mushi2777-blog · 8 years
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mushi2777-blog · 8 years
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(´・ω・`) Baa has such a hard life no wonder he’s always at the cafe
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mushi2777-blog · 9 years
Alright guys! I think I got enough informations about the 1.6.0 update to do this post now, so let’s go!~
1.) New Goodies!
14 new Goodies were added! Most of them are candy themed, but also some kinda spring related ones like the flowers and the little umbrella!
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2.) Wallpapers!
You can now purchase wallpapers for your phone! They don’t have an in-game use tho! You can find them when you tap on the shop, a window will pop up and then select “Gallery” ! If you can’t purchase them all due to a lack of gold fish, I got them already and here they are! >>> wallpapers
There’s just a weird bug in my game that i can’t download the Spooky one?? I heard that more ppl have that problem so I guess we get an update with bug fixes soon!  Also: one is unlocked! I thought you get it when you get the new cats but still hasn’t got it! I’ll update when I find out what this is
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3.) New Remodel!!
We got a new remodel called Sugary Style and the name says it all I guess haha
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Last but not least, we got 4 new cats with the update. 2 rare and 2 normal ones! I’ll put the infos under a Keep reading thing, bc I don’t wanna spoiler someone!
Keep reading
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mushi2777-blog · 9 years
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Android users: Go forth and GIF 
Your Tumblr app makes GIFs now, just like the iOS app does.
Any video on your phone can be giffed. You’ve probably already shot tons of them, and they probably contain tons of giffable moments. Just:
Open a new photo post. 
Pick a video. 
Thwack!—it’s a GIF.
Speed it up. Slow it down. Make it eternally loop, or fool it into rebounding back and forth across time. Have fun figuring out the things you can do with your GIF.
Some additional tips for your GIF-making pleasure:
The shorter your GIF is, the better it’ll look. 
Speeding up a slow-mo GIF to 3x or 4x makes for a crazy-smooth normal-speed GIF.
Tap the rebound once to make your GIF go back and forth, twice to make it run in reverse. 
Sometimes life is too complicated for just one GIF. Make a photoset.
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mushi2777-blog · 9 years
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Big Mid-April Update!
Notice Me Senpai! will have a major update coming soon! It will have a new costume system, new senpai, and a gem/coin conversion feature.
The previous conversion was a limited time feature that was added to the game to reward early users. Apologies for the sparse number of notifications about the time limit.
This has always been scheduled to come back in April to accompany the Major Update as another limited time promo. Stay tuned for the update! New senpai await you!
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mushi2777-blog · 9 years
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Rocker senpai in ear-bunny is just the cutest thing ever ~~~! (>y<) And haruka sensei suits the theme perfectly❤
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mushi2777-blog · 9 years
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This is a crossover between the games Notice Me Senpai (Apple Store/Google Play) and My Candy Love!  It took way longer than I thought it would but that’s what you get when you try to do ten guys orz
Have a small line up too cus heights were a slight jerk to do lol
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mushi2777-blog · 9 years
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Why must I want the unreachable
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mushi2777-blog · 9 years
Notice Me Senpai! Guide
Alright so I’ve been playing the game for about two weeks now and I’ve managed to unlock every senpai. Since I’ve been getting a few asks on how to get all of them, I decided to make a quick guide for everyone who needs help!
Unlocking everyone isn’t hard as long as you have their favorite items out. If you want a certain senpai to show up often, the best way to do that is to have their top three favorite items which is listed in their profiles. Note that what I list down below isn’t everything that can make them appear and they may not be their exact favorites since I haven’t switched around my items recently. If you know what their exact favorites are (which would be an item where they’re actually interacting with it rather than just standing i.e. Basketball Club Senpai is the only one who dribbles the basketball) then please feel free to message me so I can update this list!
