl’s pants. What made her think that he was any different? “What else was I supposed to assume, Tyler? That she just lost her way out of her clothes and needed to borrow some of yours? Sure, okay… Because that seems plausible.” Brooke could feel herself getting frustrated and heated. Only because, she was really falling for him and instead of catching her, he let her crash and burn. She destroyed her relationship with Jake for him. A reminder that only burned even brighter in her mind when his questions emerged about why she cared so much in the first place. As if, her feelings for him weren’t made very clear. A part of her questioned if she should even tell him that her and Jake were no longer together. What would it even matter now? It’s not like Brooke could trust him. She hardly knew him. 
Besides, what did he mean by too? He wanted to be with her and Remy? Or he wanted to be with just her the way she had wanted to be with him? Because now, she didn’t really know. “Not that it matters anymore but, Jake and I broke up. I was coming by to tell you that. But clearly, I made a mistake.” Although, she was very unclear about which part was the mistake. Breaking things off with Jake for him, or ever believing they had anything real in the first place.
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“You could have stuck around for us to explain. She had a shower, that’s it..” He wasn’t sure why he was attempting to salvage this with an explanation. It would be better for both of them if he sabotages their relationship before the pythons get to her. Kit made it clear they were keeping an eye on her. It would be safer if he drives her away before they come slithering in.
Leaning back in his seat, a sigh leaves his lips after another sip of his coffee, which was now lukewarm and bitter — Like their conversation. It took a turn when neither was getting the responses they want. With the exception of her breaking up with Jake, of course. That was something he wanted for a long time, but it was too late now, right? The damage was done. He slept with Remy despite his better judgement. She didn’t really give him much of a choice when she put his dick in her mouth. Fuck, Rem. “It’s just as well...” He shakes his head as if accepting their fate. She already hated him without evidence of anything, how would she feel if she knew the truth? Rhetorical question, she’d stomp out of here quicker than she came in. Again, that may not be such a bad thing considering the storm that was brewing over the horizon. Their sunny side paradise was about to meet a power outage no one can stop. Including him.
“You’re right. From the second we met, it was ... a thrill. We were from different worlds, and that excited us. Everyone wants a bite from forbidden fruit. The thing about forbidden fruit though, there’s always a snake on a vine, waiting to strike. We made a mistake. Or, I did — I shouldn’t have pulled you into my world. It wasn’t right of me and I’m sorry. You should uh, ... go to the mall with your friends and be a normal teenager.”
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murderselfies · 3 years
She’s surprised when she gets the text. For the first time, in a long time, Brooke slept in. Despite Quinn’s attempts to get her out of bed and have her join him for breakfast, she refused. Catching Tyler with someone else the night before had forced Brooke to lose her appetite. Well that, and her weird night with Branson. Nothing happened. Not for a lack of trying on Brooke’s part. But, Branson still hasn’t gotten over the fact that Brooke was underage. And although, she was left frustrated — in retrospect, she was glad Seth didn’t take advantage of her during a vulnerable moment. She would’ve woke up with even more regrets. Dumping Jake for Tyler, was at the very top of the list. Although, maybe that was Brooke’s karma for cheating on Jake in the first place. Not knowing yet that he had a secret affair of his own.
For thirty minutes, Brooke wrestled with the phone in her hands. She started to reply, only to erase it the next second. As much as her gut was telling her not to trust him, Brooke needed to see for herself. Thus, she got up and got dressed. She wanted something that made her look hot but also, gave off the impression that she didn’t care. It was a lot more difficult than it sounded. She finally settled on a crop top and jeans though, before heading over to the diner where Tyler claimed he’d be so they could talk.
When she arrived, she sat in her car (the same one that was still left dented from her fender bender with Branson the day before) prior to entering the diner. A bell announced her arrival, and then Brooke peered to her left, spotting Tyler at one of the six empty red booths. She approached him quietly before she sat down on the opposite side, and a waitress came over to take her order. “I’ll take a chamomile tea, thank you. With a splash of almond milk. Thanks Susan.” The older waitress who worked the morning shift and who knew Brooke ever since she was little, smiled at the young girl before left the couple to talk. “So, what’s up? I’m meeting some friends at the mall in thirty minutes. I don’t really have a lot of time. But your text said it was important, so….” It was a lie. Technically, Brooke could be as late as she wants but, she doesn’t want Tyler to know that. Her plan was to act cold and careless, show him she doesn’t care even if deep down, she does. Seeing him obviously makes her feel things, and she hates that.
