Alright, to compensate for the lack in activity, here's something new we could do.
Send in asks regarding AUs (preferably with the specific AU in brackets at the top for clarity) and I will respond to them. You are all invited to further chat in reblogs and replies of my answers so long as it is on topic.
AUs available so far (all involving Lackadaisy):
Epithet Erased x Lackadaisy crossover AU (Lackadaisy setting)
Suzerain AU
War of Two Worlds (WW2 AU)
Star Wars AU
Kids AU
Tea Smuggling AU
Others (please elaboarate)
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Rocky having a cousin involved in union militancy.
An adventure involving the two (maybe Rocky got washed down or up the Mississippi)
A maniac and a radical commit acts of violence.
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Idea Pitch: the game Suzerain, but with the characters of Lackadaisy.
Freckle and Ivy as the Raynes
Rocky as Petr Vectern
Mitzi as Lileas Graf
Mordecai (but only recently flipped back to Lackadaisy's side) as Lucian Galade
etc etc...
The history is that both humans and felines coexist though the latter is a minority in Sordland (1/4), the cast of Lackadaisy are a political clique that served with a feline community defense faction during the Sordish Civil War (and later spawned a third 'radical paramilitary' by the time of the main plot to add new plotlines) that joined in with Soll. Atlas' expertise in organising and playing underground operations allowed Soll to better root out subversive movements (delaying the Bludish uprising until Freckle's term) but also made Soll's authoritarian streak worse, or at least it would have if Soll wasn't assasinated by forces either hostile to Soll or the disporportionate feline-led clique's influence over Sordland.
Atlas launched and maintained a state of emergency that lasted up until his own death in a short lived attempt at another civil war. To prevent the remaining conservatives in the rulling USP to side with a Sordland fed up with the Lackadaisy Clique, Wick is brought in as a clique-trusted reformist (Wick replaces Alphonso in this) to distract the public from political reform to economic reform. As in game, it was a disaster, and Freckle was appointed in an internal election (Atlas turned Sordland into an oligarchy with public elections only meant for lower levels of government) as an attempt to show a new face that is distant from the politics of the clique yet within failing influence of it.
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Imagine a Star Wars AU where Freckle finds a lightsaber and now he's on everyone's radar.
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Before Bliss Ocean and the Lackadaisy are formally aware of each others' existence, the rumrunning trio gets sent on a…well, rum-running mission with some guy who's double-dealing with some unknown business…
Regardless, they go meet the guy in this big empty office building, and the guy seems like he's in a hurry for some reason
Suddenly the deadbolt gets shot right off the front door from outside
"Heyyya traitor"
Everyone else runs off into the building as Freckle IMMEDIATELY opens fire
To which Zora responds by effortlessly strafing past the bulletspray while countering with her own gunfire
Zora starts patrolling the building looking for them a la Mordecai at the quarry
She hears Ivy and Rocky behind her doubling back for the booze AND HERE COMES FRECKLE FROM ABOVE WITH THE STEEL CHAIR UH. BULLET. GUN
Zora ducks and manages to shoot out the scaffold from under Freckle causing him to fall down
Meanwhile Ivy and Rocky are in the massive parking space packing as much product into the trunk as they can and oh nevermind Zora's alreADY THERE WHY IS SHE ON THE CEILING I THOUGHT THAT WAS FRECKLE'S THING
Freckle shows up just in time to divert Zora with another round of bullets and now it's Zora's turn to play the acrobat and jump around the ceiling scaffold
Like. full on superboss mode, shooting the ground behind the trio's feet just to mess with them and laughing like a supervillain the whole time, mind you
Meanwhile the double dealer manages to get back into his car and starts driving out... and slumps over.
Yeah- Zora just casually snipes him from the ceiling while fighting the rumrunning trio no biggie
Anyway after Rocky detonates a gas tank to distract Zora the trio FINALLY manages to escape
The last thing Freckle sees from the backseat is Zora, unfazed, tipping her hat to him
As he feels a drop of blood dripping from the graze on his cheek...
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Plot-wise, here is the first two story outline snippets for this Epithet-Erased/Lackadaisy crossover AU that I'd love to expand on via asks:
Friendly Competition
Ivy discovers a new cafe barely a street away from the Little Daisy.
So of course she takes a look at the new competition.
The Mississippi Glen, run with Molly's help, is Naven Nuknuk's first front establishment into the Central United States.
Molly Blyndeff, a girl who grew up faster to manage the living of her negligent family; was brought to St Louis at her newfound patron Naven's request, he sought to have a larger field to develop Molly's competencies. She was to be his eyes in the new city, and perhaps the region if she ever learns to run a spy ring.