Thanks to a few people who have kindly messaged me, I have managed to find almost every item that a senpai interacts with. Whichever item below is listed first is the one that he has a special action with. The only ones that I am missing is Art Club senpai, Drama Club senpai, Goat senpai, School Infirmary sensei, Playboy senpai, and Cupid senpai’s special item so if you have any idea I would greatly appreciate it if you share it with me so I can add it to the list :)
Senpai List and Favorite Items
Nerd/Izumi Senpai - Chess Set, Soft Armchair, Small Bookshelf
Young/Yuu Senpai - Gumball Machine, Strawberry Shortcake, Pet Cat
Lazy/Ren Senpai - Blue Sofa, Strawberry Shortcake, Soft Armchair
Art Club/Touya Senpai - Flower Vase, Mirror, Painting of a Lady
School Festival/Hajime Senpai - Taiko Drum, Small Orange Tree, Rose Vase
Science Lab/Reiji Senpai - Pet Cat, PC Station, Miso Soup
Gamer/Shun Senpai - Chocolate Cookies, Chocolate Cupcakes, Reclining Chair
Gourmet Club/Souma Senpai - Ice Cream Machine, Strawberry Shortcake, Miso Soup
Delinquent Senpai/Wakatoshi - Jukebox, Flower Vase, Basketball
Basketball Captain/Makoto Senpai - Basketball, Pet Cat, Guitar
Drama Club/Tokiya Senpai - Strawberry Shortcake, Mirror, Stuffed Bear
Goat/Baa Senpai - Rose Vase, Flower Vase, Small Orange Tree
Calligraphy Club/Soujiro Senpai - Traditional Tea Set, Reclining Chair, Piano
Butler/Suoh Senpai -  Fancy Tea Set, Piano, Large Bookshelf
Student Council/Touru President - Large Bookshelf, PC Station, Reclining Chair
Crammer/Hideki Senpai* - PC Station, Stuffed Bear, Reclining Chair
Idol/Suzuki Senpai* - Piano, Stuffed Bear, Reclining Chair
Rocker/Yamato Senpai* - Guitar, Stuffed Bear, Reclining Chair
Sensei/Kyouya-sensei* - Reclining Chair, Stuffed Bear, Guitar
Childhood Friend/Takeru Senpai** - Stuffed Bear, Reclining Chair, Guitar
School Infirmary Sensei/Haruka-sensei - Afternoon Tea Set, Traditional Tea Set, Heart-Shaped Cookies
Playboy/Jean Senpai - Heart Couch, Strawberry Shortcake, Mirror
Cupid/Ai Senpai - Heart Chocolate, Alpaca Stufftoy, Heart Balloons
* = Although it lists three items underneath their profile, it seems those special senpais only show up when you have the very first item out (i.e. Crammer Senpai = PC Station, Idol Senpai = Piano, etc.).
** = It appears that Childhood Friend Senpai is the hardest to come across out of all the senpais. He only shows up when the Stuffed Bear is out and I’ve encountered him with Gourmet, Gold, and Magic Beans. Also, he seems to come more often when I have any of the pinked themed cafes (although he still can show up without, just not as often) although I’m not 100% sure if that’s really the case.
Number of Visits for CGs *NEW*
I got a message from an anon asking me how many times a certain senpai will visit until you can get their CG, so I decided to make this list since it can be useful for many other people. These are just rough estimates of the amount of visits, so don’t worry if they don’t give you a CG exactly on say the 150th visit. Note that I haven’t unlocked every CG yet, so if you see one that I don’t have, please let me know so I can put it on the list!
