muses-morii · 4 months
a collection of prompts for bad situations that two muses might find themselves in together, ranging from minor inconveniences to life-or-death scenarios. change & alter as needed.
Send 🌧️ for our muses to get caught in the rain together
Send 🪢 for our muses to be handcuffed together without the key
Send 🏆 for our muses to compete against each other in a competition or contest
Send 💡 for our muses to wait out a power outage together
Send ✈️ for our muses to wait for a delayed flight together
Send 🚗 for our muses to get stuck on the side of the road together when the car breaks down
Send 🔒 for our muses to get locked in a closet together
Send 🔑 for our muses to get locked out of the house / car together
Send 🚪 for our muses to get stuck in an elevator together
Send 🌳 for our muses to get lost in the woods together Send 🐺 for our muses to face down a wild animal together
Send 😱 for our muses to be forced to face their greatest fears together
Send ⛵ for our muses to be shipwrecked together
Send 🔐 for our muses to be captured / imprisoned together
Send ⚔️ for our muses to be forced into a fight to the death
Send 🧳 for our muses to get stranded in a different country together
Send 🚁 for our muses to go on the run from the law together
Send 🏝️ for our muses to get stranded on a desert island together
Send 🏠 for our muses to get trapped in a haunted house together
Send 🗡️ for our muses to get attacked by a third party
Send ❄️ for our muses to get trapped outside in a blizzard / snowstorm together
Send 🔥 for our muses to be trapped in a burning building together
Send 🚀 for our muses to be stuck in outer space together
Send ✨ for our muses to be stranded on a different planet together
Send 🌐 for our muses to be stranded in a parallel universe together
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muses-morii · 4 months
so i was writing this headcanon for one of my characters, and it got me thinking about how some characters are absolutely, to their very core, protectors, and even then they still need protecting! so i made this list which is similar to about five other memes i've made. feel free to add a "reverse" if you so wish! DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST NOR CLAIM IT AS YOUR OWN. THANK YOU.
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " is there a problem over here? "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " can i help you with something? "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " i think it's time you were leaving. "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " why don't you and i go outside for a sec? "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " you wanna tell me why you're hassling my friend? "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " you better start running before i really get pissed. "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " i'm sure there's a rational explanation behind you upsetting this person? "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " i hope you're not thinking of staying here a moment longer. "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " get out. "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " right, either you leave or i kick you out. your choice. "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " i think it's fairly obvious my friend doesn't want anything to do with you, don't you? "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " leave them alone. now. "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " didn't you hear them? back off! "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " don't even think of pretending you didn't hear me the first time: leave! "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " hey, are you okay? "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " don't worry. i'll take care of this. "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " why don't you go on out back? i got this, it's okay. "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " here. you go on into the car, alright? i'm right behind you. "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " is this person bothering you? "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " it's okay. hey, hey… look at me. they're gone. "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " hey… what's going on? what's wrong? i… has this person said something to you? "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " it's alright. the others just went out to the car; why don't you join them? i'll handle this. "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " hey, hey… talk to me, huh? what's the matter? you look like you've seen a ghost… who was that? "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " don't be scared. i'm going to take care of this. i promise. "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " you don't need to say anything. just nod if you want me to kick them out, okay? "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " you're alright. i'm right here, don't worry. and they'll be gone before you can blink, that's another promise. "
[ HAND ]: sender, having seen the receiver's encounter with the threat, gently takes the receiver's hand to assure them they aren't alone.
[ INTERVENE ]: sender wordlessly steps in between the receiver and the threat, facing the threat while shielding the receiver from them.
[ BLOCK ]: sender steps in between the receiver and the threat, this time facing the receiver while turning their back to the threat and blocking them from the receiver's line of sight.
[ BACK ]: sender places a protective and gentle hand on the receiver's back, preparing to guide them away from the threat.
[ DOOR ]: sender firmly but politely insists that the threat leave the building, and escorts them out of the door.
[ EXIT ]: sender physically catches hold of the threat and drags them away from the receiver, and outside of the building.
[ PUSH ]: sender places a careful hand on the threat to keep them at arm's length, and steps forward again to give the receiver more space between them and the threat.