But for now, Molly is struggling to not accidently blowing her own cover in front of a certain golfcap wearing local.
Ivy on the other hand make her first move by inviting the newcomer to the Lackadaisy to get Ms Blyndeff to loosen up. This was not a one way info transfer though as both end the night with more questions and answers they both feel somewhat uneasy about.
More details on the character dynamics here.
The Devil Lies Singing
Naven (Technically Rick is the one piloting the craft) parks a U-boat (leftover from The Great War) near St Louis and blows up a few river banks to cause a minor flood and smokescreen.
The U-boat mainly ships in weapons and some alcohol, but in the future will be used to ship in his agents.
It would be awesome to imagine this as a 'The Hunt for Red October'-esque opening to a film.
Sylvie (exploiting lower land prices from Naven's public warning of a potential flood) is allowed to get a lay of the land in setting up his future bull-breeder (farm). Unfortunately his first plot is in the way of the impending flood so he has to relocate, the fires do make a suitable beacon though.
Howie is just the engineer who builds the warehouse that is meant to be half flooded. He would most likely be off to some other job while someone else (either Rick or an unnamed agent) runs the warehouse. The flood-causing destructions is large enough to permanently redirect some of the Mississippi's waters into the warehouse which makes for a convenient covert smuggling dock.
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Ivy-Molly crossover dynamics (credits to a friend)
Ivy and Molly's dynamic in my mind is weirdly really specific
- Their first real interaction is probably when Molly first decides to visit the Little Daisy for breakfast, whereupon Ivy would recognise her as the little waitress from the malt shop just next door
- Ivy being Ivy of course immediately takes the chance to get to know Molly better and eventually try to shake loose company secrets out of her
- At first Molly is kind of averse to Ivy's raging extroversion and intrusiveness which turns into anxiety when she inevitably realises Ivy's trying to get her to spill
- But of course Molly can't just let this devil-in-cat's-clothing play her like that, plus if Ivy won't leave her alone maybe she can find a way to turn the tides on her somehow
- So their dynamic turns into Ivy constantly pestering Molly and trying to become friends with her while Molly keeps distracting her and baiting her along *(and maybe even trying to get information out of Ivy as well)*
- Ivy is frustrated as HELL at first because she can never get anything out of Molly aND NOW SHE HAS TO BE CAREFUL NOT TO LET MOLLY FIND OUT TOO MUCH
- The first real breakthrough happens when they for some reason turn to talking about their home life and Ivy of course doesn't really like her father and is also in a weird disconnect with Viktor at the moment
- Molly is caught in a weird feeling of relating to Ivy but at the same time her home life is like objectively worse so she also feels a little genuinely mad at Ivy
- She tries to keep it vague but Ivy, to her credit, is actually smarter than Molly so she kind of figures out what's going on
- Now Ivy's mostly a thrill-seeker but I think she's somewhat grown to like Molly, and plus she can sense Molly's on the chill side and probably needs a distraction (and that this is a perfect opportunity to lull her into homeland advantage)
- So she finally invites Molly into the Lackadaisy speakeasy.
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Just a small notice that for the foresseable future the blog's content may not be as refined in writing. The ideas are there but some formats are easier to work with for me for now.
Apologies for the delays, updates may come soon by the end of the month.
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Idea Pitch: the game Suzerain, but with the characters of Lackadaisy.
Freckle and Ivy as the Raynes
Rocky as Petr Vectern
Mitzi as Lileas Graf
Mordecai (but only recently flipped back to Lackadaisy's side) as Lucian Galade
etc etc...
The history is that both humans and felines coexist though the latter is a minority in Sordland (1/4), the cast of Lackadaisy are a political clique that served with a feline community defense faction during the Sordish Civil War (and later spawned a third 'radical paramilitary' by the time of the main plot to add new plotlines) that joined in with Soll. Atlas' expertise in organising and playing underground operations allowed Soll to better root out subversive movements (delaying the Bludish uprising until Freckle's term) but also made Soll's authoritarian streak worse, or at least it would have if Soll wasn't assasinated by forces either hostile to Soll or the disporportionate feline-led clique's influence over Sordland.
Atlas launched and maintained a state of emergency that lasted up until his own death in a short lived attempt at another civil war. To prevent the remaining conservatives in the rulling USP to side with a Sordland fed up with the Lackadaisy Clique, Wick is brought in as a clique-trusted reformist (Wick replaces Alphonso in this) to distract the public from political reform to economic reform. As in game, it was a disaster, and Freckle was appointed in an internal election (Atlas turned Sordland into an oligarchy with public elections only meant for lower levels of government) as an attempt to show a new face that is distant from the politics of the clique yet within failing influence of it.