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Tyler wasn’t sure what to expect upon seeing Brooke, but the knots in his stomach take him by full surprise. Suddenly his face is flush and his palms are sweaty, which he hides beneath the table, rubbing them against the tethered wear of his jeans. Brooke looks stunning of course, she doesn’t have to try. Her lean stomach on display, and the twinkling hue of her honey brown eyes were enough to throw him through a loop. Stammering a bit as she takes a seat, he’s wondering how in the hell he’s going to get through this. One step at a time. This would have been much easier if he hadn’t actually slept with Remy...
“Well, I won’t keep you, then...” he did his best to remain cool, calm, and stoic. It was clear she was already over him. Just like that, without any proof of anything. “The girl you saw me with was a friend of mine from the southside. Her name is Remy, we go way back. She came to visit me since it’s been a couple of weeks. I would have explained all this but, she wasn’t just visiting out of boredom. There was an issue, with my grandfather. I had to go check in with him or else it could have jeopardized my stay here.”
Tyler was hoping he wouldn’t have to elaborate but knowing Brooke, he will. “You just assumed it was something else. You took off...” In a way, they weren’t officially dating. She has a boyfriend. It was no excuse for him to hook up with Remy behind her back, but he kept reminding himself of this small, inconsequential detail anyway. It somehow made him feel slightly better. “Why were you so mad anyway? I want to be with you too, but, it’s not like Jake isn’t still in the picture...”
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murderselfies · 3 years
Tyler did what he could to keep the southside out of the northside, but some things were out of his control, while others, like hooking up with Remy, was, but he still succumbed to the dark impulses that latched onto him at an early age. Now he was back on the northside, while still unaware of his future and what’ll be waiting for him in the weeks to come. All he knows for sure is what he left behind while exploring the seedier side of town, which was Brooke. He knows he has to tell her what’s happening with him but at the same time, he doesn’t think he can tell her everything.
It’s only been a day, but he missed his morning job at Quinn’s construction site. Part of his probation was to work the weekends helping build a better community, now he’s suffering from a hangover and more guilt than he's used to. “Day’s over, kid,” an old, scratchy voice of a construction worker called out, his hair matted down with sweat as he holds a yellow helmet by his side, “Boss just left.”
Irritated, Tyler hops back onto his motorcycle and takes off. His foster parents weren’t home and it was Sunday afternoon so most people were attending church, which was a big deal apparently. This left the diner relatively quiet as Tyler takes a seat in one of their smooth, red velvet booths. Tapping silently on his phone over a cup of coffee, he texts Brooke to see if she’s around to meet up. @assnsass​
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murderselfies · 4 years
There was nothing hotter than a man who knows how to eat pussy in this world and who does it well. Not only that – but gets hard while doing it. Despite how long it’s been since they’ve last fornicated, Dante didn’t disappoint her now. “Let me feel you.” While Isabelle believed him, she wanted to see, or rather feel the solid, hard truth for herself. When she did, Isabelle let out a moan and tugged roughly on Dante’s shaft. God, he was mesmerizing. And showering her in compliments only helped boost her sexual energy. “Mmm, right there–” with his wet fingers now wedged between her tight slit, Isabelle’s thighs clenched around his wrist and she cupped both breasts, force feeding him both until her nipples were rock hard and aching. It was at that moment, Dante kissed his way back down her stomach and between her hips. This time, she buried her hands deep in his hair and pressed his mouth flush up against her cunt as she ground against his lips until she came in rivulets down his thirsty chin. “That’s enough.” Fisting his hair, Isabelle yanked him back up to his feet and crashed her lips to his, tasting herself on his tongue while her hands blindly fumbled over his bare ass and she tugged him roughly between her thighs. “I want you to fuck me now. So hard, I scream. My dad, your boss, is not here to listen to me whine about how big your cock is, so let me get loud.” Isabelle had a lot of aggression to get out and the last thing she wanted was for Dante to go easy on her. She didn’t want him to treat her like she was breakable. She was a queen now after all. And besides, plotting someone’s murder had made her extra horny.