[ SHOVE ]: sender runs over and forcefully shoves the threat back and away from the receiver.
[ SPACE ]: sender pushes between the receiver and the threat and begins to move forward, invading the threat's personal space as both a means of intimidation and a way of getting them away from the receiver.
[ DIVERT ]: sender arrives behind the threat and gains their attention, distracting them from the receiver so as to give them time to leave the area.
[ CLEAR ]: the sender firmly and clearly tells the threat that they are no longer allowed in the premises nor anywhere near the receiver.
[ ARM ]: sender wraps a protective arm around the receiver and guides them away from the threat and out of the premises.
[ PUNCH ]: the sender, having seen the receiver's reaction to the threat and the threat's lack of consideration, moves forward and punches the threat in the face.
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muses-morii · 4 months
4-Word Sentence Prompts
An assortment of prompts and/or starters using only four words. Adjust as necessary to fit pronoun and/or descriptor. Reblog, please do not repost or add.
“ I don't need you. ”
“ Celebrate while you can. ”
“ It was too much. ”
“ I'm so, so sorry. ”
“ Let me love you. ”
“ Where have you been? ”
“ Why am I here? ”
“ I would love to. ”
“ I tried but failed. ”
“ You'll never forgive me. ”
“ I want to confess. ”
“ I will protect you. ”
“ You don't deserve me. ”
“ I don't deserve you. ”
“ You are safe here. ”
“ You choose your fate. ”
“ I have lost control. ”
“ I don't recognize myself. ”
“ You are to blame. ”
“ You lack the skills. ”
“ Be still, don't move. ”
“ Yet again you lie. ”
“ You are so beautiful. ”
“ Take it off. Now. ”
“ Look at you now. ”
“ Shoot before it escapes! ”
“ You can't do this! ”
“ Please don't leave me. ”
“ Please leave me along. ”
“ Worship me or die. ”
“ Bow before me, peasant. ”
“ Did you make this? ”
“ I can't believe this! ”
“ You are my villain. ”
“ You are my hero. ”
“ I don't take sides. ”
“ Run, don't look back. ”
“ My life is perfect. ”
“ Don't lie to me. ”
“ When is it over? ”
“ What is this madness? ”
“ Cut loose, have fun! ”
“ I hate you all. ”
“ I love you, dear. ”
“ You drive me crazy. ”
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muses-morii · 4 months
I'm back! Kinda.
Hey everyone! I've got my KH/FF muse back! I've been super busy lately, but I hope to do some writing soon! I'll be active a few times a week and I'm excited to write with everyone again! I'll get some meme's posted soon and I look forward to interacting! Thank you so much for your patience during my Hiatus! <3
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muses-morii · 5 months
Still on Hiatus! But here's some good news!
Hey everyone! Thank you so much for your patience! I come bearing good news and want to share it with everyone. The latter end of 2023 was very stressful for my family and I as my father was not doing well. He had open heart surgery on December 19th and was allowed to go home December 29th! We are forever grateful to the surgeon and his team that took care of my father as well as the AMAZING infirmary nurses and staff that looked after him and prepared him for coming home. It was very scary at times and I had absolutely no desire to be creative after the end of October. Now that things have settled down, my desire to write is slowly coming back to me. I will eventually return to this KH/FF blog! For now though, the new PJO show has revived my love of those books and I will be making a PJO roleplay blog. Once again, I'd like to thank everyone for your patience and understanding. Thank you so much!
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muses-morii · 6 months
Hey everyone, So sorry for my lack of activity. I have a big stress happening in my life right now, and it's more or less sucked up my want to do any writing. I will return in January! <3
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muses-morii · 7 months
//Hey guys, sorry for the quiet. I've been dealing with some irl stress. There's something very serious happening in my life right now, so roleplaying is being placed on the back burner. I'll still be around, but I will be slow responding to things. Thank you for your patience.
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muses-morii · 7 months
This account is run by a very nervous mun who is scared of you than you are of me.