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Imagine Calvin 'Freckle' McMurray as a Gundam/Mech Pilot.
He's next to perfect for the genre.
Timid with a clear moral compass.
Roped into struggles he would rather not be involved in (at least initially).
Is good at a particular (and genre defining) type of combat. May secretly regret the violence.
Give him cause and he is a killing machine, fiercely or protectively.
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Epithet Erased X Lackadaisy Crossover
For context on the EE's side AU
Long story short, a certain Apple Man sets up a cafe (hidden bar and front for scouting out St Louis) within the ribs of the late Atlas May's fallen empire.
And as businesses of a sector love to crowd in the same place, the 'Mississippi Glen Cafe' opens half a street away from the Little Daisy Cafe.
Naven Nuknuk (the Apple Man in question) does not actually know about the Lackadaisy's location so this is all luck for him. Fitting for an Irishman.
The Mississippi Glen
As Naven's own city lays further north, only a handpicked few are sent down into the heart of the Mississippi.
Molly Blyndeff, a work beleaguered youngster now emancipated as a personal investment of Naven's. Her formative years spent running a store for an uncaring family and her aptitude for silent work has given her a weathered mind beyond her age and Naven a pair of eyes wherever he needs one.
She will not be the one running the cafe. Though still officially there, she will be Naven's spy instead; dangerous but they both know which one Molly would prefer.
Giovanni Pottage, a close confidant of Molly's and the head of a loyal band of grunts, will stop by every now and then (as his skill of raising morale for criminals without a fat stack of cash all the time makes him of high demand whenever Naven plans something big).
He contributes to the cafe a strong assortment of soups to compete with their limited cider sales, and muscle if needed.
Ramsey Murdoch, the golden eye of Naven's network. He oversees the cafe as well as other legitamate ventures or fronts of Naven's. The cafe is his new project but he still keeps his distance when outside.
Sylvester Ashling, a self-professed matador hired by Naven to guard his assets in St Louis. Ashling does not actually know that his patron is actually a mob boss.
Situations To Cover (Incomplete List)
Friendly Competition (Molly and Ivy's first meeting and subsequent struggle for intrigue)
The Devil Lies Singing Under River (Naven's strategy for the Mississippi is put into effect)
Emergency Delivery (The Rumrunning trio encounters the execution of a bounty, of their supplier)
Bull and Hatchet (Mordecai's investigations into the new intruding gang leads him into facing the horns of one Sylvester Ashling)
A 'Friendly' Conversation (Loose lips sink friendships, almost. Mitzi and Ramsey practice their tense negotiation skills)
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*The first two have different plot concepts but both have one party being sent to the other's dimension. They are also organised via who crashes into whose dimension from the left.
*Option 1 has more interdimensional travel and action while Option 2 fits more as a spin off episode pair in Gravity Falls with mystery and supernatural stuff.
*Note: Only Option 1 has Human <--> Feline species conversion.
Option 3 has the Epithet Erased characters as within the Prohibition AU from @ramblings-from-the-ether (shoutout to friends across the river). They are another gang setting up shop literally across the street from the Little Daisy Cafe. To know more, head to the Intro Post or visit #Epithet Erased Prohibition AU, the latter is in the tags.
Still not sure if Option 3 has all characters being Felines or are we having a 2 sapient species world.
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Chapter 2 Beta Update~
--Nearly all of Ch2 is available, EXCEPT: The "America" backstory when talking with Lottie (it's just half finished). Overall around ~22k words added, and a few thousand to Chapter 1.
--Reworked the Sex/Gender/Gender Presentation System.
--New and Revised MC Dialogue to Ch1, depending on what Occupation you choose. Not all has been changed, more planned later in the month.
--Various typo fixes, small re-writes and bug fixes.