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Dante squeezed both of her thighs, keeping her legs spread as she releases herself into his mouth and beard. He always loved how wet she’d get and how much she’d cum. It made him feel good knowing he could elicit such a response. He was only a henchman whilst she was a queen. The bond they shared shouldn’t exist and yet it did which made it special. But if Ronan were to ever find out, he’d castrate him. Then there was Killian. A devil no man would ever willingly oppose. With the rare exception of Dimitri, of course. And right now, Isabelle was in the epicenter of all three. “Mm,” Dante growled with a smirk as she pulled him away from her thighs by his hair. She was being rough and assertive. The little girl who was afraid of demons and ghosts was gone. Whatever Isabelle went through with the reapers changed her. “Anything you want, princess.” Dante relented, falling between her legs as her hands roam his ass. “Guess I don’t have to hold your mouth shut anymore, unless you want me to?” He chuckled, holding onto her hip as he slides his heavy cock inside her. She was already warm and soaked, making it easy for him to find a rhythm. His thrusts were deliberate and brutal, thundering against her hips while he stared into her eyes, as if challenging her to egg him on.
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murderselfies · 4 years
She shouldn’t be here… she shouldn’t be here… she shouldn’t be here. So why was she? Because she was avoiding getting in trouble with her dad? No. That wouldn’t be the first time, nor the last. And he’d get over it. ——— Because she broke up with Jake? No… It was because of Tyler. And that pretty, doe-eyed brunette she caught him with. He told her he didn’t have a girlfriend. But, if that was true then who was she? And why hasn’t he reached out yet to explain himself? It’s because he knows he was caught and despite their amazing weekend in Paris, he’d gotten what he wanted. He fucked her. The creme de la creme of the Northside. Maybe that was his goal all along. To use her and then throw her away. It made sense. Brooke should’ve seen it coming but, stupidly she fell for him. And now, she was in the apartment of her ex…. lover? Even worse, he was also her teacher. “Sure.” All Brooke heard was the words: do you want wine and the answer was yes. A drink sounded perfect right about now. In the meantime… Brooke got reacquainted with Seth’s apartment and stumbled over the nude paintings of her. The one in the front was still a little wet when Brooke touched it which means, it was new. But, why would he still be painting her? He’s the one who ended it. Claiming she was too young. Which, may be true but by then the damage was already done. “I’m just surprised you kept them.” She would’ve thought, he’d get rid of all the evidence. “What if someone sees them?” Or was this his private way of telling her he isn’t seeing anyone else? That’s good to know. While taking the wine that was offered, Brooke swirled it around her cup and then downed the whole glass. He was right. She needed it. “A show next week? where at?” Brooke set her glass down and turned to Seth in the middle of his studio apartment. She was aware he was watching her as she slowly unzipped her jacket and shrugged out of it, letting it fall to the floor, above a sheet splattered in various dry paints. “More importantly, why am I here Seth?” There was no need to invite her over. They could’ve had this conversation in a park, or a coffee shop. It wouldn’t be as weird.
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“I wouldn’t throw them away. They mean too much to me.” She means too much to him. The moments they explored, the times they shared were irreplaceable and unforgettable. Ending their affair was the right thing to do morally, but that didn’t mean it hurt any less. She was special to him and she always would be. “No one will see them. They’re, more or less, for me. You were (are) one of my greatest muses. I’ve met a lot of girls in a lot of different places, but you have what it takes to be more than just a pretty face. You have this glow that I can’t seem to capture in the paint, but it’s there, everywhere you go. An aura unparalleled by anything I’ve ever seen. I have no doubt a painting of you would make me rich, but selfishly, I wouldn’t be able to sell.” He didn’t want to make a profit off something so close and dear to him. Other girls, sure. Brooke was the only person to ever reach his soul which was a big deal considering he didn't think he had one. “This art gallery on the southside. There’s an area they’re trying to clean up. New apartment building, the gallery, a dance studio. Some rich guy is investing. I don’t know what for.” The guy was Eli, opening new businesses for underground dealings. He’d be a hero to the town, cleaning up the south side, if only the press knew the truth about his sudden altruism. “And you’re here because... I don’t know, Brooke. I missed you. When I saw you, I realized so many great things have been happening for me and I have no one to share them with, no one to talk to. I guess no one ever understood me the way you did that night. It was more than just sex. We connected.”