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muses-morii · 7 months
~ Yozora ~
Yozora couldn't recall the last time, in recent memory, that he'd gotten an entire afternoon to hang out with his older brother. Noctis actually having free time, was a rarity. It made sense - he was the crown Prince after all, but it was frustrating when he wanted to see the man for more than a few seconds (or minutes if he was lucky) at a time. That Noctis actually wasn't busy, felt like some boon from the Gods, a gift he wasn't about to turn away. Lips quirking into a rare smile from the younger of the two, Yozora gave a quick nod. "Raiding the kitchen sounds like a good idea." He agreed. "So does video games. I bet I can beat you in King's Knight now." Venturing out of the Citadel sounded good, but he hated going anywhere with guards. It came with the territory of being royal, but it was annoying. Turning, Yozora began to walk down the hallway with Noctis, heading towards the kitchens. "How was training with Gladio? You don't look too worn out."
~ Yozora ~
Insomnia was the city that never slept. It was vast and sprawling with over a thousand places to hideaway, and be alone. Though truthfully, one could never be truly on their own in a city like it. There were people around every corner and upon every street. There were people behind every wall, and door; most didn't care about anyone else, but there were some that listened closely and used the things they heard, as weapons. At least, that's what Yozora had been taught since he was a young boy. That the walls had ears and windows had eyes and that he had to be careful about the things he said and did. It was annoying, but he supposed it made sense. Walking through the palace, with the intent of leaving and heading out into the city, the young Prince mentally ran through the places he could go for some peace, some time away from the headache of Royal life. That is, until his brother called to him.
Hearing Noctis' voice, Yozora turned, surprise flitting across his face. It wasn't often he saw his brother these days, what with everything the man had to do. All the training he had to go through, the lessons he had to take, the political talks he had to endure. It left very little time for the siblings to do anything other than wave at each other in passing in those brief moments they saw one another.
“Hey.” He greeted, stepping over to Noctis and giving his head a soft shake. “No, not really.” He eyed the man suspiciously and looked around, expecting some aide or dignitary to come out of the woodwork and whisk him away for some other chore. “Are you?” For once, he didn't see anyone.
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muses-morii · 7 months
~ Cloud ~
Cloud couldn't say for sure what was keeping him, why he chose to stay in Radiant Garden. But there was something about the world, something that said he was still needed there and that was a calling he was choosing to follow. While most of the serious danger had passed, there was still Heartless – there would always be Heartless. The foul creatures of darkness.
He was sure Leon and the others could handle them without him, but there was always the worry that they couldn't. The worry that as soon as he left, the tide would turn and they'd be down a man they needed. Especially with Sora being gone, they might need all the help they could get.
Regardless of whatever unknown reason he had for being there, Cloud was still there and he was still helping the restoration committee protect and restore the world to its former glory and that meant patrolling the unpopulated areas for monsters. Usually, he was fine to go alone, but one of the former Organization members had requested a partner for their patrol and they'd asked him. So, he'd agreed to partner with Myde, the mage. It was always handy to have a magic user at your back. Walking to the Bailey gate where they'd be meeting, Cloud saw him up ahead waiting. An eyebrow rose at the greeting, but Cloud nodded. “Are you? This is your first time, right? It can get pretty dangerous.” The Heartless that were still in the area, could be vicious.
The mage shifted where he stood waiting for his new patrol partner, it was his first time out on patrol in Radiant and he was thankful he wasn't doing it alone. Though he didn't know who he'd been assigned to yet.
When Myde had finished with all the post organization bullshit he'd had to do, he decided to help his uncle Ael and the others out by offering his magic services. He'd requested being put with a warrior since his strength was mostly in support and ranged fighting. He hadn't expected Cloud though. Blinking a bit as he saw the blond approaching and put his hand up with a warm smile regardless. "Hey there handsome, you ready for patrolling?"