I wanted to get more done, but alas ><;; 🙏🏽 some IRL came up that i really need to deal with. BUT! I managed to get Ch2 from beginning to end! I hope yall will enjoy the last half of Ch2, I'm very happy with it overall! :"))))
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Cool! Glad you love it! Thanks for in sight on how Rocky is when it comes to that issue! Although, it's going to be a little harder for him to pretend with his Pstd from it all, but he might be able to pull it off. It stems from one particular mission involving Mitzy and Segewick. You see, Mitzy and Segewick knew a lot about what was going on. Enough to make the government uncomfortable so, they sent out an assassin to take care of them. That assassin was Rocky. He tried really hard to fight against the mind controlling chip, but...the chip was too strong. He killed Mitzy (She didn't remember him, but he remembered her.) and kidnapped Segewick for experimentation. Segewick remembered Rocky, tried to appeal to him in anyway. Was successful and tried to escape. Left clues in case anything went wrong. It did go wrong, because the trigger words happened as they were at the docks. Rocky, not so nice because mind control escorted Wick. Both were punished and Wick was sent to another experimentation facility because the facilities knew what happened. That Rocky was knocked out of the microchip's control because he knew Segewick vice verse from his world. To prevent that, they got rid of the "problem".
The lore just keeps coming and somehow by some miracle I haven't lost my mind from the insanity of it all.
I can't believe both Mitzi and Sedgewick died lmaooo That's so funny to me because they're both pretty important characters sdkjdlsjak;dhsk
Also no problem! I'm always down to talk whatever about Lackadaisy. Can't wait to learn about what happened to the other characters. I hope it's just as insane as everything else lmao
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I would gladly share this AU! I already have with a few other people, but I don't think I'll ever write it. It's just for funzies while I'm on break from another fanfic. First, what this big AU is about. Long story short, humans found a way to bring 2D animated characters to life, but through very questionable means like science and making deals with a demonic entity in 2023. While, humans got greedy and didn't want to keep their end of the deal. Which was giving the Entity at least one of the 2D animated characters for him to raise as his child. They stopped doing this at the third, Entity punished them for this, by making the cartoons/anime characters sick with this life sentence ink disease and wiping their memories of them for it, leaving their names of course. The government got scared when people and characters started asking why this was happening as they slowly gained their memories back, so they made a medicine specifically for characters to forget who they are, and where they came from until they could figure out what to do, which was almost never. Although, they had the medicine, it wasn't fullproof and good humans talk. So, they kidnapped characters (Those they weren't experimented on to find a cure or corrupted means) and made them into assassins to take out creators of these characters if they could not be bribed to keep quiet, the animators that were involved, or anyone else that wouldn’t stop questioning things. Eventually, they weeded out the humans that would talk, time went on and the future generations didn’t know anything. Or if they do, they don’t quite understand it. The government also erased/destroyed anything resembling a character. Disneylands, Disneyworlds, resorts, anime studios, all left to be abandoned and anyone on the premises would be killed. They did this because that couldn’t have people finding out they practically used dark magick and science involving human sacrifices of sorts to bring characters to life and it backfired. That would be too much of an uproar.
Second, (Sorry this is long! Feel free to skim!) This was encouraged a rebellion organization called T.O.T.O. ran by Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (The mascot before Mickey Mouse.) and Mickey Mouse. They're trying to get the bottom of the truth. Rocky was with Zib the entire time of his memory loss. While both had been recruited for the cause at the very beginnings of rebellion, Oswald was more interested in Rocky. This is because Rocky heard about the rebellions suspicions on the medicine and was like, "Why don't I test it!" on a whim. And sure enough, he saw old memories from his original world. You see, when Rocky saw these things, he didn't keep quiet and was very chaotic about it, which is why Oswald recruited him. To help the organization make noise about the cause. However, it being the first time for the organization to put face out there, they didn't realize the dangers completely. Oswald grew careless and it resulted in the Incident of Nebraska. Where the government got the jump on them on their first rally, hosted by yours truly, Rocky. Half were killed while the others were taken. Rocky was taken. He was experimented on like the rest at first, but after some research on Rocky. The experimentation facilities saw the same things Oswald saw him, but in a bad way. They turned him into an assassin because they figure they could put his chaotic nature to use, just like the first one and the many other in Rocky's situation after him. The first was Husker from Hazbin Hotel. The assassins are scattered all across the globe by multiple countries.
Yes, Oswald is looking for Rocky as is Zib. Zib is mad a Oswald because it appears he's not looking for him. So, Zib is looking for him on his own. However, the truth is. Oswald hired Mordecai to track Rocky down, but doesn't want to get Zib involved to be more careful about what they do.
All of which I just read is absolutely nuts. I had to walk away from my computer several times trying to comprehend this massive wall of text that was thrown at me. I was screaming how batshit insane this concept is. My brain is imploding.
My final response
What the fuck.
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Lackadaisy SCP AU
But the Lackacats just run a smuggling ring for the humanoid anomalies somehow.
I want to imagine how.
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Werewolf Freckle Angst
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