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murderselfies · 4 years
I can’t. Those were the words she dreaded. Because of Brooke. The blonde who stormed off after dropping by to visit him. “You can–” Remy tugged on his jeans, slowly unzipping them while edging them down a little. This way his aching cock could breathe and Remy could touch him over his boxers. She felt him stir at her touch, which was invitation enough to keep going. “Why?” Remy breathed against his ear, as she trailed kisses up his neck. “Because of her?” Tyler barely even knew Brooke. He’s known Remy for years. They were supposed to be together. Not him and some stranger he just met from the Northside. “I like who you already are. You don’t have to change to be someone else. You were already the best.” She hates that anyone has led him to believe otherwise. “Please.” She knows it’s probably not wise to beg but, Remy doesn’t care. She needed Tyler to see that nothing changed. That, he could still make her wet and likewise, she could get him off. “We’re just friends. Best friends. Nobody has to know.” In hopes of persuading him, Remy drops down to her haunches and unfastens him the rest of the way, before peeling back the layer of his boxers and eagerly taking him into her mouth. Maybe with skin on skin contact, he’d be able to feel what she feels. Pure electricity. The sounds Remy makes as she sucks him off, taking him to the back of her throat, fisting and gurgling around him, are pure bliss. He tastes so good, so sweet, so salty that even Remy moans, as if she was somehow on the receiving end.
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“Rem,” he hissed her name while she tugged his jeans down, below the v of muscle outlining his hips. His plump erection sprung free, twitching only to be caught between her fingers. He watched her eyes as she stroked him before getting down on her knees. “I said...” he warned, biting into his lower lip to keep his voice down to a whisper. He knew if he spoke any higher, it would be through a moan. “Yeah, I would know. And it’s wrong...” Before he could say much else, her hot breath and soft lips were smothering his cock in pleasure. The way her small mouth could take him all the way to the back of her throat was incredible, and she never seemed to mind the amount of drool that would extrude, leaking out of her mouth over his balls and down his thighs. “Remy...” his words sounded like a warning but his fingers slid through her hair without resistance, tugging her head closer until he had some liberty. Thrusting against her pouty lips, he opened her throat with his girth and growled when he fisted the top of her head and filled her mouth with his sweet cum. He couldn’t help himself. She took him by surprise and before he could do anything about it, he had all that hot blood throbbing in all the right places. It was hard for him to think straight as he pulled his cock from her mouth before finishing a little on her face, which eventually leaked down to her chest. “Just get the fuck up and turn around.” He was frustrated now as he kicked his jeans off his ankles. She just ruined everything and now he was going to take it out on her.
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murderselfies · 4 years
Remy wished she could say she was as hopeful and confident as Tyler was. But, after the stories she’s heard? She had her doubts. She was willing to let bygones be bygones though because, selfishly she was just glad she had her best friend back. It’s been so long since they’ve hung out that Remy just wanted to relish in his company. “Okay.” To Remy, Tyler’s words only meant one thing. And despite the blonde girl who caught them together half an hour ago — whose name she already forgot — that didn’t stop Remy from taking Tyler’s hand and leading him upstairs to one of the rooms. The boneyard was a huge abandoned house but the serpents hoarded a lot of things here. Beds, drugs, coolers of cheap beer. Remy found one of the empty stash areas and as soon as they were out of earshot, she threw herself at Tyler. Its been so long since he’s touched her or she’s seen him, and been near him, that she totally realized how much she missed having him around. Plus, there was the fact that Remy was secretly in love with him. While her lips joined his, Remy was all too quick and eager to start undressing, peeling her shirt back over her head before tossing it down onto the floor, beside them. “It’s been so long, Ty. Fuck me.”
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Tyler wasn’t expecting Remy to throw herself at him. Then again, they were wildly sexual when they were together. But things were different now. They couldn’t run off to fuck or work each other up to the point where they’d play a game of who could make the other cum in their pants first. He had a girlfriend now. Or at least he hoped he did. Brooke seemed pretty pissed when she took off. Which, was another reason why he couldn’t prove her suspicions right. Taking advantage of this situation would only validate everything she was paranoid of. “I can’t...” he sighed, dragging his lips away from hers. His mouth was saying one thing, but his cock was already full and hot against his boxers. Then there were his eyes, glancing all around her body instead of looking away. He was only human after all. Remy was gorgeous. And barely dressed. “You know I’m with Brooke.” Fuck, his cock ached to be touched and sucked and fucked, but it was just the skin, and beer, and everything else. He had to push it all away from his mind. “I’m trying to do better, to be better.”