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muses-morii · 7 months
"CAN WE TALK ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED?" PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
so how long are you going to avoid me?
we should really talk about it.
can we just clear the air?
sit down for a second and talk to me.
i wish you would just look at me for two seconds.
explain to me how that happened.
you handled that a lot better than i expected.
when were you going to tell me the truth about that?
i think it's time we started being honest with one another.
it doesn't do us any good to stay quiet.
you told me you'd tell me the truth. i'm still waiting.
i was hoping for some answers.
what more do you need to hear?
i saw what you did.
when did this start happening?
start from the beginning.
that was a little abrupt.
when did you learn how to do that?
so... that's new.
they called you [title]. why did they call you that?
is there something you're not telling me?
i'd like to discuss what happened between us.
this is going to be really awkward, i'm sure.
when did they start taking orders from you?
who died and made you king?
i missed the part where that was my problem.
you could have given me a heads up.
so... we're just not going to address that?
i saw what happened.
that could have been worse.
you made a mockery of them.
i appreciate what you did for me back there.
you didn't have to stand up for me, and yet you did.
how long have you been planning that?
i think it's about time i was included in these discussions.
you know i could have helped with that.
you got a little scary back there.
i was so certain they were going to kill us.
where'd you learn to pull a stunt like that?
did that really just happen?
i owe you my life.
give me a heads up next time.
you have more power than i thought.
so... is someone going to fill me in?
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muses-morii · 7 months
add context   &   change gendered language to your needs .   happy roleplaying !!
“   great .  just  fucking  great .   ” “   any  ideas  on  how  to  get  us  out  of  this  mess ??   ” “   this  is  the  last  time  i  go  anywhere  with  you .   ” “   haven’t  you  done  enough  already ??   ” “   don’t  worry ,   i  have  a  plan .   ” “   well ,   that  didn’t  work .   any  plan  c ,   genius ??   ” “   you  know ,   i  genuinely  don’t  think  this  could  get  any  worse .   ” “   how  did  you  manage  to  do  everything   incorrectly ??   ” “   this  is  wrong .   all  of  this  is  wrong .   ” “   looks  like  we’re  stuck  here .   ” “   admit  it ;   you  have  no  idea  where  you’re  going ,   do  you ??   ” “   we’re  completely  lost .   ” “   of  all  the  people  in  the  world  i  could  end  up  stuck  with  …   ” “   well .   was   this   your  idea  of  a  fun  vacation ??   ” “   how  is  the  tank  almost  empty ??   i  thought  you  said  you  got  gas  before  we  left !!   ” “   there’s  a  gas  station   five  miles  /   eight   kilometers   from  here .   we’re  just  gonna  have  to  push  the  car  there .   ” “   the  good  news  is ,   i  found  someone  who  i  think  can  help  us .   the  bad  news  is ,   i  don’t  think  they  speak   [ language ] .   ” “   thank  god ,   it’s  about  time  you  showed  up  to  help !!   ” “   could  you  run  any  fucking  slower ?!   ” “   i  can’t  get  any  signal  out  here .   ” “   someone  stole  my  fucking  wallet .   ” “   we  are  below  rock  bottom  right  now .   we’re ,  like ,  in  hell .   ” “   are  you  really  just  going  to  leave  me  here ??   ” “   okay ,   you  being  dramatic  is  not  going  to  help  us  find  a  way  to  fix  this .   ” “   are  you  bleeding ??   ” “   i’ll  try  to  find  us  somewhere  to  spend  the  night .   ” “   i  don’t  know  what  to  do !!   i’m  not  a  doctor !!   ” “   of  course  this  happens  to  me .  i  can’t  even  be  surprised .   ” “   i  can’t  walk  …  you’re  gonna  have  to  carry  me .   ” “   things  could  always  be  worse .   at  least  you  don’t  have  flesh - eating  bacteria ,   right ??   ” “   don’t  panic ,   but  i’m  pretty  sure  we’re  being  followed .   ” “   maybe  some  music  will  help  you  calm  down .   ” “   my  glasses  are  broken  …   ” “   i  didn’t  have  enough  rocks  to  write  out   ‘ help ’   so  i  just  spelled  out  ‘ hell ’ .   ” “   maybe  we  can  play  a  game  to  pass  the  time  until  someone  notices  we’re  missing .   ” “   okay ,   i  swear  this  is  not  what  it  looks  like .   ” “   there’s  a  killer  storm  going  on  outside ,   so   unless  you  want  to  disappear  under  mysterious  circumstances ,   i  suggest  you  get  comfortable .   ” “   how  long  was  i  out ??   ” “   well ,   at  least  i’m  trapped  here  with  you .   ”
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muses-morii · 7 months
//Off tomorrow! Gonna reply to some stuff on here and post some memes!