Nerd/Izumi Senpai - 30 visits
Young/Yuu Senpai - 40 visits
Lazy/Ren Senpai - 60 visits
Art Club/Touya Senpai - 70 visits
School Festival/Hajime Senpai - 85 visits
Science Lab/Reiji Senpai - 100 visits
Gamer/Shun Senpai - 115 visits
Gourmet Club/Souma Senpai -  130 visits
Delinquent Senpai/Wakatoshi - 150 visits
Basketball Captain/Makoto Senpai - 160 visits
Drama Club/Tokiya Senpai - 170 visits
Goat/Baa Senpai - 190 visits
Calligraphy Club/Soujiro Senpai - 205 visits
Butler/Suoh Senpai - 220 visits
Student Council/Touru President - 230 visits
Crammer/Hideki Senpai - 160 visits(1st CG), 250 visits(2nd CG)
Idol/Suzuki Senpai - 170 visits(1st CG), 265 visits(2nd CG)
Rocker/Yamato Senpai - 190 visits(1st CG), 280 visits(2nd CG)
Sensei/Kyouya-sensei - 195 visits(1st CG)
Childhood Friend/Takeru Senpai - 205 visits(1st CG)
School Infirmary Sensei/Haruka-sensei - 180 visits(1st CG)
Playboy/Jean Senpai - 90 visits(1st CG), 150 visits (2nd CG)
Cupid/Ai Senpai* - 30 visits
* = I got Cupid Senpai’s CG surprisingly really fast. I’m not sure if it’s because he’s a holiday themed character or it could also be because my cafe was the Valentine’s Day theme and I had all Valentine’s Day themed items.
Extra Information:
Try to save up your gems for the cafe expansion (200 gems). It helps you encounter more senpais at once and since there are more of them, you can easily earn back all your gems. 
Once you feel that you have enough coins, switch over to Gourmet Beans since rarer senpais will show up more often. Then once you have enough gems, switch to Gold Beans and Magic Beans because the special senpais will occupy often if you use those! 
To get all the notes and CGs from each Senpai depends on the number of hearts they have. Once you get to the third/green heart you will receive a note from them. After that you have to wait until they get to the fifth/red heart to see a special scene and get their CG. For the special senpais, there are two unlockeable CGs (4th heart = 1st CG, 5th heart = 2nd CG).
To increase their hearts, you have to get them to visit the cafe often which is why it’s important to leave out their favorite items especially if you want a CG from a specific senpai.
The senpais at the top of the list will only take a few visits to get a CG from them, then the number of visits increase as you move down the list. (i.e. I got Lazy Senpai’s CG in 50 visits vs Delinquent Senpai’s CG in 150 visits)
An anon made a great suggestion for those who keep getting senpais who already have their hearts maxed out. It’s a cold method, but if they’re occupying an item, simply remove the item which will make the senpai leave and then put it back and hope for the senpai you want to show up. It’s kind of harsh, but it will definitely speed up the process of collecting everyone’s notes and CGs haha.
This totally slipped my mind, but a nice anon reminded me that whenever you open up your menu, there should be a little ninja hiding near the bushes on the bottom right corner. If you tap on him, you have the option to watch a quick video and earn about 100 gold coins each. There is absolutely no limit with how many times you can watch videos, so this is a great way to earn coins and buy items quickly especially if you’re just starting out!
UPDATE: Due to the game’s updated version, it appears that the ninja in the corner of the menu screen also lets you get 5 free gems a day, so that could be a big help if you’re trying to earn extra gems.
Those are all the useful tips I can give you guys for now! If I find anything new I’ll be sure to update this. Again, feel free to message me if you have any other questions or if I need to correct something on this guide. Happy senpai hunting!
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mushi2777-blog · 9 years
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Real life Yuu-senpai from the movie “Ouran Highschool Host Club” !! They both are just so adorable~~~( ˘ ³˘)❤ (if only they have the same hair color then it will be perfection)
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mushi2777-blog · 9 years
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Ninja senpai!!! He helps me a lot in the beginning of the game though
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mushi2777-blog · 9 years
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happy birthday kim myungsoo | #HAPPY25THLKIMDAY ♡
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mushi2777-blog · 9 years
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Making this instead of studying for the exam~ (⊙_☉) I am so in love with the senpais >/////
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