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murderselfies · 4 years
“Darth?” This was news to Kit. He wasn’t aware Darth tried to off the prodigal son. If this was true, there’d be hell to pay. “That motherfucker.” They knew Darth was jealous and unhinged but, to take it this far? Against one of their own? It’s unacceptable and Eli would think so too. “Don’t you worry about, D. We’ll take care of it. As for Friday? Look, I’ll try but I can’t make any promises. That order didn’t come from me. You want us to keep out of Northside territory? Then you’re gonna have to take that up with Eli. In fact….” Kit hid a slimy smile behind his beer. “Your gramps might be thrilled to see you. Give my regards to the old man, yeah?” With Kit’s girlfriend pulling on his arm, wanting to go upstairs and get fucked in one of the bedrooms, Kit excused himself, tapping Tyler’s shoulder for good luck on the way out. When he was gone, Remy turned to Tyler and sighed. “I told you. This was a bad idea, maybe we should just go?” She didn’t want him to take Kit’s advice and follow up with Eli. If they thought getting through to Kit would be hard, Eli would be next to impossible. “Maybe they’re just bluffing? I mean, it’s like you said, … Eli knows you’re on thin ice. He wouldn’t jeopardize your freedom right?”
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“Yeah,” Tyler nodded with a sigh. He understood where Kit was coming from and didn’t blame him for following Eli’s orders to the letter. Most snakes live and die by the cobra. Eli was the alpha and whatever he says goes. Which was why Tyler would have to pay his grandfather a visit. “Bad idea? I made progress with Kit. He’s willing to lay low until I figure things out with Eli. It’ll be fine. We’ll talk to him, try to smooth all this over. He’s a merciless asshole, but I doubt he’ll sign off on me going to prison over some stupid high school stunt.” Little did Tyler know, Eli was banking on him showing up. Once he does, it’s over. He won’t be able to leave the southside again without a snake on his back. “Let’s have a few drinks, make nice, and then shoot over to Eli’s. Knowing him, he’ll be cool just as long as I let him think I’m on his side. Truth is, I’m not on anyone’s. I don’t want to be a snake. I don’t want to be anything. Just me. Whoever the hell that is.” Tyler’s never had an identity before, but he sure as shit didn’t want to be another southside reptile. “Why don’t you show me what I’ve been missing?”
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murderselfies · 4 years
“It’s interesting you say that,” Kit took a swig of his beer. “I would’ve thought you crossed over. Into the land of polos, expensive cars, and oh yeah….. that sweet dime we’ve seen you around with. The blonde. What’s her name?” By now, it was obvious the serpents have been keeping a close eye on their prodigy. Afterall, Tyler’s grandfather enlisted their help in pulling Tyler back to the dark side. Every snake had a soft underbelly, and it took them awhile to gather a few clues as to who may be Tyler’s. “You should invite her out. Or if this isn’t her kind of scene, we can take a field trip to the Northside tonight. You’re not a true serpent until you’ve tasted the enemy’s flesh.” Remy held onto the neck of her bottle as she took a sip and avoided making eye contact with Kit. He gave her the creeps, along with all of his friends who she could feel looking at her and Tyler.
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“Not really. Just playing the cards I’ve been dealt. That’s it.” Tyler shrugged the whole thing off as though it were nothing anyone should be worried about. Kit wasn’t stupid though, he may have looked below average on the thinking scale, but he was smarter than most southsiders. “Not a good idea, man. If I go to the northside looking for a fight, I’ll get arrested. I’m on probation. The family that took me in was my only chance at staying out of prison. So... why the hell should I push it? I’d rather stay here, have some drinks like old times.” Tyler wasn’t stupid either. He knew he couldn’t look like a pussy, but at the same time he couldn’t look like he cares about the northside or anyone from there. Brooke, included. “Look, I heard all about your homecoming plans. To show up on game day... Don’t. I have this covered. There’s no need to set a fire. If I have a problem with those assholes, you guys will be first to know. Until then, it’s best to lay low. At least until I’m out of trouble. Eli is aware I’m on thin ice, isn’t he? His connections reach far, but they won’t be able to get me out of prison if I get hauled in. If you want to kick anyone’s ass, it should be Darth’s. That son of a bitch tried to kill me.”
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murderselfies · 4 years
She’d be lying if she said her heart didn’t skip a beat when he stopped her from leaving. Okay, so maybe he does care. “To the serpents den?” Duh, Remy. Where else would he be suggesting they go? “I’m not really welcome there.” But, he would be. And, if she was with him then she supposed they’d have no choice but to let her in. “Kit. He’s the one spearheading your recruitment. He’s having a party tonight, I think. We could go there, together. You can stop him before he comes here looking for you. They were planning on cornering you at Friday’s Homecoming game, anyway. Get your stuff. I noticed your car’s missing.” Thanks to Darth. “Are we taking your bike?”