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muses-morii · 7 months
//So, I might have... Totally did, make a Super Power/Hero/Villain Discord RP! :) I'm quite excited about it! If anyone is interested in hearing about it or joining! Send me a DM and I'll be happy to answer your questions! <3
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muses-morii · 7 months
//.just something I’m thinking on, but if I made a super power/super hero group AU on discord, would anyone be interested?
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muses-morii · 7 months
@fleurdudestin asked: 👄 2 (fleurdudestin -Riku?) (I'm guessing this is from Riku to Sora? That's what I went with, haha!) 2. A Hand Kiss
~ Sora ~
Riku was sad. Sora couldn't say for sure what was plaguing his friend, he didn't seem to want to talk about it, not yet anyway. So, as Riku leaned against one side of the window, looking out at the night sky, Sora leaned against the other side, giving silent comfort with his presence.
How long they stood there, watching the stars twinkle softly, he didn't know, but a glance at Riku, told Sora that the Master was thinking deep and heavy thoughts. The kind of thoughts that weighed heavily on the mind. He wondered what he was thinking about... “You know...” Sora began, looking down briefly and then reaching out, he stepped closer to Riku and gently took one of his hands, in his own. “Our hearts shine with light. They show us the way.” He smiled up at him, noticing that he had Riku's full attention, he gave his hand a soft squeeze. “But I've come to... To love the dark, too.” Looking to the side, Sora gazed out at the sky.
“Without it, we'd be blinded and we'd never see the stars.” And Sora felt his hand lifted in Riku's hold and a soft kiss was pressed to it and he smiled out at the night.
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muses-morii · 7 months
@gentlemanthiief asked: 👄 for Vanitas 🖤
RNG'd: 30. A Kiss to the Chest
~ Vanitas ~
The end was nigh.
Vanitas was dead.
He wasn't dying; he was already gone.
He'd seen the light and was walking the long tunnel towards it. He knew fully well a hole to Hell was what awaited him at the end, but he didn't care. It was finally over. All the fighting, all the killing, all the stealing, spying, loss, injuries, hiding – all of it was done.
He wouldn't have to worry about anything anymore; only about whatever kind of torture awaited him in the afterlife. And he knew it was coming; there was too much red on his hands for there to be any kind of redemption for him. There would be no purgatory, only damnation.
He was ready.
He had accepted it.
He was dead.
Except for one small detail, he was pretty sure it wasn't supposed to hurt until after he got to Hell, but for some reason, as he walked the tunnel, the pain in his leg was coming back. The splitting headache. The burn of his lungs. He could feel water on his clothes and goddammit, someone was reviving him.
Why couldn't they just let him drown in peace!? He had too much information, that was it.
The tunnel began to narrow and the light zoomed away as Vanitas sucked in a deep breath and began coughing. Water rushed up his throat from his chest and he turned on his side, puking the vile liquid up. He'd probably lowered the bay levels by a few feet. It certainly felt that way.
He could feel a hand on his shoulder and someone was talking to him, but he couldn't make out what they were saying through the rush in his ears. More water clawed its way up his throat and he spat it grossly out onto the ground. His body shook, his hands twitching and gripping the dirt. His wet clothes felt heavy and cold on his body and his eyes burned from the salt water.
Spewing the last of it out, Vanitas fell onto his back and blinked up at the night sky, the lens in his eye re-calibrating and giving him a slight bit of vertigo.
“Shit.” Swearing, the secret agent grimaced and closed his eyes again, one hand rising up to rest on his forehead. He could hear talking and felt a body drape over his. Akira.
Akira was the one who'd pulled him back from the brink.
Through his shivers, he felt the kiss pressed to his chest and hands move along his limbs, trying to warm him up. Another kiss and Vanitas sighed softly, opening his eyes and looking up at the stars.
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