muses-and-musings · 2 years
I hope they rip our hearts out in FF7R part 2. 
Specifically I want them to elaborate on Barret's hometown. 
I would love to first see Dyne with his newborn daughter, I want to see Barret happy with his wife, only to watch Barret and Dyne get shot and then Barret run back to the village to find his wife and Dyne's wife dead. 
I want to see him find Marlene, only safe because her crib stopped a beam from hitting her. I want to see him pick up his best friend's daughter, holding her like she's the most precious, fragile thing he's ever seen, and get her out of there. 
I want to cry harder over Barret's backstory than I did over Zack.
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muses-and-musings · 2 years
Just 21 days until I will be undoubtedly disappointed
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muses-and-musings · 3 years
So I am not getting my hopes up for part 2 of the remake because I have been disappointed way too many times, but often when I think something’s gonna suck, I’m pleasantly surprised
But Part 2 could be everything I ever wanted, it could surprise me and actually be able to continue things in a way I don’t expect, and I could absolutely fall in love with it.
But if the line “shut up, sit your ass down in that chair and drink your goddamn TEA” isn’t in it… worst game in history, 0/10
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muses-and-musings · 3 years
Okay, I’m still confused as to why this wasn’t pointed out all over the internet when the game first came out and why it was never changed.
In the remake, Aerith says that she has a materia too and shows her hair bow to Cloud, presumably so he can see it, BUT ITS NOT THERE. I assume that isn’t intentional. How could it be? If she showed something to Cloud and he didn’t see it wouldn’t he say something? Maybe he wouldn’t, he wouldn’t care, but it doesn’t seem intentional enough to believe that it’s not there on purpose.
I’ve seen NO ONE talking about this online. I’m so confused, and I need to know what this materia looks like so I can make it for my cosplay! There’s the “flashback” scene where we see it, but the lighting makes it difficult to see what it actually looks like.
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muses-and-musings · 3 years
I know the common discourse surrounding the buster sword is about how Cloud holds it on his back and how he could wield it with how heavy it must be.
But I can forgive that, as I don’t think gravity on FF7 Gaia is the same as on real world earth (as is exemplified by Reno casually jumping up onto a pillar in the the sector 5 church like it’s nothing in the remake)
MY issue with the Buster Sword comes from its size. Not that it’s too big to wield, but that it sits exactly the same on Cloud’s back as it does on Zack’s, as it does on Angeal’s
Cloud is 5’ 7”. Zack is 6’1” or 6’ 3” depending on where you look, Angeal seems to be 2 inches taller than Zack in the opening scene, give or take.
So how the hell does the buster sword sit on Angeal’s back in the same proportion it does on Cloud’s back when Angeal is 8-10 inches taller than Cloud???? That’s the better question!!!
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muses-and-musings · 3 years
I just found out that they PURPOSEFULLY made the sequels and prequels of FF7 have the initials AC, BC, CC, and DC, which were also their code names while they were in development
I don’t know why, but this makes me irrationally angry. Maybe cause I feel like I should have noticed that
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muses-and-musings · 3 years
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muses-and-musings · 3 years
I love the idea of this as an AU. I need it in my life. Yinza’s artwork is incredible.
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A gift for @the–calamity as part of @ff7central‘s Fanworks Exchange!
I like to imagine this takes place during Sephiroth’s breakdown in Nibelheim–and maybe as an alternative path to the massacre that follows in-game. Desperate for more answers than the basement library can provide, Sephiroth breaks open the locked door to find the man who might be his father…
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muses-and-musings · 3 years
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The Report
Kunsel’s search for Zack continues. I got tons of practice of dynamic scenes with this one. <3
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muses-and-musings · 3 years
But seriously, I look back on my best costumes I’ve made, and the best ones are the ones where I literally didn’t have the skills to do it, but I took the risk and made it work.
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muses-and-musings · 3 years
One of my biggest pet peeves in the FF7 remake is a small continuity error, and I just can’t get over it. Small spoilers for Before Crisis, slightly larger spoiler for On the Way to a Smile
As can be seen in Crisis Core and Before Crisis, Tseng had his hair in a ponytail. BC makes a point (in a fantastic scene) of when he takes the ponytail out and has the signature long hair that we remember from the original game.
BUT IN THE REMAKE during the flashback scene to Aerith’s childhood, Tseng has his hair down. Is it possible that he started wearing it in a ponytail sometime in the 8 years between when that scene takes place and when Before Crisis starts? WELL YOU WOULD THINK SO but the Tseng episode of Before Crisis takes place when he first becomes a Turk, so before he (accidentally) killed Aerith’s mother, he has his hair in a ponytail.
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muses-and-musings · 3 years
I don’t know if the artist is planning on continuing this story, but I desperately hope they are <3 <3 <3 
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The Hidden Lab
Whatever happened after he visited the bar in Edge…
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muses-and-musings · 3 years
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Day Off  ‘She’s waiting for you to come back and fix it, so hurry up and get back here already.’
There are a few missing Crisis Core scenes I’d like to draw. This is the first of them featuring Kunsel and Aerith. <3
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muses-and-musings · 3 years
reblogging this because do you know how long I’ve wanted an original FF7 Cloud Shrug™ as a reaction gif?
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muses-and-musings · 3 years
You know what I wanna see? brown eyed SOLDIERs in Final Fantasy 7. I wanna know what mako does to them. We’ve seen blue eyes with Cloud and Zack, and we’ve seen green with Sephiroth and Genesis (blue-green, but close enough). But like... what would brown mako eyes look like???
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muses-and-musings · 3 years
Friend: I don’t like Final Fantasy 7 because I don’t feel like the characters are relatable Me: *has massive trauma that has caused years of memory loss, a debilitating fear of not being enough or being seen as a failure so I’ve made a version of myself everyone else sees so as to hide my failures, but its so ingrained into me that I’m not sure I even know who I really am anymore* Y-yeah... Cloud is so unrelatable, I get it.
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muses-and-musings · 3 years
The “you’re Cloud right?” Part makes this really feel like those classmates who didn’t know a kid, but after that kid died, they acted like they were best buds.
Like, in Crisis Core, it’s shown that the other Infantrymen see Cloud as that weak kid who gets motion sick a lot. The only person who treats him as a friend is Zack, and I love the idea that Zack, Kunsel, and Cloud hung out together
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I want to know what Kunsel would have said to Cloud.
Would he have asked about Zack right away? This makes me think Kunsel and Cloud interacted a lot. (probably because of Zack). The other guys know Cloud too so were their interactions good? Did Cloud talk to them or was he the “weird kid” and that’s why they know him? This also means they all knew Zack, Angeal, and Genesis (probably.)
I need answers.
It’s weird to think people that didn’t play Crisis Core don’t know about them and exactly how much happened before the start of the original FFVII.
All of this fuels so many headcanons and fan fiction scenarios.
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