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“Fine.” Tyler agreed through a huff of air. He didn’t really want to go to another south side party on the cut, but what choice did he really have? If he wanted to make things right with Brooke, he’d have to tie up loose ends first. It was the only way they could ever move forward without any drama. This — This would be major drama. They would have ruined the Homecoming game, Brooke’s whole night, and Tyler would have most likely ended up expelled. “Let’s go.” He really didn’t want to hand over the helmet Brooke usually wears, but he had no choice but to hand it back to Remy after mounting his motorcycle. “If anything goes wrong, I want you to get out, okay? I don’t trust these guys.” Tyler revved the engine and then took off. He arrived at Kit’s after a fifteen minute ride and after he parked his bike, a few old faces were already on their way over with beer. The prodigal son has arrived. "Welcome back to the boneyard, I guess.”
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murderselfies · 4 years
Honestly? Brooke didn’t want to have to go through the trouble of exchanging car insurance information either. Her dad would be so pissed when he learned she ruined another car or over-exceeded her spending limit this month by going and getting into an accident that would cost him a couple grand in repairs. The idea of handling this privately was welcomed. But, not so much the part about being anywhere with Seth alone. Brooke was still pretty upset with him after he ended things with her so abruptly, blaming their break up on her age. Which yeah, she gets. But they already slept together so the damage was done. She had no idea where she stood with Tyler right now, or Jake for that matter …. although apparently Tyler had a girlfriend so … really, what was the harm in sitting down with Seth for a few minutes? “Yeah sure, fine whatever.” She was a mess right now anyway. She needed a shower, and she just didn’t want Seth to see her any more like this. So, Brooke wiped under her eyes and promised to swing by his place later.
Thankfully Quinn wasn’t home when she got in. He left her a note that, he would be at a conference all weekend or until Tuesday. It was a Saturday night. Jake blew her off, Tyler was doing his own thing, Riley wouldn’t pick up her phone. Neither would Maddy or Beth. So, Brooke just decided she’d bite the bullet and head over to Seth’s last known address. She wasn’t sure what he meant by – he didn’t want to deal with all the reports right now. What reports? She wasn’t aware of what happened in New Hampshire. Not yet, at least. After adjusting her bag over her shoulder, Brooke balled her hand into a fist and knocked on Seth’s door, waiting for him to open up and let her in.
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As most artists’ homes, Seth’s was spacious and full of natural light spilling in through the large, opened windows. There was a little bit of mess here and there, mostly paint and things to cover the floor, other than that, he was very clean. Almost to the point where it could be considered meticulous. Seth was alone, finishing up a portrait of a dead girl when Brooke showed up, knocking on his door. He didn’t bother to cover his art up. After all, it was just art — right? Opening the door slowly, Seth poked out halfway before flashing one of his handsomely rugged smiles at Brooke. She was as beautiful as always. It didn’t matter that she’d been crying, sad girls were kind of his thing, anyway. “Hey. Come in.” He opened the door a little more, stepping aside so she can enter without having to brush against him. He was still being cautious, like he used to be. If anyone were to find out he was seeing one of his students, he’d have the police involved, and that wouldn’t end well. There was still an unsolved murder in his hometown that he was a suspect of. “Do you want some wine? Looks like you could use it.” He always drinks himself, whenever he’s painting. It helps relax him and get him in the right mindset. “I’m sorry about the mess, I have a show next week. This piece needs to be finished.” On the floor, against the wall were a few nude paintings of Brooke, ones he promised not to sell. “Sorry,” he smiled, knowing she caught sight of them being out in the open.
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murderselfies · 4 years
Before Remy could answer – in walked the girl who had single-handedly turned Tyler’s life around. The girl who gave him hope for a brighter future. She didn’t look pleased. All three of them just stood there, awkwardly staring at each other. Until Tyler dismissed himself to run after her. Remy waited, of course. In the meantime, she started getting dressed, putting her pants, shoes, and socks back on. She could tell she wasn’t truly welcome there anymore. Tyler had moved on. And Remy? Well… she felt replaced. “I take it, that didn’t go so well?” She could tell just by the beaten up look on his face that, something must’ve happened. And instead of sticking around and letting him shift the blame on her (probably), Remy was preparing to leave. “Maybe I should just go too. You said it yourself. Your life is good here. There’s no room for me in it anymore.” Was she upset? Duh! He was her best friend. And she maybe, sorta… fell in love with him months ago. She just never told him. Because he left before she could.
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“No, it didn’t. Thanks for your concern.” Tyler knew she didn’t really give a crap. Hence, the sarcastic wit he replied with. That didn’t mean he wanted her to leave, though. Brooke left, the last thing he needed (or wanted) was for her to leave, too. He was so tired of revolving doors. “Stop. There is room for you. In my world, whichever world that might be.” He let out a heavy sigh that almost felt deflating. “Maybe we should go together? I have to fix this before I can fix anything with Brooke.” Meaning, the serpents. If he runs to Brooke now, they’ll just have another mess in, what, a day, a week? He had to make sure nothing else would come bite him in the ass. “I have to stop them from coming here. Will you help me? Please.”
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murderselfies · 4 years
Brooke was at a stop sign outside of Monet’s, her vision blurry from all her tears when she felt her car jerk forward. Some asshole rear ended her. As if her day couldn’t get any worse. She lost Jake, then Tyler, and now her car was banged up … she could only imagine what her father was going to say when she came home and he saw the damage to her Jeep. “Great, this is just great.” Brooke put her car in park and then looked out her rearview mirror to see a staggering figure approaching her side of the car. She couldn’t make out who it was at first, because again her vision was blurry –  until the asshole sidled up next to her, looking to exchange insurance information. Seth Branson. Her english teacher and former summer fling before he broke things off once he found out how young she was. “It’s you,” she says almost accusingly, her soft brown eyes narrowed into slits. “Did you just rear end me?” Colorful choice of words, Brooke.
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Seth was in too much of a panic to let his mind go into the gutter with her. “I’m so sorry.” He could tell she’d been crying, but wasn’t sure if it was from him hitting her. Her mascara had already stained her eyes and her lips appeared slightly chapped. She was a beautiful mess and he just made her night worse. “I took my eyes off the road for a second and the light must have changed.” He didn’t know what to do. Exchange information? What would be the point, she knows where he lives and who he is. He could pay her back on his own. He couldn’t afford having the police’s attention on him. Not after what he’d done in New Hampshire. “Look, I know this is crazy of me to even ask, but— is there any way we can work this out in private? I really, just... I don’t want to deal with all the reports right now. You can stop by later? We can talk? You’d be doing me a huge favor. Please.”
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murderselfies · 4 years
“No–” despite knowing it was no use, Brooke still tried to argue her point. Yet, Jake wouldn’t even let her. As per usual, he flipped the switch. Ended the conversation before it could ever begin and shot her down. All because he didn’t want to have to deal with it. “Fine!” His ‘go to hell’ was kind of harsh. And to be honest, the nail in their relationship’s coffin. It was obvious when he returned to his game and plopped down in his chair, with his headset on, that he was shutting her out. Instead of working through the problem, and because she wasn’t eager to smooth it over with sex, he was done with her. Normally, they’d have similar fights like this and eventually work it out. Either Brooke or Jake would come crawling back. But, not this time. When Brooke grabbed her things off the floor and slammed his bedroom door shut, that was it. She was gone. She left his house in a fit of rage and tears, smiling apologetically to Vera who could tell something was wrong. More than ever, Brooke just really needed a friend. But, instead she sought out the one person who lately, could make her smile. And was part of the reason why she wanted this clean break.
After their wonderful few days in Paris, Brooke was finally ready and excited to see where her relationship with Tyler would go. She promised to swing by to see him later, not expecting to do so this early. But, she didn’t want to go home. She wanted to see him right away. Hold him, touch him, kiss him. What she wasn’t expecting when she dropped by his guest house unannounced was Tyler with another girl. A pantless, half naked, pretty, wet-brunette. She was gorgeous. And worst of all, she was wearing one of Tyler’s shirts. It didn’t take a genius to put two and two together. Half naked girl in this hot guy’s shirt…. both of them looking at her surprised…. like, they didn’t intend on getting caught. Brooke felt sick to her stomach. Her heart deflated on the spot and what Jake didn’t break, Tyler finished off. She didn’t know what to say, as she gaped at the both of them, her mouth hanging open in shock. “Sorry,” she apologized quickly, feeling foolish and stupid for barging in. For not seeing this coming. Of course, he was seeing other people. Or he had a girlfriend he didn’t tell her about. It wasn’t like Brooke could get mad, she was cheating on Jake with Tyler. But still. At least Tyler knew about Jake. Brooke felt embarrassed, as she backed out of the door she just came through. She didn’t bother to utter another word as she turned on her heel to head back to her car. She just had to get out of there in one piece. Soon as she closed the door, she could break down and cry, go home, wash it off, and try to pretend like the last 72 hours never happened.
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This was exactly what Tyler didn’t want to have happened. As soon as Brooke walked in, he froze, knowing how bad this looked. There was nothing he could have done to prevent Remy from showing up and undressing, but he could try his best to explain the situation to Brooke before it completely spirals. “Well, that was her. Brooke. The girl.” Tyler explained to Remy after Brooke disappeared just as quickly as she appeared. “Look, just stay here. Make yourself at home. We can talk more about everything when I get back. I have to take care of this.” It probably didn’t make any sense to someone like Remy. She believed all of this was just a bubble, a fantasy, that will soon pop. But Tyler had to hold out hope. Just this once, he wanted to believe he had a fighting chance at a better life. One that doesn’t end with him in prison or a ditch.
Tyler ran out to where Brooke should have been parked, but she was already gone. Meanwhile, not too far from the cafe Brooke once introduced him to, Seth hit his brake a little too late, and crashed into the side of Brooke’s car. He wasn’t sure who’s fault it was. She was crying and he was texting. It could have been both of their faults. “Fuck,” He muttered as he leaned back into his seat with a cut on his lip. His wrist hurt, but not enough to call an ambulance. Not knowing who he hit, he slipped out of his seat and staggered over to the other car.
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murderselfies · 4 years
“Wow….” Remy released a shaky breath before she set aside the carton of ice cream and stood up. “I’d never come here to threaten you, Ty. I actually did come here to warn you. The serpents are planning something gnarly. I don’t know what because I’m not apart of them. I just heard a few of them talking at one of Darth’s house parties. They’re coming here and it sounds like it’s going to be bad. Like, you won’t have a choice one way or another. I understand that you’re happy here. But, you have to at least know that people like us don’t fit in here. We’re the bad puppies they take back to the pound the second we pee on their thousand dollar rugs. Is this really about some college or some dumb high school football game or is this about that girl?” Remy would never admit it but, she was jealous. Tyler had replaced her with someone new and she wasn’t entirely sure how she felt about that yet.
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“So what should I do then?” Tyler didn’t want to bring trouble to the McKenzie family or to Brooke and her father. He knew it would be bad news if he stuck around long enough to find out what they’re up too. “I’m not putting all my faith into the family that brought me in. I know I’m temporary. I’m not stupid. But this place is still good for me. Even if it’s only for a little while.” He exhaled a deep breath, before leaning up against the wall. Brooke convinced him he had a real future here and he was starting to believe it before Remy showed up to remind him that this world will never be his, no matter how hard he works. “It’s just about everything. I have a car, money, the promise of a good education. And yes, Brooke is, amazing.” He was remembering Paris. Them wrestling in bed over an old photograph, exploring the caves with nothing but flash lights and secret kisses in the dark, and of course the eiffel tower. It was the best blow job he’s ever gotten. “—If you had a chance at all this, would you leave it?”
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murderselfies · 4 years
“How can you say that?” She was quick to sit up after him, clearly frazzled. Her blonde hair was a mess and her heart felt like it was being tugged in a million different directions. Maybe a part of her hoped, Jake would say or do something that talked her out of her decision to break up. But, in fact - he was only pushing her further and further towards that destination. “I came here to see you, stupid. But you’re acting like a jerk. Just like you have been for weeks now. And I’m sick of it.” Brooke scooted to the end of Jake’s bed and started putting on her clothes. This was so difficult and she could feel herself on the verge of tears. “I think we should take a break from each other for awhile. Work on ourselves.” Which, was just the nicer way of saying they should break up. They weren’t happy anymore. They were just going around in circles because they were too afraid of letting each other go. That was no way to live. Besides… If things were fine between them then, they wouldn’t have cheated on each other. Not that either of them knew the other had been with someone else. “I’m just tired of fighting with you all the time and it’s clear that we’re not getting along. So maybe we should just cool it for awhile. Do our own thing and see if that helps.”
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“How the fuck...?” He didn’t understand how he was being a jerk. He was laying in bed kissing her and telling her he missed her and that they only fight because he has insecurities. This was just further proof to him, she was picking a fight so she could storm out. “So, you did come here to fight and then bail.” Jake shook his head, sitting up on the edge of the bed so he wouldn’t have to look at her. He’d rather not. She was a weakness and he couldn’t afford to be weak right now. Not when she was threatening to leave him. “Sure, let’s do our own thing. It’s what you’ve been doing this entire time anyway. You blew everything off. Nate’s party. Halloween. Then you come back from Paris after blowing me off, and you’re right back to leaving again. So you know what? Go to hell.” Jake plopped down in his gamer chair again and put his headset back on. He wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction. Not this time.
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